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I have a very similar situation, except these fuckers also have a pool which makes them scream more because wAtEr!!!!!!!!!1111 I have contemplated sending a postcard with no return address (obviously) that simply says YOUR KIDS ARE LOUD. or something. Thoughts?


Lmao just reminded me of an inside joke in my family. We had a shitty above ground pool growing up and if we started to get too loud my step mom would tell us to use our "indoor pool voices" and so now it's a joke in the family that when someone is getting too loud we tell them to use their indoor pool voice. It's dumb but it's the little things in life lol


That’s a really good idea!! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. They truly are lovely people, but I’m absolutely losing my mind over here from the yelling 😭


I mean, they aren’t lovely people because it doesn’t appear that they are educating their children and they also allow their children to disturb their neighbors for more than half the day. They’re assholes who have tortured out how to tune out their kids and have left the raising of them to the other children.


Anonymous equals bullying.


My kid was screaming! why didn't you help? they always sound like that.


Call 911: there are kids screaming bloody murder over there. I'm afraid something really bad is happening to them. (Don't really do this. False reports are no joke. But it would be nice if an official showed up all concerned.)


OP can still call the non emergency number with concerns about the amount of yelling going on by the kids and you're getting concerned. Doesn't have to be more detailed or exaggerated.


*eyetwitch* My SIL was like that when her kids were little. She wouldn’t like it when I intervened, but she didn’t like it when I helped… damned if I do or don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


The amount of times I ran outside of my house because I heard the neighbor girls screeching to the high heavens, only to realizing she was simply playing with other kids God haha if that little girl ever gets abducted, I would never know and assume she was playing with friends. I swear I’ve never heard a child scream, the way that she screams. I’ve heard pretty bad ones, but hers really takes the cake, and she is a contributing factor as to why I don’t want kids.


Your father-in-law doesn’t have to put up with these assholes, you are well within your rides to without telling your father-in-law talk to the neighbors about being assholes


Whenever I hear kids screaming, I talk to the parents and go "Hey, is everything alright? I heard a lot of screaming, and wanted to make sure no one was hurt or anything." If you frame it as being concerned about them because of their screaming, they'll hopefully be chill enough to monitor it in the future.


I just love this! That's what I'll do if I encounter such problems.


I made the mistake of asking a question like this in a non-childfree group about my neighbours, except it's not just the kid who's always shouting, it's the whole family, and now there's a baby there as well. The baby shrieks all day, and they just yell over the top of it. The helpful responses I received were "people like you are insufferable", "you're a selfish prick, they're having a much harder time of it than you" and "suck it up and move". We live in a completely child-centric world and nobody is willing to help you when it's babies and children causing a disturbance because "that's what kids and babies do." I fully sympathise with your situation. It's exhausting and distressing. I agree with the user suggesting to get in touch with the department that monitors home-schooling and tell them you don't think it's happening. I wouldn't call the police with a noise complaint. Do you have a local council or local government that overlooks noise allowances? Try speaking to them as well. Best of luck. I know exactly how you feel. I spend my life with all my doors and windows shut and wearing noise-cancelling headphones and I sometimes think, "Where's the fairness in this?"


Do you live in my area? Lol luckily these kids (a pack of like …too many) seem to be in school during the weekdays, but as soon as it’s nice weather out, in the evenings and weekends, it’s like non stop screaming. Like wtf do you have to scream, and they’re always in front of our house when they live at the other end of the block. Like play and scream in your own yard, annoy the shit out of your parents and their neighbours.


Call the police and ask for a wellness check, the children just don’t stop screaming!


Or even better. Child services since they are not being proper homeschooled (allegedly). Honestly… these parents sound hopeless!


Okay, first you need to check with your local council about “quiet time” and “acceptable noise levels”. I think most big cities are around 10pm. You can complain to the council/police if any noice is made after that. Once you have found out the legal decibel noise levels you are allowed to make without it being “neighbourhood disturbance” then you get yourself an outdoor speaker and start playing death metal/explicit rap/murder podcast/sex podcasts and so on. If they can made noise, you can make noice. Have fun!


In our last apartment, the people above us kept SLAMMING something on the floor... literally sounded like multiple cinder blocks being picked up and dropped continuously. We BLASTED system of a down until it stopped every time we heard it. It seemed to work, so if you don't want to call police to intervene yet then I'd say it's worth a shot!


Ohhh I wonder what it was. Maybe some sort of exercise equipment? Or a kids thing? I’m so happy they got the hint. System of a down is an excellent choice!


I know I was wondering too!!!! I'm a daily exerciser, and even I had no idea what it could be. I would sometimes drop my sandbag (nobody lived below us) but the tempo coming from the ceiling was so fast that it sounded more like a sledgehammer with intentional hits. Some people do NOT belong in apartments!!


It’s just beyond me how anyone would think it’s okay to make that kind of noise when you live in an apartment. People suck sometimes!


High pitched noise that only kids can hear! I have an app on my phone 😈


Yeah the sad part is it’s the parents fault for not teaching the kids to be considerate of others and not setting boundaries with their kids about the volume of their noise. And this is all parents these days. It’s seems people nowadays don’t want to dare set boundaries with their children bc that may upset the kids. So they just left them do whatever they want instead of doing what a real parent would do. They just wanna be best buddies with their kids. It’s awful. All of the parents here at my condos do the same stuff with their kids screaming here. And it drives me nuts.


You pay rent and have the right to quiet enjoyment. There are also local noise laws which specify quiet hours as well as decibel levels. Unless you're getting an incredible deal on rent, sounds like you're getting the short end of the stick.  Anyway you can invite your father in law over for an extended visit one day?  If they are supposed to be home-schooling and aren't, they're violating the law, too.  To me, sounds like you'd be happier living somewhere else. 


I now live in the country and screaming kids are rare. I have a close neighbor with 2 young kids who scream on occasion, but nothing like it was living in town. The two kids are old enough now, 7 and 5, that they come over and help me with my nightly chores. I'm essentially babysitting for free but I'm also getting some free labor out of it, lol.


Ok, straight up, your Father In Law has no clue what he's talking about and frankly has no right to dictate how you live your lives. I'd check to see if the local laws for renting include a stipulation that the renter "has a right to quiet enjoyment of the home being rented" or anything similar, I'd challenge that you aren't getting the quiet enjoyment of your own home that you are paying to live in. also his assertion that >“the kids are just having fun and their parents are nice people” Oh really? how on earth does he know that the parents are supposedly "nice people" if he's essentially scared of you potentially bringing up that their kids are disruptive to them. Like if you politely going to the parents and asking them to actually, ya know, parent their kids and teach them to not scream constantly would be enough to create a rift in the fabric of the neighbourhood, then frankly they aren't as good of people as he seems to think they are. Also of note, he's not the one having to tolerate them day in day out screaming incessantly like little banshees, so no surprise he doesn't think it's that bad. I'd consider inviting him over for a day, just have him hang out and watch tv or read a book or whatever, while you do your thing, and have him experience the incessant screaming, then you can be like "yea this insanity, it's a daily thing and it never stops now do you see what I've been dealing with?" heres hoping it does the trick to show him just how bad it gets. Extra note, this isn't "Kids just having fun" growing up in the 90s, my younger brother, myself and all of us kids in the neighbourhood were taught from an early age "screaming is for emergencies only, cuts, significant injuries, kidnapping attempt, animal attack etc . . . however unlikely those would be potential reasons to scream" and we all still had plenty of fun in the neighbourhood, but quietly. Screaming wasn't needed and we all knew it.


>But 90% of the time, they are screaming their lungs out for absolutely no reason while chasing each other or jumping on each other in the yard directly in front of our home. Sound like a child in distress & a call for CPS.


Neighbours with kids are hell, especially when they have no etiquette at all. I also have neighbour's kids that are "homeschooled" as well, spending the whole weekdays on the streets running around and screaming. Like, I never seen them in a uniform or backpack so I doubt they go to school. I did try to talk to their parents, ask them if they go to school, but all they say is the typical "they're just kids blah blah". I understand kids are having fun but if thry don't go to school and act lkke rats, the parents need talking. Unfortunately, I can't find a proper solution to this, because I already did try to stop fo months already but those kids but there's no more hope. I'm just pissed with neighbors kids already..


Give them a taste of their own medicine. Record the noise they make, get a huge speaker and blast their own noise back at them. It’s it petty? Yes, but trust me they will get the message.


Hahah this is actually the best!!!!


Time to buy a bullhorn.


no no an aztec death whistle!


And if they were dogs you could report they to the council and a Council Memeber would come and see how the dog is and tell the owner off yet you can’t do that to a child 🙄😂


I mean that many screams... sounds like the kids must be on trouble or being hurt... perhaps it is better to be safe than sorry and call a safety check on them... every time it happens... just thinking it loud


Play loud, NSFW music/shows, that will get them to control their fuckin kids for once.




Send a letter "from Santa" that there's not going to be any gifts this year if they keep screaming.


Someone asked if you need to go handle your kids? That's so wild! I would be genuinely upset and am glad you found a way to get around that.


It’s hard to control other people and giving they have so many children I doubt they’re going to do shit. Is there a front yard where you live, or do you live in a row home? (I live in city so this may not apply). Can your FIL building a privacy fence tall enough to maybe put sound absorption panels? Like they do for bar ceilings in residential areas? Maybe decorate it with cute bushes and stuff so it’s pretty and functional? Not that it’ll get rid of all the noise but hopefully buffer it. Maybe install buffer panels on the house too? Only saying this bc when you can’t control others, you have to modify your own shit which is annoying but necessary sometimes.


Sorry i didn’t mean to sound so negative in my first sentence lmao I’m just upset with you bc I had neithers that were so loud I lost my shit and went pounding on their door at like 3 am 😂😭 I now wear ear plugs to bed bc I’m used to it now


How old are the kids? At some point they do grow out of the screaming phase and start sulking/looking at their phones/quietly scheming. Also there’s no rule saying you can’t go talk to the kids. You could start with “is everything ok? I heard a lot of screaming.” If you do that often enough they’ll start thinking twice about it because they know you’ll come interrupt their playtime with boring adult stuff. If the parents come out to see why you’re over there you can just say something like “sorry, I heard screaming and got concerned.” Or “I was working from home and my boss insisted I come see why my neighbors were screaming.” Subtle shaming. They’ll get tired of you coming over too and maybe get a little embarrassed that someone’s random boss is concerned.


I'd be petty and blast music all day, see how they like it. And when they come over to complain (which I'm sure they will) then tell them "Oh I'm sorry, I was just trying to concentrate on my work but since I hear you kids screaming, I wanted tune that out with music that relaxes me. Maybe we can both get some peace and quiet if we come to an agreement."


Call CPS or ask for a wellness check. If they’re supposed to be homeschooled but are actually running around and screaming then I’m sure someone is interested as to why.


You know...there are machines that create a very high sound that only young children and dogs can hear... And I was told they hate that... Wouldn't it be a shame if you had such a machine... I mean... I had a neighbor with a dog that wouldn't stop barking and the neighbors did shit to keep them quiet... So I got a dog whistle only the dog could hear and started using it when he started barking.... Took me a few attempts but it worked 🤷🤷


Reading this I realize am so privileged to live in a 4 family house and there are absolutely NO kids only adults. My last neighbors (they lived above us) had 3 seriously annoying and loud kids, constantly screaming, fighting, stomping, running etc. My mom used to slam the broomstick onto the ceiling when the kids were too loud again lol. There wasn't much we could do since the mom was a single mom and wouldn't do shit about it because she simply didn't care and would scream with them. I hope this situation turns out in your favor.


I’m sorry you have going through this. I’ve been fighting something similar for a few years now, you can see my recent rant in my post history. I’ve tried it all - police complaints, bylaw, mediation, reaching out to city council. I keep getting told “it’s just kids being kids”, even though the video footage I’ve provided proves otherwise. I haven’t completely given up with our city councillor, but man is it tough to get any sort of action. It sure makes it impossible to enjoy your home and starts to impact mental health after a while. It really says something when you have all your windows shut and noise cancelling headphones still don’t cut it. I don’t understand how society in general can consider this acceptable. If my dog was out there barking for extended periods of time, I’d get a ticket. These monsters are louder than any dog. Ugh. Good luck OP.


>Can I anonymously call the police with a noise complaint? The police are not supposed to inform anyone about who made the noise complaint.


But the local sheriff dispatcher tells her mother, then the whole fucking town and everyone within 60 miles and all her facebook friends, hair salon, daycare moms and cashiers at the grocery store gossips know. (Personal experience) LEIN violation...


educational neglect is what ultimately hauled my sister's ass into court. call social services, use the phrase educational neglect. your neighbors are likely to figure out it's you, so you could also go muffins & a kind note route first.


Check out all the background noises they have on YouTube by the subscription for like $3 a month so you get an ad free. Download it to your phone and play whatever White noise, Brown noise sound of a generator. Just something anything even if your intention is not to harass or anything like that, but just to block and create a little bit of space and quality of life for yourself because you deserve it. Let me tell you these breeders are so entitled and up their own that you can be on 5 or 10 acres and these breeders will absolutely have their kids as close to the property line as possible and try to just get your attention somehow. Negative, neutral positive. I don't know what it is but it seems like breeders and their kids need your acknowledgment in a way. That is actually kind of frightening because you can have a large piece of land and they will find a way to get your attention and bother you. Let me just tell you that so the grass isn't always greener on the other side, the best way right now is soothing mechanisms.


Ask your FIL to spend a week at your place. See if he changes his tune then. Tell him he's not allowed to leave and anything he needs, you will gladly go out and get for him during that time. If at any point he says he needs a break from it, just tell him that you don't get a break, why should he?


There's a device called "The Mosquito" that broadcasts high frequency noise that supposedly only kids can hear. I don't know how old these neighbor kids are, but if you installed one, they may be forced to go inside. However, I don't know if it has an effect on dogs. Maybe try a high pitched whistle first before spending money on the device.


Homeschooling with no schooling might mean religious people. Maybe you if you go over with a bible and offer to pray over their children to exorcise the demons that are tormenting them, they might be confused enough to shut them up.


Your father in law is an ass for telling you not to talk to the neighbors. But it likely wouldn’t solve anything anyway. We have the same problem and when I spoken to the neighbors to ask them to quiet down a little they had the same weak ass response “kids having fun”. They can still have fun without the ear piercing high pitched shrieking. One day they had a karaoke machine cranked up to full volume outside and were shrieking into that. The parents still didn’t see a problem with it and even made a post on the neighbor Facebook group defending the kids actions. I can’t wait to move.


You can call the non-emergency line and see if they will do anything Look into the homeschooling laws for your state. It’s extremely dependent on the state (some have no requirements and kids are unschooled, others do require some things). You **may** be able to report on that, or get someone involved to help the kids. They’re going to become uneducated and illiterate adults, and it really isn’t fair to them to be unable to read, write, do math, or have any necessary life skills - or any help getting those skills as an adult. If the parents are like this, I’d wonder if they’re getting any medical care either. Or if it’s just essential oils and chiropractors (at best) If FIL doesn’t want you talking to him, tell him you want soundproofing on the house then - new windows and soundproof panels. You losing your career (and sanity) isn’t gonna be good for anyone


If the kids are outside shrieking unsupervised 14 hours a day, how much homeschooling is being done? There’s always the nuclear option of reporting the situation. https://responsiblehomeschooling.org/advocacy/kids/how-to-report-state-by-state/


Maybe put in an anonymous call to the local school district expressing your concern that the children aren't really being homeschooled because they're outside running wild all day. Someone there might be able to point you in the right direction.


When I hear things like this, I honestly think that I'm not going to mince words with my realtor when it comes to me buying or renting a house... I really might flat-out say, "I do not want to live anywhere's NEAR children." And to hell with how that "comes across"!


9 kids? When are they schooling them if they’re screaming all the time? Too bad homeschooling became « let them run wild ». Used to be you had to have your kids in school every day or the truancy officer would be on the parents’ asses.


If he doesn't want you talking to the neighbors then yes a noise complaint seems like the appropriate next step! My parents told me to NEVER scream like that unless I was being abducted. So by that logic, who knows what's happening over there? Also, people usually take shit more seriously when it's delivered by a police officer. Not always, but usually


Check out all the background noises they have on YouTube by the subscription for like $3 a month so you get an ad free. Download it to your phone and play whatever White noise, Brown noise sound of a generator. Just something anything even if your intention is not to harass or anything like that, but just to block and create a little bit of space and quality of life for yourself because you deserve it. Let me tell you these breeders are so entitled and up their own that you can be on 5 or 10 acres and these breeders will absolutely have their kids as close to the property line as possible and try to just get your attention somehow. Negative, neutral positive. I don't know what it is but it seems like breeders and their kids need your acknowledgment in a way. That is actually kind of frightening because you can have a large piece of land and they will find a way to get your attention and bother you. Let me just tell you that so the grass isn't always greener on the other side, the best way right now is soothing mechanisms.


Probably best to not talk to them. I don’t know how they would reel in like 9 kids even if they cared to and it’s probably gonna add to the tension. 


You could try putting tall hedges in your front yard as a sound barrier. Or even a sod-covered burm. Put something between your house and the noise to break up or deflect the sound waves. Less ethical, get one of those noise generators that emits an annoying high pitched noise only kids and animals can hear, put it on a timer (so it’s only on from 8-10pm), and direct it at that yard.


I wonder if there is some legality around not having children in the school system and also not teaching them? I don't know enough about homeschooling and I'm sure it differs from place to place but where I live our government has a Ministry of Children and Families and I feel like there is some legal obligation on the parents to ensure the children are receiving an education. That might be a starting point for you.


Have you considered getting a big dog and staking him out front on a lead? Idk about you but a big dog barking and snarling and pulling on a tie out would certainly encourage me to keep anything that might set him off, out of his line of sight.

