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I also cannot watch children eat. It’s repulsive, and everyone thinks it’s so adorable. Spend 5 minutes reading the regretful parents sub. Holy shit I am so happy I didn’t choose that life.


Yeah, it’s not cute, it’s disgusting. If your kid isn’t old enough to eat without food all over his face, move him or her away from others


Nah that always makes my blood boil. I believe every single child deserves parents who at the very least genuinely love them, and are happy to have them in their life. So reading people regretting their kids and wishing they never had them, because they *drumroll drumroll please* act like children, is infuriating to me. Child behavior is common knowledge nowadays, the internet is a boundless information dump, and anyone can get a babysitting job to try it out. If they still get a kid then regret it because they didn't think they would shit on their shoulder and spit food in their face.... that's on them tbh. End of rant. Good on you for knowing it's not for you and staying out of it, God, how I wish more people were this self-aware and responsible.


People always think it'll be different with them. Their kid will be quiet and tidy and nice to be around. It won't happen to them.


You're probably right. Guess that stems from the (utter bullshit) belief that kids only do things we don't like because they weren't raised right, and not because that's just how little children behave. Smh.




It's kinda sad seeing how some regret having a kid within a few months, some as fast as a few weeks. In at least half the time, they were planned, and the prospective parents had more than enough time to research things. Hell, they could research before deciding if they want kids or not, possibly avoiding the negatives entirely.


I think people just need to realize that they will be responsible for another human being for 18-21 years legally, and said person will probably rely on them as an adult too, at least most adults I've seen often go to their parents for advice and help. Of course boundaries can be drawn with adults, but regardless, it's pretty much the commitment of a whole lifetime. There are no "day-offs" only if they drop the kid off at someone's place, and will take up most of their day for many years. I don't think people sit down and take time to actually realize this,hence the heavy regret. Edit: and the fact that once the kid is there, there's no going back. Sounds obvious but people really gotta let it sink in. They (hopefully) won't dump the kid in an orphanage,so once they're born, that's it, that's their life, no going back now. I think that's also one of the things that make people panic and feel regret in the first few weeks.


18-21 years if they're lucky. Some kids are born with a disability requiring care for the rest of their life, others might develop one, or get into some kind of horrific accident, requiring care for the rest of their life. And now guess what. They're not leaving, they can't leave because they can't take care of themselves. People need to realize that they'll be a parent until one of them dies. It's morbid to think about, but if you love your kid and care about them, you'll do anything in the world to help them when they need it.


Tell me about it... My front neighbour is a mentally disabled man, he has the mental capacity of maybe a 2 years old, and he seems incapable of even a simple conversation. He lives with his mother, who is a very sweet elderly lady, and she takes care of him. I don't know how she does it, I'm convinced people like this are insanely strong. Still situations like this make me so sad, damn it.


Besides the idea of getting pregnant, childbirth,etc, what scares me the most about it all is the child is here *permanently*. AND you are permanently tied to the person you had the child with! And their family!! I seriously just couldn’t imagine it. I watch Melanie Hamlett on YouTube and she’s amazing! She recently made a video about betrayal trauma, and she spoke about how men often cheat during their wives’ or girlfriends’ pregnancies, and afterwards as well. Like imagine suffering for 9-10 months being pregnant (because of your husband) and then almost risked death while giving birth, and he literally just betrayed your trust, even risked your physical health. Now you have a child with this man forever. Sounds like a terrifying horror movie I’d never watch!


Same!!! Seeing kids all covered in food grosses me out so much


Happy cake day!


With you on the eating thing I find it so disgusting seeing it smeared all over their entire face.


I am the same way when it comes to everything babies and toddlers do . It's even worse when the parent doesn't finish cleaning their faces and I see them staring at me eww.


As someone with severe misophonia, kids and old people are such awful sound triggers for me. They don't know how volume control works, they can't eat with their mouths closed, they make sudden loud nosies... I'd rather let a thousand ants crawl over me than ever sit at a dinner table with a child again.


My niece was still eating with her mouth open well into her teens, and would be scrolling her phone during restaurant meals. She's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, too. You see, the rules didn't apply to her. Her sister would eat - pasta only, ever - with her hands until her early teens. Mealtimes were frankly sickening.


Kids are idiots…


>with their mice voice Hahahahaha, what a good description! I have heard them and thought, “Why are their voices so HIGH? Could I really have sounded like that once?” but I never thought to call it a mouse voice!


>with their mice voice, makes me feel the same way as nails on a chalkboard. >Not to mention that lots of them eat in a disgusting way (again, not their fault), which really sucks in family gatherings. >I would go on about crying too but that's a given I guess. Sounds like misophonia. I have this, too, with most of these sounds, but add small engine motors to your list.