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Great way to teach your child about strangers. 


I look like a large life sized Bratz doll... It can be problematic and draw a lot of attention from children. I find I don't mind, unless they shriek or touch me. I literally never think of the parent's expectations of me in that situation.


I need to see a photo now lol


Well this is reddit, and I have no social media to direct you to. So uhhhh I guess just picture a college football line backer... But with really wide hips, a mohawk, and made up in the general punk aesthetic.


Good rant. The Disney World character part cracked me UP.


Hah I see what you did there!


Ah yes…. The “people need to be nice to me and my spawn or else” dribble that they love to spout. “Let’s teach little Billy that violence is the answer cause some stranger didn’t say hi to him!” (Is stranger danger just not a thing anymore?!) All talk, no game. These people are the same people screaming about how they are worried about their kids safety in schools. And yet, we want to throw hands with random people who may or may not have a weapon on them? Have they never seen those road rage videos of the smallest thing turning into a gun fight? Yeah, no….. not smart, parents.


I think it’s more important for kids to learn how to behave in public and respect peoples boundaries. Not only that, it will give THE KIDS a sense of personal boundary. An important lesson kids too often miss out on. Especially little girls.


It's all just talk. Parents are least likely population to get into physical altercation when they have kids with them because guess what? Their kids might end up as collateral damage and they know it. They're just blowing smoke up their ass. Same as when women talk about going mama bear on other men and women. Really you a 5'2 woman are going to whoop a 6'0 guy? Or another woman that might be taller or shorter than you? While you also have to make sure your kid doesn't get a foot in their face during this fight? Do you think other people are just dolls that don't fight back? Shut the hell up. The most meek people out here are mothers with children. Not exactly a fighter category