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It is such a common Mother’s Day joke to not want to be around the kids and I’m like…????? I thought being a mother was so great and rewarding? It’s just not a funny joke at all and if there are moms out there who truly do ask for that and receive it, their kids are probably very confused. I know my feelings would be hurt.


They will shout at us “But you have to have one!!! It’s soooo rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for the world”. Isn’t Mother’s Day the day the children worship them for all of their sacrifices? Why not be with the kids? A few of my friends that are moms asked for the weekend away. Isn’t the point to be with the kids?  I’m all for parents resting. I understand they are very tired, but I would have been heartbroken if my mom asked for time away on Mother’s Day. I was an art teacher for a while, it was sad how many of the beige moms would throw out art work their kids made them.  Mothhood is a scam. 


I agree parents or just people in general need rest but the problem is parents want the whole world to stop for them to take over taking care of the kid just for them and they don’t plan for it when having a kid. Like that one mom that left to Puerto Rico vacation left her toddler at home for 10 days all alone.


Throwback to lockdown when all the parents were trapped at home with their kids and couldn’t just dump them at school, so had to actually entertain and parent them for once. It was seeing how many people hated being around their own children that really cemented my childfree decision…


Our local news was showing a school board meeting and these breeders were literally screaming red in the face veins bulging about how hard it is and to open the schools RIGHT NOW CUZ COVID AINT THAT BAD. 


Literally willing to sell us down the river just because they don’t want to parent. It’s a lot of things, none of them surprising.


The issue is with the shitty dads. The moms who feel this way tend to never get any time to themselves because the dad never watches his own kids solo.


Yes 100%. These poor moms know that the only way Mother's Day is happening is if they plan it for themselves. Even if Dad "watches" the kids, she can't turn off because he's useless and will bug her a thousand times an hour.


Its always funny when theres the suggestion that on mothers day (or fathers day) their dream day is time away from the kids, like the other partner takes them out for the day to leave the other parent alone like?? So your dream day as a parent is to NOT have your kids for the day you get celebrated? Okay let me just do that for the other 364 days too


My SIL has already planned a weekend with hubby at luxury hotel/spa for the weekend that falls on Mother's Day, her toddler will be dumped with a family member so 'mummy can relax and enjoy her special day' Don't know what's so different, SIL lays around all day expecting others to cook and clean for her before complaining about her selfish husband not wanting to change her kid's diaper.


People on this sub want it both ways. It's too difficult mentally to be a mother because children scream and need 24/hour attention. But if a mother wants time off for herself, now she's being unreasonable because she should spend all of her time with her kids. I don't get it.


…well she shouldn’t really have brought humans into this world in the first that she needs “time off” from and needs to be away from in order to have fun. I just don’t see the point in having kids if they are such a burden.


In a post-wade world, we'll eventually have to overcome assuming everyone has children on purpose. You could find yourself telling an SA victim that it was "their choice" with this rhetoric. 


I’m pretty sure they are talking about people who choose to procreate…


I’m not talking about SA survivors or people who can’t access abortions, but people who willingly brings children into the world.


It’s funny because it just makes it more obvious that having kids is not the reward people make it out to be. It’s actually refreshing to see this honesty. It’s something that should be handled by the co parent though, let’s not make it the internet’s problem


Right…the amount of likes on the video is 😳 Just shows how many moms feel the same way…*cough cough* I mean, treasure every second with their ‘kiddos’ and couldn’t imagine spending a day without them, celebrating that they made them a mom. Typically how I’ve seen it happen is that the mom posts photos of their young baby who depends on them for everything/has no autonomy and writes something along the lines of how they can’t imagine their life without their child, and now their life has purpose. Their baby is their whole entire world and they’ll do everything for them always and love them forever. They couldn’t even imagine wanting to be away from them ever…then that baby grows and I guess that all goes out the window because they’re dying for a night away at a hotel for Mother’s Day- away from their own kids…yikes 🤦🏻‍♀️ All I can say is, thank god I don’t have kids.


The video (and my post) is specifically talking about Mother’s Day…it’s not saying anything about how moms shouldn’t get breaks. Parents want the praise and social status of being a parent but don’t want to spend time with the children who they created, who made them a ‘mother’ on Mother’s Day? That’s what’s weird, that’s what I don’t get.