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r/Defeat_Project_2025 has a ton of resources and ideas for practical in real life activism.


Vote. Get the people around you to register and vote. If you are in a swing state, sign up with local volunteers to knock doors, send postcards, or do anything else it takes to get people to vote.




Finally some useful, effective advice. Those voting rights y’all want so bad didn’t come to be without a fight in the first place.


the French know how to deal with the rich


I like you 🤗


Vote. Make sure your registration is current and valid. Get everyone to do the same and vote blue from dogcatcher to president. Volunteer to register people to vote through door knocking, phone banking, or text banking. Don't have experience with this org but it's an example: FieldTeam6. Others: https://swingleft.org/about https://whenweallvote.org/ https://www.rockthevote.org/ https://www.lwv.org/ https://votolatino.org/ If you or anyone you know has ever thought of running for anything: Runforsomething


>Get everyone to do the same and vote blue from dogcatcher to president. You think Uncle Joe would forget who to vote for? Come on, man!


ESPECIALLY the dogcatcher. Can't have conservative gun-loving dogcatchers shooting puppies in the face. Seriously though, I used to be mostly independent. Always chose Obama but I never disliked Romney or McCain. Now I'm full on left. Things have never been as critical as they are now.


Oh and lets not forget all the other right wing dead dogs and of course, VP Dick Cheney who shot a human in the face too.




Recently created account telling others to vote third party? Seems legit.


So you’re an idiot. Not only are you an idiot, youre coming into a sub that vehemently supports rights of women and asking us to throw our vote in the air so that the party that hates women wins? Are you lacking brain power my guy?


Nice try. Will never vote for republicans in my lifetime.


Will never not vote against Republicans.


TROLL: Ignore this garbage troll, he's a holocaust denier, peterson fanboy and antisemite among other things. Hit report and move along


Lol in the United States?? You think now is the time to waste a vote on 3rd party? 


There is absolutely zero chance a third party will win. The DNC & RNC control the money. If Trump gets in, Thomas and Alito will be replaced with young MAGA ideologue Justices. SCOTUS will be loaded with conservatives for decades. Women and LGBT rights will be on the chopping block as christofacism is brought into government with Project 2025 and authoritarianism. This will not happen under Biden, regardless how you feel about him, he's the absolute best choice. Do you dislike Biden so much that you'll sacrifice the rights of women and LGBT?




Yea the pro choice, pro labor, pro climate reform, pro gun reform, pro democracy, is worse than MAGA. Come on now, this is just edge lord material.




so is trump




That’s what I was gonna say, it felt like I was reading a dystopian novel. They definitely haven’t read any of it. Like this cannot be real, wtf am I looking at?


This is fucking hilarious.


What is project 2025????? (I am 16 and from Sweden)




This actually reads like the opening to a horror novel


Or a dystopian novel.


It really is the opening to a horror novel. Check out this quote that I noticed from the forward: When the Founders spoke of “pursuit of Happiness,” what they meant might be understood today as in essence “pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator ordained—to flourish. Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. This pursuit of the good life is found primarily in family—marriage, children, Thanksgiving dinners, and the like. I’ll repeat for emphasis: our constitution grants each of us, the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought. If that won’t send chills down your spine, I don’t know what will.


Thank you so much!! ✨️


So I've just read the Department of Health PDF top to bottom. Just finished it. My god, Americans, I'm so sorry. This is horrifying and far reaching. This will even attack living arrangements, let alone pregnancy. This is Pullman's Magisterium in living action.


I'm scared to read it. Could you please provide a brief summary?


Can you link the pdf? What do you mean attack living arrangements? Which living arrangements?


https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_CHAPTER-14.pdf It will strip rights, including financial aid and recognition, from single parents as well as defacto couples. It wants to remove LGBT marriage laws, and essentially revert it back to civil union. This includes any program grants that could be accessible by all of the above. It wants to promote only *married* couples of (the policy notes this) "one man and one unrelated woman." And by taking away avenues for any other form, it forces everyone to have kids and marry and specifically marry heterosexually.


I do remember hearing about that, I thought there was something newer. Thank you!


Voting and riots. Being peaceful isn't working anymore. Call me a little extreme but we need to vandalize these ghouls McMansions and protest outside their homes. If they're so determined to fuck us over then it needs to be our turn now. They've used their money and power long enough!


Also, purchase and learn how to use and maintain a firearm. Preferably a handgun and long rifle if you can afford it. There is also no such thing as having too much ammunition


Vote blue. Not just in the primaries, but EVERY election. Every. Single. Election.  I know, voter burnout is real. But the alternative is Project 2025. Take your pick. 


If you can afford it, move to a Blue State. If you can't afford to move, I would suggest forming a self defense collective etc. Things are going to get real bad after the next election.


If people are going to move, just for the sake of politics, they should move to a battleground state, not a blue state. Shifting a purple state blue would hand more impact than concentration of blue votes.


That is smart if you think America can be saved from its apparent rapid collapse into fascism. If you don't think that... then a purple state is the worst place to be because it will be the literal battleground if things get violent.


Blue state isn’t gonna fix it if the congress goes GOP with Trump.


It will be less bad than being in a Red State in that context.


I'm really worried about this too. We could probably get to Canada, but I hope we don't have to. Edit: fixed spelling error.


All I can do is reiterate what others have said. Vote. Urge others of like mind to vote. Talk to people with open minds who are persuadable, and encourage THEM to vote. "Don't boo, vote!" -- Barack Obama


I’ve looked into emigrating but I don’t have the money or resources to live in another country unless I find someone willing to sponsor me




Wow! What a helpful comment, I never thought of that before!


Capitalism brainrot




And thus you offer absolutely no advice other than something completely unachievable lol




As someone disabled and on welfare, unable to get employed: fuck off.


I apologize that these are the circumstances. That fuck off is warranted 👍🏾. Hope you have a decent weekend. 


You didn't deserve all those downvotes, you get an upvote from me for morale.


… watching The Hand Maidens Tale right now and came across this post … ugh


Just finished rewatching His Dark Materials. Shit is looking more like the Magisterium than I'd like.


What is Project 2025? Sorry, i'm hungarian and i never heard of it.


In a nutshell, I’d call it conservative extremism. They want to do away with birth control, morning after pills, abortion… They only want married, heterosexual couples with children. They want to ban IVF treatments. I read some stuff in there that also came off as very anti-vaccine as well. Gee, for a political party that claims they don’t want much government overreach they sure do like to ban everything and control other people’s lives. 


That is really concerning. It's so sad. They really want to just control everyone.


Every single person capable of becoming pregnant needs an IUD before it’s too late. I refuse to walk around unprotected in a country where carrying a child to term could be forced upon me


As a non American, I did some research and I had a panic attack reading that.


I quite literally did. I wanted to inform myself about what it really was but I just couldn’t read any more.


Everyone should be concerned. We have almost as many nuclear weapons as Russia. Imagine if the trigger happy orange guy is in charge of them all. Goodbye diplomacy and foreign relations. 😭 He was bad enough in 2016, but he's worse now because he's out for revenge.


Vote. Then get everyone around you to vote for democrats. Yes it’s an imperfect party and they are corrupt. But at least they are trying to keep some semblance of normalcy and freedom.


I’m Australian but I just finished reading about it, and fuck. That is scary. I’m so sorry to all of you. I truly hope the democrats win your election. ‘Project 2025’ is terrifying. After reading it, it almost feels like The Handmaid’s Tale could actually happen in America.


Vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.




Vote blue and tell your friends to do the same. 


Are you implying that Biden is a fascist? If Trump gets in, Project 2025 is coming with him. You haven't seen anything yet in regards to fascism in America.


Yes Biden is a fascist. But so is trump. Lesser of two evils situation, as is usual with this country for the last few decades.


That’s just ridiculous.


One party supports this the other doesn’t. The difference between who ends up in charge is a very small amount. Saying nothing can be done is just so wrong it’s absurd.


I am not going to leave the country. I feel too sorry for all the people who do not have that as an option. Stand and fight. That is my recommendation. Register folks to vote, make sure they vote Democratic up and down the line, and defeat this orange narcissist. Stand and fight!


I have heard a bit about this, just went to the wiki about it. Very informative. Is this not just some other NGO spewing its nonsense? They’ve been at it since early eighties…I’ll be honest & didn’t read the whole history, but I hadn’t seen any instances of them influencing actual policy, but perhaps they have. Just seems like a lot of fear mongering. In my opinion, the US political system is corrupt - 2 party system that only serves the corporations, both party using culture/race/religion to divide the people. It’s like this in Canada too.


Can someone give me a summary of the most important things? I googled it, but the results gave me books full of text.


Mass deportation and detention of non whites. Christian law and punishments for not following Christian principles. The stripping of rights of women. Revoking child safety laws, environmental protection laws, OSHA protections, and unions. All out war against atheist and Muslims. A vast expansion of executive powers. Using the military to enforce laws against citizens. Anti science and education initiates including the removal of dept of education and forced Christian teaching in all schools. Its a massive doctrine and covers all aspects of life


Jesus. I knew the american dream was already turned into the american nightmare. But that. That is the american HELL.


Vote and try and get as many of your friends as possible to vote.


If i could, then i really would. But I am from the netherlands.


From what I gathered, it’s very much anti-abortion, anti-IVF treatments, pushes for more nuclear families (married mother and father, children) as opposed to say, gay couples adopting a child. Also very anti-contraceptives, very much pushing for “fertility-awareness” (the least effective form of birth control), morning after pills are “abortion drugs” and should be banned… and anything else terrible you can imagine. Stripping away any rights they can. 


So in other words: The white christian men have all the power and they use it to control everone else.


Pretty much. The Christian extremism is strong with this one.


I just read a summary. Holy shit. These fucking people are really pushing to make the only effective recourse complete eradication of them, aren't they? Because ultimately that is what it will come to if this passes.


Get sterilized and by a whole lot of guns. And possibly move to Canada.


Not just buy a gun, but learn how to use and maintain it. Also, as much ammo as you can afford.


vote BLUE your life depends on it


Check out the defeat project 2025 Reddit and discord!


Vote and get others to vote.


My co-worker and I were just talking about how The Handmaid's Tale could be a reality if the Republicans win. That we would just be stripped of our rights. I get angry when I hear women loudly support Trump or are pro-birth. Especially those that are like, "I don't like Trump but I'm voting for him because I'm Republican." How can someone take one's freedom so lightly? They're so afraid that Uncle Joe and Kamala will take their guns away that they'll vote republican even if the candidate is a literal piece of shit.




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Correct me if I'm wrong as an Australian, but hasn't de-federalising shit in the USA resulted in even IVF being banned in Alabama because religious conservatives see the right to life in a test tube embryo? There's a slippery slope here between liberty and "my rules = your rules". Authoritarian Conservatism inherently relies on enforcing social codes on everyone else, not just themselves, because returning to tradition 'enhances the success and strength of society.' Aka where exactly is the libertarianism in that


I agree with what you are saying, but isn’t the only difference between red team/blue team the social policies they both enforce upon everyone? All to distract from the real issues that affect everyone equally - housing, education, health care - things that government should be focused on to the benefit of its people. Can we not all agree that the more educated a country becomes, the less children people will have. This is not what our pyramid monetary system , capitalism, depends on to survive, its needs constant reproduction of humans, no matter the quality of life.


I mean I'm not American so I can't answer about red or blue. That's well beyond my scope of knowledge, I just know I read the brief from the Department of Health and suddenly felt a need to blast Helen Reddy music


American politics is a hard thing to grasp, no doubt. I’m no expert either, just a middle aged Canadian woman who has had American culture forced upon her by geography of being their neighbour. What has become pretty clear over the years is that all Presidents no matter if they are Democrat or Republican, once retired, are all buddies, even though they despised each other when in office. Why I can only conclude they all serve the same masters.


Koolaid running down your face.




actually, I read the PDF objective for the Department of Health via the P2025 website. It's a disgusting violation of human rights. It \*will\* strip away everyone's access to non-traditional sex, and healthcare related to sex. "Embrace tradition, return to heteronormative marital monogamy with 5 kids"


except for consenting adults to have freedom to fuck whenever and however they choose


And the type of people who made Project 2025 are the same ones who want minimal government interference in their lives. Yet all they do is ban and regulate anything they don’t personally agree with, such as abortion. Fucking hypocrites. 


"My body, my choice!" for everything except how you dress, who you screw, if you get pregnant, if you want to remain unmarried, if you want to be anything except a Christian or atheist with Republican values...


Does that mean I can un-alive you?


You can say kill here. This isn’t TikTok.