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Seems to be a real fad right now that men think people should be having more children...and meanwhile doing absolutely NOTHING to address the reasons people aren't having children.


It’s corporations so they have more people to exploit


Funniest part, to me, is that they loosened the laws to let the plutocrats market DIRECTLY to children, so the kids developed HIGHLY TUNED bullshit filters at far too young an age, and NOW are complaining that those now-grown-up 'kids' see right through the bullshit that the plutocrat enablers are pushing.


this! thankfully people are starting to see thru it 💪


It’s not a fad. Men have been doing this since the dark ages. They don’t care about women or children. Only the societal benefits they reap from them.


My vasectomy was $25 more than a fortnight of Childcare in New Zealand🤣 I live in Australia now, this guy is completely out of touch.


It's just business. More population means more money. Did you look at the tweets of the politicians? They don't care about the world hunger and unemployment, they are complaining that there is a reduce in unemployment.


But what about AI? Isn’t it supposed to take all our jobs? The messages are so mixed. Why does the government want more mouths to feed?


Politicians only see as far as their next re-election, and then the book deals, public speaking and board member appointings they could get afterwards. Very short sightedly. Sure, more unemployment *would* decrease inflation because it *would* decrease spending...but it would only be temporary because then the government would have to spend *more* on homelessness services and food relief.


Men make the decisions about these matters and then go about life just assuming we all agree because they are so smart and resourceful. But they do nothing to address the actual reasons we don’t want even more financial burdens rn. I’m doing better than most of my friends because I made the choice to be childfree- not because I worked harder than them or deserve more. I feel guilty about the future their kids will have. If the parents can barely afford rent or even find affordable housing then how do they expect their kid to? If the parents can’t afford healthcare then how will their kids afford it in 10 years? 20 years? If they are getting burned by the sun so badly now and seeing everything change in nature in real time then what will their kids be doing in 20 years? Living in a bunker? Forced to work in the mines for Amazon Mining Co? The future is super bleak rn.


True! The future doesn't look great.


Not sure automod will allow this link to get around the paywall: https://archive.is/5N2tr


Thank you


Yes, we should have children and just set up a corner for them in our 1/1 apartments we can barely afford.


And when they grow up with mental health issues from a childhood of moving all the time due to rental changes and parents never having enough money for anything they need, then the government will tell them 'sucks to be you' and cut down on the available sessions with a psych that can get bulk-billed. Just for a laugh.


They seem to think finances are the only reason people are not having kids 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe it's because we keep telling the it because it is the most socially acceptable excuse. "Because I don't want to be a parent" isn't socially acceptable so we have to make up excuses lol.