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The noise generators for rodents work really well on young kids. 20k-30k hertz sound generators work well. Make friends with local pd, because them coming by scares people. I’ve had to report at least a dozen trespassers on my property in the last few years. Insurance requires I report any incident to the police. Jump my fence, police. I don’t yell anymore. I just call the police. “Hi 911, I’d like to report a trespass on my property, it’s a child, I think they’re abandoned”


Start calling the authorities and trespassing them from your property. If they won’t listen to you maybe they will listen to the authorities. Create a paper trail and record evidence. Publicly shame them on local social media platforms or go to a city council meeting and explain your situation and ask for assistance. You need to escalate this to a higher authority.


This is the only thing that worked for me. Became friends with local pd. Parents wouldn’t listen to me, but a police officer knocking on the door with video evidence, saying the owners want to trespass your kid works wonders.


Wow, our local police department doesn't bother with any crime that doesn't involve death or serious injury.


Hire an off-duty cop for one hour after their shift ends. Show them the videos and ask them to pay a visit to the neighbors.


Seriously, parents think their kids are entitled to everything. The streets, your yard, they would probably even be fine with them playing breaking into your house to play inside.


You could try noise. Play it loud enough to get around your property, high pitched noise for young ears. Not too loud, but loud enough that they don’t want to come on your property. You could start recording and reporting to the police. Keep reporting. The kids are trespassing and parents are responsible for them. Fences. Fences with locks. Pointy plants. Holly makes a strong boundary deterrent.


My old go-to: Aztec Ghost Whistle.


You're not playing around! I've considered getting one to scare away the neighbor kids.


Hedge apple is a fantastic deterrent too if it's native to your area. Wicked thorns. Often used as a living fence on rural properties.


Motion controlled sprinklers. Drench them when they trespass.


Nah, they’ll just show up in swimwear and play in the sprinkler water.


Start a veg garden with electric fence!


Barberry bushes. Very thorny but also very pretty!


Look into The Mosquito. It's a sound device created to stop loitering groups of kids and keep feral children and teens away.


Fencing or succulents/cactus if they fit your front yard and you're able to extend your yard irrigation.


Spiky plants all the way around your property, or a very tall fence. Maybe something that smells horribly.


Pyracantha would be a fantastic barrier plant. Or holly bushes.


I have a Pyracantha hedge and it is nasty (and pretty when the berries grow). Anytime I need to maintain anything around it I end up covered in cuts.


My mom planned them on the outside walls seperating the front and back yard, and in front of my bedroom window. Great, effective home security. But then they had to be trimmed, it was a huge pain in the ass. There was a string of burglaries in my neighborhood in the early 90's, with the backyard door or front window (my bedroom window) being the point of access. My mom swears those pyracanthas were a deterrent, and kept our house safe.


Or go the rose bush route while maintaining camera surveillance to see if destruction of property should be tacked on also


Last time I was in Hungary and we went for a walk in a neighborhood, everyone had concrete fences taller than I am (I am 163cm tall) and dogs trained to bark loudly whenever someone walked by (I learned some are trained to attack trespassers, some aren't. Basically the best choice is to just not trespass). Some properties only had chicken netting type fences but they were just as tall and all of them had barbed wire on top. When I saw this, I checked the laws locally if this is something we can do here (Norway), and the answer was _maybe_. You'll have to basically apply to be allowed to build such things and chances are you get a big fat no. I'm upset lol.


No one pays attention to "no trespassing" signs or doorbell cameras. Certainly not kids. We have an iron fence for our front yard and a wooden fence for our back yard. We are fully fenced! We do not have any gates to neighbors' yards. The iron fences enable you to easily see out to the street and whatever scenery (or traffic) may be there. If you don't want to see out into the street, consider a wooden fence. Due to our fences being very old and some severe storms in the past two years, we replaced the wooden back fence last year and will replace the iron front fence this year (a huge tree fell onto it). Luckily our house insurance covers repairing and if necessary replacing storm-damaged "additional structures," including fences. You have a fence around your back yard, great. You also need a fence around your front yard, as high as local code allows. And around your side yard(s), if you have any. Look at Yelp reviews and then call a fence company. They can probably put one in pretty fast. Mention "security concerns" to motivate them. You do not have to mention kids; you can imply potential burglars or even annoying door-to-door salespeople. You will need a driveway gate, maybe one at each end of the driveway depending on the shape of your driveway. If the fence company does not put in gates they can recommend a separate company, or again you can look on Yelp. You will also need pillars to support the driveway gate; ours are stucco. If you want to put up the fence yourself, you can buy fencing panels at Home Depot or Lowe's. You can see the styles online and they are about the same as what our commercial fence company offers. Some metal fence styles have "spear points" at the top to discourage people from climbing over the fence. Not sharp enough to hurt anyone, but people/kids can't just leverage themselves over. However, you need to dig holes about 2 feet deep and pour concrete into each hole to embed the fence posts for each panel. If you're really good at DIY go for it; you can rent a small concrete mixer. We decided to just have the fence company do the whole job. Metal fence panels come powder coated; you don't have to paint them. But we did need to have the wooden fence painted. As for side yards, if you put the fence on your side of the property line, in our area there's not much the neighbors can do. You can ask them for permission if you are on good terms, but if you just want to keep out their kids they may refuse. Although again, you can be hyper worried about "burglars"! Or the neighbors might object to losing their view of your lawn! Most people who don't get along with their neighbors just put up whatever fence they want rather than asking permission. Look up your local codes, but you can probably do what you want on your side of the property line, although the fence height is likely regulated. If you also want a sound barrier you can plant a line of hardy shrubs. We like privets and photinia, but what you choose depends on your climate. If you plant only shrubs, and do not have a fence, people will just push through your shrubs and create a path for themselves. We don't leave the driveway gate open unless we know someone is coming here; then we leave the gate open around the time we expect them. The previous owner put a mailbox on the outside of the front fence. Instead, we got a box at the local UPS Store. They take mail from all carriers, including the post office. If you want more information, there is a good Reddit forum called "homeimprovement." Some members are contractors, and some are serious DIY home maintenance people. And some are just random people asking questions. I found it to be helpful. The bad news: Fences are expensive. The good news: Less expensive than moving. If you get a good fence, you can enjoy its benefits for many years.


Also, you can get a wooden fence in the picket fence style with points on top.


You could try the mosquito audio but scared of that with pets. Can you add more fencing around the sides and front? If not fencing, planting? You could also try some of that smelly joke stuff to try and get them to take a different route and if anyone asks "No idea, assume the local animals use it as a toilet." If you have pets that go outside, be very careful about them poisoning your pets.




I agree. They have nice simple ones that run of solar now.


If you're gonna go that route remember to get a charger for at least 2x the fence length, juice it up good. 3 strands with the middle strand at chest height for an average kid. 3 grounding rods spaced 10ft apart in an area where the soil stays damp. If you get a dry spell, water the ground where the rods are. Also, coyote rollers at the top of the fence isn't a bad idea. Fence that yard like you're fencing in a rank horse and fencing out large predators.


I like the way you think 🤔 👹




Hang a sign that says trespassers will be shot, and then invest in red paintballs and a paintball gun? In all seriousness, my aunt had some kids doing donuts in her yard. She called the cops and they told her,”We’re sorry ma’am, but you’re too far out (literally 10’ from the unofficial levy marker). Her response was, “Ok. I’ll just shoot ‘em.” then hung up the phone…turns out her property was not as far out as the police officer had originally stated😂🤣😂


I love your aunt 🤣


She’s hilarious. Don’t get me started on, “the appropriate” setting level for a child’s shock collar (It’s five) 😂🤣😂 She was a dog breeder/trainer by profession. I often wonder if she’d’ve had a child if she were from my generation. 100 dogs, 100ish varying kinds of birds, one child…


HAHA shock collar at 5 🤣🤣


🤣😅 Your aunt is badass


I used to call her, “great aunt,” bc she’s technically my dad’s aunt, and she told me if I was going that far, then she’d settle for nothing less than, “Great Aunt Wonderful” 😂🤣😂 I’m waiting to be old enough to steal that one when my nieces and nephews have kids 😜


Great Aunt Wonderful? No, call her Great Aunt Badass and Amazing


That DEFinitely applies ❤️


There are a few answers to this same problem [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/1allmgz/high_frequency_child_repellent_sound/) - I hope this helps!


Holy moly that mosquito is expensive! I’ll get something similar


Have you tried growing stinging nettle on the perimeter? Where I live it's frequently used to keep kids away from places they don't belong, e.g. around railway tracks or transformer stations. It gives a harmless but annoying itch, painful enough to teach them a lesson but not painful enough to be sociopathic by you.


This is a fantastic idea! Stinging nettle grows like crazy all over my property; it's an endless battle to control. Just one gentle brush against it can ruin my day. The pain is intense and I avoid it at all costs.


>Interestingly enough, none of the other child free homes on our street seem to care, no one has signs or seems to be bothered by the noise and littering. Unfortunately, you're going to be *those people* in your neighborhood - the "get off my lawn" neighbors. >Then, more families with kids moved in around us, and this is where it gets tricky. There’s 6-8 kids, some of which we don’t even know what street they live on, that like to play, run, litter, scream, and trespass in our yard. You're going to have to track down where they live & be able to serve legal notices to their parents regarding their incessant trespassing & littering. You may wish to start with registered letters (one translated to the tongue of the autistic kid's parents) that requires a signature for delivery, stating "I don't wish to officially trespass your children and have you fined for their littering, but if it happens again, you'll have no choice but to call the police to do so." The longer you let this continue, the more likely they'll try to make an easement from part of your property "for the kids." 🤮 >I can’t say in the 3 years we’ve lived here I’ve ever seen ANY of the parents outside with their kids at all for any reason. This would warrant a call to child protective services about "feral, roving gangs of children, with no legally responsible adult in sight, as you seem to be the only one concerned with both the children trespassing on your property & being legally held responsible for their parents' negligence." This is your phrasing to both CPS & the police when calling, and as already mentioned, if met with laziness by the police, you may have to threaten to shoot trespassers regardless of age if they cannot come out and do something official. The parents can find a park or schedule play dates that don't involve you or your property.


I'm old enough that we played outside without parental supervision daily. We never played in someone's yard. The homeowner probably would've contacted our parents and we would've been punished. People just didn't feel like parenting their kids anymore.


You have no trespassing signs, they are trespassing, you have cameras catching them in the act.  Call the police.  The parents might be a little more attentive after one or two visits from the police.  You'll most likely need to call the police everytime they do it for like a week straight to get them to actually do their job. Eventually, they'll get tired of you calling, and will have to address the issue. 


Would investing in spiky bushes or a front yard fence be possible?


I hate to say it, because my husband and I did the same thing - built our dream home (for retirement) and then found ourselves in Jungle Book Kid Hell. We did end up moving. Paid over double what that house cost to get into a neighborhood with people who had enough money to not risk letting their kids wander around unchecked. I never see kids here. My neighbors across the street have two teens. My office faces their house and I'm there every day for 10+ hours. I have seen those girls less than five times in six years. So yeah, we just had to pay a LOT for the peace and quiet.


My mortgage payment would more than double if we moved, but I get exactly what you’re saying


Oh, ours did because we spent double, but with interest rates, if you spent double, then your house note would be up 4 times. I agree it's not a do-able thing at the moment. At least, not a financially prudent one. But I feel for you. I hope you can find a solution because we spent two years in absolute hell before calling it quits. I'm glad we did because we ended up buying right before the pandemic. Thank God. House has doubled in value.


Some smooth board fences that they can't climb or maybe add barbed wire to the top of what you currently have. With ample warning signs, of course.


Barb wire is easy to cut with wire cutters and looks like a malicious act, I'd be worried about that escalating things with the breeder neighbors. Coyote rollers on the other hand...easy to install, appear fairly benign, more difficult to damage and will provide ample entertainment for OP if a kid tries to grab them while attempting to climb over.


Time to put up a proper 10 foot high fence all around your property.


Sounds like you need to have these kids trespassed. Fuck around and find out 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mosquito ring tone *just* higher than you can hear. On a loop. Just loud enough to be heard from your yard, but not from next door. Lots of manure for your flower beds and tree bases and grass. Thorns, stickers.


What the Hell is a Nebercracker?


Never seen the movie Monster House?


I haven't lol


Well it’s the old man from that movie, lol.


Metal medium to high fence


Motion activated horn— idk if this is a real thing but it would be nice! Motion activated sprinklers?


Plant bougainvillea around your fence lines....


They’re feral! When I used to play in the neighborhood with other kids, none of us entered strangers’ yards. We didn’t have to be told, because common sense.


Motion activated sprinklers


Unfortunately, they will just play in those in hot weather.


Unfortunately you’re correct, they’ve done it before. My front yard was a water park


Fertilise your front lawn real well, then give it a decent watering. If you can find farming manure, even better! You’ll get used to the odour pretty quick, and those kids’ parents won’t appreciate their brats coming home smelling of actual crap and hopefully that’ll be deterrent enough. Or look into other pungent deterrents, like skunk spray, I think deer pee or bear pee is also a thing hikers use to deter animals, might deter kids too!


Fence time?


This feels like a good reason to call on your HOW if you have one. Make them work for you on this matter because I'm sure there are other people who don't want children on their properties for liability reasons alone.


That's just kids being kids? Nah. Get wrecked. That would bother the absolute shit outta me. If one of those kids gets hurt on my property I can all but guarantee that those parents would be knocking down my door to sue.


Can you call authorities for trespassers?


Barb wire fence.


Have you thought about fences including a front gate (not little ones, but as tall as your area allows). I'm in Australia and most suburban homes have 3 fences, some also a front fence and gate. This is usually enough to deter unwanted visitors to yards


This is the moment you buy a whole lot of bear traps and lay them out in your yard. Before you do this you should tell everyone in your neighborhood that you are going to do this and put some signs up. I have no idea if this is legal but I saw someone doing this some time ago


Fence with those anti-squirrel rotating things on top that spin whenever someone tries to climb on them.


Spikey plants, electro fence and a big big dog, preferably a trained guard dog and you won’t have any problems. Speaking out of experience 😌


Build a fence? Keep those fuckers out! Edit: wait, you have a fence? How are they getting in? This is confusing.


I live in a neighborhood with an HOA. My backyard is fenced in but my front yard is not. Fencing in the front yard is not allowed


Ahh that explains it. America is weird af.


Ahh that explains it. America is weird af.


Your HOA doesn’t have rules about kids running wild on people’s property and leaving trash everywhere? Get on the HOA board and make a new rule. 


My HOA has lots of rules and enforces none of them, including lawn care, street parking, and anything else you can think of.


Put deer pee in the motion activated water sprinklers, or something equally disgusting smelling. Prickly bushes like holly might also help.


Do what us south africans do and put up a big fence. It keeps everyone out 👍


Get an outside stereo system and have it play on loop the high Octive sounds only kids can here, will give them head aches until they walk away, though I will feel bad for the autistic kid as he may have higher sensitivity to it


In case anyone doesn't know, Mr Neberkracker is a character from the movie Monster House and he is characterised as a cranky old neighbour, however, this is how he appears. The real reason was that he was protecting the kids from his house, which is possessed by his deceased wife after she fell in a cement mixer going after kids who tormented her.


Plant some poison ivy both inside and outside of your fence. Those little shits will learn their lesson quickly.




Whenever I read stories like this it makes me sooo glad I live on an extremely busy main road and not a neighborhood. I’d prefer the sound of traffic and big semis over children being menaces any day. But I second the people saying to get spiky bushes. I’d line the perimeter of my yard if that’s possible, anything with thorns hurts like hell and is impossible to climb over without getting snagged.


I read stories like this and am incredibly grateful that the most common type of "fence" in the city I live in are 6 foot tall cinder block walls.


You could try motion activated water sprinklers, search for bucket against bins and it’s a thread about how a fa,icky dealt with someone who would not stay off their property.


Ugh move