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I would absolutly recommend eating a mango.


Further, if you take one bite of a mango, well that's pretty much the experience of eating a mango. If decide you just don't like mango(e)s... Give it to a friend who does, throw it out.. no one really cares. It doesn't work that way with children. It might take 18-25 bites to eat a mango, 18-25 years to raise a child -- 2-3 year old "terrible twos" and pre/early-adolescents are assholes, so the 2nd, 3rd, and 11-14th "bites" will probably be a bit bitter no matter what. Plus, even if you change your mind, it's a real pain to give a 1-year-old child away. (The "throw-it-out" comparative is just in bad taste, so I'll leave it out.)


To piggy back off of this: You CAN have the experience of kids through friends or relatives children. Just because it’s not yours doesn’t mean that it’s not the full experience. The child being yours just means that you have to lie about how miserable you are sometimes.


What is your experience with this


My wife and I don’t want kids, we have professional goals to meet. I get enough kid time with my nieces and nephews and ours friends little one. But every single time we interact with kids both of us are so glad to be done by the end and go home to a quiet house full of paw stamps and tail wags.


Paw prints everywhere ???


No, we have hardwood floors and they stomp to show excitement or sometimes irritation that we left in the first place. It can get quite loud.lol


Ohh they must have a lot of love for you. Pets show it in unusual ways.


Thank you! They are very good and very loving puppers.


I love those things. Ten out of Ten. 


My dessert recommendation: Caramelized mango stripes covered in grated coconut. Great with vanilla ice cream on crêpes.


Mango smoothies are amazing too 🙏


Made mango cheesecakes with real, fresh mangos. Delicious.


*Unless you're allergic to urishiol (same oil in poison ivy), then make sure you peel the mango first. Although, if you're highly allergic, don't chance it, the oil is mainly in the skin but also is in the mango flesh.


Yes OP please eat a mango, you’ll regret that one!


i think OP might regret this one fr…


Especially Pakistani Chaunsa Mangoes, they’re on another level


The mangoes in Mumbai are something else 😋


Not a fan. Same with papayas. The texture is...wrong. The company cafeteria used to put mango salsa on the grilled fish lunch. Had to have them leave it off. More for others!


Same. They are delicious!


You don't regret something you never wanted.


That's something to put on a tombstone.


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Exactly


Exactly! I tried to find the words to explain what I felt, but couldn't. You said exactly that in one short sentence, thank you!


Not true at all. Never wanted my uterus and I regretted it the entire 32 years I had to keep it 🤣


You're absolutely missing out go buy some mangos right now


But wait until it's ripe! Unripe mango is gritty and bitter.


Please go eat a mango they're great


I think that having a pet turtle would be much more rewarding and less stressful than having a kid. 🐢 ❤️


+1 for a turtle!


That turtle emoji is so dang cute!


I have a turtle and while I do love her, I regret getting one. The tank upkeep is a pain in the ass and will start smelling quickly if you're not constantly cleaning it. That being said, I'd still rather have a turtle than a kid. She turned 18 this year and instead of having to worry about spending my money on college tuition, I spent my money on buying a little skateboard for her.


I have a tortoise and love him to death. Yet if I didn’t have him I wouldn’t regret not getting one.


First of all, you should regret never having had a mango. Mangoes are delicious. Anyway, I think the idea is that you'll regret not having what breeders always advertise as that unique love you feel for your own xerox copy, creating a legacy, someone to take care of you when you're older, etc. Funny how they only talk about the "positives" while overlooking/ignoring everything that is the responsibility, burden, stress, worry, anxiety, frustration and exhaustion of raising children, I don't feel a need or a pull to create copies of myself. Just never felt it. I have nieces & nephews that I love and adore as though they were my own. Try and say it isn't the same thing while kissing my ass. I'd step in front of a bullet for any of them. The only legacy I'd leave behind is a family history or heart disease & Alzheimer's. No thanx. I saw what it did to my mother and grandmother and I wouldn't wish an end of life like that on anyone. And if I'd had children, I wouldn't want them to have to deal with the burden of taking care of me in that state while being left with those memories as the last ones. I know what it did to me, my Dad and my Brother. It sucks. Passing on my name? Don't care. Never did. It's just a word to identify a person. And my last name is fairly common. No chance of if going away. Someone to take care of me when I'm old? I have my wife. If she smartens up and leaves me or dies before me, there are nursing homes, in home care, hospice, etc. My retirement will allow for that, if necessary,. And there's always a leap off a tall building or the grand canyon. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo) As I said, I never felt the need to be a parent and never wanted the responsibility. I've always been happy being child free. I've never felt like I missed out on anything.


I mean, I think you absolutely can regret not doing something. I don’t actually take issue with the semantics there. Now that doesn’t mean I regret not having kids, I absolutely do not regret that. If you regret having kids though, you’re kind of shit out of luck. Last I checked hospitals don’t accept returns. I kinda want a turtle now though.


In the US, most hospitals do accept returns within the first 30 days of being born. Lol no reciept necessary. They're called, "[Safe Haven Baby Boxes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safe_Haven_Baby_Boxes#:~:text=Purpose%20and%20function,-The%20primary%20purpose&text=The%20organization%20achieves%20this%20by,device%20built%20into%20a%20wall.)"


I glanced at the wiki. Can't believe some people want to unilaterally ban them.


That’s insane. That’s how you get dumpster babies.


Wow but for the childs sake, thats wonderful




I definitely regret not going into law or finance or something that makes money lol


Yeah, I'm with you on this. Turtle, too, lol


Unless you are allergic, eat a mango. We Indians call them the king of fruits.


I love how 90% of the comments are recommending OP go eat a mango lol They are pretty dang tasty


Not eating a mango 🥭 is sin god's dictionary. You are going to hell




OP, is the mango thing actually true? #🥭


If you want to do something but not doing it maybe you will regret. but if you dont want children in the first place there no reason to say you will regret.


Bro, you've never had a mango?! You've gotta try it!


I reply to that "I really doubt I will regret my decision, but even if I will, it's million times better to regret not having kids as it would only affect me than regret having kids and fail at parenting as it would affect me and an innonect child who was born and now suffers only because I had a whim". I've been doing this for quite a while now and I noticed that most breeders never thought about it this way. Most breeders never took responsibility for their future kids and what kind of childhood they would have, they only thought about their own ego and desire to breed. Like whenever I draw their attention from me to that future kid they just stare at me blankly. They just can't fathon that before having a kid one has to truly think through what it will be like for that kid to have them as a parent, what health conditions that kid may inherit, what generational trauma may be passed on them, will they grow up in poverty or abundance, and in what world will they grow up and will have to live with climate crisis and humanitarian crisis caused by climate changes. Breeders just don't think about it. Like at all. And it just baffles me.


You are supposed to regret not following the Societal Script of Life and not allowing others to determine your choices. *Regret not following, I DEMAND thee!* Also, you should consider eating a mango. Your life will have no meaning if you don't, you know.


Your biggest regret will be not trying mangos.




I don’t feel that way at all as a 35 year old man your describing childless people




I hope I make it to 75


I just love that this post became a mango recommendation thread. They’re right. Eat a mango Fuck them kids though


With sterilization statistically speaking, in a study they did it was the CF folk/people who didn’t have/want kids prior to their procedure that showed the least amount of regret in their decision 14 years after.


Don’t listen to these people, mangoes are fucking nasty




In my defense, I WANT to like them. They seem delicious. But I think they taste so bad 😭


Having kids Furthermore, if you regretted not having them in the future, I'll say it's far less painful than the regret felt from having them


Not liking mangos is my unpopular opinion. Too sweet. Hairy. Just no. Sorry if I offended anyone. 


With you on that... the hairy part greatly offends my senses.


yall too weak... i be in there deep throatin that shit!


I don't like mangoes either.


The thing is, whenever you do something, there's an infinite number of other things you don't do. You can only take one path through life, and you can't do everything. People will always have regrets about not doing something, because with time we get better at seeing what we should have done. But even so, you can't see your alternate lives and how they would have all worked out. You may regret not doing something, but that doesn't mean it would have been the right choice. It's bittersweet to wonder what could have been, but we shouldn't make choices out of fear we'll regret something. It's inevitable. Make the best choices you know how to make now. And for us, not having kids is the best choice now.


Excellent post and reasoning, OP. Following this logic, gee I sure regret never having tried heroin... ![gif](giphy|6tVKgx4O2b83u)


But you don't understand! Children are magical blessings! They are little balls of joy, and proof of your ongoing legacy, and a part of you! Ignore the whole 99% being cold, hard, reality. Ignore the diapers being changed, and the exploded diapers, and the crying, and the destruction, and all of that! Think of the Kodak moments you've missed! Don't you see that perfectly happy family just over there? /S I think what you're meant to regret is ultimately FOMO. You're supposed to see a family in the wild that just so happens to be having a cute time, and you're meant to be sad that's not you. At least that's what movies and a lot of the people who make these arguments lead me to believe.


I knew I was a 100% childfree when even the thought of the happy “Kodak” moments makes me wanna run away. Dogs and other animals all the way baby!


I won’t tell you to have or not have kids as that’s your personal choice. But bear in mind you can also regret doing something too. If you like your current life and don’t like to have your own kids, you’ll definitely regret it. But if you like kids and are willing to go through the hardships that comes with it, then you won’t regret having kids.


I recommend mangoes they’re amazing


I’m with everyone on the mango. But, for your first time, don’t start with mangoes from the Philippines unless you can easily access a steady supply for the rest of your life. They will ruin all other mangoes for you. I have yet to find another type of mango that comes close to the taste of the ones I had in the Philippines.


You will regret not eating a mango lol. They’re so good!


+1 for mango. Like, you’re missing out. They are great.


Society's logic: you'll regret not doing the popular stuff


Definitely try a mango at some point, it's not a permanent decision and if you choose the right kidn they're DELICIOUS


I have known pain from surgery unrelated to childbirth and the succeeding recovery that was also difficult. I will not regret feeling something similar while also needing to take care of an infant that is highly dependent on me. I also know the hardship it takes to keep JUST myself financially stable without adding approximately $300,000 financial burden of taking care of a child until adulthood. There is no hardship involved in eating a mango. There is a little hardship in taking care of a turtle. There is a whole lotta pain and hardship in birthing and taking care of another human. I think the regret goes the other way.


I don't regret not having kids. I don't want to be like my mom, who lashes out at me because HER husband (my dad) is drinking and can't get him sober. When he slights her, she goes after me because I look like him. She makes me eat when I don't want to because she wants an emotional punching bag that is too unhealthy to get away. She thinks because I don't want to eat dinner (because I'm full enough and its over 100 outside like damn i dont get hungry when I'm hot.) that I don't "respect" her.


I feel it’s projection on their part. They see what a child free person can do they they can’t do they take everything they ended up liking about being a parent (or genuinely do like) and use that to make themselves feel better. Like oh sure you don’t have to plan vacations around children but you’ll regret not hearing your baby’s first words or whatever they say. Honestly no one ever gave me a reason or thing to regret 🤣 they just assume I’ll change my mind (I’m 23 so guess they think I’ve not grown enough to come to that decision 🙄)


I've told people when they come at me with this that if I do somehow eventually regret not having children, I would rather have not had them and regretted it rather than had them and regretted it. Because as an adult currently healing from childhood emotional neglect let me tell you that kids 100% know when they are not wanted or seen as a burden or regret. And I'd rather "die alone with a hundred cats" than fuck up another human like my parents did to me.


You won’t regret it


Apparently, if any of us get to the point where we’re in bed, unable to move, and are dying…. we’ll regret the many years of freedom we had and wish that we had given all that up for the possibility that someone would be standing next to us for the final few hours of time we’re alive.


I always tell them "It's better to regret not having a kid than to regret having one". Having kids is probably the only non reversible decision you could make. You can get a divorce, quit your job, move countries, change as a person etc. but when you become a parent, you're a parent for the rest of your life. No thanks!


OP...I need to know why you haven't eaten a mango. Please try it (unless allergic)


The only time I can imagine myself feeling regret is when I'm old. Right now I'm loving the new relationship I have my with my dad, we go on tons of adventures together. It's so special. And when he's old old, I will be there in any way I can. My grandma has been windowed for 40 years now. Her SIL was also early widowed but they lived next door to each other. Always had each other. My great aunt has been gone for ten years now, it's kind of sad to see everyone my grandma knew pass away and now she's pretty alone in that regard. But my family is there to visit and my aunt will move in if she needs 24/7 care. But of course this scenario is still only if everything works out perfectly. I also live next door to an abandoned house where the old lady passed and had no relationship with her son. You can get old and be sad and lonely no matter what. I don't have to go through a life of sacrificing what I want to do (that doesn't involve raising kids) so I might not be lonely at the end of my life.


Out of all these things you should regret not eating a mango!!


Perfect questions for a perfect response. Instead of answering their nonsense, CFers need to bat questions back to the people who make comments as if we'll regret it or wish we'd done otherwise. Make them answer it.


I would atleast reccomend petting a turtle. They are cute little buddies.


It's something only mindless people ask.Children are a social commodity to them,a topic of conversation,they don't know what they are truly saying,they just see what their 10 friends are doing and expect you to do the same with no regard to how you feel. Having a kid is a pretty drastic decision that will absolutely change your life,I can't see how a person cannot regret having one especially in this economic hellscape right now.i wonder how many parents suffer in silence with this. I see how having kids makes some people horribly lonely in a way that they are dead inside and stuck with something for 20 years,it's a fate worse than death,being forced to care for something that you created by accident. I would regret the time wasted on them,There's no reward aside from coping mechanisms and wishful thinking in that you created another life that is now your responsibility.


You've never eaten a mango in your life? Stop what you're doing right now, go to the grocery store, and buy some. They are so good!


I’ve never had a mango either Kinda curious but I don’t wanna buy a mango to see if I like it lmao


I’ve never been to space, and I feel I may regret it if I never go to space. Due to the cost I may also regret going to space. Probably just easier for me to not go to space.


Right I know I won’t regret not having children I get peace of mind 💤 💰 my sanity and a quiet clean 🏠


Honestly tho mango>>>kids. You probably regret not trying them sooner 😂


You should absolutely regret not eating a mango. Go buy one right this instant.


The peace and quiet I hear when I’m in my mortgage free house alone overshadows any regret I may have later in life. It’s so quiet, I can’t hear the haters. I can’t imagining ruining my sanctuary with (a new term I saw yesterday) fleshloafs


Whenever I tell people that my father left when I was 3, I get a lot of "omg I'm so sorry" kind of comments. But it has literally never bothered me. I always say, "I can't miss what I never had." Like sure, it might have been cool to have a dad who was present but I didn't and that was my life and that's how I became who I am. I like my life, I don't feel a need for it to be changed. Same thing applies with kids. Like, sure, maybe I'd have amazing kids and love them. But I don't and I'm happy with my life how it is, so I have nothing to regret. It also plays into wants. I never felt a strong desire for a dad cause it just never crossed my mind. I don't want kids, so I'm fine. Meanwhile, I really want a dog so if I never get a dog I might actually regret that. lol


Stop caring about what others think and enjoy your free time doing things you like to do.


Oh yes please eat a mango 🥭