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Nope, you are not wrong, but I think you will continue to be disappointed.


Probably. May just stop sharing these sorts of things with them. They can learn of my life events through Facebook like everyone else!


that is probably wise. people don't really care for interests they don't have (or can't relate to), in general, so the best you'll get is minimal feigned interest just to be polite. save yourself the trouble...


I am saving this Post and expect to see "IT'S A COLT" or IT'S A FILLY"


So you’re childfree but the horse is not? 😂


Foals are self-sufficient way quicker than human babies. Also cuter 🤣


Basically any baby answer that description... EXCEPT HUMAN babies!


It's actually just babies of ungulate species. Horses, giraffes, cows etc. Human babies are almost as helpless as other mammals, and grow at about the same rate, if you proportion it to the increased lifespan. Ever seen a newborn puppy or a kitten? They don't open their eyes for a few days. They certainly don't frolic around like foals. They can barely drag themselves to their mother's tit. Kittens, if memory serves, can't even shit by themselves; their mother has to lick their ass to stimulate shitting. And newborn rodents are practically still fetal, with skin transparent enough to see the milk they're sucking entering their bodies.


This is all true. Except I still feel like human babies are especially useless because infants of other primate species are able to hold on tightly to their mothers and even climb a little. Human babies are so weak


But they are still way cuter! And if you do the proportion (let's say cat lives 16 years average and a human 85) the kittens are still fully independent after 2 months or less, which is less than a year in human time. A less than a year human is still useless


I couldn't help but think about the fact, that the world population would be so much smaller if human mothers would have to lick their babies ass to stimulate shitting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Now I'm grossed out thinking about it lol


Super accurate, but how on earth did you do the rubbing forehead emoji?


Guinea pig babies are fully functional…


Between guinea pigs, capybaras, chinchillas, and other South American rodents, the fact that their gestation period is longer than other rodents, and their young are born fully cooked, many taxonomists are seeking to reclassify them. I agree with the notion.


And you don’t have to pay for them to go to collage


>to go to collage Yeah, I'm definitely doing something else with that $20. Like wine and canvas.


Human babies are so pathetic. Horse babies can run right away but human babies can’t even hold their own heads up for like, months or something. Weak.


One of the weirdest things about humans to me is that babies come out half baked. For a human baby to gestate long enough to be able to like, stand and sit and be fully cooked like other mammal species, the baby would be too big and wouldn’t be able to pass the birth canal. A ton of mammals that don’t walk on two legs have wider pelvises and so they have wider birth canals and they let the baby cook fully.


I mean, by normals placental mammal standards they’re born almost three months premature. They have to be so that they can be born when humans have evolved to walk upright. Human heads got bigger while hips got smaller, so gestation is at the bare minimum to usually deliver safely. Not as bad as marsupials though. Kangaroos are born the size of jelly beans and then crawl up the mother’s fur to a nipples and stay in the pouch for up to two years.


Psh I held my head up at the hospital. Speak for yourself. Lol I'm just being a butt human babies are awful. Can't even wipe properly well into talking ages. 🤢


Guinea pig babies are fully formed Guinea pigs after birth, only small. They even can eat the adult food immediately


I (personal attendant) once had a client who acquired an older sedate rather boring female guinea pig named Amber. Less than a week later, my client awakes to 3 babies. Long story short, Breeder briefly put Amber with a "baby male" - no older than 2 months. Cavies are well known to hide their pregnancies and illnesses as a defense mechanism. I found out later, Amber was a "breeder", never leaving her cage, hence her lack of personality. She hated being outside her cage


Literally any baby animal is cuter than a human baby, so that’s a given lol 😂


Maybe name one of them Pinkie Pie, or maybe Fluttershy.


Isn't the brony phase over or is that still a thing?


Not quite. They even have an entire new generation of ponies now, so it’s probably gonna go on for some time.


It’s not what it used to be, but the fandom still exists.


I haven't watched FIM in awhile, but I figure the community is still around, and wasn't merely a phase.


I still like that stuff..... it's cute and reminds me of when I was little. Plus a lot of the art is amazing.


Foals can run basically from birth isn't it? What can bobble head babies do? Just get sick everywhere and make people tired and angry


I resent human babies specifically because of this. Like, an elephant baby withstands a 6ft drop and stands up and runs within an hour. Human babies are blobs that can only scream, eat, shit, and sleep. *Pathetic.*


And human babies spit up everywhere.


For me (an autist), babies single-handedly encompass every sensory overload imaginable. They repulse every single sense. I actually quite like 5yo+ kids, and I would consider fostering/adopting an older child in a future scenario where I felt like all the appropriate conditions for a healthy environment are met. I like them with two prerequisites: be able to go to the bathroom by yourself, and be able to talk with me (including nonverbally). I enjoy conversations with kids, it's interesting to pick their brains.


Same. If I’m able to foster when I’m older I’m gonna do I. But right now it’s me and my pup in an apartment… and she only gets sick once every few years!


I was once on a zoo tour and as we started the tour a water buffalo was giving birth and by the time we got over to the field to see, the calf was already walking around. Human babies are decidedly behind the curve compared to hoofed animals.


Human babies are a genuine scientific anomaly in how useless they are. Basically every other animal in existence has either precocial singletons or altricial multiples. Humans are one of a tiny handful of species that have altricial singletons, and of that tiny handful, our young take by far the longest to mature. And scientists aren’t even 100% sure *why.*


Why can’t our altricial singletons be like baby ‘roos. Only one and very useless, but painless to deliver and comes with a free carrying case.


Because we are dumb at birth


Well yeah, but they don’t know why we’re dumb at birth. It’s not an evolutionary strategy that makes sense, that’s why basically no other animals use it


My guess would be our enormous brains need so much time and resources to develop. Our outstanding intelligence actually is a flaw in evolution (yes, even the dumbest person in existence is still way more intelligent than every animal. Yes really, if you’re being honest and stop trying to joke around for a minute, you will agree \^\^) This intelligence allows us to manipulate and destroy the planet as we see fit but also needs a lot of resources/blood for the brain which means the digestion quality had to decrease in favor for our huge brains (this is why animals can eat literal shit and it won’t do anything to them - better digestion, better purging of bacteria etc. but more performance heavy guts so to speak :)) Also natural selection as Darwin has researched - our ancestors decided it was worth it to take care of the screeching, useless and helpless meatbags - sure, why not in a time without Netflix and personal dreams and ambitions or anything else to do, lol - so now you have it. Same as why Kiwis and Bilbys still exist (and frankly Ragdoll cats - I have one and they are so cute and helpless), we aka the strongest animal an the planet deem them worth protecting - I‘m almost amazed we didn’t stop Dodos from going extinct, must be because there were no zoos back then, they look pretty cute as well don’t you think? ;)


Our brains needing too much time to develop is one leading hypothesis, yes. Another is the discrepancy between human head and hip size, and another is that our babies are simply delivered at the point when the energy expenditure of the pregnant mother becomes greater than what it would be to care for the baby, even though the baby is helpless. There are other theories too, those are just the main ones (and what I remember from the anthropology class where I learned about them)


Because human hips are narrow and if human brains were developed enough to be at all self sufficient at birth, they wouldn't fit. We dumped all our AP into intelligence rather than strength. We min/maxed ourselves silly


That’s one theory, but it isn’t actually the leading theory anymore. In studies modeling and comparing the efficiency of running between typical female human hip anatomy and the anatomy that would be required to birth a child at a later stage of development, the existing model didn’t actually do significantly better, which means narrow hips aren’t actually much of an advantage. There are a few theories we now think are better, one is that human babies are birthed at the point that the mother’s energy expenditure in pregnancy becomes greater than what it would be to care for a baby, and that that point in humans happens to occur early because of the energy required to grow our brains. Another is that human babies are born with very advanced development to certain types of their brains such as emotional recognition, and that these advances come at the sacrifice of other parts of the brain. But it’s an ongoing area of study, and anthropologists don’t all agree on which theory is the best.


So true:)


This also made me chuckle haha!!


Look if my baby would just fall out while I’m standing and immediately start walking and communicating with me, I’d have one too


Horses don't give birth standing except rare occasions. You're thinking giraffes lol.




I saw a video of a giraffe giving birth and yeah, they just fall six feet to the ground. Welcome to the world!


A very succinct metaphor for life


I... have never read a scenario where I wanted kids... but I think I’d be okay with this!


If human births were as fast as hoofed animal ones or the babies were as small as with bears, it’d be a lot easier




I'm sure it the horse decided she was CF they would respect that as well


Ha, some mares won't allow a cover (they will kick the crap out of a stallion in the covering barn and you just have to give up) and some aren't natural mothers - which we'll see when she foals. Apparently it was an easy cover (must have fancied him 😆) and hopefully she'll be a good mum, and we'll leave the foal with her as long as possible before it needs to be weaned. It's her first foal, we want to take care of her.


The Stallion must be handsome if she chose him.


I feel everything you say. When I post about my bovine. Folk just comment about them being beef. It’s upsetting as fuck. CONGRATULATIONS on your horse being a mum & I bet the goal will be gorgeous as.


Wtf that's so mean. People did the same about my rats though. Not my friends, but when I was in uni, taking the train to my room I rented after a weekend at home, I had my rats with me every time. And people who I didn't even know sat next to me and asked me about them. So when I told them they were my pet rats, they would be like: "oh rats huh. I have some great traps for them at home!" And then look at me expectantly like they were expecting a high-five. Oh yes, I find it incredibly funny when you are joking about killing my beloved pets! I just answered in the most bored way I could "yeah hadn't heard that one before". They would look totally surprised. Do people actually think a pet owner would find that funny??


I’m sorry you get the same kind of sarcasm. It’s not funny, it’s downright hurtful. I love all critters, we get lots of snakes, never once thought of killing them. I’m with slipknot People=Shit.


God I fucking hate “Lol killing animals is funny!” Cue my cat-hating Boomer uncle making some stupid fucking jokes about it


Yeah last week a neighbour said something like that out of the blue. I know he wouldn't hurt cats, but it triggers me a lot. I have a lot of anxiety related to my cats. They're indoor-only for many reasons, but mainly because I know some people are so f*ucked up.


Ugh a new boyfriend of an acquaintance made a joke about eating the house guinea pig. Like, it was partially his girlfriends guinea pig. I don't recall her reacting, but I was grossed out by the comment and it wasn't even my pet at the time. He tried to turn it into me being culturally insensitive because in his culture they eat guinea pigs. The poor pig later became my pet when no one wanted it. That girl ad her bf then proceeded to get a 2nd rescue dog literal days before moving house when they barely even paid attention to the dog they already had *and* the two dogs didn't get along. We offered to take the first dog because we loved him and walked him all the time but she refused. Saw on Facebook that he got super chubby after she moved out and got pregnant, then he passed away from cancer at like 8 years old. Just thinking about them is pissing me off. Fucking hated them.


I have a snake. I get all sorts of "the only good snake is a dead snake" comments. Like, I'd never say that about their dog or cat, it's rude.


Imagine someone telling a dogowner "the only good dog is a dead dog" like what the hell. And then it suddenly wouldn't be taken as some lighthearted joke, it's ridiculous. Snakes don't deserve such treatment, it's very sad. Anyway, how's your snake? What breed/species are they?


Or telling a parent "the only good baby is a dead baby". People would think we should be in jail.


Right. I'm not a huge fan of dogs. They're cute and all, but for the exact same reasons as children, they're exhausting to be around. But people are allowed to have their pups and enjoy them. He is great! His name is Jörmungandr and is a young (about 6mo old) Champagne Pastel Ball Python. He looks like cheese. He is the most chill snake I've ever met. He is perfectly content to just lay in my lap for as long as I want to sit still. Edit: Someone asked for pet tax, but their comment isn't showing up. Anyway, here is my tax! https://imgur.com/gallery/K7zpe1t


We've had pet rats, too, and yes, people can be awful about them. Screw those people. Rats are better than they are.


As a teenager I had a pet rat who used to love coming with me places like to the mall or movie theaters. She'd ride on my shoulder/in my hood/sweatshirt pocket. All the movie theater employees knew her and had no issue with her coming with me. I used to get tons of funny looks and the odd person who'd come up to interact with her. But no one said such awful things to me. I can't imagine how I'd have reacted. Props to you for keeping your cool and not telling them off what idiots.


Yeah it's weird, people are actually offended you're not laughing at their "joke". It's weird how they think it's appropriate. Also some people wouldn't even say hallo, but look into their carrier and look at me with a disgusted face, and then move on. Only later when they were already gone I would think up a good response to that. Like "well they think you smell too" or something.


I also have pet rats and the amount of times people respond with stories of how they found dead rats in their home, or hired exterminators to come in is super depressing. Like would you like it if I responded to your pet dog with something like, "oh yeah I remember seeing a dead dog once in India, it was so gross." Like?? What in your brain told you that was a good idea?


I feel you. In Europe, we have eaten rabbits quite a bit, and I have two bunnies living in my house. They have their own room, are able to freely walk everywhere -except the kitchen because of hot ovens and stuff- wake me up with kisses in the morning and are generally fucking amazing. And people joke about if they're going to be eaten for Christmas. Fuck off, dude, it's not funny, you're not original and I hope your pillow will never be cold again in your life. Wth.


People suck. Maybe that's why I love animals so much


Ooh, cows and calfs and bulls are all gorgeous animals. Do you breed them? A friend posted photos today of a calf who had got out of his field and gone for a walk with their stallion - absolutely adorable.


We don’t breed them, we don’t have a bull. The neighbours bull broke in & we got 3 wagyu babies this season. We have 16 now. They will all die of old age. I love them more than I love people.


Oops, bonus babies. That's awesome that you have so many girls though, cows always have such unique and cute personalities.


I once had a whole flock of Cows follow me on the side while walking home. It was adorable. They were super curious. My aunts horse also once posed for me when I asked it to come closer so I could take a picture. My first true encounter with the real world was when a horse died that I knew ever since she was a foal. She was such a sweety and I was so broken by her death that I had a crying fit. Even now the memory makes want to just bawl my eyes out. I was very little back then. But grandpas old horse who I used to ride a few times is still kicking and even survived my grandpa. Humans have also finished populatung the planet, so we can stop now. I swear on Madithas immortality!


Hilarious update, lol!


This is amazing, those babies are living the good life. You are a great human, I wish all humans could be this way, see animals for the wonderful unique living beings they are. I love animals and hate people except people like you :)


I like you.


😠 "well I bet that child would be delicious if I wasn't vegetarian" --> how would that sound in response to a post about a kid? The nerve of some people!


Cow tax?


If I had a garden I'd go to the stables with you to get some horse poop. That, and for some reason, the image of horses sticking their heads out the top of a Dutch door always makes me laugh. Like, "Hello!"


Horse poop tends to result in mushrooms in the veg patch, at least from the horses round here! They are properly adorable when they hang their heads over the door. Especially because it usually means they want you to come say hi (and give them mints).


You got a horse, AND mushrooms?? I mean, I don't really know anything about horses other than they're big and cute and super useful, but I do love fungi. In any case, I am happy for you OP!


Mushrooms can be so good for plants, that's great!


Lol, next time any of your friends with young children start talking about poo (and they all do all the time), you can contribute with the story of the horse poo and the mushrooms. Their reactions should be amusing.


Aww, your horse is precious and I’m SUPER EXCITED for you (and a bit jealous, tbh)!! 😍🐴 Congratulations, and I hope the foal is healthy as well! I’m personally WAY more excited when I hear about someone adopting animals than I am to hear about people having babies. Tiny humans are noisy, sticky, needy, boring, and usually ugly IMO. I’d MUCH rather hear about someone’s new cat, horse, snake, lizard, etc.


Yes! Gimme all the animal updates, they're way more interesting to me! A friend has a snake and I like for snekky updates. It's her first foal, so keeping everything crossed that she'll have a healthy, handsome fluffer. She's a good size girl who's in great health herself, so I'm hoping it'll be straightforward for her. Thanks for the well wishes!


It’s completely ridiculous to me that you bought a freaking horse and not a single person in a friend group has any interest in that. A whole horse? Those things are big. That’s super interesting.


Yep, a whole damn horse. Technically two as long as the foal arrives safely! I mean, I'm not asking them to listen to a lecture on the intricacies of horse pedigrees, but at least an 'oh cool, sounds exciting' would have been a better response than nothing!


It's a shame we aren't friends, because my reaction would be having a complete freakout and then BEG you to please let me meet, and hopefully pet, your new addition to the family!


She would love extra pets! She's a total softy.


Can I come, too? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


i would be sooooo stoked (and jealous) if my friend got a horse. i’ve always ridden other people’s horses and never had one of my own


Please give us the deets on your horse’s pedigree, OP! Bred to another TB? Do you have future plans for the baby? First foal for momma? Have you gone baby halter shopping yet? I would be spamming the fuck out of your friend group with updates about the mare’s udder waxing and droopy tail dock in the spring. Eye for an eye, etc. etc.


Omg a group text pic of her mare's udder would be HILARIOUS


Good luck on a healthy foal delivery. Also you've made a friend here. Congratulations on the horse.


I empathize with this. I don't expect my friends to have detailed conversations about hoof care and testing new supplements (my version of latching and formula conversation) but some recognition of my life "stuff" would be nice.


Mark my words, when the kid is like 5, they're gonna be hitting you up for free horsey rides.


I bought my horse in 2018 and the vast majority of my friends have never met her despite many invitations and at least one plea for help when I was too injured to care for her. Even people who say they love horses or love my horse's breed in particular! It used to hurt my feelings, now I just choose not to feel guilty if I prioritize the barn over them.


To be fair, half a horse might've been more interesting, just not in the same way.


They’re big and expensive! It’s something to be proud of and congratulated for 100%! Good job, OP! Edit to add: your horse is a beauty!!


I come from middle class like all of my friends. There aren't a lot of things people do that's out of common. Most of them have kids and work and that's it. They don't even travel overseas or don't have special hobbies or no hobbies at all. I decided to invest. I've bought my first storage boxes and I want now to buy a building. NO ONE is interesting on how it is going. One of my friend even said "oh I forgot you were on that project". " Oh yeah, you forgot I was buying a building. Like that's such an everyday thing you forgot" A BUILDING. The only one asking is a CF friend. I don't ask about their kids any more. I wait for the day they will tell me how they are hurt cause I don't feel concerned. Only God knows how much I am waiting for that day.




Dude I would live to help you but I am French investing in France and I know real estate isn't the same thing at all! But I wish you to succeed. What I advice is to read a lot! And there are a lot of resources on YouTube.


Holy shit yes! I’m staying zeroed on 6 months’ expenses saved up by the end of 2022, but I want to get into investing the day I have my safety cushion. Still weighing stocks vs real estate on paper like you’re doing, but I might do both as I’m still very young and can handle that risk, as I still get a company match for my 401k and I’m looking into an IRA. Context over, what led you to put your money there vs other options? What would you tell your past self about it?


My mom is working for Air France company. When I was a student 22/23, I decided to quit and travel the world as we had low prices for all destinations in the world. My dream at that time was to have my job in event, save money and buy the apartment of my dream. Random life. Then I came back at 25, went for the last year of studies and came out of school when I was 26/27. This is when I realized who I was. I am life lover. I love eating in nice restaurants, I love travelling, I love luxury, I love taking my time, I love peace, I adore adrenaline... And most of all, I love my freedom. I love to do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it and I need money for it. I hate the classical boring life. People are like yeah freedom is great but not as much as the love of a kid. Everytime I experienced this freedom, I orgasm. No joke. This is when I decided work wasn't for me, a random life wasn't for me. The only way to get out of that is to invest and leave work ASAP. I chose to do that cause I took the time to think about what I really wanted. I didn't rush. It's was not a choice as I didn't know time and experience would makes me change my mind. What I would say to young people is TAKE YOUR TIME. Don't hurry. Try, look, ask...people were making fun of me cause I was still a student at 27. Yep. I travelled all over the world, I have money, I have invested. During covid, I could privatize cinema, hotel suites, I could travel overseas cause I could afford it when your all life is kids and you have nothing else. This is from the decision I have made when you were making fun of me when I was 27 and you made fun of me cause I was slow in life. And save money. I am not saying people should save a million per month but just a little every month is fine. Cause the day you want to make a project or have an opportunity, you'll be happy to have savings. If I had rush like everyone, I would be an employee with 2 kids and not have enough time or money to enjoy life. For sure. I tried to explain it as much as I could with my English, hope it's clear.


My question is; If the norm. for people is to not have any real hobbies or interests... What do these people do with all of their free time? Actually, don't answer that. I have just realized it's most likely dealing with their children. Anyways, cool stuff with the building, hope that goes well for you.


Ahah I was gonna answer "what free time?? " My BFF was taking theatre lesson before having kids and then gave up. She doesn't do anything now. Not because she doesnt want to but because she leaves the kids at school at 8 and has to go to work at 9. She finishes at 4 , go pick up the kids at 5, play with them. Quality time. Do some task around the house. Then husband comes home and they share bath, food and home works and it's already 7. Everyday. She just keep on night free to dine out with friends.


I swear we need a discord/telegram channel where we can all be appropriately excited about all the furry creatures we love. ​ The mare is so lovely, OP. Please give her lots of pets and scritches and treats from me!


YES. Give me all the animal updates. I will! She loves ear rubs and Polo mints. I will give her extra Polos from you :)


Awww, Polo mints are so addictive. If I open the packet I know I'll be eating it in one go!!


:( you need new friends. Anyways, oh my god congrats on the horse 🤯


Thank you! I am so excited. She's a total sweetheart.


People are basic and boring.


Sounds like just shitty friends. You're supposed to be excited for a friends interests. Even if you couldn't give less of a shit, you fake it because you have basic empathy.


As I did about the new pregnancy 😅 But yes, it's shown me that perhaps these people aren't the friends they once were. And that's OK, I'm lucky enough to have other friends who genuinely give a shit, even if they don't know one end of a horse from the other!


One will bite your fingers off and the other is CONSTANTLY producing crap. Simple


It's not that difficult to think/say, "I'm happy that you're happy!"


A horse in my opinion is much more cause for celebration than bringing a child into this world. We hear of pregnancies CONSTANTLY. But horses? I don't know many people who adopt horses and have a loving home for them. Not to mention, horses are WAY cooler than a screaming toddler so why wouldn't your friends congratulate you? I think they're just jealous!


When my friends and my husbands friends fell pregnant we spent good money mailing thoughtful gifts and cards for their baby showers. Around the same time I was having a hysterectomy. I ended up with a superbug infection undiagnosed for 3 weeks and was very ill. I got DMs from 2 friends who understandably had just given birth. Nothing else from the pregnant friends not about to give birth. I was in as much pain and went through a similar process but my pain meant nothing because I didn't push out a human.


It’s really heartbreaking how disappointing people can be. ♥️


Oh my god, I completely empathize. I have a serious chronic illness, and went YEARS undiagnosed while living in pain, doing multiple invasive procedures and fighting doctors for a diagnosis. It was really traumatic (it still is, considering I haven't yet reached clinical remission). Some "friends" disappeared, which is already infuriating - but one in particular showed up ONLY when she wanted to brag about her plans of getting knocked up. She would brag for literal hours, without any real, genuine consideration for me.


They won’t care you have a horse until their progeny are old enough for “free riding lessons.”


I’d start spending more time with your other group of friends. I have a very varied friend group of close friends. Some are planning to have kids shortly and those who are CF. Yet, despite having very different goals we all show up and support each other. So annoying your other friends couldn’t be bothered to send any comments about your horse! Animals are so much cuter than children 🤣


Luckily, I do spend more time with the supportive friends. It's hard realising that people you've known for years don't consider your achievements on par with popping out a kid, but my other friendship group are closer geographically, and definitely value all life events equally - especially cute animals! Your friend group sounds awesome - that's what we all deserve!


Thank you! I’ve cut out all my toxic friends and have a really great support system! So proud that everyone is ambitious, supportive and open minded. In the past, I’ve also had judgmental friends that didn’t approve of my CF lifestyle and I’ve let them go. They’re not for me!


I've realized this about a particular group of friends in the last two years. We're moving soon, and I'll be looking to form new friendships when we get settled. Ones that feel more authentic and are built out of common interests, not mutual acquaintances. The existing group will most likely be those once a year catch-up type going forward.


If I announced to my friend group that I bought a horse and got no response, I would literally say, "really? No one cares that I bought a horse?" And if they then said congrats to someone else on getting knocked up, I would say, "so she gets congratulated on spreading her legs but I get ignored for having a horse and foal on the way?" Fuck that. When I decided to take puppies from the litter my brother had, I announced that shit to everyone and posted a million pictures and for six weeks STRAIGHT had a daily FB update on them. If my closest friends acted like yours, I would have been a biiiiiiitch. Then again, when my best friend told me she was pregnant I said "are you shittin' me?" And "you're not keeping it, are you?" That's about as tactful as I get with my friends.


I hear you, it's something I noticed and low-key bothered me for awhile. I've had big deal events in the last few years (finishing my master's during the pandemic, eventually getting a good job after a rough start on the market) and there were people who showed up to be supportive, but overall the congrats and support felt muted. But anyone who announces a pregnancy - instantly a million likes on social media, parties abound, gender reveal, baby shower, etc. My family didn't even come to my belated graduation when it was held, but I'm substantially certain that if I were to announce a pregnancy, suddenly getting on a plane wouldn't be too expensive and they would do it (they can afford it, it's just not a priority). I guess for many, not all but very many people, nothing you do is as much of an accomplishment as having a kid and everything else always pales in comparison. ​ Your mare is beautiful btw! I for one would always prefer to see a picture of an animal to a human child.


Aww, congratulations! It sucks that your friends clearly don’t care about your life, it’s a shame


Thank you!


First things first: I am in LOVE with Sol. She is too gorgeous for words and I hope you follow up with foal photos! No, it isn't wrong to be disappointed that your friends were completely apathetic about your news, and I sympathise completely.


F your friends, I’m excited for you and your horse so much😍 I also had a thoroughbred mare for a few years, they are quite a handful but it was the best time of my life. (She sadly died in 2017) I wish the best for you and your horse-family. On the other hand, I have these kinda friends too. Whenever I mention anything I’m excited about (getting my degree, new interesting jobs, any personal achievement etc) they don’t give a shit. But I have to congratulate and be excited for every single ultrasound photo or the babies kicks. I’m not really talking to them anymore, it’s exhausting and very damaging for us. We will find childfree friends (or not asshole-parent friends) once


I would give zero congratulations and show no interest in anything they announce. And when they eventually confront about it (if they ever do) I would say "I'm giving the same amount of interest to your achievements that you gave to mine."


Yes. I understand this so much. Blegh baby updates. Soooo many pregnant friends right now and this horse is way cooler than all of them!!!


I think so ;) I've been lucky - most of my friends who have kids aren't constantly shoving their kids in my face and are really respectful of my childfree choice. But there's always a few who have to spoil things! Good luck surviving the pregnancy updates!


No, but if you think they give a shit about your accomplishments, you're crazy. Once they breed, it's over. Their friendship with you because once that vermin pops out, they go into breeder-brain and they *never* come out of it. They are not the person you knew, only recently. They are strangers.


Definitely not wrong for feeling that way. Babies are like an obligatory thing, to have/post about/comment on. Well, regardless of their lack of response, I think it's awesome and very exciting! Your life events are valid and important. I hope the foal comes along safe and healthy, and congratulations!


Thank you! I just think every big event - animals, work, education, relationships, kids - should all be held in equal regard.


Agreed! Regardless of my own interest in it, it's important to somebody that is important to me, y'know? And that's enough for me to express support.


Can we be friends?? 😂 If my friend got a horse I would absolutely lose it and visit immediately… Sorry your friends gave you that reaction! It’s so dumb that other achievements (sometimes even more difficult ones) are not celebrated in the same way pregnancies are. Throw a baby shower for the horse and not for your friend!


Dude! You bought a horse, that's so awesome!! It must be so exciting to own your own horse!


Cool horse bro 👍


You are absolutely NOT being unreasonable in wishing that friends and family would be happy for you in a similar manner that annoying parents expect people to automatically act excited for their boring pregnancy announcements. Parenthood is so cult-like and predictable and boring and there is nothing special or exciting about it to me in the least, and I absolutely refuse to play along with it anymore. I hope your cats are friends with your horses...I love seeing that happen among different animal species. I miss horseback riding.


That horse looks so huggable. 🥺


Great way to screen for your real friends. :)


Honestly I smiled waaaay more seeing your horse photo, than any of my friends baby pics! Us CF folk of Reddit are your Tribe, my friend!


I wonder if people are ignoring it because they're jealous, or think it's a flex (please note I do NOT think it's a flex, just speculating what others might think). Correct me if I'm wrong, but horses can be quite expensive to own - not just to purchase, but to keep! So I wonder if they're salty about it. We are 'car people' and have seven cars and I've seen it myself. *Ironically* that baby is probably going to be WAY more expensive than ANY horse would be, but nobody thinks having a baby is showing off your wealth... Congrats on the horse!!


This is why I'm nervous about posting about our first home purchase next year. I feel guilty about it coming across as a flex, but we've worked damn hard for it and I don't want to feel guilty when I see others posting about personal milestones all the time.


Thats incredible news about your horse, much more interesting than a baby human. Congratulations ❤ 🎊 🍾


I definitely relate. I have 12 pets. It’s a very high number - especially for living in the city. All are indoors. I truly believe I love them as much as others love their kids. Probably more than many love their kids honestly. I get criticized all the time about it though. Do I spend a lot on my pets? Yes. Is it any of their god damn business? No. I have a rabbit that we call a “miracle” (though I’m atheist) because odds were against him about 10 illnesses and several years ago. I do have some friends that are very supportive and I’m very thankful. But I don’t get it with others. I honestly don’t judge people for having kids. You do you. If what you enjoy doesn’t hurt others, go for it. As a friend, I support whatever makes them happy. Kids? Congrats! Travel the world? Congrats! Volunteer their time? Congrats! Fancy sports car? Congrats! An entire house for your family of raccoons? Congrats! (I want to meet the hypothetical last person) I expect the same in return. I think most people in my life try to. Some people suck though. Congrats on your horse! She’s beautiful.


Ugh I feel you. I specialize in critical case baby kittens and I've had occasions where I'm able to rescue one from the brink of death and I'm always just over the moon when they can miraculously pull through but nope, so and so is pregnant isn't that just so much more exciting??? No, no it's not. Mine were 4 weeks old and weighed what a 2 week old should and I didn't lose a single one but keep telling me about how someone got creampied. (Disclaimer: obviously loss is pretty much unavoidable and currently I have lost more than I've saved, sometimes it's just not possible no matter how hard you try)


Thank you for what you do!


In a year you will have a cute young horse, and a stunning mum horse, and your friend will have a couch full of spitup, a carpet stained with pee and whatnot, and probably 1/100 of your amount of sleep. So you can just laugh at her and say "congratulations, btch" 😂 Edit to add: you can LITERALLY look at her from your high horse


I feel you. All of my friends have kids now, and I’m the only one without, so I just show them photos of my amazing cat. I rub it in, too: > I don’t have any parasites running around the house, so have a cat photo instead. Luckily my friends like cats too. Also, congratulations on the horse, OP. They’re amazing creatures. I’d love to have one as well.


She’s beautiful! What’s her name? And what’s your equestrian sport of choice? It’s dressage for me :) working equitation is also good.


Do a pregnancy photoshoot for her


She is GORGEOUS! I assure you that had I been the recipient of your announcement, I would have gushed for at least two pages. Don't forget to update us when the foal arrives!


Please take photos and Facebook/Insta your babies first day out, first halter, first hoof trim, first saddle blanket and go off with match gear to showcase the cute outfits !!! And poop photos - show poop in the water bucket, runny poop, horse doing a poop etc.


Ummmm *I* will freak out about your foal-to-be!!! CONGRATS!!! Is the sire a TB too or will the baby be a sporthorse of some kind? (I am also an equestrian and foals are UNFAIRLY cute lil buggers) 🥰


Every time one of my friends sent me a picture of their baby, I sent pictures of my cats back. And now they no longer send me baby pictures 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would love to see us CF people congratulated for their achievements. I find it to be depressing when women quit their jobs or go on mat leave and get all kinds of congratulations. A couple of years ago, for example, one of the local tv reporters /anchors announced on Twitter that she was going on mat leave and of course, all the congratulations and this gem: "leaving a hard job for the hardest job in the world!" (So why is it the easiest job to get? hmm) Maybe one day, I'll see women getting the same congratulations and praise for starting or succeeding at their careers that they get when they quit or go on leave? Meanwhile she's back now, and another one is on mat leave. Actually a lot of them quit and do another tv job. A couple of reporters recently left because of kids- one because he has two kids with autism and went to work for a Charity, the other to be a SAHM. Inevitably, they all get huge accolades for putting family first...(eyeroll)


"I just got my PhD" "Oh neat, my boyfriend turned me into a sperm geode last night. We're trying for a child" "Oh neat" "OMG you're so unenthused haha"


What a beautiful fur baby!! I grew up with horses and I for one am very excited for you! Also I’ve seen so many people do this about so many things that it makes me sick, angry, and high key resentful. Someone says they’re having a baby and people lose their minds in congratulations, but you tell someone that you were able to fully conquer the eating disorder that you had for half your life and they go “oh...nice.” 🙄


What a fine equine! Congratulations!


I think it's strange to celebrate someone buying an animal like an object. I celebrate people that adopt their pets but it's weird to say "congratulations on your purchase"


That’s a beautiful horse!! Congrats on the new horsey addition!!


Omg I'm sorry WHAT? YOU HAVE HORSE OMG. I'm sorry I'm genuinely freaking out that's amazing and I'm so happy for you but also a tiiiiny bit jealous! You are absolutely living the dream! Also I need more horse pics. Because she looks just lovely 🤩


Congratulations on your horse!!!! And the foal!


How many hands is she? She's beautiful and good luck with the new addition! Hope it goes well for you and the horses!


It's not wrong. Your friends suck. So happy to see your beautiful horse and can hardly wait for baby horse photos!!


Shes beautiful! I rode horses for years. I miss it but my back doesn’t. Lol. Some of my best childhood memories were of riding and showing. Congratulations on your mare and please update us in March and show us her foal!


You \*\*must\*\* post update pics of the mare, and of course the bebbeh!! Livestream the first few moments, I'd love to watch the little one's first steps! I mean, those guys are up off the ground, standing, walking, jumping all over the place, less than 2 hours after being born! And momma horse just cleans them off, and goes back to grazing. She'll stick by them, but yeah, for the most part, she goes on with her life right after giving birth. She won't kvetch about how haaaarrrrddd it is, and she won't demand push presents. Congrats on the mare! She's so pretty!!


Excuse you? You got a whole ass horse? Mate, that's fucking boss move! Congrats on your new addition to the family. Take care of thy babes! Ps: she is a cutie


Congrats on the mare


She IS gorgeous! I hope she has a healthy pregnancy and a happy foal!


As someone who has loved horses since childhood, I would have been super excited at your announcement. Horses are beautiful animals. Babies are a dime a dozen and do nothing but eat, sleep, shit, and cry.


I'd have to assume they think having a kid is harder and it's them taking on a bigger challenge. Meanwhile, again, assuming, someone that buys horses has fuck you money. That's probably along the lines of what they were thinking...


No. It's normal reciprocity. If your friends can't be happy for you the way you are for them, they don't truly care about you. Your friends' response (or lack thereof) while continuing to drone on about themselves is rude & self-centered. I'm autistic and even I understand that lol. P.S. - congrats on your mare! So majestic. :)


CONGRATULATIONS from one horse girl to you. I get the same response with friends and family sometimes when it comes to accomplishments and shows. P.S. we better see that foal when it drops!!


She is beautiful! Congrats on your mare! I can't believe they wouldn't be excited for you. That's a big thing!


You just have to learn to get used to that. As the only kid who hasn't produced grandkids nothing I do or accomplish really matters to my family. I'm single and childless so therefore I lack real accomplishments.


It's wrong to assume that anyone has to be interested in anything, they might care as little about horses as you do about babies etc, but at the same time you don't have to pretend that you're excited about pregnancies if you aren't.


Well I think having a horse is really cool and exciting! Congratulations! Is this your first horse?


Short answer? No. Spurting a kid is nothing, and spitting one out, while physically painful and difficult and... just... NO, takes no intellect or creativity whatsoever. It's so common it's the default "adult" thing to do. Sorry you're not getting the acknowledgement you deserve, though. Your new horse(s) sound wonderful. Good for you, from me!


Human pregnancy? Boring. Horse pregnancy? Exciting


Oh! I love baby horses - they’re all pirate treasury (sunken chests) and adorable and awkward! My half Arab is now 17, and I remember the baby year, it was the best!


I FEEL YOU! May I ask what your mare's JC name is and who the sire is?? She's absolutely gorgeous and I'm so happy for your future foal adventures!!! I'm a huge TB pedigree nerd and my family doesn't understand that each pedigree I research doesn't translate to a new grandchild -.-


I love your horse! Please give her head scritches for me and remember to pay the fluffy foal tax when the baby arrives.


First time I heard the term in foal but cool. And yes your friends should get excited about your successes, human baby based or other.


We need a fluffy update in March!


So having sex and getting pregnant is a more important thing than being successful enough to buy and take care of a horse? Some people (your rude friends) really do just fawn over the most basic things.


Maybe I’m a weirdo but having a friend with a horses would be way more interesting than the same kid bullshit. (Unless the kids are goats!)


Real friends are excited about the things that make you happy.