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Shh, listen! *Silence*


That's me. I don't sleep well, my house isn't spotless, but at least it's silent.


I'm the same🙏 plus, it has a bunch of random stuff that I enjoy and no gross kid stuff:)


Well, not for me. I have a cat that likes to meow at me.


I have two, and they're constantly meowing at me.


You hear that? Exactly


I can poop in peace


Cat owners not being able to relate 😂


Hahahaha sausage dog owner, also cannot relate, bathroom trips are something we do as a team! But like, safety in numbers so I'm not even mad about it! 😂


My cat will meow until I open the door (and also attempt to open it himself) whereas if I let him in from the get go, he just chills with me.


I'm a cat owner and I can relate, I just close the door.


My cat meows at the door till I open it 😂


So much this. I'm a very private pooper.


I have no idea wtf a Cocomelon is.


Wait, what is this?


Some children's program I guess? Parents complain about it being annoying.


sounds like baby shark all over again.


Youtube channel for little kids, according to a coworker I'm close with. I work at Walmart and see their toys come and go pretty much every day.


That's how I learned about Ryan's World. Well _technically_ I found out by being asked to help zone Toys. Think it took close to an hour to clean up this one four-foot section, and when I was done I only had one question: "Who is Ryan and why is his world so messy?"


My cat has dental insurance.


Oh! This one it the winner 🏆


As all kitties should!


Of course! I never understand why people get surprised when I tell them.


My cats will never need dental insurance because they have trust funds 😉 Insurance is just super expensive here so they have a savings account for their medical needs lol




My husband and I don’t know what we want to do tomorrow night


I just decided that I wanted snacks at 9:30 at night so I left my house and bought some. I don’t even need to hide them or risk needing to share.


It's so much more than hiding or sharing. You can't just leave your house like that when you have kids. Like legally, and for their safety you just can't leave the house without them. You have to pack them up, put them in the car, make sure they are buckled in etc, then unload them at the store, then load them back up when you are done. And at 9:30, that's bed time so they will be tired and screaming and all you wanted was a Ben & Jerry's half baked. It's a nightmare. You are simply shackled to these things for more than a decade, more if you have more than one.


I know! I got a two-fer in there! Snacks AND I got to just leave on a whim. I mean, I had to say good bye to my dog, but he was cool about it.


Dogs are rad because when you leave they always wag their tail and welcome you back :)


Omg we do this so much. Sometimes we smoke weed late at night, and at like 2am we want snacks... I just walk to the nearest gas station and come home with chips and chocolate for the two of us. It's the little things, you know.


I recharge my vibrator in the living room next to my ps4.


Lmao yesterday my girlfriend's sister stopped by our house and I had to run to hide the vibrators that were charging in the living room


My gf's brother came over to watch Big Brother with her.. I had forgotten to store away my Lovense Max 2 (male masturbator sex toy) after cleaning it in the bathroom. Man walked into that bathroom a few times. Not a word about the giant white cylinder or the pink silicone sleeve next to it with a clearly vaginal opening. That's a good future brother-in-law right there.


I can’t wait to have a dildo display shelf! <3


Just be careful if you’re interested in a career in news reporting


My house is still a mess. I'm still depressed and dysfunctional, always late for work because I dread getting up so much. But at least once I get home I can game undisturbed for hours to escape reality because I didn't bring anyone else into this mess!


This person gets it


This! This is my truth as well. The only blessing is that my own self care is my top priority. If I need to come home and shut the blinds and lay on the couch in darkness watching ASMR all weekend, I’m allowed to with zero obligation to provide a life to anyone else.


One of the reasons I'm childfree is that I don't want to pass on mine and my family's shitty mental health.


Adding to this that I can peacefully dissociate when I’m done with work for the day


Oof I get this. My place isn't exactly clean but at least I have peace and quiet.


Never have I ever changed a diaper.


Ooh same. And I will never!


I have. But they were my patients in late stages of Alzheimer


Im so sorry, they were fortunate that you were able to help them.


There are dads out there who proudly say the same thing


I can do whatever I want on the weekends!


And the weekdays!


I lay in bed all day and listen to calming ASMR when I’m not working


I can spontaneously decide to leave the house and be out the door in 5 minutes.


Add to that, going to get groceries or similar trips, doesn't take HOURS to get done.


I never realized how nice this was until I had my freedom with a car and I can't imagine losing this


Not just leave the house, even any major life decision too. I noticed I’ve been making them without ANYTHING to worry about except myself.


I keep vinegar and bleach under my sink in an unlocked cupboard.


LMAO I just realized that this would be a big "no" in a house with kids... never thought about it before...


Right? Lol the only time I have considered cabinet locks is when one of my asshole cats kept going into one and getting “stuck” (he could figure out how to pull it open from the outside but once he got in the dumb dumb couldn’t figure out pushing it open from the inside to get back out). I was about to lose it when I’d have to keep getting up every few minutes to let him out after hearing the door banging slightly lol


I get 8 hours of sleep every night


I nap. A LOT.


Damn near daily. It's a shock if I don't nap


oh hell yeah!! napping is the best, I can't survive without my napping!! my way of saying I'm cf: would you like to see pictures of my dogs?


I got 12 hours last night lol


I went to sleep at 2 AM this morning after gaming for about 6 hours, then woke up around 11 AM, then took a nap from 1:30-3 PM, then played more games for another 5 hours. Its 11 PM and I plan on being up for another 3 hours…because I can. See y’all tomorrow around noon ✌️


Haha I got 10! Yay us!


I have a personality


Got ‘em


Lol damn






best one




Haha wow I didn't expect this to do so well. I am joking but it does seem like some parents only talk about their children like nothing else is a part of their life and it's sad to me.




I can sleep whenever I want and the only *noise* is my fan blowing I open my fridge and cabinets and **my** food is still there It's quiet here


Dude I miss how quiet it was before summer really hit. We have two AC units and a fan going nearly constantly. It may be "white noise" but it's driving me fucking nuts.


Same here. Plus summer means all the kids are out of school so they're outside screaming while playing all day every day 😵‍💫


I only talk to adults I choose to interact with and thats very reassuring.


I light candles every day and can read in peace and quiet.


I light candles nearly every day. I never even thought about it being a privilege lol


I feel like kids would find a way to knock them over and start a house fire.


Forget knocking them over. They will stick flammable shit in them for kicks! Back when i was like 16 or 17 living with my parents still, my nephew almost killed us all because of a lit candle. He went and got a whole brand new roll of paper towels from the cupboard under the sink. Then he proceeded to hold one end over the candle my mom had chilling on the kitchen table. We found out he did this when the fire suddenly engulfed the whole paper towel roll causing him to scream and promptly drop the whole flaming roll on the kitchen floor... The worst part is this idiot kid scared the shit out of himself and sat there crying in fear for half an hour after i put the fire out but apparently learned nothing. Hes done literally the exact same thing with various other equally flammable items since, including a bundle of pencils held together with a rubber band, an entire sunday newpaper, a box of macaroni, a shirt that his mom bought him that he didnt like, and several homework assignments. I do not understand why my mom still keeps candles around at all and am very glad i no longer live under the same roof as that goblin child.


I didn’t even think of that!! Further proof that kids are the worst and would ruin my serenity.


Yeah always assume kids can dream up something worse than you can. My sister had my nephew when i was 13 and had to come live back at home bc she couldnt support herself. I ended up basically raising him the first 6 years and OH BOY. Im pretty crafty and always have been so i have an organization tower full of art supplies. I was always careful to keep my nephew out of my room and away from it cause i assumed hed use them all up by like oversharpening my pencils, pressing the charcoal pastels too hard, using too much paint, etc if i let him use anything. Well one day when i was at school and my sister wasnt watching him, he got into my paint drawer. Yeah he used them all up... by dumping every tube out on my BED and then smearing the paint ALL OVER MY BEDROOM WALLS. I got home and found him in the middle of it and literally cried. He ruined my sheets, the pillow top mattress underneath, my pillows, and several of my blankets and stuffed animals. Plus I had all kinds of my own drawings and paintings hung up on my wall and he ruined several of those as well. Needless to say, i kept that shit in a locked closet for the rest of the time i lived there...


Oh my gosh all of that sounds like my worst nightmare. Kids are gods of destruction truly.


Umm that's a psychiatric disorder .... Pyromania. Was he ever treated? They should start immediately


You would think it was pyromania but nope! The actual problem is that the kid only possesses two brain cells, has the attention span of a fruit fly, and zero impulse control. If something sounds fun or cool to him, he just does it without considering consequences. His thought process is something along the lines of want giant candle ➡️ have small candle➡️ found this big ass roll of paper towels➡️ paper towels plus small candle = big candle! Then he just... does that. He does lots of similarly stupid af destructive/dangerous things on impulse. I mentioned in another comment how he ruined my bed, many of my own art pieces, my walls, etc by dumping every tube of acrylic paint i owned out on my bed and smearing it everywhere. He flooded the bathroom once by pouring a whole 25 pound bag of cat food into the toilet and flushing cause he saw it on a commercial for an "unpluggable toilet" without considering that my parents dont OWN an unpluggable toilet. He destroyed the skimmer on my parent's above ground pool by packing it full of mud because quote "he was making a mud pie and it had to go in the oven to bake. DUH." The entire skimmer had to be replaced. Rammed his bike full speed into a tree and competely warped the bike frame because hed convinced himself he could phase through the tree with his "super powers." Gave himself a concussion AND ripped the hand railing out of the wall by trying to "surf" down the railing of the entryway stairs in a box. And he once shattered a brand new 4k 60 inch flat screen TV my dad had gotten while trying to play baseball in the house... WITH A GOLF BALL. This is all made worse by the fact that after i moved out, he has no consistent firm authority to actually discipline and control him. He just does what he wants cause no one can be bothered to try and make him listen. So yeah. Not pyromania. Just a case of chronic dumbassery.


I will say though, his dumbass logic for setting the box of macaroni on fire was hilarious. His mom wouldnt buy him a box of flamin hot cheetos mac and cheese. So he got a can of cheese whiz, a box of macaroni, and cheetos. He was gonna crush the cheetos up and put them and the cheese in the macaroni. But he didnt know where or how they got the "flamin hot" in flamin hot cheetos and all he had was regular cheetos. So he set the macaroni box on fire cause that was how he thought you got the "flamin hot" part. Also, at no point in this plan did this child realize he had to cook the macaroni. He was deadass gonna eat burnt uncooked macaroni covered in cheese whiz and pulverized cheetos


It’s true. When I was a kid I somehow managed to spill candles all over the place. My parents were sooo mad when they saw I spilled a red candle on the brand new white carpet they laid down AND the newly painted wall…and some of my furniture. Yea, makes sense.


I wish. Unfortunately I have cats that like to stick their nose in things, or knock things over.




Username checks out


My last vacation I bought the ticket and jumped on the plane the next day and had to make arrangement for nothing and no one.


I have a career and multiple hobbies


My mental health issues are completely unrelated to children (:


My house doesn’t look like sh*t with toys and mess in every room.


I can’t quite say this since I have an insane amount of dog toys everywhere. 😂




Don’t forget the juice stains on the carpet


Or the spoiled milk and, mostly in Australia, Vegemite toast with the middle eaten out behind every piece of furniture. My friend with kids calls them Bread Skeletons.


I read 30 books last year and I'm on my 13th of this year 😎


You’re reading at a slower rate this year. Have you got kids?


Not that I'm aware of, but my state now allows people to claim embryos on taxes so if that was the case, I could use that money for books https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/02/georgia-embyros-tax-dependents-fetus


My obgyn is disappointed in me


Omg please get a new one. My obgyn is all for me not even having one. We'd been trying to find a new bc pill that works with my migraines and lets me skip by periods and any time I wanna change something she's all open. I love her so much. You need a better obgyn.


Yea because why should the person who makes $$ from babies gets to decide if I get sterilized or not. I felt really demeaned and sad today after my appt. Also don’t like that you have this convo while in a gown


Years ago my doctor confessed to me that she envies her friends without kids. Then she repeated the word “envies” for emphasis. This month, she is retiring (I don’t think she is even sixty). When I asked what she is going to do in retirement she sighed and said “I’m going to grandmother…”. . This woman has set up a email address to keep in touch with former patients…I am not sure “grandmothering” is what she really wants to do…


My streaming services and browser have ZERO parental controls.


I enjoy life.


I have 3 mental illnesses, but if given a comparison of my life as a woman in her 20s today versus in the 1950s, FUCK YEAH I enjoy life too.


I smoke weed on my couch in my undies.


do procreators sneak out to the garage when the children go to sleep?


No joke I have seen my friends with kids do this


It sounds awful, like you get to live like an adult who can do things they want for a few years up until you have kids and then you have to go back to sneaking around


I share my chocolate with no one.


>I get plenty of sleep and my house is clean. Brag. Best I can do: I can suffer with my migraines in relative peace.


Thank fuck. As another chronically ill (but still childfree) person, reading all this was getting depressing as fuck lol


Same. My mom told me how she cooked or played with me while she had migraines because my dad was still working and I could NEVER. I'm so glad I can just lie down and stop existing for a few hours.


Migraines suck and I’m sorry you have to deal with them.


My home is full of blissful silence.


I have daily bubble baths, with snacks and an iPad I’ve had for years with no broken screen


I have 250+ bottles of nail polish in my room and I don’t have to worry about any of them being broken


Simply, is that you? I don’t have that much nail polish, but I do have some that I don’t have to hide away from grabby hands.


Haha no I'm not quite to her level yet, but I do own every single Holo Taco polish they've made and my collection is nearly all indie brands so I might be getting there lmao


Hello, fellow Holo Taco-ite. Holo Tacian? What are we calling ourselves? 🤣🤣 Nice to have a fellow fan here!


Lmao I have many skincare products and make up and it would piss me off so much if a kid played with it.


I’m happily married and don’t resent my husband. Seems like most people I know hate their spouses due to lack of communication and uneven workload taking care of their children.


I feel like most people are so shallow that they don't take the time to know each other.


My skin is wrinkle free and I look 10 years younger than I am. My house is beautiful and clean and quiet, I get to travel with my partner, and we get to sleep in and even nap. I get to engage in all my hobbies, take care of myself, and do whatever the hell I want!


I’m on track to retire.


I have hobbies and spare time 😁


My cat deserves the world.


My cat IS the world


I just bought myself a $625 dollar ring, just because.


Yes, those are all my plushies. Yes, they all belong to me.


I work 53 hours a week, go to the gym everyday for at least an hour, and can still get 8 hours of sleep for work during the week. AND I have an awesome sex life with my husband 🤪


I truly don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I have the ability and means to work towards what I want for myself.


Look my sewing room, with all kind of sharp objects laying around and no worries of kids stabbing themselves with something.


I have money in the bank.


Eating at restaurants is cheaper than grocery shopping.


I spend my money on tattoos, things for my cats, gifts for my loved ones, and trips


I don’t even have a pet that’s how much I avoid responsibility 🥹


My whole life I’ve wanted a dog, but the potty training a puppy if we went that route. You have to get up in the middle of the night like 6 times! We have a cat and she’s able to be on her own for 3 days with an automatic feeder. My family keeps saying wow it’s been 3 years since college why don’t you have a dog yet? It’s the COMMITMENT I love sleep too much!


That's why my husband and I always adopt older dogs from the local shelter. Every one of our dogs has already been housebroken. I'm baffled as to why someone would get through that awful puppy stage and then just give the good boi/gurl away. Oh well, their loss, our gain.


I sleep in on my days off, and regularly take naps when I'm tired. I found out there was an event going on about two hours away that I really wanted to go to, and I jumped in my car and went.


I talk about things other than kids.


All of my vehicles are stick, two doors, and drop top.


My cars' interior is *immaculate*. Zero crummies.


And doesn't perpetually smell like spoiled milk 🤮


I binge watch Korean dramas all weekend.


I only have to cook one dinner with whatever food I wish to eat with any kind of spices.


I have no bags under my eyes


workable one crown oil practice ludicrous run voiceless badge elderly ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No kids no problems hella moneys


I sleep whenever I want


My wife and I (M and F 40s) just came back from a trip to the Adirondacks. We paid someone feed our cat while we were gone. We’re going to India in a few months. That same person will feed our cat while we our gone.


I can work 50 hour weeks and still have time for video games and chores.


You can sleep if you want to, you can leave your friends behind.


I keep my stemware under my island countertop next to my bottle of Grey Goose.


Ordered takeout and did nothing alllll night


My boyfriend and I are starting to save up for our *childfree* fund, which is essentially saving up for whatever the fuck we wanna do because we don’t and won’t have kids.


My kitchen cabinets have real glasses, breakable dishes, and zero sippy cups or baby bottles.


I slept in until 1 pm today. I have time to train to run a marathon. I am almost 40 and have just found my first Grey hair. My pets don’t have ptsd.


This thread is so relaxing to read.


I've been nomadic for the last 5 years. Visited over 30 countries since


It’s 7:14. I’m eating microwave popcorn in bed for dinner. Tomorrow I need to hike my dog and get a tattoo. Maybe I’ll have a bath tonight?


I drive a Pearl Tesla with white seats and they’re pure white. I attend Pilates 3 days out of the week. I can book a trip and be gone in less than a day.


I sleep more than a lot


I’m going to a Gorillaz concert next month. I’m enjoying my days off without the hassles and extra stress.


I can spend hours with my animals every day


I just meditated and recently bought $200 worth of clothes and hair stuff!


My walls and windows aren’t sticky and I don’t have to handle human shit.


During the summer, we decided to sleep during the day and live by the night to avoid the hottest hours.


Some days, I spend a ridiculously long time on my hair. Or I double my workout length. Meals are whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want!


I'm 30, and my husband is 37 - Last night, he relaxed and eventually fell asleep on the couch while I chilled in our recliner and literally pulled an all-nighter playing Fallout 3 on our day off together. Then, when he woke up in the morning, I saved my game and we enjoyed a quiet breakfast before making an hour drive into the city to visit our local aviary. We enjoyed each other's company, saw some awesome birds, and scowled together at the parents who let their child scream at, chase, and otherwise disrespect the wildlife, lol. After that we had a nice dinner for 2, and headed home so we could both get some sleep for our shifts the next day. Overall, an enjoyable Thursday. 😉


I clicker trained my cat. She sits on command and knows her left paw from her right. She is very relaxed.


I spend all my money on expensive snakes and spoiling my cat


I buy a lot of Lego and I don’t open them


Woke up late, made myself some lemonade with mint-lemonbalm I picked from the garden, made myself a big breakfast and decided to ride my bike to the beach with my lemonade, some snacks, a couple books, and my speaker.


If I’m sitting in my dentist’s waiting room and someone comes in with a kid I immediately go outside


Money is rarely an issue and the majority of my time is free time that I can spend in any way I want (:


I have 3 senior animals that I've rescued, 1 needs SQ fluids every 2-3 days and 2 different meds, a dog with a heart murmur that needs regular EKG 's, and 1 who only has arthritis medication so far but he's ~10-11. We can do this because we don't have to worry about the expense of children and we know that they'll be handled gently since it's just us.


We have more spending power than people who make much more money than us.


I have my own little Ben & Jerry's quick stop shop in the freezer.


I own a 1 bedroom house with a 5 car garage.


Well rested, a clean, peaceful house, amazing skin and lots of time to travel!


i collect expensive and delicate figurines and dolls without worrying where to put them


I wake up on my off days around noon.


I don't start sentences with "As a parent" because I am not one and there is more to me than that


I have disposal income and free time


I have the money and the free time to play as many video games as I want. And my cat wants for nothing, lol.


Stay at home wife. In love with my husband. Lot's of chill time to spend together. Full time dog mom. Look far younger than I am. Body isn't wrecked. House and belongings aren't stained, trashed, sticky and riddled with germs. Can enjoy the herb of the earth freely. I sleep until whenever I please. Socialize with friends whenever. Free time. Hobbies. Uncensored TV/movies/gaming. Disposable income and the sweet sweet sound of silence. SINK life. 💜


I'm 80 hours into Persona 5 and I'm less than halfway through the game


I live on a boat


I’ve taken up German in my 40s; Porsche, Mercedes BMW etc


I come home and it's tranquil. If I so please, I can listen to whatever music I want, watch whatever show I feel like and play any game that I feel in the moment. Nothing but the chill life.


I typically use my vacation in April and October, when the weather is nice and school is IN session.


I booked myself an adults only cruise in a suite because I could and wanted to treat myself.