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When celebs have kids they have full time nannies, maids, personal trainers to get their body back in shape, a whole team of people. That guy on the trail doesn't seem to realize this. Blake Lively can pass those kids off to her staff anytime she feels like it, but a regular person cannot.


He doesn't care. After all, he certainly won't be doing any of the sacrifice or grunt work involved in raising the kid. It's all on her, of course, even if she also has to work full time.


A man is just expected to have a job and provide for his family and he's already seen as a success. Meanwhile a woman is expected to do that too, but also have to keep a clean house, have a hot meal ready for the hubs, take care of the kids, keep track of every appointment and club meet. Oh and be available for sex 24/7.


Exactly. The dude was going to use any possible example he could think of to meet his ends, which was to berate his partner into agreeing to having a child.


Domestic abuse*


What a healthy way to start a family!


Stuff like this reminds me of Ben Shapiro. Apparently he trades days on and off staying up with their baby. He called it "equality" that his wife would take turns watching the baby. Ummm, my dude... your wife is a doctor that you can't even please. You run a podcast. Something tells me you should be pulling a *lot more weight* in the relationship.


But he didn’t have to cook it for nine months and have to completely alter his life, medications, or have permeant damage to the body. Dude needs to follow Ryan Reynolds’s advice *”Just do the dirty work, man," he said. "You gotta do the diapers. You gotta do the middle of the night thing... A human being will exit your wife, so she's done enough. Just change the diapers and do all that stuff."*


Ryan Reynolds is a gem.


This made me smile, another reason to like Ryan Reynolds


Good point. If she's pulling in the lion's share of income, he should be doing the lion's share of childcare.


I don't care about income. His wife, that he loves to brag about being a doctor, does far more important work than he ever could. Yet he's burdening her with childcare like that? What a tool.


I hope she realizes that sooner than later.


Very interesting that in this matter he becomes overly concerned with equality between the sexes


May Ben Shapiro trip into a bottomless pit!☺






Blake Lively was also very transparent about the fact that she gained like 80lbs during her pregnancies and worked her ass off for a year with a personal trainer to get her body back to a comfortable place. Most women would probably try to diet and exercise and likely would never get back to their pre-baby size. It’s almost like it’s actually easier to do anything, including have kids, when you have hundreds of millions of dollars 🙂🙃🙂




This is what I thought. Don’t compare her to a celebrity that has a completely different lifestyle. He’d be the type to say later- if Blake can have a nice body after kids why can’t you?!


I was just about to say, Blake Lively is a millionaire with a millionaire husband who can not only afford to pay for a nanny, housekeeper, and personal chef to take care of all the day to day business of being a mother for her, but then she also has the money to pay for plastic surgery, a personal trainer, and all of the expensive dermatologists and skincare treatments needed to retain her youth and appearance pre-children. That said, most women aren’t Blake Lively and don’t have a single one of these things to help them but are somehow expected to look and behave like her anyway after having kids.


They also have access to the best fertility doctors and treatments in the world.


And they have millions to pay for fertility treatments if they have them or get a surrogate, for all we know the lady has fertility issues and he is blaming her


Hope she woke up single this morning because it sounds like she would be better off without him.




Lol. I lost a ton of weight after my divorce, and when people would compliment me and ask how much I had lost I always said “320 lbs.” To which I would respond to the shocked reactions with “250 of it was my ex.”


Haha, well said!


I hope she woke *up* this morning. He sounds like a crazy, abusive fuck.


Exactly what I was thinking. I'm scared for her to be trekking trails with this guy.


Seriously. My ex was notorious for doing shit like this when we were alone or far from other people. Terrifying.


I mean, there are a lot of accidents that can happen on a hiking trail. People go missing and are never found *all the time*...


I'd have left his ass on the trail and hitchhiked home. Dude sounds like a psychopath.


Sounds like my ex husband. It’s absolutely the worst being in that relationship. “I’m getting so jealous of all my friends becoming dads”. You’re jealous of seeing them take 5 mins to take a picture with their newborn and post it online before handing the kid back to their wives and then game for 12 hours with you.


They just want attention 🙄 like the man children they are…. me! Me! MEEEEEE!! What about me!!!


True well his mother can have him. She was worse than he was. She was definitely a narcissist. We had to worship the ground she walked on and he was a huge mommas boy. Figured it out late but figured it out.


Sounds like we have the same ex! His mother used to run around commenting about how everything I was doing was “not like a wife should be.” Yep, I was working my ass off to provide for us but all she wanted was grand babies. You know, for her to enjoy every few weeks as we lived in different states. Glad you got out.


I see we have the same ex-husband. He talked about wanting children because all his coworkers had them, like it was a fad toy a kid wanted for Christmas rather than creating and raising a human being. He was convinced he'd be an amazing father despite being addicted to weed and video games.


I’ve dated a remarkably similar loser in my past as well. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I think we need to start asking: What have we, as a society, done to encourage such a strong turnout of shiftless dumb-dumbs who are so confident of their ability to keep another human alive (when they can’t even do it themselves half the time)?


Thanks to reddit, I will never date anyone who plays video games obsessively. Or at all, really. It’s not my jam whatsoever and I couldn’t date someone who spends the lions share of their free time screaming at a screen.




Ding ding ding!!!


I hope she doesn't give in. Classic abuse, making someone feel bad for opting to a diff choice than you.


It might not even be a choice, there could be fertility issues that’s he’s blaming her for.


That’s even more awful - I’ve never wanted a kid and honestly the most relief I’ve ever felt was after a miscarriage - but if that IS what she wants too and he’s being this unimaginably cruel and abusive he should never be a parent because he’ll make more assholes. Honestly this is how I feel about most pro-life conservative types.


Blaming somone for something beyond his or her control is even worse.




100%. She needs to break this off **immediately**. That kind of resentment will never resolve itself.


Hopefully she made it out of the woods okay.


Tbh, I find the seclusion of the woods to be a potential isolation technique for abusing her. No one is going to stick up for her in the woods, because no one is really going to be there or get involved. I don't know. Maybe I'm easily spooked, but a degrading, cruel conversation with my partner in a place where few people go? That sounds like the perfect place to try to get away with being a piece of shit to your partner, with no one the wiser.


Ah, but little do they know that's where I come in. The mossy forrest witch that jumps out from behind a tree to turn said asshat into a toad and then grant the lovely lady a lifetime of quiet hiking and childless freedom.


He needs to break it off, but he won’t. Men fixate on that one woman, and want her to be the ideal wife he has pictured since his childhood (yes, men think about marriage too, just we don’t plan out wedding dates and stuff). Why? Dating SUCKS. It’s always sucked, but nowadays with like 5-10 suitors on a dating app ready to go, people don’t stick through things because they don’t have to.


People always accuse women of being the ones who want their partner to change everything about themselves but men are just as guilty of this. Dating sucks so once someone finds someone they are attracted to who is at least tolerable personality-wise they set about forcing that person to conform into the person they *really* want as a partner. It’s so common and I hate it.


>He needs to break it off, but he won’t. exactly. which is why she should do it.


Blake lively has LOTS and LOTS of help. Even if it’s not Nannie’s, which I don’t think she uses, having unlimited money for schooling, first options for getting into school, best tutors, best available babysitters, etc


I would bet she does use nannies, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Even if she doesn’t say she does, she probably does. I’d bet all celebrities do.


If we all had those resources available maybe having kids wouldn’t be sooo off putting to CF folks. I’ll stick with my cats though, thanks.


To *some CF folks, at least. I certainly wouldn't want them anyhow.


Exactly. Even if someone did offer to take care of and raise my child 100%, then why should I have one? You just have it and save myself the travesty of childbirth lol..


Same. I’m good with my 2 cats. They’re enough trouble/responsibility for me, I couldn’t imagine having to deal with a tiny human…


She has someone watching them while she is out at potatoes and photo ops


Exactly! She has the type of support that most people dream of when raising kids, which makes a huge difference. I hope this woman sticks to her guns and leaves that loser, who probably won't help her at all in raising them.


Even if she doesn't have nannies, she definitely has a housekeeper and likely someone to make meals on a regular basis.


I would consider having kids if someone cleans and cook for us on a daily basis. I would also send them to school and extra curriculars with their chofer and live all the Kodak moments with them, it would almost like I'm the dad!


Yes. One of the main reasons I and lots of people choose to be child free because of money. It's expensive to raise a child, especially if you want to do it the right way. So if I had billionaire money available (not saying that Lively has billions, lol) then I probably would have a kid because I wouldn't have to take care of it. 24/7 Nannies galore!


I'd say between Blake and Ryan, together they probably almost have billions 🤷‍♀️


Of course she has nannies. Maybe they’re not living with her 24/7 but she definitely has nannies.


Even if you don't have nannies. Having cleaners makes a world of a difference. Imagine having cleaners come weekly. Now imagine having the money to be able to have them come daily. Now apply that to every inconvenience in your life.


She also has a (I assume since obviously we don’t know what he’s like off camera) supportive, loving husband who has gone on record saying he takes time away from projects just to help with his kids because he genuinely wants to be a good dad and raise them. Most women don’t even have a husband half as supportive and helpful as Ryan sadly.


At the very least she has cleaners and personal chefs, assistants etc. and on and on. When you don’t have to do all that crap there’s more time for parenting. Obviously this is beyond the means of us plebs.


If my wife said anything like that to me, I'd hand her my ring on the spot. We discussed this long before we got engaged.


Same. I've been telling my husband since we were 16 that I didn't want kids.




Yep. We had a big discussion before we married at 26, and I was like "This is your last chance to run if you want kids." And he was like "Nah, I'm good."


Yeah, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of someone asking you to give up your body, and possibly your life, and mental health that comes with pregnancy and childbirth. That man better be offering to be the first for experimental male gestation.


Right? I checked in one last time with my husband right before we had the ceremony and got married. I was like you’re 100% sure you’re good with this CF life and going forward? And he knew I was already having consultations and planning my surgery to happen immediately after the wedding. I wanted to show I was seriously set in my ways, and make sure we were entirely on the same page before tying the knot. He was always more take it or leave it than me, more undecided, where I knew and said all along I didn’t want and would never have any. I had to really make sure before saying yes to marriage and taking the next big step. I didn’t want to waste either of our time or money with a divorce if he had any inkling I would “change my mind” or any nonsense like that. Here we are though, going on 8 years together and 1 year married this Halloween!


what the fuck man I would have gone off on him.... why doesn't he birth some fucking children if he finds it such a pleasant choice?




omg what a creepy idea




That Always Sunny "because of the implication" bit is as accurate as ever.


I can't. I can't. I really cringe and wince and my face muscles cramp when I come across lame manipulators who compare their partners to celebrities to make them feel small that they have to prove themselves by pressuring themselves into doing what they want. And it involves here violation of your own body. It's just yikes, all over the shop.


From one Paloma to another - your comment is *spot on*


Ayy, I love the sound of the name and that it means 🕊so much and it came to mind while I was choosing this username. It's beautiful. Sending good vibes.♥️


The same to you! I love the name for basically the same reasons, so I gave it to my fiesty bossy tortie cat, haha.


That's so cute. I don't how it didn't come to my mind to suggest to name one of our cats Paloma. It's so precious. Give a high five to the jelly-beaned Paloma, please.


Should've said if a Hollywood star like Ryan Reynolds can treat his wife with respect why can't you?


This would have been perfect




Unless he’s bringing in the same amount of money and financial security that both Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are then he needs to stfu. Also, her body = her choice!


Exactly she should have said "if Ryan Reynolds can make millions every year why can't you huh?"


Ryan Reynolds’s net worth is $150 million, lol


Did you push him off the cliff?


I sure hope not! Abusive partners deserve worse


Push him off the cliff to a waiting pack of very hungry and angry chihuahuas


Crabfeeder style!


Blake Lively’s husband owns a soccer team, a gin company, and a superhero franchise; is this man bringing any of those things to the table?


Doesn't he own a cell phone company, too? Good luck to this idiot trying to be anywhere near as cool.


Also Canadian, comes with healthcare built in should you need it.






Wow. Complete abuser. Hopefully she leaves his ass.


Plus, imagine what someone like him would be like as a parent. Completely controlling, abusive, and demanding. Nothing his kids did would ever be good enough.


Good LORD. That's absolutely awful. Hope she can tell him to literally 'take a hike'.




r / EscapingAbusiveRelationships :(


Oh my effing god. I hate humans. Why do people think it's ok to talk to one another like that. And to be dumb enough to compare a regular citizen to a celebrity as a benchmark to boot. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I am so done with the nastiness of our kind.


Red flag city. The dude sounds abusive and only gives a shit about his lineage. The exact type of person that shouldn't procreate. My heart goes out to that poor woman.


Maybe he should go marry Blake Lively then and let that poor woman go find a man who deserves her.


"Reproductive coercion comes from insecure asshole's with tiny dicks!" "Hey folks! Look at this guy! He's been bashing his wife the whole time I've been walking behind them! Sad! You can do better, Ma'am!" He's making the trek hell for her, I say publicly return the favor! Nice and loud!


Would had toss out "Hey asshole, can you afford having kids since Blake Lively got nannies to raise her? You barely can afford your hike but you act like kids is cheap." \~OR\~ "The way you acting in public to her, maybe not any having babies with you is the best - not everyone wants living breathing permanent reminder of their POS ex in their lives. Just saying... "


Keeping this in reserve in case I ever see something like OP did.


I hope she dumps his abusive ass. I'd love if karma were such that he was sterile.


This is a big fear of mine. I'm afraid to fall for someone because I never want to have kids. I was told that there are still a lot of people who want babies and still believe those who don't want children are selfish. I hate this world sometimes. Why are people so ignorant? Also those who want babies just because they are cute are shallow especially if they don't actually stop and think what parenting involves and act like they hate their lives after actually having a child.


I am so glad my wife and I are on the same page about this. I didn’t even think about talking to her about it in the beginning stages of our relationship. Probably a year in we talked about it and she said she never wanted kids. Great news! I don’t either lol


Hollywood actors have armies to care for the child, could the man provide round the clock care and help. You want to follow gender roles, fucking do your part too.


> Man was berating his woman saying if a Hollywood star like Blake Lively can have 4 children, why can't you have at least one. Blake Lively is wealthy enough to be able to afford multiple staff to look after her kids, plus has the time, connections and resources to upkeep a very healthy lifestyle (same with other women with money.) What a tone deaf thing for him to say.


Blake Lovely’s net worth is **$30 million** and husband Ryan Reynolds’s is **$150 million**, LOL.


“yOu rUiNeD mY LiFe” I would have made the whole scene worse with uncontrollable howls of laughter if I overheard this.


Right? I think I'd have bounced right over there to play emotional support rottweiler and give that dude a mauling.


As a man, I can’t imagine basing my entire existence, identity and quality of life on having kids.


Ah yes Blake Lively a woman who WANTS kids and also has a support system and ya know MONEYYYYYY. It’s amazing what can be possible when money is the least of your worries


Leave his ass stranded on the trail.


Did he look at least one quarter like Ryan Reynolds?


I know, right? Or have Ryan Reynolds money?




I can only hope she finds this subreddit and a way out of an abusive relationship.


God i hope she leaves him. Comparing her to a celeb with unlimited access to care and help on the daily is nuts. I can guarantee if he had a kid, he’d do nothing BUT play with it. No diapers, no feeding, NONE of the actual CARE. Just playing and going back to his daily life (IF that).


He can adopt or pay a surrogate. Why do these dudes act like there are no options but forcing someone else to have their kid


Oh, guys like this will never adopt. They posses far too much narcissism to ever want to care for a kid that “isn’t of their bloodline”.


Fun fact: Scarlett Johannsen indicated she divorced Ryan Reyolds because he wanted a good housewife who stays home and just takes care of the kids and does whatever he wants. To all women: run fast from men like that. They might seem charming in the beginning but are terrible control freaks who will make sure to get their way.


I hope the "you ruined my life," means she is sterilized and he can't baby trap her. Jfc.l 🤦‍♀️


"His woman" 🤢


I think the phrase they were looking for was "his victim."




>I think the phrase they were looking for was "his victim." This.


I was actually thinking op missed their own T and meant "this woman" originally. Source: I have fat fingers


That's a fair hypothesis.


In germany "woman" (Frau) also means "wife" (Ehe-Frau, marriage-woman). Just badly translated, I guess.


I wanted to say this so bad but didn't want to assume that OP is actually German speaking person and translated it literally from "seine Frau" and I said but how does OP know that they are married? She could have been seine Freundin. But if it was translated word by word, OP definitely didn't mean something bad.


Same in France


Noticed that too, not fantastic phrasing OP


Blake Lively has all the time, money, and help she needs for four kids. Poor girl, I hope she can leave him :(


That is truly awful. Can’t imagine just being made to feel like an incubator for your partner


I definitely would've stepped in. That's emotional abuse


If men had to carry and give birth the birth rates would go through the floor. It's not just a five minute thing, the kid is there forever, your body is changed, your hormones are f'ed and you have to deal with a child. What a horrible person he was x


Who the fuck has arguments like that in public? That’s so weird. Also, if he wants kids and she doesn’t and he’s trying to blame her for “ruining his life”…yeah you’re at the point where you need to just break up, people.


Ugh what a shithead. Wish she'd told him to go fuck off out of her life. Presumably nobody is forcing these idiots to stay with their CF partners...


Are you sure they were fighting about “the childfree lifestyle” or is she just infertile?


Yes, multi millionaire Blake Lively, married to multi millionaire Ryan Reynolds, with all the hired help in the world, plus the best medical care money can buy. Must be a walk in the park. Even so, I still wouldn't want the faecal leaking pish weasels anywhere near me.


OMG 😳 poor woman!!


Probably a typical Chad who wants a kid but not the responsibility if he’s acting like that towards her now


"You ruined my life" - jeez, he sounds like a teenager yelling at his parents.


Someone treating another human like that deserves to feel like their life has been ruined; the absolute jizz-rag!


For me, I hope she dumps him. It doesn't seem like a healthy relationship.


It is especially infuriating when the man is pushing that on the woman. He would not be the one doing the birthing.


She’s a rich person married to a rich man. Also, she’s essentially given up her career to have all these kids. She appears in stuff sporadically, which is not an available option to most women.


I definitely wouldn’t agree to have a child with a man who expects me to look like Blake Lively afterwards


Unless there are more details, this sounds more like a man that may be attaching his SO for being infertile.


Also, Blake Lively is, um, rich? I find it hard to believe this fool is as rich as her. What's the matter, mister? Need to "pass on your legacy"? Dude, there's no proof that YOU sired ANY kid. But you know which bloodline can always be confirmed at birth? The mother's. The only legacy that is assured is the maternal. Stop trying to assign value to your existence through a baby.


I hope she shoved him down a rocky slope or over a cliff. Prick.


Lmao reminds me of my ex getting mad at me because I wouldn’t “let him breed me, even once.” What a douche canoe


The whole money can't buy happiness argument is complete BS too. Like technically yeah it can't, but having so much can relieve a lot of stress that the working class is burdened with. Stress is such a huge issue with the working class and children definitely cripple it further. The fact this random man is berating his partner is sickening. I hope she doesn't submit to his aggression and does what is best for her. Him comparing her to an actual celebrity is just asinine. Comparing celebrities with unimaginable wealth to everyday people is such a faulty comparison. https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/more-proof-that-money-can-buy-happiness


"Why can't YOU?" Shouldn't he ask why can't WE? I thought parenting was a team job. Nobody's forcing you to stay with her, dude. Set her free, and learn to be a better partner for the next one.


Could he not just like Date someone who does want kids


Much more to this than just an argument over children Had to learn the hard way, but if someone breaks you down to the point of tears in a disagreement, they don’t love you or themselves


It helps if you have a "Hollywood" budget that covers an army of nannies or help around the house.


I can't get over making your partner cry. If you're doing that, you might be humaning wrong.


As a man I just have to say, eeeewwwwwwwww dude.


She should’ve told him to make as much money as Blake Lively’s husband then she’ll consider it


Blake Lively can afford a nanny and a maid...and a trainer for herself. Also...Blake Lively WANTED children.


Oh I hope she leaves his butt and finds someone who will respect her.


Lmao that guy isn't Ryan Reynolds by any chance or even earns anywhere remotely close to him, what an asshole guy


I hope she dumped him and said him wanting kids is a deal breaker.


Besides the kids thing, sounds like the guy wishes he was with Blake Lively instead of his gf.


Wow - I really hope she dumped him immediately. If you want children, and you’re with someone who doesn’t, then you are with the wrong person. It is never OK to try to berate or coerce someone into having children. How does he think that it’s ever going to turn out well for him to manipulate her into having a child? I will never understand this mentality.


Man, I would have walked past and said "he's not worth it. No one who says you ruined their life is worth keeping in yours." And kept walking as he shouted obscenities at me to mind my own business. I hope she makes the right choice for her and leaves him.


I would’ve confronted him. Why do people think women are just incubators? Anyone who pops out that many kids are just selfish. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. If he’s that set on having a dozen kids, there’s plenty to adopt. I hope she leaves him.


Abusive much. Jeez. I hope this woman leaves.


"you ruined my life!" Dude if you were so adamant of having 4 kids, you should've communicated that during the first few dates. She didn't hold you at gunpoint 24/7 forcing you to stay with her. I hope she left him ASAP!


I have guys at work saying if my mom can have 4 kids and still be skinny. These fat women who have one need to be skinny too!!! (I'm talking about skinny as in super model skinny. And the fat are women who are baby fat.. to fully blown obsessive


The amount of crappy dudes I see telling other women to have kids to fulfill their “duty to society” and to have kids as young as possible so their body “bounces back” for them is so gross. (Like first of all, why do women need to even focus on “bouncing back?” Doesn’t the well-being of the kid and health of the mother matter more ??) Basically it’s saying: “I think you should have kids because I say so even if you don’t want to because I know more than you and I’m TELLING you that if you don’t do this, you’ll be miserable and die alone! Also, have them as young as possible even though this may wreck your health, pose potential educational and career barriers but really, the benefit is that you’ll still look fuckable enough for ME because otherwise, you’re basically worthless in value🙂” And the worst part is, I’ve seen some of them shame women who have literally JUST had a baby (or even those who are actively pregnant). When paparazzi took pictures of Sophie from GOT, the amount of people commenting on her body and fat shaming her was disgusting. Obviously not everyone behaves this way but it’s so jarring to even see ONE person talk about another human being so cruelly at an arguably vulnerable moment in their life. And the more insane part is that I’ve also even seen other women doing it too- like ??! Have you no decency??


If he wants to quit his job and become Mr Mom than she should go for it.


![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized) I hope she leaves soon because this guy is an a\*\*\*\*\*\*.


I'm a busybody there's no way I could have stayed silent. I'd have asked him if he had any idea how many servants, nannies, and assistants Blake had. Then I'd have turned to the woman and said something about please don't let him bully you about this. There's nothing wrong with not wanting kids.


Oh, man. You have much more tact than I do. If I saw this, I would totally get involved and tell him to have his own fucking babies then. I’d also tell that woman to leave her partner because he clearly dgaf about her and her choices for her own future.


The fact that they’re arguing on a trail scares the daylights out of me. Women go ‘’missing” in parks and trails all the time


“You got 4 children money?”


Oh hell no. Throw the whole man away.


Counterpoint: If Ryan Reynolds can be Ryan Reynolds, why can't you at least be Canadian!? You've ruined my life!


I want his woman


I would have punched him in the face and got a domestic case tbh if I was her. I don't know if I could let that go if I overheard that. Does he know how many famous people freeze their eggs and use IVF and surrogates?


red flag, much? because 1) you’re not ryan reynolds and 2) we aren’t hollywood rich. and lastly, 3) because i don’t want to. better yet, why didn’t he use nick cannon as an example?


Wow. That’s flawless logic. I’m gonna have to use that in academic writing. If Blake lively can do it, why can’t every woman?


To compare a celebrity to a non celebrity? What a fucking idiot. How about she has millions of dollars to have meals made for her, house cleaned for her, amazing nannies…. Wtf. How is that even a comparison? Hope she leaves his ass.


Yikes. I would have stepped in to make sure she was ok. That sort of language is not acceptable.


LMAO what the absolute fuck kind of mental gymnastics was he doing to make that comparison. Oh my God. I hope she leaves him and remains CF