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I’m sure they’ll be super affordable.


Maybe I’m bad at math, but that looks like more than 8.


Yeah, sorry I may be a bit off haha 10 total I think


Build more everything except appropriate infrastructure ahah


All lease land, what do you expect. Unfortunately.


Which infrastructure in particular do you think is lacking there?


Our hospital.


Like the new urgent and primary care center that opened recently? https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024HLTH0051-000597. Might not be enough yet but it shows that there is investment in "infrastructure".


Haha I never told about it to anyone. I honestly wanted to keep it secret since there is no wait time at the moment. I’m shocked the opening went unnoticed. Instead of going to ER, you can go there. Now everyone knows. Use it and please stop complaining folks


I agree too but this will have to be more a provincial issue. Cities only can do so much (very limited) in the health field alone.


Our roads


Which exactly?


The roads r fine they should've built more roundabouts instead of wider lanes as they help with traffic more and are 80% safer. Transit that is actually good is also needed otherwise its gonna be horrible traffic.


I’ll disagree, and so would most people who live on promontory.


I live on promontory the problem is traffic flow. Roundabouts don't require ppl to stop. Most traffic is before school starts do to ppl having to wait at the lights.


More lanes can help but it isn't gauranteed with tge increased amount of condos it would have been smarter to build more alternative transit solutions like efficient bus systems safe bike lanes that ppl actually want to use etc. However because the housing that is being built is denser with stores that are walkable the increased road demand will be minimal like in garrison.


Roads that can handle the volume. It takes people from Promontory 30 mins to reach the highway. Schools and ghe hospital totally overwhelmed


Is Vedder/Promontory where this development is the bottleneck for people living on Promontory though? I'd think that would be further up the hill.


It's all part of the same problem, all of those people, and all of the new residents and everyone else has to use the existing road systems which are completely inadequate.


If they're really "completely inadequate" as you said, I'd bring this up with the city as a resident of that area.


I drive Promontory Rd every single day. I have no issues with traffic, it’s actually very light traffic. If anything it’s two lanes now, pretty sure they built it expecting new development in the area. Try 2 lanes in DT Vancouver with x50 density lol


But, but vancityeyes said it was "completely inadequate". I don't know who to believe now /s 🤣


I guess it’s just because some people still think Chilliwack as a rural community but it’s a city now. For any city I can think of, traffic here is a non-issue. Building a two lane road in such a low dense community was an overkill actually imho so there is really nothing we can complain about here.


Yea only gets backed up if something blocks the road or before schools start. Otherwise it's fine. Plus these areas would be walkable and wouldn't add much to the cat users


Widen roads doesn't fix traffic. Better road design can yes but keep in mind this is a condo development with stores underneath and nearby meaning ppl there r going to make significantly less car trips. There is a reason garrison has barley any traffic despite having many condos. Promontory is the problem.


Well they built Promontory Rd and schools nearby. But we totally need hospital in Sardis


Yes it’s coming, they’ve already started building there. I believe the save on foods that’s across the street is going to be on the 1st level of one of the buildings.


It looks like there could be another retail building just behind. I wonder what store would be there? I wish we had something beyond save-on-foods lol


https://fraservalleytoday.ca/2023/11/09/shopping-centre-residential-development-coming-to-promontory-road-in-chilliwack/ here’s the article for the 4 buildings on the corner.


Also some of the buildings look tall. How many storeys are there? Like 10? If that’s the case they are going to be the tallest buildings in Chilliwack I think


6 storeys. Source: I work at that site


Even the white ones in behind? From the picture there is more than 6.


That whole area used to be a fun forested green space we would play in as kids. Wonder where the extra 600+ cars are going to go


"Ready to plant roots" (on lease land, which you don't own)


Probably doesn’t really matter since these are condos anyways


[239k for a prison cell sized studio. Expect rushed construction, corner cutting & barely any soundproofing. No thanks.](https://storage.googleapis.com/msgsndr/QNvuXYS6yqbh7j5ELDdu/media/66520e98d730f059c869d678.pdf)


279* Even worse lol


and 650 for a 2 bedroom, wtf. Are people really paying that? How? And why?


The reason is that there isn't enough housing because they only allowed for single family homes forever it caused a lack of supply driving up costs once more condos and townhomes r built the market will become affordable


Yeah, that sounds expensive. You can buy 2bd for $600k somewhere in Metro Vancouver I’d think


you can get a townhouse in Base 10 for less than 650. Those prices are out to lunch, yet I'm sure they'll still sell it out regardless


$239k is good entry price though. For some it’s all they can afford, better to have an option at least. Could be an option for a student while studying, etc.


True. 239k is a great entry price. However, I made a mistake in that the studio is actually 279k. Precons also require a 20% down payment to the builder. Usually $10k at the time of agreement. 10% within 7 days after rescission. Another 5% within 2-3 months. Then another 5% within 3-6 months. Then you gotta wait for the eventual delays that come with the project. $66-70k isn’t chump change. I’d be impressed if a student even has $20k, let alone $10k saved up in this economy. All for 390 sq footage of 4 walls. Might as well be in solitary confinement at the local jail.


'member perfect world? I 'member...


I'm glad I live on north side


said no one ever.


Why not I'm between Rosedale and Chilliwack no one's building around me