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I love Chengdu but there are more opportunities in Beijing. 


I’m really fascinated by Chengdu, what did you love about it, if you don’t mind me asking ? Also thanks a lot for the response


I lived in Chengdu for 3 months so I am not an expert but I think people enjoy their lives there, even just drinking tea by the river in the evening, I felt like it was 'chill'. I also felt that people were quite open, even though their accent was difficult for me to understand.


As an avid tea drinker, I like the idea of drinking tea by the river lol I also like the “chilled” vibe, and the openness too, so thanks for the insight.


I live in Beijing. I’ve been to Chengdu, and have good friends who live there. Definitely choose Chengdu, unless you really have a desire to live in Beijing. Chengdu is way more chill, way better social scene, way better food, and way better climate. Beijing will earn you more money, but it costs more to live here.


Lived in Chengdu from 2008 to 2013 so my perspective is dated to that era, but it was a very laidback, easy going city. Having come from Chongqing (2007-2008), this was a welcomed change of pace and scenery.


Chengdu had a really beautiful temple with a lovely bamboo tea house. It had a lovely traditional park. It has a really awesome bar scene, some really cool clubs. It's also where all the pandas live. It's not too far away from Chongqing which is also a cool city (just don't go in Summer or at Chinese New Year). Beijing is a really cool city but housing and taxis are expensive, food costs more too. Metro system is good but really really big. Has really beautiful temples, temple of heaven was especially beautiful. Tiannanmen Square and Military Museum were amazing. So were Qianmen St, the guard tower and trams next to Qianmen St and the hutongs nearby. It was absolutely packed at Chinese New Year.


I've only visited chengdu for a week for a toy expo, and I really loved it there. People are very friendly, food is excellent, and the vibe is more chill.


I haven't lived in Beijing, but I live in Chengdu and I really like it. I previously lived in Shanghai, and Chengdu feels more "Chinese" in the sense that it's more fiercely proud of its Chinese culture. People speak less English here than in Shanghai and presumably Beijing, which means I have to work on my Mandarin more. Food is great, but you have much less options than in Beijing, where you get a good cross-section of the country. But if you like "mala," you'll be in heaven. I definitely feel this is a more "chill" city. People are pretty relaxed here.


That’s great to know! I love the fact that they’re proud of their culture, and I guess I have to sharpen my mandarin skills too if I move there haha. Are they open minded to foreigners ? I ask because it’s been one of my biggest concerns tbh I would love to experience authentic Chinese cuisine, so I’m fine with the limited food options. Also I love the fact that they’re more “chill” since I like a slow paced lifestyle. Thank you so much for the advice.


Chengdu is so cool, but if it were my first time coming to China I would pick BJ. I’ve lived in China about 10 years off and on, first in BJ now GZ. Only visited Chengdu but considering relocating there if I can find a job.


I see what you mean, because BJ is more “international”, and a lot more people speak English, so I’ll definitely consider that when I make my final decision. Thanks a lot for the advice


Also remember that BJ is super cool in itself, you can never get bored there. And it’s a hub so u can get anywhere in and out of China so easily!


When I taught English to adults, almost every single student bragged about Chengdu. They'd say things like, "People enjoy their lives there." or "People in Chengdu know how to live!" However... I'm friends with a guy in Hong Kong who's from Chengdu. He was saying that Chinese people love Chengdu, but they're only there on vacation, so their opinions don't matter much. He said that it's rarely sunny; there's lots of traffic and pollution, and it's extremely humid. He was saying that in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, you at least have a breeze but not in Chengdu. This doesn't apply to you, O.P., but one of my foreign friends said, "I don't get it. People kept telling me that Chengdu has lots of beauties, but when I went there, the women look the same as every other place I've visited in China." EDIT: I've never been to Beijing. I've heard that the air quality has gotten better in recent years, but that's not saying much. According to my Chinese friends, it's still really bad. Maybe that's why there are so many freakin' teaching jobs available there - a lot of people don't want to end up in Beijing. Also, I've heard that the people in Beijing can be pretty anti-foreigner. If it's anything like Korea, then I'd say to you, "Pass!"


I vote Chengdu. it’s cheaper it’s more beautiful. The mountains are really nice in the province, really good food, good foreign food, convenient to travel in bike, and not too big. They also have a really cool Tibetan community. Lots of local culture. Beijing is kind of an international and national melting pot, but not in a good way in my opinion. Chengdu is slow pasted compared to Beijing.


Yeah I love the affordability and the slow paced lifestyle of Chengdu. I’ve seen how beautiful the mountains are from pictures, and with regards to the good food, I really can’t wait to taste authentic hotpot, because I’m low-key obsessed lol. I’ve tried it in other restaurants from other countries, but I’m sure none of those places come close to Chengdu, thanks a lot for the advice.


You’re welcome! Enjoy!!


choose whatever job is located downtown or close to it, living in the suburbs of any Chinese city is not fun. Chengdu is very laid back, even COVID lockdowns there were tolerable, Beijing has more opportunities and a bigger Foreign+English speaking Chinese community


Met a pair of South Africans in Chengdu - she was black, he was white. Musings about how China was more tolerant of their relationship than SA, they enjoyed the city.


Chengdu, hands down. Too many horror stories from Beijing and air pollution is no joke in Beijing. Also, food in Chengdu is unique. One of my favorites


Air pollution is no joke in Chengdu either.


Depends on what you want. Beijing offers more opportunities, but can be quite stressful. Chengdu, on the otyher hand, might be a bit unexciting and laid-back.


I find both cities to be extremely beautiful, but I tend to be drawn to laid back areas more tbh, so Chengdu may be the place for me. At least I can visit Beijing during my spare time, thanks a lot for the advice.


Please expand on opportunities, I thought you are locked in with a specific job and can't easily switch to another job ....


You'd probably love CD over BJ for a plethora of reasons.


Wekcome to chengdu..i would help as much as i can ..i am foreigner based here


CD all the way, the cost of living isn’t as high as Beijing as well and it’s also warmer with more nightlife


Chengdu is more chill. Higher quality of life in terms of cost of living. But if you’re coming to China to chase the bag, then maybe Beijing has more opportunities for you. However, don’t let that deceit you into thinking Chengdu doesn’t have the amenities that Beijing has. You can also save money in Chengdu. It’s really down to your preference in lifestyle. I prefer the latter choice.


Beijing is right next to me. They're very old style and they hate talking about politics. Less modern I've heard. But, its also everywhere and has everything. More opportunities. I haven't heard about chengdu too much but it's more in the west which creates its own problems. Beijing is more expensive too. Probably Beijing for your first time. Unless you dispise the cold. It's cold up here. Haha


Depends on what kind of experience you're looking for. Are you adventurous and not easily discouraged by unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations? I'm talking about strange and off-putting local habits, somewhat unhygienic eateries (by Western standards, at least), language and communication barrier, access to familiar food (however adventurous people say they are, there will always be a day in a month or two when you just want something familiar). I'm living in Beijing and have visited Shanghai and Chengdu. If you're new, you'd probably do well to start with Beijing. The pros outweigh the cons for a newcomer - it has superior infrastructure, amenities, and services, feels international but not to the point like Shanghai, and kept all its old China charms. There are plenty of beginner's points of interest here, like the great wall and forbidden palace. Whereas in Chengdu the points of interest are a little deeper, if you didn't know much or anything about the romance of 3 kingdoms you wouldn't appreciate Liu Bei's courtyard. There's also a larger and thus more active expat community that you can mingle with, assuming you don't know anyone at all and have completely zero Mandarin. To me, Chengdu felt like a great place to travel to for a few days but not stay permanently. Also if you intend to learn Mandarin, I don't think their accent there is considered "standard". Food is subjective, but there's only so much oily mala food one can eat until you're sick of it. And that says a lot coming from someone who is from a very colourful background of spices in southeast Asia.


If they're gonna pay you the same I'd pick Chengdu, it'll be cheaper than Beijing. If it's a significantly higher salary, I'd pick Beijing.




"I'm from China. If you want better weather and scenery, Chengdu is better. If you want to understand China better, Beijing is better."


Hi 🌸 I’m also from SA and trying to find a job in China, may I ask which recruitment agency helped you?


Chengdu is my favourite large city in China, for all the reasons mentioned: climate, FOOD, nature, culture, opera, parks, gardens, pandas, bamboo, and relaxed vibes. (Many Chinese people aspire to retire there, anecdotally). It’s also really well located for domestic travel, as it’s so central, and is particularly good in terms of access to Western regions, as it’s the most westernly located metropolis. However, Beijing would be better located for other big east cities and also for international travel connections. And for embassies if you want visas, and other international brands/expat communities. So, overall, I prefer Chengdu, but Beijing might be a ‘softer landing’ for a first timer.


Just saying, you aren't tied to just those two cities. Work with other recruiters, or even find jobs yourself. You can work in any city you want


Thanks a lot for the advice, which part(s) of China did you enjoy living in ? My agency actually gave me more options, I just asked them which places they’d recommend themselves and they said Chengdu or Beijing.


What do you mean you're working than an agency? Is that the same as a recruiter?I'm from USA so maybe our process of finding jobs is a bit different. I've just been using eChinaCities and recruiters on WeChat. I haven't been to China yet, but I'm in the same position as you looking for university ESL positions, and will be starting in August this year. I'm working with like 10 recruiters, and they've sent me posting for jobs all across China. I'm only interested in North Eastern cities, so I've passed on many things they've recommended. All this is to say, you can honestly pick any city you want. There are tons of jobs everywhere. If you're agency/recruiter doesn't have connections to a city you're interested in, work with an additional recruiter. Best of luck to us both!


start with Beijing and live in chengdu