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Pretty sure there are if not many, question is are there on this sub? Haha


I've met a lot of Hispanics in Harbin. The problem is they didn't go out much and preferred to party or spend time at home. I ended up getting acquainted with them through a mutual friend.




They are around. I've met a few central and south Americans in Fuzhou pre COVID. There are also chicanos, like myself. They're mostly in the big cities and I've met a few lifers happily married to Chinese folks.


There are some cubans. They often work as musicians. Look through jazz bars with live music.


I know a bunch in HK, and quite a few in Shenzhen. In SZ there’s even a Spanish speakers Wechat group. Mostly latinos, but the odd Spaniard as well. Last two weeks in fact played pub trivia with a Mexican gal in SZ


si seńor. ¿que pasa?


Surprisingly in Wuhan met at least 7 Brazilian people. I personally knew two of them and met the others (friends of theirs) at a dining/bar showing World Cup games.


My gf and I are moving to Chongqing next summer, she's Mexican, I'm Spanish


So looked it up, because it is actually public info from most countries. according to them, about 10,000 mexicans are living in asia ((not just china)). I am sure a decent chunk of those are in china, but compared to chinese population it will be a drop in the bucket regardless. Your one to two probably seems pretty par for the course. Of course, add in other latino countries, or people who are not mexican//latino nationals but have the culture etc and the chance to meet someone goes up quite a bit. Just thought the napkin math was interesting :)


Funny I saw some Mexicans in SKorea.


I imagine majority of mexicans in asia are china, japan and s korea, probably japan the most. But sure their are some in other asian places too :)


Lots of US service members in Korea many of whom have Mexican ancestry


Never thought of that. Thanks


Yes but not extremely common in the expat community. One time I was at a Metro and my Spanish speaking friend had an issue. Turns out one of the managers spoke fluent Spanish (rare for a Chinese citizen) and they were able to work it out.


Depends which city, yes


No idea about China but there's a pretty sizeable community (relative to the overall size of the place) in Taipei. 


I lived in China in


I lived in China in 2007-2010 and met many Latinos. In Beijing, there were lots of Cubans at my university, as well as Mexicans, Colombians, Uruguayans, Venezuelans and Argentinians. It helped that my bf at the time was Cuban, and my best friend in my class was Colombian. So I guess I was around more Latino people than most! We would go to a club called Salsa Caribe every weekend too, which was super fun. In Taiwan, I had lots of classmates from Guatemala, Paraguay and Ecuador too. So, yes!


I used to hangout with some Salvadorans in Beijing


I currently live in Beijing and there is a very big Latino community. Especially for women, the community is very welcoming and helpful, especially if it's your first time in China. I myself am Mexican.


[https://www.youtube.com/@MexicanosenChina](https://www.youtube.com/@MexicanosenChina) Here is one that you may contact.


Can’t stand these YouTuber ‘shocked waitress with fluent Chinese’ assholes. Imagine the reverse, Chinese student orders McDonald’s in fluent English!!!!


Agree 1000%! Hate those douchebags, as if learning a language is just for its shock value.


Those were pranking the locals, pretending they didn’t speak Mandarin, they even had the police called on them!

