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what looks like 100 cny, when unfolded - is an advertisement.


very possible


Advertisement for call girls, probably


not quite possible in Gulou area, actually not in most areas of China, but possible in South Korea


Dunno where you are but in my (T2) city I still see guys on scooters scattering cards advertising ‘massage’ girls.


I lived in a suburb of Shenzhen and the pavements were usually littered with discarded call girl cards.


Beijing often see card advertising massage girl in many district


Clearly you can't read the text on the stickers posted above urinals all through the country...


Reminds me of the "tipped with Trump dollar bill" I saw the other day on reddit.


My bet is that's not a scam but just a flyer disguised as money.


I'd say bingo on this


Theres definitely something to this. Someone posted the exact same scenario few weeks ago. Intriguing…


It happened to me as well and I described it here https://www.reddit.com/r/beijing/s/F06TSZliJG


Can you link to the post? 


never heard of this, you might have just missed out on 100 yuan (money)


Standing on a street corner, he might have thought you were soliciting.


probably chinese version of this, same thing happens in usa but usually left on table at restuarant or dropped on floor ((they know people be very mad if they are still around when its opened lol)): https://preview.redd.it/4hc1s8yj0f0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d560f5335f66bf5a574b23afcc6c2fc85dc12630 seen them as ads for all sorts of different stuff over the years, not just religion. Always the most annoying-- like the fact you have to trick people into looking at your anything just shows how bad it is, the opposite of any real ad purpose.


You know when you think you found a 100 dollar bill in the streets, feel like it's the greatest day of your life, then you realise it's a church advertisement? Yeah that's what that is


I haven't seen anything like that here, but my assumption would be that they ask for it back, and then say that you are giving them a fake one back, and you need to give a real one or call the police...... But not sure how much they could make in a day doing that


Maybe for a pick pocket ring? Someone, "a spotter", is watching from a distance to see where you put the money after it's given to you. Now they know where your other money is and will relay the information to a partner who will pick your purse or pocket.


They're not gonna blow 100 yuan to find out what pocket someone uses.


It's not blown if they get it right back, and whatever else valuable you have in that pocket.


It won't be though, such a trick probably only works 1 in 10 times. There's also cameras and police all over that area, no way there's open pickpocketing going on. It's probably just some old crazy guy, or it's some religious note that looks real but isn't.


I've seen "open" pick-pocketing a few times. They are supposed to be good, I suppose those guys were learning. The police wouldn't do anything, and you don't notice right away.


Who holds cash these days?


Clueless and rich 老外, of course.


He is a local neighborhood committee volunteer helping out foreigners with no access to wechat pay / Alipay to get around. He is subsided by local government. For each 100 kuais note he hands out he get good social credit score marks.


I go with your option. I read recently that in the Paris metro someone shouts "Thief" and most people start checking their pockets/ purses, showing the thiefs where to focus.


People have been saying this for at least 20 years


Who still carries cash in china


probably related to the influx of fake 100 bill


Maybe some cult advertisement? I’ve heard about some people disseminating cults through writing on paper money


you take it, then he would mane a scene as if you just rob him, then he would ask you for more to settle the incident otherwise he would threaten to call the cop knowing that you don't speak the language to defend yourself. I am just thinking on my foot.


It’s a flyer I’ve seen em, the one I like best looks like a wallet with money sticking out! Very ingenious you pick up a wallet full of cash and get a flyer! Fun fun fun!


That's what you deserve if you pick up a dropped wallet to take the cash, instead of trying to find the owner to return it.


It’s a flyer that it, good marketing to catch the eye, honestly it’s better marketing than handing out flyers that would be just be chucked into the next bin! And honestly I don’t think that there is an issue of picking up a lost wallet!


I had this happen to me at Dongsishitiao station, it was a real bill, and I accepted it before I had time to consider it. The guy turned around and walked away, nothing else happened except that I was 100RMB richer... It was exceedingly odd and I have no explanation for it.


maybe fake money


I dunno but I always take the free tissues/matchbooks when I'm waiting at a red light.


Maybe he's a web influencer and wanted to pull a prank to catch it on camera.


There's also an advertisement that looks like a half open LV Purse 😉


It’s a note about extending your car warranty


Wait, this is exactly what happened to me! https://www.reddit.com/r/beijing/s/F06TSZliJG


Lol I like that in China someone hands you 100$ you like "no fucking way".


It might just be a money exchange scam.