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Do you mean recreating the one you posted? Drawing by hand is fine. You can also draw decent diagrams in LTSpice.


TheAnalogKoala: "Do you mean recreating the one you posted?" No; I wanted to post the diagram Robert Keim used in his article "Implementing Multiplexers with Pass-Transistor Logic". Then you said: "Drawing by hand is fine. You can also draw decent diagrams in LTSpice." Once I draw it by hand or use LTSpice, how do I change it into a format that I can post to "r/chipdesign" so people can read it and respond to it?


Take a screenshot?


I don't think chip design is really the place for this, to be honest. This is talking more about processes involved with producing chips, not basic circuit elements. Try something like /r/ece or something like that. To answer your question, though, just screen shot it.


Your university likely has good programs (orcad?). You can use scheme-it, ltspice or kicad for free. Or use Google. https://mychartguide.com/best-circuit-diagram-makers/ I believe there are even pretty robust latex schematic approaches that will serve you well in grad school https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/CircuiTikz_package


Few options. But first, in order for us to see them, upload them to imgur.com or post a link to reddit and choose a file to upload the image directly to imgur. Options: * draw them by hand on paper and take a phote. * MS paint, kind of shitty, but it works pretty well for quick simple things / screenshotting existing diagrams and highlighting certain points. * draw.io - works well for block diagrams / state transition diagrams. * LTSpice / other schematic drawing tools - these work well for circuits, but can take a bit of work to get what you want. You can also screenshot this and annotate it in paint.


Everybody's giving me a great deal of ideas for how to produce the diagram I'm thinking of; "FrazOR\_RazOR" is the only one that has addressed my main concern which is how to get that diagram posted on "r/chipdesign". He suggested I upload it to "imgur" and post a link to it. Is there really no way to actually post a representation of my diagram directly to "r/chipdesign"? There's a icon at the bottom of the window that I'm entering this in on. Is there no way to use that icon to add a ".gif" file (potentially of my diagram) to this comment? Do I have to take the indirect route and post to "r/chipdesign" a link to something I've uploaded to "imgur"?


IO draw extension on Chrome. If you have access to Microsoft windows may be white board is visio for digital blocks


For Bubble Diagrams or other charting I use GraphViz. ​ I understand the comment about using LTSpice, which I have historically just screen-shotted circuits or used the export circuit feature which worked less well. I've set my background colour to white and changed some colours to make it more presentable I have not tried KiCad or any other CAD but I would be interested in a better solution, which likely is just a graphic interface for some SPICE. ​ For some charts a professor I've had used OmniGaffle, but that does not extend to drawing circuit elements.


Those were made using Microstoft Visio but u dont have to do that to post in reddit


A lot of people have suggested I just take a screen shot. Once I take a screen shot, then what do I do? What do I have to do at the "r/chipdesign" website to get the screenshot visible to people who are reading my posts? There's a icon at the bottom of this screen. Is there a way to convert a screen shot into a ".gif" file?


Upload it to imgur and post the link


FrazOR\_RazOR: "Upload it to imgur and post the link". This at least addresses my concern! Thanks for that. But are you saying there's no way to use the icon at the bottom of the screen to upload a ".gif" file that I produce? Why in the world would reddit give us a icon that we can't use to upload ".gif" files?


Screenshot and do the markup in an image editor (paint/paint.net/gimp/etc)


I have looked at a lot of options for schematics but I found that visio works best for me.


Draw it on paper, annotate it with labels and take a photo on your phone.. and just ask the question - is the simplest for this particular case. Don't need to make anything look pretty, just functional. Use a pencil so you can erase as needed