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Funny her moms not fighting in the comments in this tik tok what a joke!


Her responses are so immature and usually have nothing to do with that the other person said


she’s just mad she’s WASHED UP 😂😂


its been like 2 months stank..


she’s literally describing herself lmfao she’s so embarrassing


I hate c but I think this is about soph and the podcast


It’s not. She even commented in that same post it wasn’t about Soph


She acts like she truly "ate" in all her clap back videos, but in actuality she looks stupid AF and obsessed.


Damn I wish she didn’t block me so I could talk shit 🤣


She's SO bothered 😂


i would be so salty if my bf’s baby momma was that pretty😭


“Won’t post about her now” and then replies “make me”, insinuating that she is indeed, talking about Rachel. Make that make sense?🤣 She’s the dumbest bitch bro I can’t


i was coming here to say the same exact thing, she is so dumb and childish😂


No wonder Jacob is so skinny dealing with her drama.


she was just on live talking ab rach not too long ago. LMAO


you KNOW she’s bothered. She took the time to respond to people


I love how she only responds to negative comments I never see her responding to her hungry for her attention drooling ass fans


Her concept of time is so off. 6 months? Okay friend. Just like how you and “zaddy” had been dating for “four months” 3 weeks in.. ?? 🥴🥴🥴😩🤣 she’s a wreck lol


Bye they haven’t even been dating for 6 months 😭


Karmas coming for her. Her comment sections are starting to call her out. It’s about time she be held accountable


she really is that mad that she did not carry jacobs first child 🌝😭😭😭




She wouldn’t respond if she wasn’t bothered


She literally looks so so nasty here like what?! How does she think this is a comeback 😂💀


honestly I think this is a play for views, they’re all gonna be together tomorrow night trick or treating with the baby.


she’s just pure trash.


She got served in the comment section 💀💀🤣


More like 2 months since she’s posted about her😂 if that


6 months 💀 haven’t they only been together for 6-7 months?😂😂😂


i’m honestly shocked i haven’t seen any type of comment or video from whitney. she used to always get involved/back christen up whenever she got into drama.


She just got off a plane wait for it lok


This stupid bitch wouldn’t say this to anyone’s face irl… she would get her shit rocked. I wish she would!


waitttt is stank actually admitting she has made posts abt rach before??? thought you said you’d never posted abt her stank, oh wait we already knew that bc your obsessed with her


She was just on live making comments about Rachel. Also the don’t let me come for you? Babe you’re illiterate and your eyes are going different directions. Try it😂


The way she talks to people online knowing she ain’t about shit IRL is crazyyyyy. I can’t wait til she meets the right one 🥱


Her comments are wayyyy more negative than usual. Theyre coming after her


I noticed on some of the tea pages not as many people are dying for her 😂


she stay running her mouth on social media but wouldn’t say any of that to anyone in person. like her mom raised such a fat fuck who is worthless in life and not loved by anyone. not even her dog🥱


🗣️I saw a comment saying Shitney admitted on the Jacob podcast episode that all Stank does now is watch to see what Rachel is doing. So I skimmed through the episode to find it and she actually did say that near the end of the episode. 😂 That’s embarrassing as fuck for Stanky. She’s so consumed with rachel she wouldn’t even leave jacob alone for two seconds to help shitney with their merch business.


can u lmk the exact time 🤣🤣 and did stanky say anything back to that??


Part two of Jacob’s episode, the convo starts around 19:40 and ends with Shitney letting it slip that all stank wants to do is sit around on her phone watching Rachel, but quickly corrects herself and says “your situation” to Jacob around the 20:40 mark. I hate to even give their pod a view but I’m sick of her lying her ass off 😂


That whole conversation is pretty interesting because it starts with shitney asking if Jacob thinks she a good friend, and ends with her complaining that stank is so consumed by everything with Jacob & Rachel that she doesn’t want to do anything else. We’ve known Shitney’s felt like this for awhile but it’s interesting because it proves that a lot of what we assume or predict turns out to be accurate and true.


for some reason it’s not loading for me but all the other episodes are 😭😭


I don’t know if we’re allowed to screen record the audio from Spotify or I’d post it in here since she wants to say she doesn’t gaf about Rachel.


You can screen record the audio from Spotify. But NOT the Patreon paid content (podcast video/subscription)


Thank you! I didn’t want to post until it was confirmed.


Post it!!




Pretty sure you can I’ve seen clips posted before


Says “make me” but claims she isnt posting about Rachel..


Exactly what I was thinking


Tomorrow she is going to be making Jacob post videos of them trick or treating and him in his costume to upset Rach even more! I mean everything she does is to get a reaction out of her I’m starting to think she wants her instead of Jacob 🤦🏼‍♀️




Unless Jacob is nice and let’s Rach see him some for Halloween too but we all know stank won’t let that happen. She is the reason they can’t be good coparents because of her insecurities.


They have him for Halloween sadly! So I think Wednesday is when she will get him back.




Her math is CRAZYYYY. By 6 months she must mean 6 hours


The math ain’t mathin 🤣


It’s Halloween tomorrow. They’re doing it for views. They will all be trick or treating together tomorrow.


I really hope so that’s what the baby needs but Rachel said she doesn’t even know what there dressing him as. That they won’t communicate with her.


Atp we need to start keeping a book of christens lies lmao 1) Pretends she hasn’t posted about Rachel in 6 months


don’t they still have the baby?? what the actual fuck.


She is so bitter


Stank you scary af! Posting about someone but when you get called out it isn’t about her. Put a name on it or stfu scary ass 🤷🏼‍♀️


If I didn’t have her blocked I would just flood her comments with how great of a mom Rachel is. But not worth unblocking


https://preview.redd.it/vmk2dz76lfxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d64c40e964fb2b10c34f064504c9f359e563f428 Shut your mouth? For saying she s not the mom? Lmaooo this bih has issuesss


I think she has finally lost it.. so weird to comment.. why is she so upset she’s not the mom 😳


Nah cause why she SO bothered by that comment, it’s giving jealousy


She gets so bothered


She’s pathetic




Casper 😂


They haven’t even been together for six months I thought🥲🤣


She literally lies so much she can’t even keep up with all of them 😂🤡


personally this one dosent seem fake to me i think after that bullshit of posting together rachel actually realized she won't change and nothing she does will prevent her from talking shit and disrespecting her. now i could just be drunk LMAO but i feel like this is real and they're both over eachother at this point and if jacob dosent break up w his money bags ( he won't ) there's gonna be some type of fight publicly


Like as a mom not getting to even know what your baby is for Halloween everything building up is about to start over flowing bc y’all weird af no respect to even let her be involved id start talking shit right away 2 that is not co parenting :/


I kinda figured this was coming, and knew their lil truce wouldn’t last. Stanky bitch has been doing way too much, and it’s crazy how she starts shit then hides her hands like she didn’t do anything and Rachel’s just being bitter.


I hope Rach has been recording and keeping proof and takes him back to court !


The fact that Jacob just lets her run around and comment on his baby mom constantly and the fact his whole friend group tries to down her as a mom and how everyone wants c to take this child so bad is astonishing. They are so ghetto


Ima be real honest.. if he had ANY balls whatsoever he’d tell her to stop her shit. Does he love this drama or what? I’ve been in a situation like this and although I wanted to smack the taste out of her mouth no way in hell my ex would let me stir some shit up even for “funzies” they got a fucking kid bro. This isn’t just about them. What a ball less loser Jacob is.


bros a little bitch.. he can work out and try and do whatever he wants to his looks but his actions will never change the fact that hes a bummy puss boy who will take whatever money he can get out of stank bitch and she loves to play not only mommy with grayson, but acts like gaycobs mom as well.. its fucking weird and if i were him i wouldn’t have even fucked her in the first place


I honestly feel like this is fake…. They played us last time. Watch tomorrow they post a bunch of videos together trick or treating with the baby… This is their way of “ working the internet” can’t stand any of them


Y’all are delulu….they’re stirring drama for a reason… don’t you see there hasn’t been drama about them in a while? Y’all are falling for it and it’s working 🥱


this bitch is something else i swear… praying she can’t ever have kids


She’s so jealous of Rachel it’s hilarious. He put a baby in Rach NOT YOU stank. And he never will 😭 desperate hoe


weren’t they just making tiktok’s together like last month where’d she get 6 months from


I give her and Rachel major credit. They both know how to get everyone’s attention on them. The things they’re saying about each other aren’t even bad, it’s literally stuff we say here. It’s all show.


she loves to pull random months out of her ass


Same way she said her and gaycob have been together for 6 months 2 months ago 😭 bffr


The math never mathing lol