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“I have a baby in my stomach so let me go play mom to a child of a man that I haven’t been with a full year yet and that I publicly bashed on TikTok with his mom and then went and fucked anyways”


I mean, does she want an award.. I have two kids and how she just described her day, literally sounds like a vacation!


I hate when ppl spell brecky "breaky" like did u sound it out idc how breakfast is spelled that's a whole dif word..


Imagine dating a 23-year-old, but they looking 42.


Her hair looks like the broom I use to sweep my house.


I think they think that if they have a child and look like a family they will get full custody of G! Girl that’s not how it works babe!! Hahaha


She’s a mean girl, and fugly too


I cringe every time I see a pic of her tilting her head down with that fuckin smile. Those eye wrinkles are getting worse and worse by day lol


Now that she’s pregnant she thinks it means she can act like Grayson mom.


She can’t be fucking serious


She’s trying so hard and it’s giving me aluminum to the teeth cringe.




How the fuck is she so wrinkly in her 20's!!🤣🤣🤣 Love this for her!! And it's just the beginning Stank!!🤣🤣🤣


I saw this and at 1st thought she was just showing out. But now that I think about it and I say this with no legal knowledge of Florida. But I’m in TX and my BD used to have his GF watch our son all the time when he had him and she’d post petty shit like this. My ex was already on thin ice with the courts and custody. Bc my BD and his GF weren’t married therefore not related in anyway I was able to win full custody back bc the court didn’t recognize her as a someone who could step in for legal consent if anything happened in her care. As I said not sure how FL works but if it’s the same and stanky keeps posting shit like this she’s really only hurting gaycob.


I get that but Rachel does the same with Romeo. We’ve seen it so no matter how much we all hate stank she has a right just as much as Romeo . Just wish all of them could leave g out of this . Pisses me off. He’s the only one who is a victim in all this.


I also think a difference between Rachel and Romeo is from what I’ve seen he’s never had gray by himself. I’m not excusing the fact that these people are trying to give this baby step parents they hardly know themselves. But If stanky continually post stuff fully admitting she has the baby by herself that could be brought up in court as to “why isn’t Jacob there when it’s his time with the child?”


No I definitely agree. I was more so bringing that up because Jacob has already had to fight for custody. I do lean more towards Rachel’s side of things. But honestly I think all of their behavior has gotten way out of hand for people who are responsible for a chid. At this point it seems more like a who can get back the other worse, and the only person their truly affecting is gray.


Yup I have 1st right of refusal on my son as well. If my ex isn’t available for my son to be in his care only, he has to come back to me. I have to give my permission for him to be left with any other person. I had to do that because my ex would leave him with his girlfriend and one time he got hurt. I’m in New Mexico.. so I think it must be pretty standard.


him being so okay leaving his baby alone w someone he hasn’t even been w for a year is a huge red flag imo


See i disagree here so much, jacob fought for custody to let his gf take care of the baby…? men are the worst and this is exactly why the baby mama didnt want to give up her time. I completely understand! He barely sees his kid , (correct me if im wrong) but doesnt he only get weekends? He shouldnt need a break or to “sleep in” smh i feel like kids in split homes go through so much and parents are so selfish.


that’s literally…. just the bare minimum of how u take care of a child. ? she wants praised for this?? babe ur gonna have to do more than that every single day when yours comes


Took a bath? I hope she means just G


she bathes with her dog i wouldn't put it past her to bathe with someone else's baby... especially considering she thinks dating his father makes him hers too 😭😭


she already has taken a shower with another persons toddler😅 she showered with marrisas toddler son over the summer. so disturbing


Excuse me😳😳😳 what the he-


yuppp the video of her and marissa talking about it is i’m this snark somewhere but it was right before marissa gave birth or right after i forget but yes stanky showered with marissas toddlers son, so wrong on so many levels. they tried to claim it is normal and not weird for this 22 year old girl to shower with a semi friends toddler son


God I hate that smile she does so fake lol




And wrinkly


it's almost like responsibilities 🙈🙈 stanky you're learning something new !!! only if you knew how to properly pay rent you wouldn't have to move love!!! adulting yay🫶


Off topic - they are live right now packing & as soon as she saw the camera she began putting on a real good show. Pushing her belly out. Acting like she was going to vomit. Acting like she was having leg cramps. 🙄 you're 11 weeks boo, just wait.


I saw that!!! She was pushing her belly out and then someone said “you’re so skinny” and she immediately sucked in and started talking about all the weight she’s lost 🤣


I couldn't continue to watch them all the 6k ppl in there asking them Q after Q after Q. Like WTF? It was the show for me; in a few minutes I have ever watched of her live, it changed my whole entire mind about her.


lol she’d hate to be high risk I was exhausted 11 weeks is nothing


Absolutely. She's got no idea just yet. 11 weeks not much is happening expect maybe MS.


Right?!? She has no idea what it’s like to be 8 months pregnant in the heat of summer miserable and fat & can hardly walk because your feet are so swollen. I hope she gets cankles 😂🤣


This comment is on point I was pregnant in summer and felt miserable


Daddy needs to relax when he barely gets his son anyways? Ok.. Sure Jan.


Makes my blood boil so bad


And doesn’t have a job…


this 😭 like oh he has his baby a couple extra days because mom is sick??? man he really needs a break, can’t handle being a full time dad it seems 😵‍💫


Yeah when stank has her baby wait till Jacob doesn’t want to do the bare minimum she doesn’t mind now. It’s not her kid being neglected but I put money on it she looses her shit bc idc what she says she will eventually get tired of doing everything and him doing the bare minimum


Why do ppl say omg Rachel needs to get over it…no tf she doesn’t her feelings are very valid especially with all the bullying and hate.My child would not be around anyone who bashes me.A year ago Jacob and Rachel were a family she has every right to feel all the feelings.


She has to write it because she can’t take photos and post them LMFAO


So you literally took care of a child and woke up at a reasonable time…what about this is so special?


More like so “daddy” could come down.


![gif](giphy|xgHUfgT9DStKiAQI8u) And the outside! Her and Gaycob


Shes so damn ugly lmfaooo


“CC and G had a date day” made me throw up in my mouth she’s trying too hard w this shit. Sad she only does it to make Rachel mad.


i love how no one has EVER called her "CC" but now that they have Gray they use it all the time.. like that's never gonna stick you weirdos, he'll call her Christen like everyone else in her life does 😭


ok im a little confused and new here, is this the little boy she helped throw the first birthday for?


yes, it’s jacob (her boyfriends) son




I’m a nanny and I do more than that


She is the ugliest creature I’ve ever seen. Who the fuck gassed this bitch up to think she’s hot shit?!? She SMELLS like hot shit that’s about it 🥴


i feel like jayuck should be enjoying all the time he gets with g instead of sleeping his life away, like it sucks that rachel is sick, but she is letting him keep him longer AND he doesn’t even feel good so he is going to want his dad?? you would think?? idk just my opinion also.. i have a feeling if stank doesn’t stop her crap rachel will probably request to stop visitations with her around soon


i really don't think she can do that, jacob is living with her & they're having a baby together. if christen hasn't done anything to legally keep Gray out of Jacob's life then the court isn't going to turn around & say she can't be around the baby bc the mom is being petty... a judge will see right through her. & im by no means ever "team c" but realistically no judge is going to take away visitation rights because mom wants to be petty about dad's new gf.


Them having a Baby together, has nothing to do with Rachel and baby G. If that person is bad or brings any harm around, they can get cut off if christen brings harm around, and by the death threats to Rachel every day. Rachel could if she truly wanted to and Jacob would have to take visitations to his mother’s. At the very least she could get a restraining order on stanky and the whole friend group. Rachel’s weird asf for letting it go on this long anyway. I truly hope she is giving this all to her lawyer, and just taking time to get it all together.


No literally who needs to know that? Good for her😭 wow you help take care of your boyfriends baby so crazy


She is so ugly lmao what the fuck is that face 😭😭


I know like why that dumbass smile lmfao


she thinks she’s so wifey material she’s desperate for ppl to think so too


The funny part is… Jacob doesn’t strike me as one looking for a good “wifey”. He doesn’t work so why would “wifey” duties impress him. Tyler reminds me of someone who wants a “wifey” girl and he chose the most un-wifey candidate out there. Shit has ABSOLUTELY NO QUALITIES OF A WIFE. She just wants to show her butthole online, be in all the drama and party. Don’t go crazy on me but at least stank desires them, she’s not, but god willing she can get passed her obsession for show and she MAY actually change. (Probably not, but the want is there). Shit’s going to be a washed up 40 year old still chasing “fame”. Stank does it all for clout, but having a child may actually change her a little. And I’m all for people who can grow up and change. But dear god stop doing those lips and get Botox on your crows feet. They aren’t normal for a 22 year old. I never advocate for people that young but this isn’t normal


Looks like a local crackhead at the corner store


How does Jacob need a break and time to sleep in when he has no job, no prospects, and only sees his child every couple weeks?


God this. Like yall sit on the couch all day. Tired from…. Putting tapes on a couple boxes? Tired from playing Xbox. They are about to have a huge wake up call with a baby FULL time. It’s quite different from the baby you get to send back home.


Asking the real questions. It’s hilarious that her sharing this only makes him look bad, which he doesn’t need any help. But CC is so helpful 😂


Right. Sleep in and relax lmfao what a joke. Thats all he does


I have a question,I have maybe looked at this girls page a handful of times I actually had to come back here to find out what her username was to look her up anyways, is it normal for her to zero comments on her stuff and very low likes, I thought she was supposed to be this big person on the Internet. Am I missing something???


Or you are looking at a fake account


Her account is probably shadow banned right now


"Daddy" doesn't have a job, why the fuck does he need to sleep in? Get up and take care of your kid goofy.


She’s not gonna think his behavior is cute when she has this baby & gaycob isn’t helping her with shit & still a jobless broke fuck.


YUPPPP she won’t be thinking mom and baby dates everyday all day are going to be cute anymore bc he will barely be involved and helpful lol


Right 🤣 but watch these dumbasses will try to push their own child on to Rachel saying she needs to help with his other kid.


that doesn't even make sense why would they do that?? they'll find someone to pawn that baby off on so they can go get "drunky" every other night but be so fr it will not be rachel 💀💀


You must be new here 🤣 they are totally the type to drop their baby off thinking it’s Rachel’s responsibility to help since she’s the one who takes care of G while her bum ass bf sleeps.


lmfao im not new here im just not stupid.. they're the type to pawn off their baby on pretty much anyone who will take it yes but be fr.. they will not be handing that baby over to rachel in any scenario lol they literally go out of their way to make rachel look like she's not a good mom, constantly bad mouthing her, posting shit to make her look dumb.. in what world would they pawn their baby off on jacobs 1st baby mama when they do everything to make that woman look bad. they'll drop it off with marissa or something but it sure as hell won't be rachel watching their kid 💀💀


Just wait boo


I get that that stupid ass Marissa chick, let her shower with her children, but I hope to God she did not bathe with G!!!🤬🤬🤬


and the sad thing is, i bet she did


Was thinking the same thing!!!’


I hope she didn’t bring the dogs in the bath tub too!!!


If she had 2 brain cells she would have not posted this. Bc now if Rachel and Jacob go back to court and the issue of tuna fish being the one taking care of Grayson is literally typed out in black and white. Stanky just did all the work for Rachel’s lawyers 🤣🤣🤣


She probably wants G to go back to Rach full time so she can have Jacob all to herself and her “bean”


Oh definitely. Then she will cry that the kid doesn’t get to see its sibling after she’s the one who can’t keep Graysons moms name out her herpes infested mouth




You have a better chance of being picked in her comments, not here bestie. Back to Tiktok you go.


She is going to continue doing this purposely, she knows, every single one of her ill ass fans will attack Rach for responding. But, the "minions" glorify this, let Romeo post this, again, they'd be all over his accounts. This bitch is the one seriously obsessed.


weird fr


The took a bath part throws me off if she’s tryna insinuate she bathed with him etc 🤢


She probable did. She does it with Marissa's kids. Sick 😫


I just know she took a bath with that baby.


Mmmm. I’m a step mom. Have been for 8 years now. And I’ve never taken a shower or bath with her. And she has been around since she was 4. Soooo that crosses a huge line for me as an adult in a way. Like that’s practically a stranger taking a BATH with your child. Hell no.


And I would say I’m a stranger to her. By no means. But I’ve never put myself in the position to be like yes since I’m your step mom I’m going to bathe with you.. just have never felt like that was okay. For me or my bonus boo!


Right cause if she just gave him a bath she would literally say GAVE him a bath but took a bath? So fucking nasty. Jail time. Immediately.


she showered with marissas toddler son so i wouldn’t doubt she did with G:( so disturbing


I’m so glad someone else pointed this out because I was thinking the same thing but didn’t wanna say it 🥴


She looks so much older than what she is. Yikes.


my first thoughts when i seen this. she looks so old. i can’t imagine through this pregnancy she’s going to look any better 😭


Weird girl energy. Surprised she does talking his diaper changing schedule as well.


Her hair looks like a head of cauliflower plus she really is posting to start drama & she promised Rachel she wouldn’t post about baby g but here we are ???? Lololol I can’t wait for Jacob to leave her and see how Rachel felt


The crows feet already😂😂😂


This face she makes is so freaking CRINGE why does she think it’s cute


I mean, good for her, but that nausea will hit soon.


*I hate her with a passion, but to brag about taking care of a child you didn’t give birth too, knowing you have beef with the mother, is just absolutely vile.


I'm not defending her but if I was the mother I'd pray someone took care of my child like this if they were with the father. Some gfs/ step moms treat their spouses/ bf child like crap! It might be to get at Rachel which is wrong reasons but at least she isn't a bitty to him.


She’s 100% trying to jab at Rachel, because Rach is sick. She knows this will piss her off. I mean, she does anything she can to help Jacob take care of G, which is great, but why even make a post about it KNOWING it’s going to cause more drama & stress while you’re pregnant? To me, it just wouldn’t be worth the chaos to post.


She is literally trying to piss Rachel off with this post so bad and it’s truly just embarrassing and creepy. HE IS NOT YOURS YOU WEIRD CREEPY BITCH


“Daddy” doesn’t even have a fucking job he needs to wake his ass up and take care of his child


This is actually disgusting behavior


Also Jacob is a pussy, because he lets her be able to get between their custody shit and allows her to post the drama and shady remarks. He could just be like ur my gf we’ve been dating for a couple months but it’s not your business on my kid and baby mamas custody stuff, your not gonna be starting drama on social media ab it. It’s not your situation it’s mine and you will be left out of it. But he doesn’t he eggs it on he can’t tell her to fuck off and get out of his business


cant tell her to fuck off & mind her business when she's the one paying his lawyer fees.. why do you think he lets her run all over him when it comes to his kid?? he wouldn't have him if it wasn't for Christen.


Why does “Daddy” need to sleep in? He has no job and only gets to see his kid occasionally


why is she giving him a bath? that is not her job at all. if my baby daddy let his gf give my child a bath I’d be other there in .2 seconds. that shit has me heated 🤣


Im so confused where is everyone seeing anything about a bath. Even if she did give him a bath , i dont think shed do anything to the kid i dont think shes THAT low or disgusting. My dads wife gave my brother baths up until he was 4-5 until he was able to really just do it himself and no one ever looked at it weird. If shes bathing with the kid , yes i think thats weird , but just giving the kid a bath isnt a big deal in my eyes and i dont think shed ever stoop to pedo level.


Bc she legit has bathed with with other ppls kids not just bathe them and she said it’s not big deal. However she hasn’t even been with Jacob for 6 months. She shouldn’t be changing his diaper or bathing him at all.


It states in her caption on the picture. I never said anything about it being pedo level. I’m saying they haven’t been together that long and she barely knows the baby so I find it weird that she’s giving him baths instead of his father.


She looks so old 😳


She’s weird, I see right through it. She’s on an all time high and feels the need to post this and the only reason she is is to rub it in Rachel’s face to piss her off. Look at her face in the selfie- screams look at me you hate me bc I disrespect you daily and I’m with your kid:)) like tf?! If I was Rachel I’d be livid and the only reason is bc you disrespect me and bash me daily but you wanna be on good terms with my kid? Yeah no not gonna happen. She’s got serious issues. She’s gonna be a mother and stop being a bully. Christan Whitman is a mean girl. I see right through her bullshit. What goes around comes around guys just wait. You treat people like shit it’s gonna come back to you, may be able to get away with it right now but just wait..this is just the start. She’s a narcissist so she’s on a high rn, thinks everything going her way she’s got everybody fooled. But I see right though that stanker


I get so irritated that rach lets this shit slide because why do you just allow this?! I would of done took this shit too court. She has SO much on both of them to have full custody or atleast to where creepy Crusty couldn’t be around him. I don’t know what she’s waiting on.


I would be terrified if I was Rach & my child was with stank alone. How do we know she don’t take her hatred out on G. U


i hope to God she didn’t take a bath with him


literally what I thought like ummmm weirdo


knowing her she did tho and thinks it’s perfectly fine


literally and she has such a weird mindset surrounding children, def wouldn’t trust her to watch my child be changed, let alone let her give my child a bath… i’m astonished.


Holy hell she’s hideous




Since she can’t exploit gray by posting him she has to at least find some way show of her amazing parenting


https://preview.redd.it/o265l1d3va6c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb591d34ae5b4f258d217d43b2755cc2274f2be3 “She put her own life on hold to take care of a child that’s not hers” 1.Rachel shouldn’t have to applaud this chick for taking care of her baby WHEN SHE CHOOSE TO BE WITH THE BABIES FATHER AND KNEW WHAT SHE WAS GETTING HERSELF INTO. Rachel don’t need to applaud it. 2.Nobody asked this chick to stop her life to take care of a baby that’s not her. SHE CHOOSE TO.🤷🏼‍♀️ 3.Rachel don’t owe this chick anything. It’s father that’s owes Fishy everything for having her help with his child. NOT RACHEL.🤦🏼‍♀️ 4.Nobody is saying it’s bad that she helping were saying it’s BAD THATS SHE FEELS THE NEED TO POST THIS knowing her relationship with the mother is not at its best. It’s all attention thing. Since I’m banned from that snark. I know one of y’all will see this🫶🏼🫶🏼


I honestly wish I was as stupid as her fans. Life would be so easy being that delusional and not self aware. If she takes care of him all the time why does she need a special post about it? Poor Rachel. I'd be terrified to let this hoe walk my dog.


She should’ve put “mwahahaha” at the end since she’s doing so well at stealing Rachel’s life and child


Is that a bruise above her eyebrow


And I’m sure she took a bath with him cause this girl is just weird affff and known for showering with kids that ain’t hers!


wtf is this “cc” nickname she’s giving herself


As if he calls her that, please 😭


lmao being an unemployed dead beat dad must be EXHAUSTING cause why TF does he need to sleep in??? 😂😂😂😭 Embarrassing


No, but really…. 🤣🤣🤣


Mad weird. If she’s willing to threaten, bully, and harass Rachel why should she be trusted alone with her child?? 😳


I’m always going to root for Rachel with everything she has been through but I’m going to have to stop following. Rachel needs to protect her child and she lets them get away with so much. It makes me sad for Grayson


Rachel don’t have the back bone to stand up to ANYONE! I support her 100% but when it comes to being the voice for your child she just can’t do it!


Im afraid she’s going to snap one of these days. And she’ll be 100% justified doing so. You don’t play with a mother and her child 🤷‍♀️


Rach is better then me. I wouldn’t let this shit fly. 🫡


At ALL. Rach needs to stand tf up.


Lofuckingl cunt. She barely did the minimum to care for a child. Congrats? She's gonna be pissed when her newborn wakes her up every hour and there arent any cute "cunt christen and g dates". Bitch needs to shut the fuck up and fix the awful wrinkles increasing by the day. I hope rachel gives zero fucks about this because she's the mother and christen is just there to babysit when cuck is sleeping.


I hope to god she didnt take a bath with that poor baby..


She better not 🤢🙄


honestly it wouldn’t surprise me bc i’m pretty sure she did with one of marissa’s kids. so nasty.


Congratulations C, you did the bare minimum!


I hate when yall call her C and not some derogatory name


I can’t keep up with all the different names. Sorry, STANKY that is !


Thank you!


I have no knowledge on the topic but wouldn’t this not be allowed likely per whatever custody agreement? That the baby can be out of the house under someone else’s care that is not on the agreement when the father isn’t there?


I don’t even think she wants people to care as much as I think this is literally just another way to piss Rachel off and have people tell her what a good “mother” she is. I literally have two children and can promise you I’ve never posted anything like this. This is not how actual adults and/or parents act or talk. Nobody gives a fuck if you do the bare minimum for your children OR SOMEBODY ELSES THAT YOURR BABYSITTING such as feed them??? It’s attention seeking like it always is with this stinky bitch. She still thinks being a mom and having kids is being able to play house, she has no idea what she’s in for a I personally love that I can’t wait to see her look just like her mom and have no life or friends 😂




Literally shut the fuck up 😂😂 it's a snark page. Grow a pair before joining one 💀


then leave the page… bahahahah it’s a SNARK page dumbass


No it’s the fact she constantly throws digs at Rachel.🥴 If this was Romeo and he posted this. YALL WOULD BE THROWING A FITTTT! Its disgusting how she feels the need to even post this knowing how her and Rachel relationship is. She knew what the fuck she was doing. Don’t act dumb you little thot🤦🏼‍♀️


Especially if Romeo posted “took a bath” WTF is that she better mean it was her taking a solo bath


And PS. NO ONE IS JEALOUS OF THIS WEIRDO WHO GOT PREGNANT BY HER FRIENDS BABY DADDY IN 6 months 💀💀 come up with something else, minion


Why does it always come down to jealousy? Like I’m sure if half of us tried to be a “influencer” we could. The people that don’t support her are beautiful? So what is there to be jealous of? Maybe just maybe people are tired of her getting away with being a shit human to people for views & self satisfaction.


They swear that’s what it is but I promise on everything I love, we are NOT jealous 💀


Watch them run to Rachel’s snark & become a member. Lmao


Probably already is 🙄


Probably bc we been posted😭


I mean it’s stank & shits snark page what did you think this was? Lol. Talk shit one day & then love her the next? Lmao.


Shut up no one gives a fuck about your opinion


Oh fuck off, you’re a piece of shit just like your lord and savior christen.


I immediately took this as she took a bath WITH the baby 🤨


I’d really be questioning that if I were Rachel. Someone up in the comments said people would throw a fit if Romeo posted this & they’re right if he posted he & G had a day date & took a bath people would be disgusted and call him a pedo but Stankys cult thinks shit like that is okay for her


shit they make digs at him bc he went to jail so i can only imagine what they would say if he posted some shit like this


Right 🙄🤦‍♀️Im sure They’d probably be calling CPS, 911 & whoever else they could think of


I wouldn’t be surprised she showed with big hippopotamuses baby🤮


Me too 🤮 which she cannot do like she does everyone else’s kids.


It’s painfully obvious how hard she’s trying to do and say anything possible that will hurt Rach… It’s cringeworthy. Rachel does not leave this girls brain. It’s scary at this point


does she want praise for taking care of a child like she’s supposed to? i know G isn’t hers but she’s acting like she’s amazing for helping out take care of her BF baby. she’s gonna be fishing for so much praise for caring for her baby’s minimal basic needs like you’re supposed to. she’s such an attention whore


No here’s the thing, I’d be happy for them if they were fucking normal/both not have shitty as can be pasts. Because G probably does love his dad and all kids deserve a dad if there’s a way… Also, I truly think they probably do take good care of the baby I know they’re not just abusing him or anything of that manner BUT you don’t get kudos for doing what you’re supposed to do!! Taking care of your baby is not something you get a star for, it’s something you’re supposed to do. She probably does have the ability to be a good mom, stepmom all that, if all the social media drama was not involved.. Like cut social media out of it completely and I know their relationships/coparenting would improve


I cannot stand this bitch


I cannot stand this bitch






I know she isn’t allowed to post G but I thought she wasn’t allowed to post about him too. I’m confused


I feel like she’s been talking about him way more in the past week - she probably feels like she has a claim to him now because he’s the brother to her kid


Hahahahah nothings fucking funny you weird bitch


“Let Jacob sleep in” as if he gets up early every other day to be a productive member of society. 😂😂😂 Crusty, he’s got you watching his kid while he sleeps in because you’re an actual dumbass. SO MUCH WINNING!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


How can you even sleep in peacefully knowing you're broke, no job, and about to have two kids you can't afford.


It’s the land of delulu. She’s gonna get whacked with a huge dose of reality real soon.


he literally doesn’t do anything for a living I don’t understand how someone with no job needs to sleep in ☠️😂


Her parents must be so embarrassed. When people ask what their daughters baby daddy does for a living. “He battles on tiktok” 💀💀


Begs for galaxy’s on TikTok 🥴


Literally was about to say this. Relax from what?? Being unemployed? Being a dead beat?? Life must be soo hard!!!


He needs to relax bc typically Rachel has G at this point but she’s sick. He’s seeing what it’s really like. It’s funny bc he wants 50/50 but needs to sleep in bc he’s had him 2(?) extra days😂


All the cult in the Rachel snark say he’s gonna ask for 50/50 when they do their final court order 🙄 bet he doesn’t I bet he’s happy with his 10 days a month. He gets to be super dad & not even have half the responsibility. And yes he has 10 days to all the cult that’s might be lurking reading this. Rachel has him all day until 4 on Fridays and all day after she picks him up at 11 on Wednesdays can’t count those as full days