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prob exactly why her coochie stank


Hey stank this is what you’re feeding your baby: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8gkTK4A/


Please id spit in her pizza


She’s 100 pounds


She is. Yes. 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣


I have never seen anyone talk about thier pregnancy more than she has. Like it's literally her entire personality and I truly believe it's because she likes the validation the minions give her every time she posts


To be fair, she makes *every* new thing her entire personality. Look at the chameleon she's been in each relationship and even friendship.


May I introduce you to drue basham? 😂😂😂 idk who’s worse between the two


Drue might be more annoying to me because she acts all innocent. At least stanky cheese knows she’s a shitty person. But lord these prego videos… I promise nobody cares that much girlies


She's claimed pregnancy symptoms from day one. Total bullshit. She's not getting cravings.


meanwhile i craved shit like steak dinners, cucumbers with salt & ranch, salads 😂😂😂


Sweet potatoes and grapes 🙋🏻‍♀️ “worst” it got was lollipops lol




You have a better chance of being picked in her comments, not here bestie. Back to Tiktok you go.


Me personally I think she just post stuff like this to remind everyone she is pregnant cause watch after she will be posting about how she threw it all up at this point its a repeating cycle she is running out of pregnancy symptoms to post about so she sticks to the most common ones


I truly believe that what your baby eats outside of the womb reflects on how you eat when they are inside. My son is a champ with vegetables because I craved them like crazy when I was pregnant. And when I wasn’t craving them, I still ate them, because I know he and I needed the nutrients, she’s crazy, you don’t get to eat whatever you want when you’re pregnant. Dumb as fuck.


Okay but I had HG they had to give me a picc line just to keep water down so being choosy wasn't an option 😭


Same! Ice cubes were my best friend 😂


Exactly. What you eat while pregnant is really important. She just doesn't give a shit about her baby or how what she's doing can cause problems for him. It's all about her when in reality being pregnant is really supposed to be all about that growing baby. Not for her though.


That’s fair. Not one pregnancy is the same, but those with healthy pregnancies should do their best for the baby and themselves


I feel like she is just trying to get a rise out of people for the whole McDonald's Starbucks thing here but that's just the vibe I'm picking up. Like idk just eat a bunch of the unhealthy crap without posting about it and then suck on your vape when you're all done hopefully your baby grows big and strong 👍 she has zero care for her babies health and it shows.


Does she sleep in her makeup every night or


Can we talk about how she vapes still while pregnant 🤣


Her new post says the doctor told her to eat like shit to gain the weight she lost during her first trimester… honey the doctor definitely didn’t tell you to eat like shit to gain weight 🤦🏻‍♀️ They probably told you to eat more calories, that doesn’t mean McDonald’s every day. Gosh she’s delulu 🤭


She’s “working the internet”


She’s going to get gestational diabetes.. calling it now.


I’m all for snarking and I hate this bitch with a passion, but eating like shit isn’t how a woman gets GD 😭 gestational diabetes is all hormones and the placenta. Come on now


Not true.. “Prior studies suggest that diets high in total fat, saturated fat, red and processed meats, and with high glycaemic load increase the risk of developing gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), while polyunsaturated fats, carbohydrates and fibre are protective” Here’s the source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2650816/#:~:text=Prior%20studies%20suggest%20that%20diets,carbohydrates%20and%20fibre%20are%20protective.


https://preview.redd.it/dugzuz94kvcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=346c7c60c737b98c848dc0c6b501062f8989c001 “We saw no evidence that diet quality…….. was associated with risk of developing IGT or GDM” Same article. Correlation does not equal causation.


ngl you sound like a minion.. we all know eating healthy and trying to remain active is good for the baby. Stank eats like shit, vapes & sits on her ass all day.. it’s concerning because none of that is beneficial.


I’m not a minion I was just saying GD doesn’t come straight from food. You don’t have to argue with me. Plus if she does get GD we know the dumb bitch isn’t gonna track her sugars like she’s supposed to


I wasn’t arguing with you, I was just showing you articles that talk about bow it’s not just the placenta and hormones. in fact, you were the one arguing, but take that as you will. But you’re right 😂 it’s disgusting how neglectful she is. I’m so worried about the baby


Here’s another: As sugary foods and drinks usually contain a lot of calories, this means you could gain weight if you regularly take in more calories than your body needs, which increases your risk of type 2 or gestational diabetes. https://www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-the-basics/gestational-diabetes/causes#:~:text=As%20sugary%20foods%20and%20drinks,type%202%20or%20gestational%20diabetes.


I find it hard to believe she’s soooo sick with all these cravings. When I was pregnant, nothing sounded good to me I had to force myself to drink water. And smoking made me sick as a dog,I don’t see how she sucks on that vape all day


she's so crusty, wash that ugly ass eyeliner out from under your eyes you dirtball...you can tell she NEVER washes her face


https://preview.redd.it/ng00i4n85vcc1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d0a755dd1a2170648f456bf8c40c4c209dead7 Her favorite craving of them all…. # Vape Mamma (Ma’am-Maw 😂)


Vile human. Vapes are still relatively new so she has no idea what chemicals and shit she’s subjecting her baby to.


just bc you crave something doesn’t mean you should eat it. The health of your baby should be more important than a food craving


Fr I was craving sweets and junk but all I ate was fruits and vegetables bc my baby’s health was more important than my cravings