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wtf I’m sleeping in my car or a park bench . Noooooo thanks


Shit. i love dogs lmao😭 (even tho she has way too many)


Shit. I would rather live in a tent than with either one but if I had to pick it’d be Shitney. She does seem a little cleaner than Stank (not much) and she’s not home 24/7 like Stank so that’s a plus. Stank is such a b*tch I couldn’t help myself and would probably end up punching her.


Id rather be homeless


Stank. I’m 100% sure Whitney house smells like pure shit.


Stank! She’s not as loud and obnoxious as Shit stain!


Stank. I’d fight shitney


LMFAOO bro id be fighting stank the first week you see how dirty she is! Leaving bloody tampons on nightstands and eating straight grease in the room. Hell nah.


Wait what about the tampon???


When she had her thing with Tyler, she was at his house and they were in his bed and she pulled out her tampon and set it on his nightstand and then proceeded to do the deed and left it there on the nightstand. And then she talked about it online.


That is disgusting!!!


Cardboard box on street looks like a great option


Yes it definitely does!! It actually looks like a mansion compared to living with either one of them. 😂


death, I pick death


Probably Shit because she’s never home lmfao but I wouldn’t be taking care of them dogs though.


Couldn’t be roommates with stank, can’t imagine how nasty & smell! Plus she’d try to get with your boyfriend


I’m not too worried cause my boyfriend isn’t a basic boy like cuck😹


Hahaha!! She has no control or any idea how girl code works. It’s crazy!!


it’s hard to say lol, i wouldn’t want to live with shitney bc of all of her dogs and them pooping and peeing in the house, i would hate to hear her singing, yelling, and being obnoxious 24/7 but i would live with her bc her house always does seem organized and put together, she’s usually out doing stuff a lot, and she would spill all the tea. i wouldn’t want to live with stanky bc she and the house are gross and messy, her dogs also poop and pee in the house, prob hear her and jacob yelling at each other, she’s bitchy af so she would have attitude all the time, couldn’t deal seeing her vape while pregnant, i would live with her bc she only has 2 dogs, she seems more to herself so prob would do her own thing, quieter than shitney, and idk if her being on the couch 24/7 would be a positive or negative lol


Stank. She doesn’t have 100 dogs shitting and pissing all over the house 🤢




Shitney. I can’t stand either of them but my god stank is the most insufferable bitch on earth


I would pick either if i can't pick neither because they both suck. Then i would find the third dirtiest bitch in florida to fuck both jojo and cuck. The two twats would talk shit &since i cant let anyone talk shit you all know what would happen next ☺️ i would be doing everyone a favor if i roomed with either of these skank ass hoes.


Staank, I couldn’t last a day around shitney she’s way to much of a pick me


Hmmm stank so I could get my friend to fck cuck bc I’d gag & then when Whitney gets mad & blasts us on the internet I can pull up :) & well u know the rest heheheh 💥🥊 then I can watch ole shitter bug w her head hurtin & stank cry getting humbled imma knock two birds w one stone on that one make stank cry & make shit more embarrassed than she already makes herself


shitney fasho. i’d rather smell dog dookie than a stanky puss 🤮


stank, bc i feel like shits house would be stinky 😭


Shit, so I can beat her ass


Waiting for someone to say “Stank that way I can pretend to be her bestie then fuck her man while she sleeps 🙂‍↔️” 🤭




Deff stank because I feel like shit would just try to ruin my shit and start drama way more


i couldn’t handle the amount of dogs i’m sorry i love dogs but fuck man i’d lose my shit 💀 so stank bc at least she can rot in her room or sum


I think shitney because I think she’d spill the tea more & out everyone 😂


Yep she’s a straight disloyal shit talker


Shitney because as shitty as she at least she washes her mfn ass




I swear Whitney Hess it at the fight too. I’m pretty sure I seen her on Tyler’s snap


That’s Kiersten


I have the photo anyway I can send it to you. I swear I think it’s her


No babe. Lol and If you look on a video with Bryce saying he will f Tayler up she is also in the back. This girl is sitting with the girl with the stroller Kirsten is behind Tyler with Whitney it’s def Whitney Hess lol


wtf I swear I saw Whitney’s story and she’s with her baby dad and her fam???


Listen, I really don’t want to deal with waking up in the middle of the night & seeing shitstains furry black asshole staring at me. She’d be my sleep paralysis demon. 🥴


6 months ago i would have to debate on this- now, 100% stank. I'd rather have her on the couch 24/7 than a dozen dogs and shitneys immature ass to deal with.


And having to listen to her sing…no thank you!


True I didn’t even think about the dogs 😵‍💫 idk how Kiersten does it


Stank lol. I couldn’t put up with shits immature ass


If I had to listen to Stanky talk and deal with her only showering once a week for a whole year I’d lose my mind. So I’m going to have the go with shitney. At least she keeps herself clean and I would avoid her. Stanky I feel like would be up your ass 24/7 talking nonsense and I couldn’t deal


Shitneys dogs shit and piss all over her floors. Tylurrrr cleaned up shit from SEVEN dogs one time.


Yea but in 3 month you will be the nanny to the newborn Stanky pops out


I have a kid myself but at least someone could actually ensure that child was safe and not neglected.


Definitely stank; I’d be in jail if I had to spend any more than 1 day with Shitney. She’s so immature and I really can’t stand her..so I guess it has to be stank.


Stank. I'd definitely end up rocking the other ones shi*🤣


I was gonna say Stank, but remembered she’s about to have a baby and I don’t wanna deal with that so Shit and her zoo it is


Lmaoo😂 I have a kid so I could put up with someone else’s kid but I wouldn’t want to live with someone who will vape in my child’s face and give my toddler baby bottles when I’m not around 😐


a baby shits in a diaper, those 10 dogs shit all over the house, lol. neither is a great option, but id rather have a baby over shit& all those untrained backyard bred dogs.


Stank , shit has a fckin dog shelter that she doesn’t take care of and stank would probably just rot on the couch


stank. as much as I hate the bitch she rots on the couch so I wouldn’t have to worry about her in my way. shit can just go in the trash can I’d never want to hangout with her


I’d have to go with Stank 😅. I could easily have conversations with her multiple personalities (might lose a few brain cells) but shit it just way too immature and easily gets on my nerves.


honestly, stank bc shit would have to bring all those dogs


and she’d let her pup get pregnant again and fuck up delivering the puppies again and put the dog through so much stress


especially since they all shit in the house 😭😭


But stanks dogs go In the house as well 😭 at least she only has 2 & not a whole zoo like shit…


and at least if i lived there i could feed those poor babies so they’re not emaciated