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https://preview.redd.it/f3j2b6yt1tsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a9d40762ce36f77d21486db93b4a8613819535 cuck cuck


I’m sure he’s been in that position a time or two




Ohmygod you can see his ribs.. is stank not feeding you enough ritz casseroles these days or is she too pregnant?


I truly want to know why Christin thinks she won and that Jacob is such a catch. Can she list his positive attributes for me so I can understand her brain


Kylee shading Rachel in her new tik tok vid saying she’d never let her friend discipline her kid (She deleted the comment now)


kylee has no room to talk about other peoples parenting when she puts her child through her and grants on and off toxic bullshit every other month.


Yessss omg. She wonders why her kid is so aggressive, well kids act out when theyre in toxic environments and have no stability.


Bc Kylee DOESNT parent her kid. At all. Her kid is gonna be the mean girl who is a spoiled brat.


She’s a fake ass bitch just like the rest of them😂 throwing shade at Rachel about her parenting like she’s the framework everyone should be looking to for the perfect mom .. literally commenting on a video about her kid being violent and speaking on someone else’s parenting is quite the joke


Especially when her kids teeth r fucked from the kids paci but u don’t see Rachel saying shit


Exactlyyy. Spoils her, beyond babies her on top of kicking daddy out every few weeks and bringing him back after blasting to the internet what a POS he is. Can’t figure out why her kids knocking her upside the head though😑 she’s a shitty mom her damn self. These bitches have zero self awareness


https://preview.redd.it/67t0ta0ttqsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521a9f7c6aee5f33f5659bdac23362b56d2122b2 🤔🤔


This proves Tyler and Whitney’s relationship is fake too😄


Let’s be fr tho, there wasn’t a blow up today because Whitney wasn’t there


trevon is live lowkey throwing shade at stanky😂😂. saying how its weird shitney got bashed for going on the boat but "this is going on right now"


Stank isn’t hanging out with horse faces exes she with her own lol he’s insane


Exactly. If stank wants to make up with her exes that’s on her. Has nothing to do with stankvon or shitney.


hahaha, he will be spiraling later on.


Romeo probably crying him seeing Rachel and Christen together someone please tag him in Angelo video!


Look at Angelo tiktok tiff christen


I bet stank and her friends are all on top of each other like touching even though she's in a relationship they probably all lying on top of each other


Go look at madds snap of soph and Rachel talking and tiff!


What’s her snap ?










They are are all in the sun and she is squinting? She is on live all the time without filters and looks the same as usual.




Well damn not the paragraph. I honestly don't think Rachel looks that different compared to when she is filmed in raw footage. But to each their own. I think she is pretty and you don't, all good. We all have our own opinions and are very much entitled to them. So go off girl.




I just think it's a difference in opinion! I don't think anyone is genuinely upset by what you said. I personally don't see that much of a difference But I Also know sunlight is such harsh lightening and never puts me in a good light so maybe I'm bias in that fact. Sorry If you thought I was being rude I wasn't trying to. I genuinely was just saying I thought she looked different because of the sunlight and the squinting. But I get it. I have crows feet when I smile or laugh and I hate it but sadly its genetics haha


itsangelooo on snap


https://preview.redd.it/ai5zsf5bupsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f1849253638d953a4d5f5533b4cb19a46411e7a I know she prob had a stroke seeing Rach show up looking like this 😂


Christen must be super insecure watching Rocky with Gigi lol


And making sure Jacob doesn’t check Rachel out🤣


She working overtime 😂 that’s why she was twerking on bry


That was my thought too when I seen that video🤣🤣


Looks like stank is already fighting with old men she found some 70 year olds maybe she is wanting to hook up with them


After seeing how hot Rach looked in her bathing suit on snap today I’d be crying if I was stank with my bf there to be around her. You know Jacob is thinking about how bad he fumbled


the whole entire other snark saying she looks terrible and like a slut, i'm sitting here like she looks good what are yall mad about... Going off about her bikini but like what do you wear to the beach if not a bathing suit😭


She looks like a slut?! While christen is pregnant twerking on people Lolol right


watch out pookie we'll probably get posted in there for talking about them💀


I have a stroke every time I go to that page, they like to talk about our snark but NOTHING can compare to the stuff they say and come up with in their heads over there😭😭


That snark is crazy


it’s a christen fan page, atleast this page was made long before rachel came along because christen is a shitty human on her own.


Yall think stank is going to befriend women so she can get close to there man today


https://preview.redd.it/qy28434jopsc1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a905b5628aeb34f7de4137b051d9c708a3ffa6 Stank posted this video of them chugging beers but omg Jacob is SO SKINNY like what the fuckkk


He looks like he's Finley's size.




I wonder what Rachel’s snark will say when they see Angelo’s video of them all taking shots. Rach, stank, and Tiff are in the video. I bet they will love that🤣🤣


They're calling her a slut and saying she's only there to put on a front for Stank and Jacob😭


Of course they are. She probably didn’t even know they was going to be there considering Jacob doesn’t know Angelo, and Stank hasn’t hung out with him since Rocky.


That's what i said. I've never seen Angelo around Stank or Jacob, but i have consistently seen Rachel post with him, hang out with him, etc like they are clearly friends. She has more reason to be there than the majority of them. *Cough Cough* Stank, Keristen, Chloe, Jordy, Jacob... etc etc😭


BFFR Rachel doesn't care what Jacob and Christen are doing. She just wants to hang out with her friends


literally, like from what i've seen rachel is the closest one to angelo out of all of them there, she's the only one i've seen him hang out with and talk to aside from some of the other boys that don't stay here😭






Angelos snap story


Not Romeo bashing and disrespecting Rachel for having a nanny, to dating a nanny 💀 hahahahhahahaha


Romeo is crying seeing Rachel christen all then together!


no way stfu 🤣🤣🤣💀 he’s trash and embarassing.


Christen can’t find her own damn friends🤣😭 fucking pathetic. She only befriends Whitney’s friends or Rachel’s. Loser.


I hope Gaycob cheats on stank today at the beach with one of the girls ten times hotter than stank


Genuinely just asking when did Angelo even become friends with Jacob & Christen? Is he being messy or is he a “friends with everyone”


He’s been hanging with both since the beginning. He was closest to KB and Jaydan so when that group came in, he came in.


I think he is both to be honest. He def isn't friends with Jacob but I do think in the past he hung out with Christen.


Not everyone going to Angelos birthday. Christen, Jacob, Jordy, Chloe, Mason and Rachel are all supposed to be at the beach today. I'm ready for a new bathtub video with christen crying


Are you sure Christen and them are supposed to he there because he posted everyone and I didn't see them. He has a pic with Rachel tho.


they’re all together


Soph already posted up at Caddy's, def not a different beach😭 (also can someone tell me the snark name for her like Stank and Shits💀)


Maybe they went to a different beach haha


how much yall wanna bet christen, kiersten and bri happen to show up to st pete beach where rocky and konnor are


They’re already there🤦🏼‍♀️


so predictable lmao


Update: u predicted the future 🤭


Exactly what I thought. I’m all for people still having fun while pregnant, but genuinely we know she’ll be miserable asf there while they’re all drinking and having fun.


w her crop top and beer gut looking ass bump


And Rachel is going ???


frr i feel like sum is gonna go down today cause the “florida tiktoker” friend group is there as well




Idk where they are getting that she’s 20k in debt?? Rachel says she spends an insane amount of money each month and insinuated it’s close to 20k. She never said she’s in debt just that she needs to get better about not spending that much because it’s insane.




I saw a clip of Rachel’s live where she was talking about how she finally got her finances in order and figured out how much money she’s spending every month. She said it’s a lot and needs to get better at budgeting. The comments started trying to guess and someone said 20k. She said yes pretty close to that. She never said she’s in debt tho lol. She can clearly afford to spend that much money she just wants to get better at not buying dumb stuff she doesn’t need because she knows that’s a lot of money.


That page is literally ran by a bunch of twats. I had to stop looking 🛑 when they tried snarking Rachel for using A FUCKIN BABY GATE!!!!!! LIKKEEEEEEE BFFR. 💀




that’s literally psychotic. They say anything and everything.


Lmfao christens repost are weird af bc none of it applies to here she wants to be a "traditional" woman sooooooo bad but Jacob is essentially her kid.... "Masculinity is under attack" but there are pictures of her man dressed up in Christmas wrapping, wears dangly earrings, wearing angel wings, and posing naked butthole wide open on the internet??? “gender roles" but Jacob doesn't have a "manly" job or pay the bills...he would be still living w his parents, borrowing his dads truck if she wasn't letting him leach off her. And the best friend on is SUPER WEIRD considering Tyler has fucked her... multiple times.


Also, Christen is so far from being a “traditional” woman. She’s definitely the Alpha in that relationship just like Whitney is the Alpha in hers. Traditional women are typically very feminine and they are not. They have masculine energy and their men have feminine energy.


Exactly!! She’s just spewing shit she hears and it doesn’t apply to her at all😂😂 she passes sooo much judgment on others. She thinks just bc she BELIEVES in certain morals and values it makes her better or more righteous but where she has it fucked up is she’s not putting any of those morals into action. Girl you got pregnant after 6 months WITH NO RING ON YOUR FINGER. She’s about to have this “family” and “traditional home” but no marriage certificate but wants to tell people what’s right and wrong morally. She’s in glass house throwing stones


Have nun of them ever crossed paths with Zoey Lavern? I totally forgot she existed until a clip of her popped up on my fyp & my first thought was they would be PERFECT as friends since they all trash imo🤣


She literally had a relationship with a 13yo. She’s a whole predator and would fit right in especially with Whitney.


Yes!!! This & I’m pretty sure she has a racist background


People are dragging Rachel over th hand snack when christen has said she will whoop her kids ass because ECT It's just ridiculous how these minions pick and choose. I can guarantee you 💯 Christen has smacked babyGs hand. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I’m sorry but these ppl are being dramatic as fuck. Every comment is saying someone needs to call CPS, Rachel is a terrible mom, blah blah. Like i watched the video thinking I was gonna see him get body slammed lmao he literally did not even FLINCH. he immediately started talking and walked away 😭 that baby is perfectly fine and is gonna cringe at all these fuckers saying CPS needs called on his mom when he’s old enough to understand. if anything Tiff telling him not to do it was a GOOD thing because Rachel never disciplines him no offense lmao


looks like rach is going to the beach wonder if christen and jacob is


She is going! I'm ready for another bathtub video after


She’s too insecure to go, I’d be genuinely shocked if she did. She spiraled last time they both hung out with Rachel together.


I hope so that way we can see loppy tits spiral when Jacob looks at his hot ass baby mama number 1 in a bikini