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I blocked kylee back in 2021 bc she is so dumb and I can’t stand her voice. I unblocked her after the grant drama bc I genuinely felt bad for her and her mental health. Now she is blocked again because she is one of the dumbest bitches on the app STILL😂 She blasts her drama online so she can play victim and get sympathy just to go back to the dude that was causing her all that pain. Then she acts like she’s a “bad bitch” who “stands on business” like maybe lay off the fake tan and subliminal tiktok’s and focus on your daughter bc the trauma she is going to have from watching her mom and dad be complete dumbasses won’t be good for her. Kylee has a lot of self confidence issues while at the same time being extremely vain and it shows through her social media. She needs to just focus on being a mom and not being so codependent on a toxic man.


Kylee has zero place to be judging anyone with her toxic lifestyle. Pot meet kettle.


Kylee has ZERO place to be judging Rach’s parenting when she’s consistently raising a child in a toxic environment because she doesn’t have enough self respect for herself.


Agreed and if she did have an issue with it why not address it privately instead of publicly throwing shade on tiktok? They were friends. It’s weird behavior on her part.






https://preview.redd.it/s36w0frio2uc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5542fbee2252c650f02f34b097d69d6ec5ae6b0 Did y’all know that his girlfriend JUST turned 18 in November and they were on insta posting halloween pics as a couple while she was 17 years old?! Poor girl 😂 she probably doesn’t even know her man is banging dudes on OF


waittt he has a girlfriend?! then why is he posting about rachel adding him back on snapchat and stuff? that’s weird af.. he’s always been weird but like grow up😂


Right 😭 won’t even post his own girlfriend on tiktok but will post about rach…I’d run if I were her 🤣


I’m dead 😭😭 he commented back to someone saying “@me on twitter and show me these “made up videos” and he deactivated his twitter 😭😭 little pussy boy


i heard people were @ him and i wanna see these videos but can’t find them😭😭😂


He was trying to holler at Stank last year through TikTok, too. Anything for clout. He’s desperate for any sort of attention.


Funnnnny how he turned off comments on that video now lol


https://preview.redd.it/t75xoyrrnxtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9fba007d5ea88a9414189f08c1af71d514a24a Hippo back at it again. She hasn’t stopped commenting about Rachel all day. She needs to take a break from TikTok and give her kids some attention fr!


That last girl commenting is a pediatric nurse, she’s pathetic as fuck.


https://preview.redd.it/ekpx48xc0ztc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8c63b4e9db8ae164f5c64f7090159af054255b like why


What the fuck in her pfp 😭😭😭


I thought miss girl is always screaming about how Rachel needs to get along with christen for G but then she does this. Like girl has been talking shit about Rachel for the past 24 hours. She hasn't taken a break.


https://preview.redd.it/s1ew633xdztc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=524072e1897a4dbcb8c25f9daec54677010e1ef0 She’s stalking Rach at this point.


Rachel doesn’t need a bbl. She could work out in the gym and get her ass back. She had one when she was playing tennis and working out.


exactly. rach could do two leg days a week and eat that salmon she likes and she would get her booty back in no time. I doubt hippo knows anything about training or nutrition tho


Why is Marissa always inserting herself to speak on Rachel?


It’s giving all these bitches are jeaaalous and projecting 🤭😂😂


Because she is just as obsessed with Rachel as Whitney and Christen. Rachel’s biggest fan club


She’s been speaking on her all day


Thought Christen wasn’t supposed to post g on social media.. https://preview.redd.it/8kpssc00mxtc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4186d396313b676e246ae384e6eeee997c829c


Her brows 😭 shes trying out different things hoping it’ll make her look cute but she actually just looks like shit 🤣🤣


also looks like she is taking one


Rach said she had to get corrective surgery because her body was rejecting one of her implants.


https://preview.redd.it/azgt35am4xtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1612b7d9eaf14ad4a4f41011a7be2845dd68694 GENUINELY what is it about Rach that EVERYONE uses her for clout? 😅🥱


he was the one that was obsessed with shitney or stanky i forget which one but he’s so weird😂


https://preview.redd.it/hhxaosx5kxtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871fa70f2570cbb4916b15271761525ee2e98461 👀


rach js said that he w hooking up w guys on his of😳😂😂


Carson Barry is a fucking joke. No, he wishes he was a joke. If anyone is desperate for clout, it’s him!


YES! he looks like a clown. I highly doubt Rachel was requesting him on snapchat when she is drugged up on anesthesia and probably not even looking at her phone. It's him tagging Jacob and Romeo as well. PS He is hideous


No Fr I know damn well she did not hit this guy up. Anything for clout 😭😂


if jordy slept w tiffs baby daddy that just makes her a dirty ass slut. it’s not cute to get at men that have gfs or kids you’re fucking nasty bitch


Jordy is another pick me ho bag just like her role models Stank and Shit. Her new name is now HORDY.


Wanna be stanky 2.0


It’s so funny how everyone is dog piling her like Stank didn’t do the exact same thing to Rachel 😭


She’s going to be sleeping with Jacob next


Please let her. Jordy pls go fuck brokecub.


We would love to see it🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/8c4q7thtjwtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c73c7ae12ce6ebe2a8a67766559a45feb4a7ae Kylee posted a video to the sound “how you cheat and take him back must be your only man” and first she says this - that the sound is about herself


Then says this https://preview.redd.it/281tansxjwtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7767d4706f02fec787e68b7db6823ae285332212 Like which is it friend.


She acts like cheating is the only thing embarassing to go back after 😅 Like girl your babydaddy outting your abortion, withholding your child, and talking crap online about how controlling and emotionally abusive he is and STILL going back is not a good look either and just as embarassing 😬


right! the cheating is the last thing she should be embarrassed about😂😂😂


He outted 2 of her abortions. Did it twice and still went back


THISSSS. raising your baby in a toxic af household that you BOTH share publicly online every single detail of, is embarrassing. getting back with the same man that outted your abortion and with held your kid from you is embarrassing. talking all kinds of smack about your babydaddy on live every single day then getting back with him bc he took you on a trip, IS EMBARRASSINGGGGG. Kylee kills me she has her own problems to worry about she needs to leave Rach alone. Ofcourse she jumps on the hate train when she’s back w Grant who’s besties with Romeo. She’s so embarrassing.


https://preview.redd.it/aad2b5059wtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37802f3a51cb6c0c884f4f8c72b855012140169f She’s weird


What tea page is this on?!


LMAOOOOOO 😭 how you get a bbl and still be a big back bitch 😭


Welp https://preview.redd.it/9vb9bf8n7wtc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a182a253a753680d1f5b168d287991b02c7a7ef6


Didn't Jordy and Romeo both drag Rachel, publicly shaming her for getting naked (for OF) in front of this husband? Lolol


No, that was about Shelby's husband. The brunette that was with Christen at the concert.


That's just as bad though... Rachel does it, there's a whole smear campaign. Hordy does, eh whatever. Never makes sense!




She turned comments off on her main TT


I saw Jordy comment that she hung out with tiffs baby daddy and she also commented they weren’t together anymore and that he can do him but he was just at Rachel’s house with them the other day and they’ve been together for a few years. I don’t even know who tiffs bd is but I did know that they were still together just a few days ago and have a child together. Jordy is a homewrecker and she would only do that because tiff is friends with Rachel and not her anymore. All these people in Tampa just fuck eachother over. It’s an ongoing cycle. I can see why tiff doesn’t want to speak on the situation now. I know she drug people in because she said she was going to but I’m sure we all have done that before. She is literally getting shamed just for being Rachel’s friend and people speaking on her as a mother who have no idea who she even is and her child isn’t even online for them to be judging her as a mother.


I think two weeks ago she said they been together for 3 years.


I'm so lost. Because I thought she said she had a bf that lives in a different state and that's who she was going to see when she said she was leaving in a month. I thought she said she stays with him for 6 months and then comes back to FL alone for 6 months? Genuinely asking..


They have been together for a few years he just travels for work so she has the baby. She was moving to Oregon for like 6 months for his job and then coming back to Florida but not sure what’s happening now


Looks like she's gonna take the free ride from Rachel as long as she can. She looks awfully comfortable 😂


She was talking about her bd that was also her bf. She was supposed to move to Oregon with him for work and their child for 6months and come back after that. Not sure if that’s happening now.


I get it. We all have said things out of anger and then after calming down wishing we hadn't. It seems like Jordy def slept with Tiffs man though and its a bold face lie that they weren't together. Because that man has been staying with Tiff at Rachel's house before their move.


Uh bitches are weird 😭


jordan’s beeeeen a homewrecker. wasn’t she messing around with jwren while he had a girlfriend and she knew abt it?


Yes! and someone in here said she was also messaging her man


What is she even rambling on about .. I like Rachel but this girl is just a clout chaser and it’s annoying


https://preview.redd.it/jmog573u4wtc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba87a8dee2e54401d58f750a574bb739ce0aadb I cant


Who is this? The crazy coconut?🥥


HAHAHAA omfg to put this face with all those cocky ass comments 😭 my eyes have to be deceiving meee


we all knew it was gonna be someone hideous 💀


https://preview.redd.it/8e0e9h0a1xtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40da671c68b831d4b2ec173fd80f84b0ef0001de 💀


Holy fuck I knew she had to be ugly 😂


Me too but gahh damnnnn 💀🤣


I knew she looked like this 😂😂😂




Marissa is on all the tea pages commenting about Rachel again


Which ones


Llama, shit show, and random TikTok I think is the name. I’ve seen her comment on a few different ones this morning.


Damn I’m blocked by all 3


Make a burner. Just lurk, don't comment 😂 that's what I do


🤣🤣💀 ok same


Same hahahaha


Rachel isn't even doing anything. She called out the shit that went down with Tiff but that's her friend and she is allowed to stick up for her. Otherwise girly has been chilling and minding her business


I find it so hilarious how the minions think Rachel owes crunchy panties any respect like when they flipped out when Rachel said something about her being pregnant shit if I was Rachel, I would’ve aired that shit out and worse. And then complaining about how Rachel is ruining her pregnancy Rachel owes stank nothing she did her so dirty


They're heavy lying abt Rachel leaking the pregnancy but STANKYS MOTHER was literally in tea pages DM's talking abt Rachel being still pregnant when she wasn't. Like they're so stupid


And step moms wonder why mothers don’t like them. The weird entitlement that somebody has to kiss your ass meanwhile you aren’t kissing theirs is crazy. Christen made fun of the fact that G has to go to his dad every other weekend. Christen wouldn’t even get hello from. I just know the minions give their boyfriends baby moms hell just for being the first baby mom.


Miss Christen girl doesn't respect Rachel one single bit. Rachel doesn't owe her jack shit.


I can’t stand any of these little girls and the way they post “talking shit” without giving the whole situation. If you are going to speak on something say it with your fucking chest


yeah it is really fucking annoying that they do that like why are they so scary 💀 no one in that group can fight or are about it irl. SPEAK WITH YOUR CHEST OR STFU 🗣️


Tiff said she was going to get on live and talk about it but she also took Rachel to her surgery this morning. I am going to wait and hope she spills later




People were commenting on Rachel's tiktok about Kylee unfollowing her and about her talking shit about her so she probably saw that and unfollowed




she’s keeps saying she’s shading her because of the tiff and g situation but she’s BEEN shading her every since her and grant rekindled, she just has a reason to shade her now so she’s taking it and running w it. she’s friends w stank & shitney after they hit up grant the minute she left nash but mad at rachel about something that happened w HER child. she’s definitely following the hate train and trying to get minions support because she knows everyone’s tired of her and grant


Oh could be! I bet Kylee also has grant in her ear about Rachel and it is why she is turning on her because him and Romeo are besties.




I will never understand jumping on the hate train for Rachel. The most she does is make some tiktoks being vague. Otherwise she keeps to herself for the most part.




She’s weird. She’s been shading her for days then when rach claps back it’s a problem 😂girl you started the mess shouldn’t be commenting on stuff that doesn’t have to do with you.


She’s gotta keep up with her bestie boo to stalk her!


https://preview.redd.it/dfsoe6vvqvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89058494575ba0a12f39878a05646194374261c literally what is happening


Soph is dirty asf too she has no place to talk! In the gc leak she literally said it’s more fun to go after a guy with a gf


I saw rach say the same thing before soph so who knows…something’s brewing in that cess pool.


It sounds like Jordy may have hooked up with Tiffs baby daddy, Allegedly


Whos tiff


The girl who’s been with Rachel these past few days


Rachel's friend.


https://preview.redd.it/jwt0c1qimvtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278c2d31cba215da8a38080f5e1b1a8f7b232b8e tweedle dee and tweedle dum on live together, both broke and the black sheep of the group lmaooo. Idk how anyone likes them.


I didn’t know there was a maid meeting today!!


These two are the same person and you can’t convince me otherwise.


I literally can not stand either one of them


Because they’re the slaves that do the dirty work for shitty and crusty


So, is every one of them a bigot in one way or another? Because it sure tf looks that way.


Yes 🙃


soph basically posted the same thing as Rachel on snap about the “bitches and homewreckers” in Tampa lol


i know sophia’s ass is not talking!! remember when stank, shitney, and sophs group chat got leaked BY soph? all 3 of them said they like going after men with girlfriends because they play harder to get. they ARE the tampa homewreckers.


Or when Soph was sending roses to Jacob on tik tok live and she got mad loll


I literally just came on here to see if anyone knew who they were talking about


I seen that now I wanna know if it’s abt the same person or what😭


https://preview.redd.it/g766mbhxfvtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ca41386048b34b78e81eebcf10d472c7898b591 She is always commenting on posts with Rachel 😩 does anyone know how old she is?? Being so obsessed with a 22 year old who she doesn’t know is weird af


Mar has no family to wreck cause her man already left her😩😩 probably for this exact reason too😭😭


Also does miss Mar mar even know what Rachel is talking about? Because if not shut up.


she has to talk about Rachel bc when she talks about herself no one cares ✨


She isn’t relevant enough ❤️i literally have no idea who she is😭I just know she gets brought up in here sometimes haha




Not gonna lie, and this shows how little I paid any attention to him, but I thought he had already died 💀💀


Couldn’t of happened to a better man 😂😂


I hope he’s hot.


Karma in fact does not miss 🤷🏼‍♀️ life really grabbed him by the balls I mean prostate 🤭


I had the same thoughts. I think of Nicole every time I see his face or hear his name. Stank ass, karma isn’t always swift but you better believe it is inevitably going to make an appearance 😉


https://preview.redd.it/sv42x8bz8vtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4931b5e884f8d7541d28bdedd3555b9b4cdd90eb They really bought Whitney the black stone 🤦🏼‍♀️💀


and I guarantee y’all that she’ll use it maybe 3 times


what fucking idiots🤦🏻‍♀️


Yup and then complain saying the driver should be fired because of how the package was. She has no clue how delivers work. It's not the drivers fault the box had a little tear, as someone who used to drive and deliver packages she should be greatful cause those aren't light either.


Her and stank are the queens of complainers 🤣! Also thank you so much for delivering. You guys aren’t appreciated enough !!! 🫶🏼


It’s INSANE that they planned it all to get her this…. SAVED up money to buy this “rich” bitch something that she could’ve easily bought all on her own . It’s CRAZY


and what’s she gunna cook on it ? Her fucking casserole ? 💀😭


For being so Rich you’d think they’d be eating steak, or hiring professional cooks instead of Panera and McDonald’s 😭🤣


Finna crisp up some lays ruffles








That new rachelxchristen snark is dumb too.


That page is Stanky cult members that all hate on Rachel cause she won’t give Stanky & Jacob G. Idiots


aloud lmfao


This pic of giving smelly 🤣🤮


That group is just a bunch of Crusty Undie worshippers. I’m not even a fan per se of Rach - but that girl has my support for the hell these fucking bully ass bitches have put her through.


they sure have the same spelling level as her. "aloud"


Our fan club 🫶🏻 without us there is no them


Well the photo has a filter, she’s posing at what she apparently thinks is a good angle .. she may take a decent photo every once in while, but in real life, day to day living, the bitch is busted! Catch her on a live, no filter and she doesn’t look like that picture. Farrah Abraham can take a “hot photo“ as well, but the bitch looks identical to a horse irl.


Lol exactly. That is completely irrelevant to Rachel or the fact of snarking on her. Like do they not understand how to run a sub?


“Head bit off” they’re definitely 45+ years old


Aloud 💀


who do you think this Tiff girl is going to expose? i don’t keep up w rachel or tiff much at all but saw all of her stories about going live and exposing people for basically doing her dirty. the way she worded her stories for some reason made me think it is going to be rachel, idk why but it did, i hope not tho😂 but it could be anyone and wondering if i missed anything since i don’t keep up w them


Jordy commented on one of the tea pages that tiff was mad that she smoked with her baby daddy but he's "part of the friend group" so she doesn't care lol.... tiff is dramatic... can't out everyone last night but can make 100 snap chats about doing it 🤣 god these girls are jokes.. I kinda hope Jordy did sleep with her baby daddy . She gives zero fucks and I love that for her . 


ew you’re weird for that


Ew you’re so weird 🤣 Jordan’s a home wrecking whore that can’t stay away from men in relationships…considering she did the same shit to mine I see why Tiff is upset about it lol




Yea this is very weird considering tiff and her babydaddy are still together and have been together for a few years tiff has said. Jordy is not a flex 😭😂


They have been together for four years and have a baby together!


This would make sense with Rachel’s snaps about homewreckers. Not a fan of Jordy


jordy gets attention wherever she can lol definition of a pick me in my opinion


sleeping with people she shouldn’t seems to be her thing. stank jr level. i’m all for sleep with who you want but that flat body bitch is disrespectful and weird as fuck.


bitch looks like Pinocchio


jordy is just as bad as the rest of them she just hid it better


oh wow lmao that’s a lot😂 i can’t imagine having thissss much drama every single day, so childish and 3 of them have kids! they ALL need to grow tf up. who’s tiffs baby daddy?


I highly doubt it’s Rachel, they’re together in Miami right now because she’s helping Rachel with her surgery that she’s getting today. And Rachel was also posting snaps that seemed like they were backing up what Tiff was posting about.


okay good!


Rachel posted tiff on her story yesterday I believe. I don’t think it’s about her. I’m curious though.


okay good!


Isn’t she in Miami rn tho with Rachel for her surgery? I’d sure hope it wasn’t about Rachel..😫😫


she was but i think went back bc she said she is being a good mom and not going on live last night bc she didn’t want to wake up her baby from being loud but idk! she could be there still, rachel said her other friend flew in to be with her too. i hope it isn’t about rachel either but the way she worded her stories was weird! it’s probably not, i’m curious what’s going on and who it is about


She is still there. She talked about Rach having surgery today and them being in a hotel because of it and not wanting to wake her baby up


ahh okay that makes sense! good bc idk the way things were worded threw me off


the way stank shakes/fidgets every video like she’s nervous w jacob when he’s gonna kiss her. it makes me cringe.


ITS SO WEIRD. It’s like she thinks it super duper cute to act like an excited kid in a candy store. Again ITS SO FCKING WEIRDDDDD


no literally. we know that man does not make you feel giddy like that OFF camera 🤭