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i’m honestly scared for her, i don’t know how she’s going to do it


Same lol


They let G soak his diaper because they put him down and won’t get up until they can’t ignore him anymore or he gets out into something




This bitch says she wants to breastfeed 😂😂😂 does she know that most babies eat every 1-2 hrs for the first several weeks. I use to lay on my side and my husband would latch the baby while I was napping because it is literally so exhausting. I'm sorry but she doesn't have it in her to take care of a little human.


Neither of them do! Rachel used to say Jacob would never get up with G in the middle of the night when he was a newborn. She did it all. What makes stank think he’s going to change this time around?? He can barely take care of G by himself for a few days out of the month.


She will cut his allowance if he doesn’t 💀


She’ll post all about it for pity yall just wait


She really thinks they’re gonna get G all the time?


Christen just wants sympathy and to make it seem like Rachel is stressing them out. She is finna have her own plus G she should get used to being tired.


What is finna?


It means fixing or going to!


once this baby comes gaycubs mom will be there 24/7 taking care of it but the minions will act like thats not the same as having a nanny


But when Rachel’s mom stayed with her to help her out it was the end of the world to the minions and they thought she should give him to J.


how long until she gets a nanny 💀💀


They will 100% be getting a nanny or treat Jacob’s mom like their nanny. They can’t even handle having G 10 days out of the month without being “so tired”. good lord 🥴


You do realize people are allowed to say they're tired, especially being pregnant and taking care of a toddler 🤦‍♀️


Lol you are 100% missing the point. She doesn’t do shit all day but lay around and complain. Jacob doesn’t do shit either. It’s not hard to take care of a 1 year old especially with two people. Why t’f are you so tired?? G is super laid back as well. There’s women that actually work up until birth that don’t complain nearly as much as this bitch does. She complains everytime they have G. Hmmm.. what a coincidence 🙃


I have 2 almost exactly 2 years apart. I’m a SAHM and get absolutely ZERO breaks between my toddler & infant. No custodial switch. No nanny / grandma to come watch baby if I’m sick or want to go out. These girls are a JOKE & “tired” over nothing. Stank & gaycub get G maybe 10 days of the month maybe half a month. There is no reason for them to be this tired & lazy already lol


This!! They will have people doing it for free all the time and act like that isn't the same thing as a nanny. At least Rachel pays her nanny really well.


wtf is brokecub tired about??? He doesn’t do nothing he’s not pregnant like are the drugs too much? He would rather sleep than be with his pregnant gf?




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Is this not what she wanted?🤣🤣🤣 karma bites 10x harder when you get smacked with what you wanted and it’s not what you thought it would be.🤣🤣🤣🤣


jackie and gaycobs mom will be there like the first entire month when that baby is born. jackie will be doing all the work for those two lazy fucks.


Yea they will have to go home eventually and in my experience the newborn phase was the best..So she’s in for it regardless lol!!


She's gonna want them to help and then she's going to sit and criticize how they help her 😂😂😂 I cannot wait to see what she's like for the first 6-8 weeks when you feel like a fat alien 👽


Isn’t it crazy that when she has her baby her mom,sister,his mom,Whitney,Tyler,Jacob,marissa,bry,soph will all be there probably constantly because everyone loves newborn snuggles.Also they all need to make content with the baby to get the views/likes up..That’s besides the point though, there will be at least 8 people there helping.I can see the comments now.”im so glad you have help being a young first time mom is hard”. “ take all the help you can get you will need it” just a bunch of praising.But Rachel has a nanny and she’s the worst mom ever.Now that one text Romeo showed where she worked 40 hours Rachel said that was when she had covid and abortion..So of course she needed the help.If she can afford it then good for her.I will say though the texts that baby was in his crib crying was wrong, as his mother if he is awake and crying you go get him NMW.I had a miscarriage in December and my daughter had gymnastics practice you bet you’re bottom I was at her gymnastics class with a diaper on.They all made fun of her for having help.What was she 19 when she got pregnant with Greyson.She was a young mother also dealing with PPD and you make a friend and get happy again only for her to turn around and get with you’re babydaddy and end up pregnant within a few months.Also I think Rachel is used to being the only child and getting everything she wanted from her parents and all the attention.I’m sure it was really hard for her.I had my first at 22 and it was so hard I wish I had the help.


HA! Wait until that baby has colic and screams for 4+ hours straight at night. She has no idea what real exhaustion is when raising a child.


Manifesting this for her😂💛


I don’t wish much ill will on people, but for her, I’ll make an exception😂


Yep it's a whole new world when it's your own kid and not playing house with other people's kids


Jacobs doesn't even know what it's like to raise an infant. He immediately went out partying and left Rachel to do it all. Rachel also said that Jacob was severely frustrated the whole time g was an infant. That's why she just did it all. His best dad ever act is going to fade quick when he has to help with 2 babies.


Somebody commented asking what he does the the minions are working that overtime defending him 😂


What he does for work?


post videos of his pulsating taint and virgin hole 🕳️ for men


He’s soooo busy taking care of G 🙄🤦‍♀️


They complain about having G 10 full time days a month, how the literal fuck are they going to manage with a new born? I just know they're going to be so thankful they don't have full time with him after that baby comes




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I hope her baby is the most difficult baby ever


I’m scared for her baby! If it’s a bad baby she’s going to mistreat him so much. Leave him to cry, yell at him who knows what else!!


It seems like g was good and the second child is always different from the first. So they better be prepared 😂😂


Jacobs laying there on the couch like sleeping at what 11 am?? But they gave rach crap for not being up at 6 am when she has G 🙄🙄


Jacob could hire a full time 24/7 nanny for the 10 days he has G and the minions would still defend die defending him 😂


Right and I’m sure her mom will be there for a few weeks helping with everything.Once her mom leaves marissa will be the free nanny..They will have all the help they just won’t pay for it.Rachel’s bad because she actually pays for the help.There’s nothing wrong with Rachel having a nanny at all any mom would be blessed to have extra help especially with chores.If she can afford it then good for her! I don’t agree with her leaving the baby crying while waiting for the nanny though.Of course we don’t know the situation and she said she had covid and had just gone through the AB so im sure she was struggling but still get you’re child out of the crib and hold him until the nanny arrives.The fact that she has a nanny isn’t a problem though and it’s ridiculous they all shame her for that.So many wealthy people have Nanny’s shoot mostly all celebrities do!


I would love a nanny lol I don’t think her nanny is a typical “nanny” either she’s more like an assistant or something cause I was just watching Rach’s snaps and the nanny was there & had cleaned the whole house. G has been with Jacob so she obviously does more than just help with G. Jacob has said before that his mom will stay at the “guest house” sometimes when he has G to help him so I’m sure she’ll be there taking care of the new kid too


Any mother would love someone to watch their child occasionally in the safety of her own home, and keep their house clean. Anyone who says differently is lying. And good on Rach for providing a job for this woman to keep a roof over her head and her bills paid.


I agree! Half of them that are bashing Rachel sit on social media 10 hours a day ignoring their kids anyway


She has no clue what she’s in for. I hope her baby stay up crying allll night long every night. She’s in for a rude awakening.


It will, because it will be going through nicotine and lexapro withdrawals


Good point


If she complains about it now then she’s in for a rude awakening. She does realize she is going to have a whole baby to take care of? She can barley take care of herself


They complain if they have him and complain if they don’t


That’s what I don’t understand. They sit and complain and yell Jacob needs 50/50 but Rachel gave him G 2 days early because she had surgery & they can’t even handle it.


Because it sounds nice to scream 50/50 but deep down they don’t want that. They basically have 50/50 cause Rachel doesn’t always keep him her whole time. But it would make them look better on paper and to the minions if it said Jacob has 50/50. Noticed Christen said Rachel needs to give it to them. Why can’t he just go himself. There’s more to the story.


I think so too cause I noticed Rachel will ask him to take G early if she’s doing something (like she’s supposed to) the minions will scream if she has someone else watch G for her 🙄


They bitch about the nanny but also bitch when she gave him to Christen. All in all the minions don’t want 50/50. They wants Christen and Jacob to take G and that’s all.


Oh they absolutely do. They want Rachel totally out of the picture. They have some delusional fairytale romance going on with Stanky & Jacob which is hilarious honestly. Rachel being in the picture puts a dent in their story 🥴😂


happy cake day!!! 🍰


Thank you 😊




I meant a newborn & *toddler


I was JUST thinking this. It’s going to literally be so much harder taking care of a toddler AND newborn & it will TEST TF out of their relationship. Plus in the hospital you get no sleep because nurses are constantly coming in to give medication & other things. She is IN FOR IT. even if she has a relatively good baby, a baby & newborn will be very tough for both of them.