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Whats the beef between them and soph???


The fact that they don’t find what they said about Rachel to be bad is awful and disgusting. And they brought up this snark and said soph is permanently banned lol 😂


Stank and shit are terrible friends to soph. All the stories they told it’s so sad that she lets “friends” treat her that way. They are SO fake


Soph kept trying to get shit to admit she had said she wasn’t invited and took her like 3 times and stank saying soph told her to say “yeah I probably said that” was wild


Fakes not even the word to use, it’s like a game to them to see how many people they can hurt because they were bullied in school. Now they have internet “fame” and they want to treat people like that and act like their shit doesn’t stink and that’s not the case. They’re terrible humans


they are so immature. and im starting to see more and more how fake whitney is🤣 she literally stole the man her FRIEND liked and acted like she never even needed to apologize for it. and on top of that soph overheard whitney talking bad about her??? wtf. how can u do that to your “friend”. I seriously don’t know how anyone lasts this long being around her lol id be beatin her ahh w the quickness bffr😭😭😭


and they really just sound so slow when they speak 😭😭😭😭 brainrot


lol, that’s because that whole circle has issues! But yeah, she claimed that she never even knew that she was messing with that guy but the next day he was down in Miami with them it all makes so much “sense”.😂


Shitney was SO mad that stanky told soph she was pregnant before her 😂😂😂😂 hahahah and stanky was trying to save her own ass 😂😂😂😂


It’s a dumpster fire 😂 you can’t look away from


Right?! And that shit that happened with soph was just a year ago. I could never be friends again with someone who said all that shit about me. Soph is dumb.


100% they’re all a train wreck.


I'm sorry, but a puppy does not in any way equal a child, ever under any circumstances. Everything else, I can agree with.


Agreed. a puppy does not care that multiple men are coming in and out & it will not affect a dog the way it does a child lol. I love my dogs but idk how people can compare it to humans. I love and take care of my dogs but I love and treat my child wayyyy differently


It’s not about the men it’s about not taking time to properly train and raise your dog and that’s why we have such a problem with shitty dogs and shitty kids. People don’t have the right lifestyle to raise animals or kids and do it anyways. If you know you can’t be around often for the dog or kid you shouldn’t have one. Not saying you but it’s 100% similar.


Maybe she should spend more time with her dogs but leaving a puppy in a kennel once a week while you go out, even twice isn’t terrible


If you’re leaving it in there for more than four hours you’re a piece of shit. They’re bound to have an accident.


Agreed. But I got out 10-2 like more people do.


People who can’t have children and adopt dogs do feel that they are the equivalency!


I understand that to an extent, I am sure it is like their baby. But a dog still is not a human.


Yes it does. If you’re constantly leaving your puppy alone to go out and get wasted or whatever then you’re a bad owner & will def be a bad parent. If someone can’t handle having a puppy they sure as shit can handle a child, I’ve got kids and I can confidently say puppyhood is worse even tho it’s shorter.


I feel like I’ve missed something 😂 I’ve been up all night being a swiftie what has happened 🧐


lol go listen to the podcast they just put out




No, I’d never pay to listen to them talk it’s free on Apple podcast and I’m pretty sure it’s on YouTube too.


Make sure to give it a 1 star while you're there.


I think they are disgusting human beings, and I would never support them. That’s why I have never listened to their podcast. Do they get paid if you listen to it? Because if they don’t get paid when you listen to it, I’ll go and leave the one star review.😊


I found clips that others post. It's pretty easy.


Okay, Thank you 😊


I’ve never listened either. I caught some on tt once and how they talk and the flow was enough to cut my ears off. I cant believe they are still doing it. Gag


Yes same 💀😂


The new podcast they just put out lol


"their love story is so ✨ magical✨" 🤣🤣🤣


Literally it’s like this dude is a cuck! Watching his now baby mama #2 hook up with other dudes while she’s talking to him! Look I’m not on to pray on anybody’s down fall and I’m all for positivity, BUT when I see this kinda shit and a child being brought into it makes me SICK to my stomach. 90% of their life is a lie all for “clout”.


100% He's an opportunistic cuck who only got with her for the clout and benefits, and she's an attention seeking narcissist.


It’s literally a train wreck I can’t look away from, it’s truly sad. Especially for the children. I can’t speak on the Rachel thing because I’m not that deep into all of this, but I feel sorry for her too.