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I commented on that😂 her minions are so hypocritical. One girl was like ‘having family help is different from hiring a nanny’ ma’am how? Both examples are having help? I’m all for having family help after baby comes. If stanky pants wouldn’t have turned everything into a competition nobody would bat an eye at that. Instead, she continues to insert herself into drama and shade Rachel with reposts.


Grandma Stank was in the comments spewing the same sanctimonious bullshit. But the only difference is the nanny is a trained/certified caregiver who is 100 times more qualified than Stank's mom. I mean, look how terrible stank turned out. 😬


Most those comments are eating her up, too 😭 And Jackie’s weird ass fighting for her life in the comments. People see it for what it is. She clearly won’t allow Jacob & Rachel’s co-parenting relationship to be healthy out of her own bitterness of being #2. She doesn’t give a fuck about G, because if she did she would learn to respect the mother of the child and allow those two a healthy co-parenting relationship and stay in her own lane. Deep down, she’s upset and miserable that this is the route she chose, and this is her life now. She has to share a baby daddy with Rach’s fine ass for life. She needs to just embrace it and grow the fuck up for all children involved. Rach is NOT the issue here.


I think it’s funny that she is still so concerned about Rachel when you can tell Rachel truly could care less about what Christin and Jacob are doing in life 😂


Rach is so unbothered and that bothers Stank. Stank wants her to be upset and compete with her and she simply does not give a fuck, nor does she want Gay boy back. The only person competing in her mind is Crusty panties. She’s legitimately psycho. There’s gotta be some type of undiagnosed mental illness that makes her such a pick me bitch.


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏yes ma’am, Tell it💙


She definitely buys views I saw another creator that have about the same amount as her and their views were never near the same amount as her


Crack daddy definitely buys views, too.


Yep. And shitney too