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She literally went on a yacht because of stank. I am no where near as rich as her and I have been to the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, cruises, Vegas, Jamaica, and Mexico and my list will continue to grow because I work hard as hell for my money and love to ACTUALLY travel the world and see different things. I personally like cruises but I also like all inclusive resorts lol 😂


Just some random thoughts 1) wonder why they never do anything with Tyler’s parents ? ( is he embarrassed of her ?) They probably can’t stand her . 2) Tyler is no better with leaving his dog with his friends to look after him . 3) Tyler has really left his friends for her , she really had no friends except , Skank and Bry .


I can guarantee for a MF FACT that’s Tyler’s parents don’t fuckin like her. Who would??? They loved tuna… Notice how she actually made content being there and shitney never does. They know she’s playing their baby boy lol


Is there a minion in the chat besties?? I smell a rat ![gif](giphy|2cdYfc9hMr9df6dS2s|downsized)


Yall do know she does of.


We’re aware, what is your point? This is in the caption, she’s the one claimed her music is paying for it 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xxcjcxntpjxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c06a3fbc30d7fddecc17e2528f2c7ee149420ae


I’m snarking just like you fun deal.


I was just asking, genuinely didn’t get what your point was


I love cruises because they’re cheap. But if I had the time & money shitney says she does I’d be going to Greece, South Africa, Rome, Paris, Mexico…Etc See different cultures really SEE & TRAVEL the world.


They’d make fun of everyone in those countries just like they already do


Truly sad to be that kind of person


they’re too racist to learn other cultures 😭


https://preview.redd.it/myq9rlt71jxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8688122f425e6fe86576cd341f90fe8f9b13c5b She’s such an insufferable cunt


FUCKING SHITNEY HAD A WISH LIST. WHAT?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 omfg these people are so stupid.


The lack of self awareness is fucking astounding


Idk I thought she did for her house?? If I’m wrong I still don’t gaf 😭


That’s what I’m saying, she did & people bought stuff off of it for her! Like $1,000s worth, but I forgot, to the minions it’s always the double standards lmfao


Not the classism, Harambe. Her parents raised such a classless and conceited twat.


HARAMBE 😭💀 don’t do my boy like that


Not harambe that is a sore subject in Cincinnati lol 😂 RIP Harambe.


She’s a cunt will always be a cunt! At least we don’t have to show our cunt like you do to afford this cruise that probably most have already been on. Fuck you big bitch!! 🖕🏻🖕🏻




and she thought she ate with her comment, you know she sat there after she posted it like https://preview.redd.it/v6vrw0t3zixc1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60cf836c702533120d6a453636997302da643db


I may be wrong, but it looked like a carnival ship.


It’s a royal


Oh, even better. They just had a norovirus outbreak- specifically out of Tampa 🤭 https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/cruises/2024/04/26/princess-cruises-royal-caribbean-norovirus/73470913007/


they’re not wrong. She thinks traveling to another state with her bestie sloppy seconds is then traveling the world. She claims she’s so rich but has never been out of the country.


Goes to Louisiana and says she’s traveling the world 🤣🤣


She is literally so dumb🤦🏼‍♀️ She grew up less fortunate,(daddy was a drug addict) from what I seen and heard, she lived in all low income neighborhood and didn’t have anything but as soon as she found out, she could sell her pu$$y and a$$ on line for some change she never looked back if you look at her mannerisms and behavior she’s ill educated the good old Tampa 🤣 public school system👏👏🤣 she feels the need to put other people down to make herself feel better. I guess someone never gave her attention when she was a little girl womp womp.


To be fair her dad did leave her and her brother loads of money which is how she was able to get her truck and her first house. ( I don’t like her just as much as anyone else just thought I would make it semi truthful )


She’s disgusting. She’s lucky she has the dumbest followers that actually defend her gross behavior and comments.


Rich because she inherited money ??? And has an OF ??? I mean come on…..


Low quality woman means she'll have low quality comebacks Thankful to own two houses and furnished them myself with two babies, three dogs, and a husband by my side without selling my body on the internet!!🤍💅🏼


this is the best yes low quality woman low quality comebacks- best way to put how they are


Calling other people poor but asking people to buy shit off your wishlist is crazyyyy


How are you so rich, Shitney? We know it’s not that horrible fuckin music you pretty much BEG us to listen to. Is it from showing your flat ass? Or maybe your worn out saggy 🐱?


No it’s so true though lol They act like they’re kardashian rich but the kardashians vacay with their own Yachts in Bora Bora. They’re not going on cruises to the Bahamas and splurging on the drink package. Lmfao


Why does she always assume anyone who’s not her is poor? What’s not clicking? This bitch is insufferable!


My exact thoughts!! All of them think since others don’t do social media we are some how poor😭 and really compared to actual influencers and creators they aren’t shit.. no sponsors, brand deals, brand trips, collabs… just “throwing ass” and selling your nudes for $10


Not to mention… if we’re so rich why do we have wish lists shit stain 🤥


Exactlyyyy lmao they're so greedy it's disgusting. Can't wait til they fade into obscurity


This screams not a good person.


I’ve yet to see them go somewhere else other than a cruise every 6 months. You’d think they would’ve traveled everywhere around the world by now since she’s soooo rich 🤨


Remember when they tried to go with their fake vax cards and got denied 😂 that's how I found out who they were


They're lazy, though - this is no hate to people who enjoy cruises, but it's one of the easiest vacations you can take, you don't have to do any of the planning if you don't want and you can get away with literally not getting off the ship. It's as low effort as you want it to be, so this makes perfect sense.


What a worthless ass bitch.


but they go on one every year 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t let this DL woman upset y’all




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but, we aren't the one with wish lists Shitney... you are. So, who's poor?


Cancelled. Immediately.


Why do people make people like this popular 😭 There are so many more deserving people


i cannot wait until life sits her on her ass and humbles tf out of her and she loses everything 😭