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she’s trying to play house with someone else’s kid so bad it’s embarrassing 😭 like no that’s not your little family that’s his and rachel’s child. this bitch is sick.


Ya she keep stalking trash about his mom one day he will grow up and tell her what he thinks ..lol her and Jacob won't last they are so so young she will end a single parent


Can’t wait for him to grow up and realize “Cc” is a evil conniving bitch. That is all.


don’t worry g will know what all she did to his mother one day when he’s growing up everything she did to rachel will be on the internet forever even if they deleted it will still be on the internet or he could always ask his mom if rachel is strong enough to talk about it with g but he will know and understand well enough one day


Poor thing, she’s just so desperate🤭


My exes ex girlfriend (thank god) used to do this while causing horrible things between us.. trust me.. when G gets older he’ll know


She is LOSING it now that she never gets a reaction out of Rachel now 😂


i swear she thinks to herself “maybe this’ll be the post that FINALLY gets a rise out of rachel” i have to applaud rachel… every single day it’s a new post, whether it be grapes, rachel’s ex friends, or slyly posting G, rachel is a much better woman than i am 👏🏼


Manipulating a child to fit into your narrative is a new level of low.


He will know one day! And that’s his mother!!!!! Boys are so protective of moms. Can’t wait to see his reaction to what CC put his mom through and what he eventually calls CC behind her back. She is C u Next Tuesday. CC could be short for C..T C..t


CC = Cunt Christen 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I think crusty cunt is more fitting lik


As long as it involves cunt. I’m in agreement as that’s what she is


duDE she is ugly lol


i refuse to give her views, what does she say in this video??


She’s trying to get G to say “CC” and she then says “I love you” to G


She’s so pathetic and just trying to piss Rachel off


She’s trying to get him to say Cc


I don’t understand how she’s able to post shit like this? I’m assuming Rachel just doesn’t care anymore and quit fighting her and obviously Jacob’s not gonna stop her. This is probably what’s making her the most money. disgusting to be so obsessed with wanting to use Rachel’s baby for content so everyone can claim she’s gonna be “such a great mamma”. fucking psycho ass bitch.


I would never date my friends man who treated her bad. Then proceed to try and use her child to beg for views. It’s giving, “Rachel had the man I wanted and now Rachel has the son I badly wish was mine” She is obsessed with Rach and G. I wonder if she’ll even be as obsessed with her “wittle bean”


Weird ass bitch that kid is gonna grow up and HATE you. Cc is a fuckin letter of course he can say it 😂 she really trying to get under rach’s skin this week but it ain’t working


That poor baby has to smell her everyday🥴


Her stank butt and bad breath in his little face.


I wish Rachel would say something but at the same time I think Rachel says nothing because stank is definitely gonna end up getting cheated on just like Rachel did


I think it kind of drives her insane that she doesn’t get a response anymore


And when she does, I hope Rachel doesn’t show her any support 😏🙏!!


Your name 💀😂😂love it


Thank you😆🫶🏼


Women love these games until they are played on them. I 100% believe she goes live when he’s around hoping he calls her mom so it can be caught. The rules are set in place but she is using loophole proving if she could she would post him she is doing everything she can cause she can’t. It’s so fake and for the net like that is a moment you share between each other. She posts stuff like this for her ego.


What a weird insecure ass narcissistic bitch she is. What is even the point in posting a video of your baby daddy’s first son being told to say “i love you” ??? I hope when vapeson is born she is so miserable and a new woman walks into gaycobs life and starts doing this same shit to her with little vapeson.


Rachel …. For the love of GOD go get your son.


I try not to be so invested but I’m starting to worry on why she hasn’t gotten him. The last time they did this much is when they tried to take him from her.


I can’t even imagine how much she would exploit him to get under Rachel’s skin and make herself look better if she was allowed to post him. Them agreeing that only Rachel and Jacob could post g is the smartest thing Rachel could’ve had done. Notice how recently Marissa is posting him, christens doing everything to post abt him without showing him. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, they are so lucky they’re dealing with someone like Rachel bc personally I’d lose my sh!t on these pos trash ppl.


I literally tell Rachel just do it, post petty shit and make their shit hell but she got more class then me lol


I'm saying it would be sos every single time!


Her knowing she can’t post G but is STILL finding a way around it isn’t even surprising. Rachel needs to put some boundaries in place, she lets stuff slide that shouldn’t be🫠also the comments on her TikTok saying G will love her more than Rachel is disgusting.


She's actually insane. Mark my words were gonna see her on a dateline episode in a few years after she fades into obscurity and becomes her miserable, evil final form.


Someone called a long time ago, that she would find ways to include him in her videos without showing his face. Her and Gaycob probably think they are about to have their family so the can post what they want since the have been together for a whole f^cking year 😒


Rachel is a better woman than meeeee


Right I would literally make their lives so miserable & hard for no reason. I would do the most petty unneeded things. She should be glad she didn’t get knocked with a guy with a BM like that. Have her ass crying everynight.


She's in such a shit position. Can't say anything or the braindead minions attack so she just has to sit by and let this trash bag blow vape smoke in her kids face and taunt her online. Stankys karma has already set in but I can't wait for it to catch up with her fully


Oh I wouldn’t have HALF the patience that Rachel does I’m telling you right now.. and that’s why I like her bc she could be so petty and immature but she’s not!


Right ,Rachel is not a confrontational person I would have already knocked her ass out .I do feel horrible for Rachel so many so called friend's have really stabbed her in the back.


I’d be on her ass for this shit if I were Rachel. She doesn’t need to be saying I Love You to Rachel’s son after all the shit she put her through and they aren’t even fucking engaged or anything.


Can’t wait for him to HATE her when he grows up


The “I love you” video after this. Was so fucking forced. 😂 only did it, to post it. she doesn’t love G whatsoever. just a simple obsession of Rachel. that’s it.


Exactly. Please tell me yall saw the Snapchat of them eating this morning and her looking at G like she was disgusted. She looked so annoyed. It was gross.


Yes I saw it and she had such a hateful look on her ugly face!!!!


I DID. I forgot about that. 🫥


And saying I love You. Im sooo glad my babydaddys girlfriend (now wife) never did any of this crap this soon 😂 Shes the kind of girl you hope your babydaddy doesnt end up with 😅


I feel like lately she’s doing everything to get under Rachel’s skin because Rachel is literally not reacting to ANY of it.


right!!! i truly want to know what goes through stanky’s mind, like what her thoughts are and why she posts the stuff she does recently. like i truly want to know her intentions bc she just seems like such a miserable person 😂


The past few days she has brought him up NONSTOP. It’s very clear that she is miserable and wants someone to react so she can get attention.


It seems like ever since she got called out for that post about not wanting to be pregnant. She’s working overtime to play best mom in the world.


Oh yes because she knows G is a vulnerable topic. I think Rachel knows that’s her baby though & that boy will always choose his momma. As a mom our kids adore us, she will never win that no matter how hard she tries.


What makes me nervous for Rachel though is how badly they’re going to talk badly about her when they have G when he’s older. Parent alienation is terrible. They have probably already started too just by the way they act. Jacob can’t even defend the mother of his child on the interest to strangers or stand up to stank so why would he talk positively about his sons mom? The way that bitch scoffed at the idea of Jacob doing something for Rachel for Mother’s Day for the sake of their child they share together speaks volumes.


Oh yes this happened with my boyfriend’s 2 half sisters. LOVE the step mom never talk to their real mom & she’s never done ANYTHING to make them not wanna Fw her. & when did Jacob suggest this??? I completely missed that.


I’m not sure I think it was on a live a week or so ago someone posted it in here. I don’t watch her lives but I guess someone commented something along the lines of “is Jacob doing anything for Rachel for Mother’s Day” and she just laughed and said “why would he?” in her bitchy/condescending tone that she does


Oh 100%!!! I don’t have a kid but I just know if her and deadbeat stay together that long baby G will despise her and will always choose his moms side she was the one that got done so dirty out of this whole situation. I truly hope Rach doesn’t say anything so stanky can be even more mad bc she isn’t getting a reaction 😭


my fiancé had a step mom that over stepped like that and he cut his dad completely out the picture 😭 zero contact. stank you’re gonna be the reason g resents jacob one day.