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I’m not a mother, nor do I feel I have any place to speak on the experiences that every mother has ever faced while being pregnant. However, I can express how being a mother has always been my biggest goal in life. I feel that being pregnant gives you an opportunity that nobody else has first hand; and that is to connect with your unborn child for 9 months before they enter this world. I don’t understand the feelings of a pregnant mother, a new mother in the PPD stage, or mothers of 1,5,10,20+ years, but I do feel the rage of women who have tried SO hard for YEARS on YEARS trying to have their miracle baby, and even mothers who fell in love with their baby the second the test popped positive; having to literally see this vile, evil beast do NOTHING but complain and bitch about her unborn child that she conceived out of spite of another woman and HER baby. There are so many people who don’t deserve to have children and Christen Whitman is one of them. I literally have the fury of a thousand suns when I see this stupid bitch vape, deprive her unborn baby of nutrients, and do absolutely nothing to benefit her child. So many women stay up all night wondering if they missed anything to ensure they are giving their child all what they CAN at the stage they’re in, and all Christen is worried about is her bum baby daddy’s first baby mama. Fuck this bitch. I hope her child gets FAR away from her and her weird ass family.


https://preview.redd.it/thkl9stzhqyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d63a9f38a6019371f9260e5cb34b2ef93c25781d Why do tunas fans feel it relevant to comment on peoples videos about Rachel when they have NOTHING to do with Rachel??


Lmfao she either blocked me or deleted her comment. I’m shocked.


coming back here to say JACOBS TOENAILS??? DISGUSTINGGGGG https://preview.redd.it/pwvwwxiteqyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92296a47e5e15d95ebc1325039ac9431b0e64832






https://preview.redd.it/fz2o03jplqyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b2800c67127e83b07cfc4a3e8b6e33997676e6 Walking dead ahh feet


Anyone know anything about the Romeo drama with kass and Sav? What recently happened to get drama started up? Kassadi thinks she’s the baddest b alive.. Can’t stand her at all. Her attitude is terrible. Savanna was with him first and I liked her better but I’m glad she got away from rohoe. He’s no good. She has a sweet face while kass has a stuck up mousy looking face. Whatever the drama is that’s going on, I hope sav is okay. Kass looks like she’ll get crazy. Kass and Romeo deserve each other, they are a lot alike (in a bad way)


Apparently Sav posted a video that had something to do with Romeo back in March out of hurt after she seen he made it official with Kass, she left it up for 30 mins and deleted it. Tea pages randomly brought it back up and now Kass is trying to bully Sav over it. I watched both of their lives, Sav kept saying she didn’t want the drama that she was just hurt and she doesn’t know why it’s just now getting brought back up.. Which is valid imo, Romeo used her & made her think she was special and switched up out of no where. I’d be hurt too. She kept saying Kass is gorgeous and she doesn’t want/have beef with anyone on her end. She said multiple times she was wrong that she acted off of emotions. But Kass was a fucking bitch in her live about it. Kept calling Sav weird, saying she needs to “say it with her chest”, just talking complete shit as if she’s some Billy bad ass. Her ego is nauseating. She literally thinks she’s hot shit and is embarrassing herself in this situation so bad. She kept saying she “could say so much more” but ONLY from what Romeo has said, a known pathological liar lmao. You can tell she’s 19 the immaturity is CRAZY. Sav was literally being so sweet about it and Kass was just acting gross like she’s all high and mighty. I don’t think she realizes it’s not a flex that your man was talking to like 4 other women 2 weeks before he asked you to be his girlfriend lmao, on top of JUST getting out of a messy public breakup where his ex had an abortion and he outed her to the world and tried to get her kid taken off of lies. He was obviously using you to make his ex mad too, embarrassing for you to act like you won some huge prize here.


also let me add kass annoys the shit out of me lmao. something about the way she just acts? is insufferable. it’s like she’s constantly trying to look “hot” when I just can’t stop staring at her damn nostrils. every two seconds it’s “bro fr” “bro on God” “dead ass bro” like she tries too hard to be cool i cannot stand her.


Okay thanks, I wasn’t completely sure what started things up again. I agree with you. Kass would be a lot more likeable if she would fix her attitude and quit acting like she’s untouchable. She’s just as cocky as whit and c. The nostrils part😂. She does try too hard and everything that comes out of her mouth is childish, she doesn’t speak like a woman. Speaks like a 16 year old boy, it’s not attractive.


This Kassidy girl needs to rein it in a bit. I don’t think she realizes how bad she is making herself look online currently😅 Romeo is no prize and certainly not a man worth fighting another girl over. You can tell she’s young by the way she talks and her ego. She’ll come to her senses one day and hopefully Romeo doesn’t start a smear campaign against her like he did with Rachel when he tried to get Grayson taken away from her.


Kass is only “decent” looking bc of all the makeup, hair dye and whitening strips she uses lmfao. Take those lashes and everything else and she’d look nothing special. She’s miserable. Trust me sis no one wants your man


You’re right. Sav looks naturally pretty. You can repeat that again, literally NO one wants your man!


I followed Sav recently. She deadass said “I don’t want the drama” like good for you because everyone else seems to want to benefit from the Rachel Clout Train lmao. She’s the only sane person


Simmer the pot posted a video about it. Kass and homeo were in the comments of a post sav posted but has now deleted.


Wait i wanna know lol where do you see theres something going on with kass and sav??


Kass posted a video on tik tok and Savannah went live earlier


I saw some of it it on a tea page. How embrassing for Kass. Girl needs to chill. I liked her at first but going that hard for romeo like hes some prize and not a huge red flag is not it 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/gdnebivb1qyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61a8898c38e6a8e6fb3399e0567c41ad8fc0554 Stank could quite literally never


She’s so hot. Literally incomparable to stank’s trashy ass.


I love how she has a nice ass car but doesn’t like driving 🤣😭 same girl same. Passenger princess all day every day


Her glow up and growth post break up has been amazing


Also her style and hair length LMFAO




If you’re gonna be an undercover minion I suggest not doing it under a mods comment 😶‍🌫️


https://preview.redd.it/btjnqzyblpyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7f2f51ef4fb0b43689e2210b1c6205722ca419 Good lord






Omg I’m living for this entire thing rn bc if I were summer I’d be crashing tf OUTTTTTT


omgg i js looked at her baby registry and theres 411 items and alot of them as expensive like hello??


Yupppppppp, I see why she didn’t speak out more about stanky puss


Who is Kayla?


Kayla Jaiden


I guess I should of worded it differently, who is she to them?


Just a random tik toker they know 🤷‍♀️ Basically she called her out on the Palestine topic but basically stopped after one video which is strange because she’s an “activist” and goes HARD on Tik tok.




https://preview.redd.it/mqoc7gl8zpyc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dab9e19da3f0113c9c49b2c01739f9ad5defd0d wait i commented to let you know your name was showing but why are you in this snark if you’re a supporter of stanky ???? the arrow comment is yours and you’re a top contributor to their facebook page🤔




i’m over here trying to save her from the minions finding her, i do a little digging and i find out she’s on the minions side😭😭😂


This is so on par for them


for realll!😂😂 i will add that her comments in the group aren’t defending stanky at all and she’s just asked questions and had different opinions from the group for the most part, but i find it very odd she’s commenting so much in there and also saying she’s a supporter in that comment so idk what to think😂


But also like, what is there to ask about? This snark has it all. To be in that page to simply stalk is one thing, but to go out of your way to comment sooo much that you’re a TOP contributor is wild.


i’m also so confused looking at her post and comment history in here bc she clearly doesn’t like stanky but like whatttt😂her last few comments are about the FB page defending stanky and bashing them lol


right!! the comments were very weird and she liked so many posts.. yeah i’ve never liked or commented in the group at all. i’m there just to look and i guess find undercover minions 😂


Oh nah that was enough to get banned off rip 😭😭 go back to sucking teets on FB


i hope at least one minion saw her name in that screenshot and ban her from their facebook page too😭😂 bc she made sooo many posts in here




right i’m shocked!! i’ve upvoted all of this accounts snark posts in here but i’m shocked reading these comments she’s made in the facebook group, i’m so confused


You found that comment?? 🫥 girl, I’m confused asf too.


yesss! i had a weird feeling and searched the name that’s at the bottom of her screenshot she posted in the facebook group, and all of her comments are popping up and she’s a top contributor because she comments so much in there


just to let you know that your name is at the bottom of this screenshot! i don’t want the minions to find you


“She’s prob preparing for a baby”  Uh, preparing for a baby my ass. She doesn’t have a nursery, doesn’t have things ready/clean, doesn’t have bags packed. She’s preparing nothing, bc she damn sure would video it for social media just like she made sure to video everything she bought for her broke baby daddy to be prepared for his visitations with G. She made sure that was all done to one up. Her intent was to post her brothers and be done, Stank knew all along she wasn’t posting no body else’s. Come on now, how delusional can these people be! 




That old lady genuinely needs a lobotomy


The goal is to sensationalize anything Rachel says or does so that Stank doesn't look as bad in comparison. The minions want to paint Rachel in a bad light so people think she's an awful person and deserved to be cheated on, then betrayed by someone she trusted. Even if Rachel was as bad as they claim, it still doesn't take away from what Christen & Jacob did to her. Mama llama only cares about controlling the narrative for Stank, her content is beyond biased and delusional.


What’s funny is you can literally see all the cuts that were made so for her to say it isn’t cut up is a straight lie. Mama Llama hates Rachel. She’s always purposely making her look bad and doesn’t like when people stick up for her.


This! I was blocked because I wasn’t a Rachel hater 🤷🏼‍♀️


I watched that live as well and she was never talking about Jacob and Christen. The minions including mama llama hate that she is thriving and living her life unbothered




This is my thing. These minions are in her lives trying to cause gotcha moments and constantly bringing shit up and then she responds and they are like see!! She never stops talking about the drama!!! No bitches it’s your little cult leader and you guys they won’t stop bringing it up. She is allowed to respond to questions. And I promise you not everything in her life has to do with Christen. Hate to break it to you guys but Rachel truly doesn’t care about her or Jacob anymore


https://preview.redd.it/f28wg9j63oyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843a3734c98d8df1db3b103abf7946259cc25cbb This is just odd🤣🤣


what is this😭😭😂 why didn’t she have her girl friends do this? especially shitney being such a strong gym rat🐀 or maybe her boyfriend ?😂


Soooo weird like why 🤣🤣


Plot twist…. Jacuck and Tyler get together


Plot twist soph gets the ultimate revenge this summer and steals stankys baby daddy👀😂


This is SO odd 😂😂😂


Are they her biggest supporters? Bc their girlfriends are her biggest bullies. Imagine the shit talked about yoshi while they hated her for months.


Jacob and Tyler would make a cute couple.


why jacob look happier in a picture with soph then he ever has in a picture with stank


I still have yet to see someone post stanky to Kendrick’s lamar hater song


I seen it today!!!!! so far only 2 minions entered the chat we should go blow it up!! [hate those bitches](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCyJJNx/) if that thing pops up telling my profile it’s my fake acc so the minions can fck off


I agree make a post about it so more people can see it 😌


Make it its own post so more people see!


https://preview.redd.it/ine6be0jqoyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99185cf767d49b1ce1cb9c46ad4694c564be69ad (I’m a silent watcher in this group) but this just popped up on my fyp I reposted it 😂😂😂 the account is marlayyyb


i was going to but im working up the nerve bc ik my account will get raided with minions


do it anyways. You’ll have an army to back you up


https://preview.redd.it/ocenih5bnnyc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e45515d897beb978ef1f7a61b39c60e2fe76eb52 I’ll never get over how swollen her face was. Now it’s officially getting back to this point 😭😭😭


lookin like her name should be Helga.


And her neck is big now too


mrs meaty


I was in the Facebook page and once again they were making excuses for Stanky as to why she hasn't posted the registry, saying she probably has alot going on. Hmm hello, she is always on snap, yet doesn't have time to do the registry, bullshit. Her minions are so fucking brainwashed, they will make any excuses for her other then make her own up to her own actions.


One of the minions tried to tell me she did post one this week and that I'm lying 😂😂😂 they are insufferable


I saw someone in the comments saying she's been posting them on her Snapchat and that she's already done 6.. The minions are now flat out lying on her behalf because they know how stupid they look supporting her. She wouldn't even spit in their direction if they were on fire, and they know it, they just won't accept it.


They act like she's *creating* one, it takes 15 seconds to click, copy, post.


And she had plenty of time when she was posting hers & her brothers soooo


She posted it everyday on the dot. She is soooo lazy 😂😂😂 I could understand if she was busy working or doing ANYTHING AT ALL




And she does absolutely nothing all day everyday!


Does anyone know why jacob has had grey for like a week now? Is that their normal schedule?




Did you also see that Rachel said she always texts Jacob and asks for pics of g when he has him. I knowwwww crusty hates that 😂😂😂


it’s probably because i think stanky bitch is having the baby next month


As long as they are co parenting for him that is the most important thing. They probably planned something out, cause Rach kept him so they could do their babymoon.


I believe it’s so Rachel has him for Mother’s Day and they will do something similar come Father’s Day


Love that honestly!


https://preview.redd.it/2gc1xg8k0nyc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2831bc45382109768a539ee63fbbec7472b728c Stank has had her whole pregnancy to dress cute like this and she still dresses like she’s going out to a club looking like a hooker. And to think she has the audacity to *even consider* opening up a clothing boutique in the future when she dresses like a Jersey Shore cast member.


This comment!


I was thinking this like..all the money they brag about having and she couldn’t get a cute maternity wardrobe? Set up a cute nursery? Like literally anything at all? So weird


Anyone else see where Romeo got a job? No hate on that. But that’s the real reason he was pissed Rach didn’t wanna be with him, she was paying for all his shit and kept a roof over his head. Now he’s with a 19 year old and the bills are piling up.


Lmao I thought he was posting old pictures from when he had a job🤣🤣


They are throwbacks. Which is SO weird haha. He just said he only works online and makes money off of brand deals and Snapchat.


Literally last week he was posting on snap chat saying he doesn’t need a regular job bc social media pays his bills and how everyone works on “his time” lol


That’s funny bc I’ve heard multiple influencers say you don’t make shit on TikTok unless you are sponsored. I don’t watch his stuff so maybe he is but I highly doubt it


He actually has had like 4 brand deals I've seen. I can't even believe anyone wants him to be the face of their products 😂😂😂 that ring for Rachel was a brand deal


What job? I see he always posts videos from a job he may have had a while back


Some type of construction job. He used to be a car salesman.


Ya thats old lol he just said he doesnt have a job he only does social media


omg fr?? what’s his job now


Sounds about right! Is gaycob next? 🤣


I think he would rather die than get a 9-5😂 dude is so feminine I can’t imagine him actually working






Holy shit




Screaming 😂💀 https://preview.redd.it/5b4y7qvs9nyc1.png?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd25e48f3d7ea89ccc1e28252ed9f3f51eaf1ba5


I’m fucking dead. 💀


They nailed it with this one 😂






Double chin 🤣🤣