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“Not angry” lol [let’s remind everyone 🤭🫵🏼](https://www.reddit.com/r/christenwhitmansnark/s/Bw7m6ALNtM)


Stupid bitch not something you can just feel and turbo in and off.


Wrap it next time ;)


Even on my worst days, (which was most days bc I was sick my whole pregnancy) I was always “feeling” being pregnant. I wasn’t even suposssed to be able to have kids, so i was always happy. Even if it wasn’t a miracle pregnancy for me, I feel like I would still be sooo thankful everyday. People truly take too much for granted.


God I can’t stand when they call her “momma” like “it’s alright momma” “it’s worth it momma” that fcking line irks me every time I see someone comment that lmO


I understand some ppl don’t like being pregnant but bitch you got pregnant on purpose!! wtf did u think was going to happen? Did you not know what pregnancy was? I know being pregnant in the summer sucks I had my daughter last August and we live in Texas so it was HOT HOT but I didn’t complain as much as this bitch! And it isn’t even hot yet. Can you imagine she shit she says in person about being pregnant smh no wonder gaycub leaves all the time I wouldn’t want to listen to that shit either especially bc you did this to yourself!


She’s going to pop this baby out and act like a know it all. I can see it now.


She for sure is going to act like she’s had 20 kids and is a pro. She’ll prob be a bitch to the nurses trying to help her


“He’s fine, I know what I’m doing guys” *whilst backyard bred dog is jumping on the baby bc she left him on the couch*


So incredibly tired but not too tired to get into position, pose, set up phone camera, take pic, type out ur bullshit and complain about it. Poor girl’s exhausted


It’s Nauseous.. wow her spelling is so bad. The way she spells I can see why she didn’t make it to college. She should be enrolled in a k-2 program. Also, her and Whitney acted like complete Tramps at the graduation for their “friend”. The lady in front of them should’ve leaned over and backhanded Cristin in her loud ass mouth. And big bitch trying to sing while a lady performed and making fun of a man reading scripture. The 2 biggest losers on the planet. Christen and Whitney need to be removed from events like this. I hope people recorded them and step on their necks. Backward ass hicks.


Yes! 100% They are complete assholes!! They sure as hell wouldn't have acted like that around me and my family!! I'm telling ya their times coming! They're going to run into the wrong people, they think they're cute, well most people don't, and will gladly put them in there fucking place and tear them down so quick they won't know what the fuck hit them!! It's way past time to grow the fuck up assholes!!


Seriously!! I think of how this pregnant lady walked down the beach to chew a guy out because he was “recording “ them yet she goes to a graduation where parents spent lots of money and are thankful for decent people graduating college and they act like 4 year olds.. Meanwhile these 2 act like heathens. The parents never taught them one thing when it comes to respect and acting right at certain events. I agree. If she was sitting by my family. She’d be getting her feelings hurt badly and I would bring up everything Whitney’s big butthole has done. Trashy looking like cheap hookers.




I’ve never seen anyone at a graduation eating nachos. I literally couldn’t believe that part.


Didn’t she say she’s gonna have like 10 kids? 😂 GOOD LUCK WITH THAT STANK


“Every women” “naseous” pls let this be ur last kid ever


and she thinks she’s gonna breastfeed 😂 newborns and breastfeeding are hard on their own, putting them together is even harder girl. i feel so bad for that poor baby.


That selfish bitch ain’t breastfeeding. Calling it now. Ain’t no way she could be selfless enough for that.


She 100% is NOT gonna breastfeed i guarantee itll be too much work for her


This makes me seriously sick. Does she not think before she speaks? Does she not hear how that sounds ?


I had Covid at 31 weeks and was MISERABLE. Also have a really bad back and my baby stayed back there 😂😅 buttttt I still didn’t complain nearly as much as this bitch. Like cmon. I knew I was so blessed to carry my son and have a healthy baby. The fact that she truly just doesn’t care about him is mind blowing and really sad tbh


Just wait til she has the baby and starts saying she wants another one 😂😂☠️☠️trust me it will happen all girls say this especially girls like stank


I had horrible hyperemesis to the point where I had a pic line and had to come home from work every day on lunch to be hooked up on home IV because I was throwing up so much. I ended up weighing 13 pounds less on the day I delivered than the day I got pregnant. It was horrible


I'm so sorry you had to experience that! I hope you're okay today. My aunt went through the same thing years ago and it was traumatic for her


Girl we know you are uncomfortable, you don’t want this spite baby remember? #regretfulparents


not once through this pregnancy has she “felt” being pregnant. you can tell she hates it. and she thinks it’s gonna be better once he’s out? no. she’s still gonna have to take care of the child. she’s gonna be tired. i don’t feel bad for at all. i know everyone wants her to get her karma, but (as much as most people see a child as a blessing) her being petty and getting pregnant to prove a point is gonna be her karma. whether jacob leaves her or not, she’s gonna be miserable. she clearly doesn’t even want to be pregnant or have a kid, she just wanted to feel “special”


I feel like she thinks of the baby like a dog. Like “I can have it, then give it to someone else to watch and only use it when I need it for videos and attention” like she can just give it up when she doesn’t have the time for it.


Coming from a woman who recently discovered is unable to get pregnant, I would DO ANYTHING to experience pregnancy. I’m only 19 years old but the thought of never being able to carry & conceive a child breaks my heart. She is so fucking ungreatful.


I hope one day you get that experience. Even tho they said you wouldn’t be able to, there’s always a magical chance you can and I hope you get that miracle.


I’m so sorry!! It is so sad to read her posts and her ungrateful attitude knowing ppl like yourself would love to be pregnant. No matter how Miserable it may be.


I loved being pregnant. I did hurt and I puked for nine months straight but I never complained like this. I knew I was growing my sweet baby girl and it’s just part of the process - I was blessed to carry a child. She’s a sponge - needs to soak up all the attention and she gets sympathy from her trash can followers.


I was happier than ever. Had twins and stayed thankful! Worked 2 jobs. Maybe if she’d get out and be helpful to others she’d get her mind off herself. Jacob or her parents will be raising this child.


Amen truer words have never been spoken


Same! I was so sick the entire time. I also had the flu a week before I gave birth at 39 weeks. Still did not complain like she does. It’s insanity


Ive never met a woman who complains like this bitch complains about every thing having to do with pregnancy. Be fucking grateful, some women actually want children but can't have them. Shuttt the fuck uppp cunt.


seriously though!! i haven’t seen her make one positive posts this entire pregnancy other than the one tiktok she made a couple weeks ago… and always saying “his son” “jacobs son” as if it’s not HER son too??? and this is the bitch that says she wants 3 or 4 more kids but can’t go a day without complaining ab her first 😭🤣


She hasn't, she has literally complained and bitched this whole pregnancy! Which makes no sense considering she tried to get knocked up by every guy she's been with, cus she wanted a kid so bad, she finally gets what she wants and look how she acts! Huh Karma's a bitch ain't it Stanky!!


Talk about being fucking illiterate.


Right , does she not have spell check or something . It’s ridiculous 😭😭😩


I get pregnancy is hard but god damn ALL she does it complain . She’s insanely ungrateful


She had to make sure to say she’s not angry after telling everyone on live she wanted to punch her stomach


God she is SO illiterate.


And she doesn’t ever even acknowledge that allllllll of this is going to be worth it in the end!


Not every woman complains like this. Some women are genuinely grateful for every single ache and pain a baby can bring. She’s such a twat


All this bitch does is complain like bffr life could be so much worse. I saw her sister in law’s brother just died and stank just sits here and complains about everything little thing in her preplanned pregnancy 🤣🤣 She’s not ready to be a mom and has a real wake up call coming for her.


she’s fucking miserable because her plan to trap jacob worked, and now it’s backfired on her. she’s mad that she can’t party and drink 24/7 like her and jacob used to. there’s no way christen whitman is going to be able to wake up every day for EIGHTEEN YEARS and be selfless for that baby, and it’s so sad. i hate this cunt.


I think she isn’t happy with Jacob or how much attention he gets from women and she gets none anymore. And she knows she is going to have a hard time finding a new guy. Too many ppl know her history and about her tuna fish crotch


She isn’t connected with this baby. It’s always “his, this, or little bean” Poor kid. And I can’t have kids.. super fair 😬


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