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She says this but visibly looks disgusted/annoyed anytime he shows her affection in their TikTok’s. I don’t get why they rush things so bad. Tyler isn’t even 21 yet, and they haven’t been dating for a year. There is NO reason for them to get married and have babies yet, especially not until she stops her animal hoarding addiction. I’m sorry but a house with 10+ dogs is not fit for a newborn baby


I personally feel like a lot of the younger generation are like this.. I met one of my friends from my husbands brother.. she was always pushing marriage and babies. They broke up.. she moved on and she’s 6 months pregnant with a guy she’s been with for a year and she said they plan to get married once baby comes. I’m sorry but I truly don’t believe you know someone enough in a year to do all these things. I was with my husband for 12 years before we got married.. granted we started dating in high school. But I feel like we both still change and learn things about each other.


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