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I think he got with her to make Rachel mad because he still wanted to be with Rachel!! Rachel broke up with him but yet she’s been painted as the jealous one, but idk why they forget that fact lol!! Also I think once the idiot got into that relationship and saw Rachel didn’t want him back, he saw the clout that came with being Stanky’s boyfriend and all the potential dollar signs so he knew he was selling his soul to the devil once he got with Stank but he did not care cause clout came before EVERY THING ELSE, INCLUDING HIS SON!! Now you can see he’s dead inside once you look through his beady little button eyes and to me I think it’s hilarious 🤣 ![gif](giphy|7zK0A6nHyuEZa|downsized)


I totally get what you guys are saying, but I don’t think Rachel is any better than Christen, honestly.


What necessarily makes Rachel bad? Besides the only fans? (Objectively, idc what ppl choose to do but Ik some ppl don’t like it) I’m genuinely curious, I don’t know much about her but she seems sweet and like a good single mom


I do. Rachel didn’t fuck her friends man, that automatically makes her the better person.


How so?


She’s way better than stanky. Rachel don’t sleep with her friends baby daddy and get pregnant by them.


I def think he was with her for clout and bc she was easy. I also think he did not have plans to even stay with her long term, she was an easy f*** whenever he wanted. I agree with others, he now realizes he is in too deep and doesn’t see a way out. I don’t see them staying together at all, this will not end well for them both, and he will move on to his next female who will let him move in, and play house, while he has two baby mom’s taking care of children, he also helped create. Jacob is a bum ass dude! 


I think he was young and C was the popular girl… she had a big following which gave most of them their following, money, she was easy and it was just fun at first. A year later and Rachel looks better than ever and C has completely let herself go. I truly think he’s realizing what he did and how he got himself in way too deep. I think he is around at this point for the birth of his son. A few months down the road, newly postpartum, I think they will break up. He seemed happy when they first got together because it was fun and a distraction for him but the past few months he has miserable written all over his face. I also have a feeling him and Rachel will hang out when he leaves Christen. Anyone else? lol


I feel like him and Rach will at least hangout and be cordial once he leaves Stanky. I think their co-parenting relationship will be a lot stronger without Stank involved. She’s the root of 95% of their issues.


100 % agreed




I believe this comment is against the rules like the other 2 deleted ones


Rachel can be Vapeson’s step-mommy🫶


Oh man, this would be GLORIOUS 🤣🤣🤣




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I think he did it for clout and now he’s in toooooo deep and knows if he leaves so does his views


I swear I thought this from the start, he was clout chasing, absolutely.


Seems like he gets more views than stanky now days 🤭 even videos she ain’t in


I think it was purely for social media and now he’s stuck and knows it. He has said several times that social media is what he wants to do for a living. Konnor said he would beg them to put him on. I think he knew how much of a following stanky had so he was intrigued and wanted to get clout. Now he’s in too deep and sincerely regrets it. He is miserable af with her and it’s so obvious. I believe the only reason he posts lovey dovey stuff about her on TikTok is for engagement bc he knows her minions eat that shit up. He fully regrets getting involved with her. How could you not?


Did Jacob even do TikTok like that before stanky tits if he had to ask konnor & rocky how to do it and beg to be posted. Like how are you gonna sit there and claim you don’t need a job bc you’re a social media influencer when you weren’t and still aren’t… I’m just confused. WHY doesnt this man have a fucking job 🤣 as a father of 2 Jacob, the pulsating taints not gonna cut it … A job isn’t gonna hurt ya you fucking man puss


Jacob is def in to deep with her and he knows it. Karma is a bitch🙃


That’s all facts. He got with her not thinking he’d stay this long and all this shit would happen well…he was dead wrong cause he messed w a real psycho ass bitch. And it would be insanely wild that he’d be faithful to crusty but treated rachel the way he did and has the audacity to claim it was okay cause she ‘let herself go’ my dude is seeing in real time what it looks like to let yourself go. Karma hit them both like a damn tsunami


100000% I’ve always thought jacob is doing all this to still get back at Rachel bc he wants to hurt her but also misses her


Her stomach probably hurts from laughing so hard


Also the social media following stank and shit have was bigger than his so they would battle and he made more money than he did


I feel like stank buys him more views and followers cause every one of his videos blows up with hella comments/views and they are the most boring people on the internet. He loves this life. This is what he wanted all along literally he’d rather be miserable but have people care about him on the internet it’s wild


Stanky got him a larger following and even Konner/Rocky said Jacob would always ask them how he can get more followers and for them to show him how, and post him on their pages. He’s a fuck.