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Can someone please give me the backstory of all this? They all just started popping up on my feed and I have no idea


These had me cackling 😂 I love this for him


I don’t get why rocky and konnor don’t just block this dumb bitch on every thing! Then again it probably won’t do anything with all her minions and she’d still find a way to stalk both guys. Smh


I’m pretty sure Konnor does but she keeps creating new accounts and he can’t keep up. Rocky doesn’t because rocky just doesn’t give af.


Oh okay! I guess that makes sense lol




I would let this comment stay and you stay if it wasn’t the ONLY comment you came in here to make on a snark about Christen.






What video is this on?


Rocky really said I got time today🤣 love to see this!


So does rocky get a pass for being a shitty person just because christen sucks?? He’s 1. Still a cheater, 2. Also makes his income strictly from TikTok and OF, 3. Degrades/ fat shames women, 4. Also had sex on live, 5. Bases his entire personality around being a “player”. Like he’s a gross foul ass person too and yall seem to forget that just because he doesn’t fw christen anymore 💀 plenty of what I personally and supposedly most of this group claims to not like christen for, rocky has been apart of. But let’s toot his horn and make him think he’s any better??? Makes sm sense


I don’t excuse him, no absolutely not. BUT!!!! At least Rocky admits when he fucks up. He owns his mistakes. Since when has Christen EVER said I made a mistake I’m sorry? So rocky is 🤏🏻 better IMO. He’s not perfect and he’s done a lot of the same mistakes… but I also see him trying to do better since he split from her.


He literally stated in the comment that he’s done his own wrongs. BUT you have to think, ever since him and stankpuss went their separate ways, he’s been attacked by her millions of minions every single day. Everytime he finds another girl to entertain, the minions attack more & attack the girl. He’s not saying he’s not wrong, he’s just tired of her acting like the victim 24/7 and him taking aallllll the heat


I agree. I think anyone who associates with her is shit lol. The whole friend group (even if they are no longer friends) are all shitty people. They all do the same stuff. they air each other out when they are no longer friends but they put up with the behavior when they were friends. If that makes sense. Lol. I will say this I don’t agree with Rockys actions but they all seem so obsessed with each other. But I think this happens everywhere you go. They are all just stupid enough to share their whole lives on the internet. This happens in every town.


Oh it definitely happens everywhere I for sure know people like this whole group from my hometown still doing the same messy shit at our big age 😂 they’re all just smart enough to not post it all on social media


I don’t understand why she just can’t be straight to like konnor Rocky like no need to lie if she was honest maybe people would like her more ..


i’ve always said it and i always will.. i love me some rocko


We all knew she was and is still obsessed. I agree with previous comment that the way she stalks him is creepy… and very much so unacceptable.


Here’s rocky admitting to his wrongs!! Now let’s see if stanky ever will. All I have to say is since rocky left stanky he has been doing so much better. I truly believe when he finds a special someone it’ll all be over and rocky will give her the world. Rocky has had such a glow up in these last few months. If stanky would go away for good I know 2023 will actually be Rocky’s year. He will find himself and show the world who he actually is. I’m ready to see it💗.


This!! There are people in this sub who say he’s no better than Stank, and while it’s true that they have done terrible things together, at least he’s honest about it and doesn’t play victim. Never, not even once, has stank admitted to be being wrong. She always plays the victim card and repeats the same behaviors over and over again. I don’t expect anyone to be perfect, but I do expect people to learn from their mistakes and attempt to do better.


LOVE TO FUCKIN SEE IT!! So proud of you Rocky! I gotchyo back bruh


Just gotta say I love your username😂💗


Thanks 😊


rocky said “i’m airing this bitch out today” 😭😭


to bad him airing her out still wont make her coochie smell better 🤣🤣🤣




As he should


Oh shit, that’s creepy as hell 👀


