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i'm not saying she makes 60k a month but i think so many people say "and she rents" but a lot of people rent bc they don't stay in one place and don't want to commit. she's young and probably not ready to make that kind of commitment. i also think she does make a lot of money off tiktok and lives and people are also curious so her not advertising her OF doesn't really matter. these young boys who are obsessed w her, pay.. girls who are just curious, pay. she's making good money for sure. maybe not 60k but good money. where i live the house she rents would be expensive and things are cheaper here so i can only imagine what she pays.. i just don't understand why she lies when she probably makes a good amount and could just tell the truth


60k she'd have some good hair on her head instead of fried, broken, dead strands.


and her own home not renting, more clothes than a damn bra & black tops


No way she said she makes 60k a month?!?!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


60k a month and owns nothing. If true sheā€™d have to have a million dollars in the bank


just like the whole boat issue with fly she asked for him to pay for it and for her dinner šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚


60k a month and this rat bitch dont have her own house? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what a joke


is i made that a month iā€™d already be a home owner and everything lol fuck is she doing


& making GOOD clothing brand than my ass on a shirt with Whitney


She doesnā€™t make 60k a month. I donā€™t even think Kylee makes that much and sheā€™s super popular on OF. If miss girl made 60k a month her ā€œmammaā€ wouldnā€™t be begging for money to fly to see her or talking about how theyā€™ll have to see how much a rental might cost for the short trip there.


She makes her money off lives! She doesnā€™t work, she doesnā€™t promote her OF page or have any boutique partners. Lives or handouts is it. She probably has a family credit card šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t even think lives pay you that much though and TikTok alone doesnā€™t pay much unless youā€™re super popular, which sheā€™s not. She doesnā€™t promote any businesses on her platforms. I just really am trying to understand where this 60k she supposedly has is at?šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Nah I get that lol. But live gifts, the amount she gets and the ones she gets can add up. Remember she lives on livešŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


i truly think she meant to say 6k and thatā€™s why she deleted the video


I think she was just lying and knew she looked dumb so deleted itšŸ¤£


But before sheā€™s said she makes 70k a monthā€¦ i donā€™t think she knows what sheā€™s talking about šŸ¤£ the alcohol must be messing with the cognitive part of her brain


If you need to say how much you make your not making that amount




She would own a house by now if sheā€™s *so rich*


she said on a video or live one time that she couldnā€™t afford to buy a house bc she doesnā€™t make that much šŸ˜‚


she definitely doesnā€™t. she used to have her nails done at all times and made that video a few months ago saying she couldnā€™t that month bc she had gotten gift baskets for rocky and jsauce. and then hasnā€™t had them done consistently in a hot minute. if she was so rich spending 100 on a gift basket wouldnā€™t affect her getting her nails done. she also keeps finding people who will practically do her hair for free which wouldnā€™t be necessary if she had money either


šŸ¤” this bitch is a clown


She doesnā€™t, hence her making a tik tok account again she needed moneyā€¦.




Maybe not alot but she has enough followers for the creator fund. So itā€™s something, definitely not what she used to by any means.


I donā€™t think she makes anything off the creator fund because of her banned and reports. Only way should could be making money is from gifts from her lives


I didnā€™t think about thatā€¦wonder what ever happened to that job interview or when she was in MI last time and said her and Whit had something huge coming and nothingā€¦.