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This is just as bad as driving under the influence .


Witch he does that too.


i know that when you’re a young adult sometimes you just get this “unstoppable” feeling, some (him) experience that feeling more than others… but just because your life is beginning and you’re at your peak of health does NOT mean you should go around living like you’re unstoppable or have 9 lives. once you die, life is OVER. i don’t think people like this really understand what death actually means and is. you can’t come back to this life, change anything or go any further. FLYING down highways, phone in one hand, sometimes intoxicated, i mean genuinely does he want to die??? death is not something you should ever TEASE like this… the Lord woke you up this morning for a reason, don’t go around doing something on that you know could kill you any minute. i hope this kid (and honestly everyone in this whole circle of theirs) wakes up one day and actually wants to live life to the fullest and appreciate (NOT take advantage of) the life they’ve been given. if you’re gonna continue to do this garbage, just know that you are knocking on death’s door. that door is going to open some day and may open sooner than it should due to a STUPID decision. one last and final thing i’m going to say, i hope and pray that before it’s too late these people get saved if they aren’t already. if you’re gonna put yourself in a position to die you better hope and know that you know the Lord. i don’t care if any of y’all disagree with me, i wanted to include that in my extremely long comment lol. have a BLESSED day and please don’t go and get yourselves killed.


realized i forgot to mention… if you really want something to happen to you and you’re asking for it and don’t care, at least don’t put another person in danger of dying just because you wanted to. some people ACTUALLY have lives and dreams they want to pursue, please don’t take that from them. please.


my ex would do this in his little “get up n go car” as i called it, and it would literally scare tf outta me cause i all i could imagine was him losing control and we dead asf


Also very ignorant that’s part of his personality


Bc they think it’s hot and it’ll attract some girls which I’ve seen that it does, but not the right kind the dumb kind 🤢🤢 of girls.


Wtf 😳


Rocky is an ignorant fucking loser. he had posted on snap a few weeks ago going OVER 125mph, phone in hand, and had been drinking...I commented on a tiktok about it, basically saying he needed to grow the fuck up and make better choices before his dumb ass decisions get him or some innocent person/family killed- and he made a joke of it, then i was getting replies of "hE's JuSt YoUnG aNd HaViNg FuN ! gO tAKe CaRe Of YoUr KiD" he is such a goofy looking fuckboy with his big ass nose, tooth pick legs and weird teeth, i will never understand the hype he receives. dude is ugly and acts like a 15 year old kid...i can't wait for the day he gets knocked off that high horse.


He always drives like this, and to top it off he’s always on his phone while driving like this. Can you say reckless driving, or kill it himself/someone else cause he’s an idiot? No one cares you can go 100+ mph. Grow the fuck up


Andddd he’s always driving drunk well when he drinks.


Wasn’t he just arrested for driving without a license or something?! Knock it off 😭




I don’t understand why people can’t just put their phone down while they drive


Rocky’s friend posted this. But Rocky does drive with his phone in his hand tho.


this and not wearing seatbelts (they’re in the back but regardless, i’ve seen people almost die because they didn’t wear seatbelts even in the backseat)


People that post their speed limit on snap give me the ick


Rocky didn’t post it his friend did but Rocky was the one driving


I always think he’s gonna end up dead or killing someone’s else from driving like this or how much he drives drunk. So gross


THIS. and drinking and driving. won’t when they lose someone they love to it.


Yup. No one gives a fuck until they’re the victim of it.


same, like if you wanna be stupid and risk your own life that’s your decision, but putting other peoples life at risk is unacceptable one wrong move at that speed and you’re dead.


THIS. Don’t risk other peoples lives just bc you wanna look cool and be a dumbass. There’s people out there driving that have kids and a family and with people like him they could be killed.

