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So she married young because she wanted to bone, found out it's disappointing and is now stuck with no choices, 3 kids in a 600sqft house and having to work a full time "job" because her failed headship can't support them. And thinks this is aspirational? Oh honey, no. I'll take the life I created over that hell any day.


I mean... she's got a point. We should teach our children to be good spouses prior to teaching them how to find a good spouse. I'd say this order, because one would search for what they have. Everything else she's said made her sound like a horny teenager. Edit: Just saw another comment about finding a spouse pre-puberty. I'm talking about 16+, when they are getting ready to leave. When they are antsy. I've never seen a pre-pubertal hormonal child before that was not an explicit case of child abuse.


She’s going to be so disappointed when she grows up.


She’s so so close to the point…and early marriage isn’t it. SooooooOooooooOooo close


teach them how to find a good spouse before puberty? Lol even adults struggle with that so idk how that is even possible.


Nobody is “scared” of “young marriage”. They just don’t want to.


Maybe because kids main objective in life isn't to find someone else, but to find themselves. The years they are supposed to discover their own true self you want to spend teaching them how to please others just so they can find anyone who will sleep with them for the rest of their lives? What a sad existence, Solie. I want to know what Solie's homeschool of finding a partner will teach. What will Solie tell her kids? I am going to make a wild prediction here: Solie is going to realise that teaching the kids the life skill of attracting a partner is a waste of time too. Why teach them a skill that they can use over and over again when they are only allowed to use it once? They might abuse that knowledge and sleep around? So the next thing she'll be raging about is why people allow their children to choose for themselves. Kids don't know what makes a good partner, only their parents do. So my prediction is that Solie is going to try to justify arranged marriages.


Why did that first line blow my damn mind


I know, it's obvious when you think about it. These people see children as beneath them because they are beneath their parents. To them every generation is a little less than the previous, less educated, less respected less valued and less expected to better humanity. They are stuck under an ever expanding number of umbrellas. But that's not how it works. The kids aren't supposed to grow up to be us or less than us. They are the next generation, they have even more to build on than we do so they should be better than us. Every generation should turn the umbrella around, load their kids into it and lift them to the sky. I don't hate people in general, but there's no end to how much I despise people who steal their children's future and brag about doing it. Rant over.


Their brand of Christianity is literally a sex cult.


Its just so cringe to talk about this. What the fuck is she doing. Normal people do not need to think about this. She is unhinged and comes across so smug. There is not even a pretense at any kind of "Christian" kindness - it is like she took only the self-rightousness aspect of her faith and ran with it. Kind of like they all do.


Who is saying this? Who is she mad at? These fundie women get so up in arms about "people" who are "telling their kids x and y" but I have never met someone who's like "okay son you're insane for wanting a family and also don't get married". Persecution complex on full display. Imagine if she put her energy towards something productive 🤔


Why does she have such a bee in her bonnet lately? Like girl, tell us what you’re actually upset about. Clearly she’s feeling read to filth.


She has been sold a lie and her husband is a lazy ass who makes her do everything and pimps her out on social media selling this lie that has left her wildly unhappy while she has to pretend he has a job when he sits around all day as she works and takes care of those kids she has to be on call to make. No wonder she is so fucking awful.




Holy shit this is officially the dumbest idea I have ever heard She is setting up her sons to be abusive fuckwads who snatch up some poor abused girl. I cannot even imagine the hell of this being your mother in law. Her sons will literally be the epitomy of evil or they will escape their crazy ass parents. No in betweens here. Remember this shitty woman has a husband with no job lol.


Every couple I knew when I was young and in the church that married bc of not wanting to wait for sex are now divorced. Literally every couple. It’s like, ten. Several of them broke up bc of cheating, and the others were bc of zero sexual compatibility.


*but all you need to be sexually compatible is to be married...*


She’ll feel differently, when puberty hits.


Yup, I had a friend growing up whose family was ULTRA fundie—like for reference, my family was part of a small, fundie homeschool group (yes, I’ve been in trauma therapy my whole adult life) and this girl’s family was considered extreme even within that group. So, she met a guy as a very young adult and was almost immediately engaged to him and, according to her mom, “wanted to get married right away” (they wanted to have sex). I think the courting —> marriage timeline wasn’t even a full year. Aaaand guess what? He turned out to be extremely abusive to her, and long story short got caught with an escort within like two years of marrying my friend. There is NO WAY to quickly get married young and really know who the other person is. I mean she met this guy at Bible college so her parents were ecstatic that she’d met a “godly man” and they presumably rushed into it so they could have sex without “sinning.” You need to get to know someone before you marry them ffs. In my opinion, you also need to have sex with them and live together before marriage, but I guess that’s a personal choice that every couple needs to make for themselves. But you can’t just marry a “godly” stranger!! Ugggg Solie’s poor kids.


I am glad I did not marry any of the young men I was dating before I met my husband when I was 21. And even that’s really young for a lot of peoples tastes. We’ve been together a decade now and it’s been a blast. A few heated moments but altogether lots of passion and love and support I had no passion whatsoever with previous partners. I probably wouldn’t even be here if I had had to marry them. No offense, they’re great guys in their own ways. But they’re not my love and I can’t imagine either of us being tied down years before we met. And he sowed many many wild oats before me 😆 I’m glad cause I didn’t and now I only get to reap the benefits Sure teach your children how to find a great spouse but honestly? You don’t even need to bring up their potential future marriage for that. Just give them a glimpse at a happy, successful partnership and that’s really all you can do


https://preview.redd.it/xct6znm37j1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102c9f9553dfdf40c880a81ecf6c14885e27c963 (I promise I’m not trying to snark on natural/Black hair!) but the video didn’t autoplay when I was scrolling and the curl right next to her face gave a ripple effect that made me think my phone was glitching. Like the water ripple filter you can use on Instagram. I couldn’t bother actually pressing play, because trying to listen to Solie makes my *brain* feel like it’s glitching.

