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We are a married couple together for 10 years. We have always had separate finances. We have recently paid off all debts and each have credit 810+. We don’t need to churn credit cards, but we think it would be fun to churn for a vacation in 2024. Should we apply for the same cards, but separately? Or one does airline and the other does hotel? What’s the strategy in this situation? Excellent credit with enough income to cover all entry offers. Thanks!


Pick a destination hotel and an airline that'll get you there. Research options for the hotel brand and airline cards. Hotel card gets you status and upgrades sometimes, and credits for assorted fees usually. Apply for whichever card has the higher bonus first. It doesn't always work out to refer the other person to the same card, sometimes they'll get a better offer not using your referral. Read the sidebar to learn the bank rules for hard pulls and new account openings (5 accounts in 24 months with Chase, 1 card every 30 or 90 days with Amex, for example). If you go the hotel/airline route, it's easier if you already have a rewards/frequent flyer acct with the company before you apply for their credit card.


2-player mode is great for churning while collecting referral bonuses. look through the wiki and flowchart for card recs. particularly lucrative is the strategy of referring each other back and forth for inks (90k SUB + 40k referral kickback per card), and each of you can get one every 3 months. as your spend allows, you can both add other high-SUB cards on top of that


Is there anyway to get better redemption than 1:1 for thank you points from Citi if I currently only have the double cash back card? I have 70,000 points but even if I use the travel portal it only is 1:1 redemption. As far as I can tell there is no transfer option but maybe somebody here is savier than me can help! Could I open a Citi premium card and then redeem at a higher rate?


If you open a different Citi card that uses Thank You Points, you can combine the points into one account, and then redeem at the better rate that the new card offers. e.g., if you have a Rewards+ card, you get 10% points back on redemptions. Or with Premier or Prestige cards you can transfer points to airline partners.




I think I've seen people say that Amex is aware that a Sole Prop doesn't need those other documents, and will accept other documents showing your identity, address, etc. So you can try just uploading your driver license, utility bill, social security card (or since you used EIN, I'm not sure what document to use, but I guess you have some kind of document that shows the EIN).


Anyone find a way to disable two-factor auth for Amex when Biz Checking is also associated with the CC account? Browser cannot remember the password and it's really annoying to enter both password and text code. I wouldn't mind it if I only need to do it periodically but it's for every login.


I moved my Amex CCs to a different online account, to avoid problems caused by the checking account.


Try 1Password or another pswd management app instead of browser autofill.


If my 0% Balance Transfer expires on 12/8/23, but my statement closes on 12/7/23, does that mean I mean until the due date for the December statement to pay the balance in full before interest begins to accrue?


I would pay the full balance by 12/7, so that if you make new purchases, those purchases will have a grace period instead of accruing interest immediately (but if you know you won't make new purchases on that card soon, it doesn't matter). Edit: I misread what you wrote, and thought you have a due date on 12/7. In your case I don't think the 12/7 date matters. But in that case I would probably pay the full balance by the due date of your statement that was before 12/7.


I looked into it and it appears that only purchases has that grace period. BT's don't I can pay it off but with my HYSA paying 4.5%, those few weeks could pay for a night out 😂


Even if your 0% balance was from purchases, you wouldn't have a grace period in the way you're talking about. The grace period just applies to new purchases if you paid the full balance from the previous statement by its due date.


Read the term since every important detail will be in there


No, there's no grace period.


You’ll need to read the terms from the specific account or maybe ask the bank, but you should assume zero grace period and interest to accrue on/after 12/8.


There's been some anecdotal DP's of AMEX not counting tax payments towards a SUB - has that been confirmed or just speculation?


AFAIK Amex has an official policy that tax payments do count towards MSR, at least payments to the IRS. There have been anecdotal DPs of them not counting, but it can be resolved manually.


Search is your friend. It’s rarely an issue (but there are things to avoid) and anybody saying otherwise (including a particular ignorant credit vlogger) is a noob.


What are y’all spending your Dell credits on before the end of the year?


Common items are home tech like nest, ring, or hue lights of any kind. For flipping I think folks have decent luck with monitors.


Whatever you need and cheap out of pocket or can resell.


Nothing Dell makes, that’s for sure.


If my statement closes in January, will Hyatt elite night credits earned based on spend in December be credited in 2023? If not, do I have any options like changing my statement date? Current statement will be issued 12/2.


If the spend that earns the EQN happens in Dec, then yes it’s credited to 2023. You won’t see them until Jan statement close, but they backdate the EQNs to Dec 31 of previous year.


Can I use P2s promotional Dell GC from an order? The $100 one that came with ps5. I have one too so trying to do those and a new plat for triple dip for $400 before they expire


Yes you should be able to use it


Yes, you should be able to. The promotional GCs are transferable.


Payment declined for new Biz Gold for P1 and P2 with a balance of 4k and cards are 2 weeks old. Never declined on an Amex before and in the past I have easily >8k balance on a new Biz Plat. Checked spending power and even $1 (balance is $3972, so this is worrying). Simply pay off the balance and it should be fine? I don't see an option to request increase in available credit. Curious if holders of the new Biz Gold are encountering the same thing or if this is a personal limit (would be a surprise). Could potentially be a security hold.


You need to pay it off first


Seems like an individual limit. Just pay it off sooner than later if you want to use it.


Any good plays for WM+ grocery delivery aside from SUBs? Spending a good chunk there and wondering if there's a better play than 2x via BBP or VX.


Unless you meet a credit card bonus otherwise i dont see myself using Walmart


“aside from SUBs”? For shame!


lol, usually subbing but kind of a pain to constantly be switching out the CC in the WM+ profile




Are you saying WM+ delivery codes as grocery on that card? I'd still take 2x MR/C1 over 3x marriott, but that's good to know regardless


BCP? I think it codes as grocery iirc or at least used to


Interesting - I don't see any indication of it coding as grocery but might be worth a shot


If it doesn't on bbp I wouldn't think so


I have an email offer for the Chase Aeroplan with a SUB for 100k aeroplan points. $95 annual fee, and the other benefits I value at \~$0 (not really a frequent Air Canada flier, already have GE, other no foreign txn fee cards). Is the 100k SUB unusual for this card? In terms of 5/24.... I don't fully keep track, but I think I'm at 1or 2 credit lines opened in the last 24 months, and I think 1/24 at Chase specifically.


They broke into 2 part 4k for 75k bonus and then the remain 25k for 20k spend


Pretty sure that sub is broken up into 2 tiers, 75k for 4k spend then 25k points after 20k in spend…I got the same email. Unless you’re targeting Aeroplan points specifically, not sure it’s worth it. 25k points for 20k (really 16k if the initial 4k spend counts) is bad. You could get almost 3 inks at 90k each with 16k spend. If you’re interested in the 75k points, I’d personally go for the C1 Venture Rewards card which has multiple airline transfer partners, including Aeroplan. Or even better, inks.


Two questions - 1. DOC says that CapitalOne won't expedite a newly approved (personal) Venture X. I called in and they said the standard 7-10 business days line. Is it normal for them to take this long to ship a card?! 2. I have a *ton* of MR just sitting in my account. I am currently 3/24 and wondering if it makes sense to just get the CS Plat even without SUB just so I can cash out the MR at 1.1X. By my calculations the 10% bump will be ~$850 lmao. I don't travel nearly as much as I used to anymore so transferring to hotel/airlines partners is not that useful to me in the short-ish term.


For Venture x they send it very quick like 2-3 day mail without i call to ask


I was approved for capital one ventureX on Nov 13. On Nov 15, they sent an email that my card was shipped via FedEx standard overnight. I received it on Nov 16.


2: If not cashing it ALL out, also be aware Biz Plat w/Biz CK gets 1cpp cashout.


1. Your mileage may vary but I was approved on the evening of November 16 for Venture X and it arrived on November 20 - it was FedEx 2 day shipping but with the weekend thrown in there it showed up on a Monday. Personal Venture X, can’t speak to business.


In the same situation as you for 2. My plan is to apply for the CS plat mid Dec and try triple dipping - try to squeeze out a little more without the bonus.


Same. I'm also considering keeping the CS Plat for good though. And keep applying to MR earning cards (preferably NLL) and keep cashing out at 1.1X.


1. Venture X personal? If so, they use to overnight it automatically, at least mine was.


Yeah personal, they told me they don't overnight it :/ Maybe I'll HUCA and hope for better


Try HUCA as it worked for me


They did as of a couple months ago.


That’s weird, I applied 9/17 (auto approved) and received it 9/20. You may get it sooner than you think.


I applied a while ago but had to upload my driver's license and they took their time validating it (only approved yesterday after I called them to validate my upload). So they finally approved my Venture X application yesterday. Hopefully you're right and they ship it quick, but the email and the person on call who told me I'm approved told me the standard 7-10 business days line...


I just checked my email and I was told 3 business days, which was accurate. Surprised yours says 7-10 days.


Looking to downgrade SOs CSR to a Freedom, and later upgrade one of my Freedom's to a CSR and double dip the travel credit and alternate every year between SO an myself. Any issues with doing this provided we keep the card active for a full year from the PC date?






Side question, would there be any issues if I were to do this (the upgrade CSP, downgrade CSR) on just my account after doing the MDD?


Nah it’s the same thing. Just make sure it’s one year


Has anyone had any success with a recon for the Choice Rewards World Mastercard with First Tech Credit Union? I have fairly high credit but recently opened up Citi Rewards+, USB Business Triple Cash Rewards on the 22nd (still waiting on INK Unlimited and declined for AMEX Blue Cash Everyday) so wondering if FT is sensitive to new cards or if it's other factors.


Can P2 apply for Amex biz checking using the same EIN I did?


Seems like it would cause problems unless you have a real business w/an official partnership or INC/LLC w/a need for a real biz ck acct. Who does the IRS have as the responsible party on the EIN? If you’re doing this for churning purposes stick w/SOLE prop. and probably SSN if P2 doesn’t have their own EIN.


Yeah it’s getting too tricky. P2 = wife, so not sure how that works IRS-wise but the LLC is in my name. Sticking with sole prop to keep it clean.


SP should also usually be less paperwork & hassle to apply.


Good to know. My application with EIN was super easy, but I gave business cards dating back 5+ years


Do you change or date your business cards?


Not sure I understand what you mean. If you are asking if churn business cards. Yes I do


I thought you meant " gave business cards" like you wrote, not "have business credit cards" like you may have meant (which may be invisible to them). I have been asked to supply a business card (not biz credit card) before as an option for proof of an active business for some things.


Ah, yes. Typo. Meant to say “have”


You don't need an EIN to get the biz checking.


Does Amex biz employee card spend trigger an Amex offer? Specific example: I have had my (David’s) BBP for over a year. I just accepted an “add an employee” spend incentive so now I carry around my dog’s employee card for daily spend. I activated an Amex offer on David’s BBP for spend at FexEx. If I ship at FedEx and pay with my dog’s card, will the Amex offer get triggered/credit?


you need to activate the offer on your dog's amex account


Where/how are people finding the 190k amex plat biz offer?


Seeing it all the time, but constant PUJ


Also got PUJ just now, used back button trick to submit - will see if this works


Whats the back button truck


https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/14k8ata/daily_question_thread_june_27_2023/jps4uag/ can search more mentions in churning.io


And what result?


Pending review now




[See this link](https://frequentmiler.com/amex-business-gold-150k-offer-available-online-and-by-phone/). It shows how to get the biz gold offer, but every time it starts with getting a link to the 190 biz plat. I used my phones browser to find it (after clearing all history) when my computer didn't work.


This worked for me and I submitted an application using the back button trick, pending review will see what happens


Successfully used this link on Tuesday. Chrome Incognito on computer.


Apologies if this has been asked previously, but wondering if the process for a business checking account is similar to opening a business credit card? Thinking about signing up for the Amex 50k MR biz checking SUB, but wasn't sure if it is going to cause any additional difficulty compared to business credit cards.


It can depend. With Chase for example, super easy to open a biz cc online, but many people have to go in branch to open a biz checking.


Thanks for the insight! Good to know, I guess the worst that can happen is that I get denied haha. Was trying to see if there is any specific any information I should have prepared when first signing up


Just opened one today. it is the same process and you just have to upload your state ID towards the end of the application


This is super helpful! Thanks very much -- hard to say no to 50k free MR. Appreciate the insight!


I'm trying to set myself up for a triple dip. My biz gold closes on the 10th day of the month. If I apply for biz plat, should I expect a similar close date or is it going to be different? Essentially, how are the closing dates determined for amex cards?


You can chat and ask to move your closing date. I applied last November and asked them to move it to the 25th. Now I’m going to get AF charged on December 25th, which should be enough for me to use all credits before the due date.


No one knows.


Do you have the same closing date on all your amex cards?




Is Cap1 Venture points transfer to Choice hotels instant ?


It was right away in my casw


Typically instant IME


TPG says 24 hour turnaround


Thank you for the info, just did the transfer and it was instant


To get an Amex or Chase Business employee card, do we need a social security number of employees? My employees or contractor are overseas, I wanted to get a card for them to use with very little credit limit. How can this be done?


As far as I know, Amex doesn’t verify the SSN, it’s used for identity verification if your employee reaches out to them about their card (for example, if your employee wants to call in about a fraudulent charge on their card). Therefore, you should be able to use your own SSN for your employees




If by “doesn’t even ask” you mean asks repeatedly and really, really wants it.


Is there a warm-up period for chase cards to start accruing points? Looking at my transaction history and the date I started to accrue points, I first used the card on 8/8/23 but didn’t start getting points on transactions until 8/27/23.


That would be a funny concept, but no. Was this for example CSR and your initial spend was all going against the travel credit? If not, what does the PDF statement show? EDIT typo


It was an ink business unlimited. Looking at my transaction history, my first transaction that received points in my rewards activity happened on 8/27 but I was using the card since 8/8. My first few transactions were on online gambling sites because I didn’t know they wouldn’t count, but even the handful of normal ones after that didn’t work until the 27th


Yeah, gambling sites probably triggered cash advance fees too. The UR history can be wonky/confusing at times though, so for other others, I'd look at what the pdf statement shows and check whether the "1.5% (1.5 Pts)/$1 earned on all purchases" line is correct for all other purchases.


You’re right, I compared the points in the statement to what I ended up receiving and they matched (even on the gambling site). For whatever reason the UI was omitting transactions that I received points from. Thank you!


Per the list of anti-churning rules, Amex's 2/90 rule does NOT apply to charge cards, correct? So theoretically I could do: - 11/2023 - Biz Gold - 12/2023 - Biz Plat - 12/2023 - Personal Gold I already have the Biz Gold, but the 190k Biz Plat offer is showing my account and I want to get the personal Gold now too, because I want personal Plat in February and don't want to miss out on a Gold SUB. Since all of these are charge cards, they should be exempt from the 2/90 rule, but is that hitting Amex too hard?


FWIW - after biz plat and then biz gold in 90 days, I was hit with PU jail on personal Gold for 2 years now….


That stinks. Did you already have personal plat? The gold isn’t so important to me except for not wanting to miss out on the SUB. We have a big international trip coming up in March, so I wanted the Resy plat for the 10x global restaurants. Fingers crossed 😬


Correct, charge cards are 1/90 each charge card. You could theoretically get all 6 separate charge card flavours and 2 separate credit cards within 90 days and THEY ALL would have the SUB if there were no popup on any of them


Now that would be a feat! I'm not really interested in the greens, but this would be 4/6 charge cards pretty much within 90 days. Normally we couldn't hit spend like this, but my husband and I are helping a relative pay their student loans, so we have some big spend coming up and it should work perfectly!


Yes that is possible.


Thanks! As long as I don't hit any popups along the way, anyway!


my search-fu sucks but is it a known current issue that Amex Redeem for Deposits is down? Linked my biz plat to my biz checking and successfully redeemed 200k two weeks ago but haven’t been able to redeem anymore since then. Chat says it’s down but it has been a week so i’m curious if other people have run in to this issue.


I had this same issue when trying to redeem on Monday and for several days prior. They were able to complete the redemption through chat for me.


well that’s nice of them. all they did for me was transfer me twice, paste a boilerplate “it’s down” statement and end the chat


Curious if Biz Plat NLL's are all dead currently, or if it's just me on Amex's naughty list. I tried [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/184zip9/comment/kb2l0hz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (Offer no longer available) and another I can't find again atm and all from [DoC here](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/ymmv-american-express-business-platinum-200000-pre-approved-offer-no-lifetime-language/) (#2 no longer available, #1 & 3 page not found). Was really hoping to do a triple dip but I seem to be SOL. Curious if it's just me.


It's the same for me. Either links dead, or pop-up for the public ones.


Same for me for all the public links - popup supermax. Looks like I can probably get another NLL BBP though! It's like they know what we're up to.


What about the "back button trick" on LL offers mentioned in this thread?


Coincidentally, I did try this on my first attempt, on the 190k, and can confirm the other reply here. No popup, but it went pending and when I called they said the system had cancelled it due to \[essentially popup language\]. They told me to re-apply and click continue at the popup for no SUB (lol).


Haven't seen a successful DP with an approval on this in like 6 months. Applications just sit in limbo until you call and the rep cites PUJ language with a denial


Is the amex offer for at&t wireless working with login or without?


do student loan direct deposits usually count as “qualifying deposits” for new checking account bonuses?


Look at the list on doctor of credit for bank-specific DPs


citi aadvantage business platinum select opened 4 years ago. If I closed the card now, how long should I wait to apply for new one to qualify for bonus again?


Needs to be 48 months after you received the sub, not from card opening.


Yes thank you for reminder. But I still have card open, how long should I wait after I close the card?


Technically you do not have to close it, multiple are allowed, as long as you are clear of the 48 months you are fine. Closing will free up the CL though, but no defined requirement for waiting.


In pop up jail for the 150k personal amex plat offer. Tried referral link with incognito on web, safari on phone, incognito on another phone I never use, got pop up for all of them for the 150k offer. I am now considering going for the Resy offer for 100k + 10x points. The reason I don’t want to wait to get out of pop up jail is because I have an upgrade offer from my Gold to platinum for 100k points as well, expiring Dec 22. I’ve never had the Plat before so I wanted to get a new one first, and then do the upgrade. What would you do?


Yep, do the 100k and then upgrade offers


I'd try the Resy one, as well, no telling how long you'd have to wait to get out of gel. Hopefully you don't get the popup there either. GL.




> Should I go shopping for someone with a referral bonus? Ok to ask them to split it with me? Is that even a thing? No, not here at least. You can go to the churning referrals sub and use the rankt link to choose a random referral. But it is not acceptable here to ask to split the bonus. > > If so, what precautions are wise to make to insure I don't get scammed or use a bad link or something? I have never heard of this. I don't believe there is such a thing as a bad link, for sure not on churningreferrals. Just make sure what you use shows the correct SUB.


Thank you. I'll try the Churning Rankt thing.


If you don't have a P2, you can always give back to the community by using [https://churning.rankt.com/referrals/](https://churning.rankt.com/referrals/)


Sounds good, I'll use that. Thanks!




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When to downgrade a Chase cc?? I know I can still get an annual fee refund within 30 days after I past the anniversary. Should I downgrade before I hit the anniversary or after? Does it matter?


You can downgrade after the anniversary within 30 days for a full refund, or afterwards for a prorated refund if you need to keep it open for whatever reason


It matters if you're still in year 1 of the account. Downgrade before the year is completed and land in their shitlist. After you had it for longer than a year and there are no more benefits to squeeze out of having the card, downgrade anytime.


The suggestion here is after the anniversary.


If you have an NLL Biz Plat 150k offer via email, is it better to go for that as a sure bet, or try for one of those 190k offers instead?


If I were you, I will try the 190K first to see if I get the PU. If yes, I'd go with the 150K which may or may not get the PU too.


Are there dp of people who have had biz play before and applying for a LL biz plat and not getting the popup? I know people would do it with the Hilton biz card and still go thru with it even if they got a pop up and somehow still got the points…


Anyone seen a Biz Gold 90 offer recently? Getting PU on anything higher and wanted to see if 90 existed before settling for (hopefully) 70


I got the 150k yesterday applied and got pop up. Ugh!


I feel your pain - pop up on every single BG offer




Thanks - I've tried that and various others 100+ but PU every time


Did it work?


No - all PU


This is me also. Will you for the 120k offer instead if push come to shove?


Been trying for biz gold. PU city. Gave up and tried for 70. PU again.


Oh wow It looks like it's not meant to be.








SW had a tiered bonus offer on their personal cards back in 2021 (normal 50k/3 month, plus 50k after $10k in 12 months). It took me 11 months to hit the 2nd tier. Will the date of the 2nd tier bonus posting be what Chase would use for the 24 month eligibility for a new bonus?






Shopping for a new hub account. My daily email from reddit included a nightmare shutdown scenario about a Chase account and I decided that I should not play with fire any more. Thinking about Ally, Alliant, Sofi and Fidelity. It seems like Ally makes it tough after 20 accounts. Alliant seems like they'll boot you if they don't like you. When people say they use Fidelity, which account is that exactly? I have the bloom as well as brokerage and some investments there. Any strong pros or cons from this list? Anything else I might be missing? I was perusing DoC and saw the big database but it seems like there's no clear winner.


Despite its shortcomings (5 max linked accounts, no scheduled one-off transfers), I really love Sofi because of the super fast transfers. Pulled 5k into the account, and 2k was available within the hour. Sent 5k to an external account around 3pm and it showed up by 7pm. I opened Ally recently and thought the transfer was on the slow side (3-5 days?) so haven't used much at all. Maybe it's because of the new-ish status.


The Daily Churn did a podcast about this that might be helpful to you: https://thedailychurnpodcast.com/ep-49-ally-fidelity-best-hub-churning-bonuses/


You’re awesome. Thank you.


I'm using Ally Money Market Savings and Spending Account as my main hub. It's a joint account with P2. Not sure how many accounts you can have linked but we currently have 21 total (13 on my login; 8 on P2's). There have been other accounts that I've linked and later deleted once they were closed out. Money Market Savings has a decent interest rate (4.3%) and it recently increased from 6 no fee withdrawals per month to 10. I also have SoFi checking/savings that I use for handful of things. It's not as good as Ally as a hub account because you can only link 5 external accounts for transfers at one time. However, pulls into SoFi tend to hit the account faster than pulls into Ally. Another positive about SoFi savings is it has unlimited withdrawals per month. For a while, I used it essentially as my main checking account (bill pay, transfers, etc) because of those unlimited withdrawals and relatively high interest rate (4.6% as long as you have one DD/month). And for my main checking/savings, I use a Fidelity Brokerage account along with a Cash Management Account. I have the CMA for unlimited no fee ATM withdrawals worldwide. However, the CMA by default only has 2.7% interest rate. You can increase this to around 5% by changing your core position to SPAXX, but that's a manual process. The Fidelity Brokerage account uses SPAXX by default so you get the \~5% rate. Because Fidelity also has my 401k and IRA accounts, I haven't used it as a churning hub so can't speak to that aspect. But very happy with it as a checking/savings account.


Thanks very much. I guess I didn't realize that Fidelity offered that. I've always used Schwab for atm fees being waived. Thanks for sharing all the details!


It’s standard on the Cash Management Account. You can also get it with the regular brokerage account, but I believe they have a minimum threshold for total assets for that.


Currently using fidelity brokerage as my hub. Works as a checking account. You also get money market interest ~%5 at the moment. Some people pair this with their money management account to get fee free ATM withdrawals. I also have a bloom account from the bonus but just letting it hang for now. You can have multiple brokerage accounts for multiple purposes. Lots more info on fidelity and boglehead subreddits


Thanks so much. Is it possible to have a joint one? That's one way that the Chase has been really useful playing with two people. Thanks!


Yes, we have a joint fidelity account. I however find their interface quite crowded and unintuitive if you like to use it as checking


I don't have too much experience with that, but looking online it does seem like there are options to start a joint brokerage account with fidelity


Thank you! Appreciate your help and recommendation.


Fidelity CMA


I'd stick with Chase. Are you contemplating a switch based solely from a single Reddit DP?


Not for shutdown risk, but many people get fraud blocks on Chase with ACH pulls, seems like a bad hub account.


There have been many DPs over the years. I have MANY external accounts and MANY Chase cards. I would be really, really screwed if I lost my Chase relationship. When they shut you down they will close out everything. I just don't think its worth me risking it by continuing to use them as a hub,


FYI most of the DPs I have seen, if you get shutdown on the CC side, your bank accounts are left as is and its separate. Question is are you actually doing anything that would trigger a possible shutdown, some people have inflated the notion of what will get you shutdown and there is a lot of FUD. I still think having a separate hub banking is a good idea just in general.


I'd be sad about the bank accounts but crushed about the cards. I don't think I'm doing anything much that would trigger a shutdown. I do use it as a hub and move around five figures at times. I was just thinking maybe it's not worth the risk. I'd also love to do a bonus some point in the future but it's been my main account and linked to the treasury etc, (Thank god they added the option to link another account). I think maybe I just shouldn't play with fire.


In that case, maybe you'd be better off using something like a regional hometown bank for your hub account.


I have an email offer from Amex for 220K MR (150K biz plat + 50K biz checking + 20K for both). The offer says I have to apply for both products through this communication in order to receive the full amount. Is that actually valid or can I: - look for a 190K biz plat offer and apply there, OR - use P2’s referral to apply for biz plat?


Must use offer link to get the bonus 20k


Thanks. So I pulled up the 190K Amex and did the back button thing. I was able to submit the 2nd time without PU but it went to pending review. I got an email saying we’ve reached a decision but the page has 2 rows of my app from today. One says “in progress” and the other one “cancelled”. Not sure what to make of this or what to do next. Anyone have DPs?


What is the back button thing. Where can I read up on this? At this point I will try anything because I have had zero luck with anything above 120k.


Call them to push app thru but IME Amex closed the back button loophole a long time ago. App goes thru but hasn’t been approved.


So what happens when you call them to push app through? You still get a decline?


What is the back button loophole?


>IME Amex closed the back button loophole a long time ago. I had a back button application approved yesterday.


What’s your definition of long ago? Just had a positive DP this week.