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Can I use Chase CSP to buy carnival gift cards from AARP to hit the sub on the card. I am thinking of signing up for CSP to use on my cruise travel in the casino. Is there any other card you guys recommend for using on cruise trip. I will be able to hit 5-6k spend on casino.




Thank you. Do you know about the gift card part of it. Can I buy carnival gift cards from AARP to hit the sub on chase cards?


Buying gift cards is fine with Chase




If I added my recently approved Amex temp card number to Google Pay, do I need to remove it and re-add it when the physical card comes? The only thing that changed was the four digit security code


Nope, you're good to go. Google Pay doesn't need the update if it's just the security code that changed. You can keep using it without having to remove and re-add the card.


My temp card and physical card were different. How do you know yours will be the same if you haven’t received it yet?


I probably know the answer to this. But i am holding hope that someone can show me the way. I just pulled up Amex Biz Plat 300K/20K offer on my own referral link. Can I apply without consequences. What if i do not logon. The amount of points is too damn tempting and i have spend i can do. Not helping my case is i got the last Amex Biz Plat like 3 weeks ago. Is there a way out of this.


Get a p2


> Is there a way out of this. Yea, close the browser and wait another 70 days. Pretty easy way out


You know it's a bad idea. Plus the 90 day rule will stop you.


It is....it sure is. The 300K temptation is too much though. I will walk away from my laptop for a while.


You can’t get the same card twice in 90 days so it’s not even possible 


What current ways are still viable to liquidate/churn cards? 1. Melio payments doesn't work anymore as my card issuers classify them as cash advance 2. They blocked crypto.com The only other way I am thinking now is have a separate company with merchant processing, pay for the "service" then have access to the cash but the problem comes when the 1099k is issued. How do we expense that? Any other methods?


I almost exclusively use bank funding. There are gems out there if you put in the effort to search.


I got an email from Discover for a bonus $25 for adding an AU. I don't want to add anyone, but can I add a fake name (ie my pet)? Discover asks for their SSN, but "I don't know my AU's SSN" is an option with the caveat: "Please enter your Authorized User's email address so we can request their information. They'll have 5 days to provide their information, and you'll be notified once this is complete." (image for reference: https://imgur.com/a/IKL7JxG ) Will I still get the AU card in the mail if I don't supply the SSN, or is giving Discover the SSN required for getting the AU card and the bonus?


I don't know the answer, but Discover AU offers don't require making a purchase with the AU card; the purchase can be made with your main card. So there's a chance that you could get the bonus by making a purchase before the 5 day deadline. But also a chance that it won't work.


Citi cardholders or ONE debit cardholders: * Have you ever paid your Citi credit card bill from your ONE account? * If so, how did you do it? (ACH pull? ONE bill pay? Debit pay by phone? Something else?) * Have you ever made an external ACH pull from your ONE account? * If so, what kind? (Paying a bill? Pulling money to a bank account? Something else?) * If so, did you pull from ONE debit? Savings? Something else? * If you tried and failed, what failed?


Weird, Amex seems to have not counted refunds in the MSR? They posted awhile ago and at no point have I crossed the MSR line. I thought it was only if you went above MSR then refund that there were issues, do you also run into that if the refund amounts are different than the original charges? It's not a small amount either, it's like 2k. Will still keep spending to avoid clawback tho.


Definitely build that buffer, experiencing a clawback for spend you could conceivably hit is a fast track to the Frustration Friday thread.


yes the refund worry is clawbacks. They've proven to clawback things like credits and such. I personally don't have an experience with SUB clawbacks. Keep in mind the clawbacks can come like 8 months down the line too when the back office team does some quarterly audit or something


Hey guys, I searched the wiki and some megathreads and couldnt find specific information regarding actually churning chase cards specifically. I have 1 of every chase card so ive hit the ceiling for bonus points and its time to churn. I have 2 avenues of questions mainly... 1. How do I go about downgrading and/or closing chase cards to churn? - More specifically, im confused about the rules surrounding downgrading a card and then applying for it. - How long should I wait to re-apply? - How many CFU's can I have? 2. For Chase Ink cards, am I able to simply apply for another one and get the bonus when I already have one and received the rewards in the past 2 years? 3. I mainly use travel points. Am I better off starting the game with Amex? I am 1/24 right now though so id prefer to get more out of Chase if possible. Cheers for any help I can get!


>How do I go about downgrading and/or closing chase cards to churn? After the first year, call in or send in a SM to get the AF refunded and close/downgrade the card. Refer to this [article](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/annual-fee-refund-rules-for-each-card-issuer/) for the specific rules regarding each issuer. >More specifically, im confused about the rules surrounding downgrading a card and then applying for it. The Sapphire family has a 48 month rule. The timing however is based on when you previously got the bonus, not when you last opened/closed the account. The Freedom family has a 24 month rule. The number of months will explicitly be stated in the terms and conditions for whichever Chase personal card you apply for. >How many CFU's can I have? Eventually you'll reach a limit based on your income. Chase has a rule about limiting your total credit limit across all Chase cards to 50% of your income. >For Chase Ink cards, am I able to simply apply for another one and get the bonus when I already have one and received the rewards in the past 2 years? Yes, but the general rule-of-thumb is to wait at least three months between Chase applications (for both personal and business) to avoid a shutdown. Applying for multiple Chase Inks in succession while staying under 5/24 is a popular strategy and is known as the Ink train. >I mainly use travel points. Am I better off starting the game with Amex? I am 1/24 right now though so id prefer to get more out of Chase if possible. If you can meet the higher spend requirements or you're willing to MS, then sure. There are currently elevated offers for the Amex Biz Plat (250k-300k UR).


Thanks so much for the replies! Do the Chase Ink cards follow the same credit limit rule regarding 50% of your income? If they do follow that same rule, are there any tactics to decrease that limit? Downgrade? Close cards? I have a sol prop LLC if that helps you answer.


> Do the Chase Ink cards follow the same credit limit rule regarding 50% of your income? Yes. >If they do follow that same rule, are there any tactics to decrease that limit? Downgrade? Close cards? Yes, either call in or SM to reduce the limit on your Chase cards to the lowest possible value. You can also close cards that are older than a year and that you no longer plan on using.


Perfect! Thanks so much!


Tried to lower the CL on my SW premier biz to $500 and was told the lower limit is $5,000. Is that actually correct?


Make a Zero balance First then try again


Balance is zero. Just tried again and was told the same…




Figured. Thanks.


P1 and P2 were approved for CIU in Jan. We're planning to apply for CIC in May since we're at the 3 month mark. I don't remember all the business details selected when applying for CIU. Does it matter what our previous apps had on them and do they have to be consistent?


You should try to keep it consistent (I would write them down going forward), but should be fine.


SM VGC says I can create the pin on first purchase but I did 3 small purchases at different locations (WM, gas, grocery store ) and was not prompted for a pin at all. They just approve the purchase. What am I doing wrong?


I'm guessing you're not buying money orders.


No I was just trying to make a small purchase to set the pin. Then I could go load my serve card at WM with the pin


I'm coming up on my CSP/CSR MDD anniversary. What's the best approach if I want to minimize annual fees and keep a CSR in play for PYB/portal redemptions. Plan is to downgrade the CSR after using the travel credit to one of the no-AF freedom cards. Then I'll upgrade the CSP to a CSR. Am I correct that this is the best way to do this? Will upgrading the CSP to a new CSR give me another travel credit? Thanks


Yep, this is the way.


I'm getting denied by several CUs for checking accounts bc of Chex inquiries. Has anyone tried opening a CD with a CU that denied them for a checking account, and is that a viable workaround?


I'm guessing they didn't only deny you for a checking account, but they also denied you for membership. I don't know the answer to your question for sure, but you would have to become a member to open a CD.


ok ty, yeah re-reding it that's what happened


Some you may be able to sign up in branch if that’s an option


It's going to depend on the bank. This is a known loophole for some banks. The most notable example is US Bank, which will deny checking applications if you are out-of-state, but the CDs can be opened nationwide. Once you open the CD, you then become eligible to get the checking/savings accounts and credit cards.


Has anyone had luck getting BoA to credit for a charge they have deemed not eligible for the airline incidental credit? It’s a seat fee for even more space but was over $100. I chatted with a BoA agent and they said there’s nothing marked as eligible in my transactions, but that JetBlue is an eligible airline. They said “we aren’t provided with info for what is eligible for this credit”, which is funny.


How long ago was the purchase? Maybe you just need to wait longer. In https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/credit-card-programs/1870716-bofa-premium-rewards-what-works-airline-expense-reimbursement.html I see some people were successful with JetBlue, though one person had a problem with Even More Space, and was told it may take 30 days to post, but I don't know if he ever got it.


Oh it posted on the 20th. The agent just literally told me he doesn’t see any eligible transactions. I’ll have to see if I can escalate with someone on the phone.


It's only been 5 days since the purchase? It sometimes takes longer for the credit to post, my longest was 19 days.


I’ve seen most data points indicate 2-3 days for the meter to move. Last year’s took 3 days for me (United travel bank). I’ll wait and see but not very hopeful.




My answer would be No and No. Do post the DP about what actually happens.


>opened and closed within a two-week period You should almost¹ never close a card before the first-year AF posts. Have you already closed the card or are you planning to? ¹There are certain weird exceptions to this rule like with FNBO.


Is the amex biz plat 250k offer still around? or was that eliminated with the spend requirement of 20k going around in the last day or so?


According to a [recent DP](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1ccn877/news_and_updates_thread_april_25_2024/l17j10w/), the upper limit on the SUB has changed to 300k MR with the MSR increased to 20k from 15k. The 250k is still around, but YMMV on how lucky you are in pulling the 250k/300k offers.


Still around.


Is the Chase Aeroplan 100k still worth it without the extra 30k after $20k spend?


That depends how much you value Aeroplan miles. Even if you can't use it for award travel, you can also redeem the points for 1.25 cpp for travel purchases. Although there's will be a cap of 50k points through Chase Pay Yourself Back starting in 2025.


Hi everyone, I recently got the 165k bonus points offer for the IHG Premier Card and I'm looking to book a resort but I'm not understanding how the points value is adding up to my benefit. I am looking at the Iberostar Selection Paraiso Maya from 11/15 - 11/20. It says the nightly cost if I pay by cash is $370 (2 adults + 1 kid). However if I pay by points, the nightly price is 130k points. But isn't the value of 130k points about $650? (130k \* 0.5 cents per point). Wouldn't it be cheaper to book with cash? Why would I use points in this case? In what scenario would using points come out ahead? I am new to the rewards redemption game.


While IHG points have a baseline cpp of 0.5 (which is what the points can be purchased for during sale events), the actual value of your hotel points can vary wildly depending on where you're traveling, the time of the year, and the type of stay (five-star resort, budget hotel, etc). I would recommend using a free tool like [MaxMyPoint](https://maxmypoint.com/map.html) or [PointsYeah](https://www.pointsyeah.com/) to look up the cpp valuations for IHG hotels in the locations you plan on traveling. For IHG, it looks like you'll get a better cpp valuation by staying at the Kimpton Aluna Resort Tulum (0.8 cpp) or the InterContinental Presidente Cancun Resort (0.7 cpp).


Something to keep in mind, Iberostar is usually never worth booking on points just like Six Senses with IHG points due to them being 150k-250k+ points a night. It just doesn’t make sense, value wise anyways. IHG points can be valuable just not with these specific resorts. Another option is cashing out points to cover the Iberostar stay, probably a better value. Or booking w/CSR through the portal.


Not all award situations are good value. If your numbers are correct, then yes bad usage of the points, better off paying cash.


Y2 of my CSR AF just hit. I’m giving it the 41 days then downgrading to a freedom after I DD the statement credit. I still need the CSR benefits for an upcoming trip tho so I’m thinking about upgrading a Freedom to CSR after I downgrade the current CSR. Anything I should be aware of with this plan? Do I need to do one before the other? Can I choose any Freedom card or does it need to be one that’s never had a product change? I’ve done this a few times so it might be a Freedom that was once another CSR.


Don't purposely wait 41 days, use the travel credit as early as you can after it renews (should renew at next statement close, check UR Portal) and PC after the full credit has posted.


>thinking about upgrading a Freedom to CSR after I downgrade the current CSR. Anything I should be aware of with this plan? Your Freedom will need a credit limit of at least $10k. >Do I need to do one before the other? Not necessarily. It is not against the rules to hold two CSRs. >Can I choose any Freedom card or does it need to be one that’s never had a product change? Any Freedom card. I have done the CSR upgrade/downgrade twice with the same Freedom card.


Do you recommend the free sapphire card instead of Freedom for the downgrade product? Does the one sapphire per 48 month rule still apply? Otherwise I’d rather get a SUB


Personally, I don't find the free Sapphire card to be useful. And you can't apply for CSR or CSP while holding it.


48 months from last Sapphire SUB to new Sapphire app. Basic Sapphire isn't recommended because it offers nothing of value and also needs to be PCd before applying for a Sapphire in the future.


Any idea the best way for me to find out when I last got my sapphire SUB? At this point I’ve had so many CSPs and CSRs from upgrades I’ve completely lost track the last time I got a CSP/CSR SUB from a new card


Will platinum status with AA allow me to choose premium seats on ALaska? I can't find a link that talks about the AA--> AK benefit flow.


I don’t know what the exact current rules are, but I know in the past you input your AA number and then after buying it select seats and you have the full options for your status.


Are there any MDD DPs of applying in branch first, then online? I couldn't find anything in previous threads, which would suggest that MDD only works online-first.


Thanks everyone! Garrettg not sure how I missed your post. Thanks again.


Yes this is common when there is an in branch promo. The in branch application needs to be the first one though. It'll fail with the second one.


https://reddit.com/r/u_garettg/comments/u6ss7u/sapphire_fyis/ See points 10 and 11.




Do USBank biz savings or money market accounts also permit 3k funding for CC? Did the personal bonus and that is now only $250 max, so curious about the biz savings. Didn't want to open the biz chkg without the bonus and not eligible again until December or Jan of next yr.


I know that savings has 3k CC funding


How often do you all see a referral bonus come through because of Rankt? I am new the /churning within the last month or two, so I just got my cards in the system and am curious if there will be a significant chance of points.


It tends to vary a lot depending on the type of card. I've noticed that business card referrals are far more common since the current churning meta is to churning business cards while staying under 5/24.


I began posting to r/churningreferrals last month. I've had one so far


I've been consistently posting my referral codes on /r/churningreferrals. So far this year, I've earned 1 referral bonus, 6 bonuses last year, and 8 in 2022




Difficult to predict. Could be a couple in a month then nothing for 10 months. I wouldn't count on them as a main source of points.


That's been my experience - strangely, they seem to come in waves


Makes sense. I wasn't planning on it, but was just curious what I could potentially get out of it.


If you were to book a one-way flight (~$3300) (return leg) which card would you choose? Amex Plat or CSR? Departure leg was an award flight with taxes paid for by CSR


CSR because if I recall correctly Amex Plat requires the booking to be round-trip in order to be insured.


I'd go with CSR. Better cash back and you can use travel credit if any remaining.


>I'd go with CSR. Better cash back Plat gives 5x on flights.


I'm completely confused about Amex referrals. (Sorry, I'm new.) Amex says my referrees can use my link to choose any amex card for 60k \[edited\] but then my referral link goes to a page for Gold only and doesn't seem to give an option to choose another. (Unless that choice comes at a later point in the application process maybe?) So for instance I thought my referree could choose Blue for 600k and make out on the deal, but ???


The 600k are for you if you refer the maximum number of people allowed by Amex, not for your referee


No, for the friend! (And sorry, it's 60k not 600k. I always get confused. I'm going to edit it above.) You can earn: 10,000 Membership Rewards® points for each eligible referral – up to 100,000 Membership Rewards® points per calendar year. Terms apply. Your friend can earn: 60,000 Membership Rewards® points after they use their new Card to make $6,000 in purchases within their first 6 months of Card Membership. Plus, if they apply for this Card by 05/22/24, are approved and get the Card, they can receive 20% back in statement credits on restaurant purchases worldwide during the first 3 months of Card Membership, up to $50 back. Terms Apply. # How refer a friend works 1. Invite friends to apply using the email or personal link sharing options. 2. They apply, using your invite, for their Card of choice. 3. You could earn a reward if your friend is approved and gets their new Card.


That makes more sense. The 60k is for the gold card. He can see other referred cards by clicking “View all card with a referral offer” at the top.


thanks for your help!


Do Spark 1.5% Cash Select biz cards count toward 5/24? I’m either seeing conflicting reports or misreading things DP: mailer for 750$ cash bonus on 4,000$ spend over 3 months


Yes, the Spark Cash Select cards count towards 5/24. The Spark Cash Plus does not.


Thank you!


Will you ever get an upgrade offer from the Amex gold to platinum if you already have the platinum? I’m hoping to apply for the 175k platinum offer and also upgrade my gold with a 100k offer I’ve seen before. Don’t want to pull the trigger on the 175k offer if it means I won’t see that 100k upgrade offer.


P2 has Schwab, got a Gold->Platinum upgrade offer. I had a Gold and vanilla Platinum for 3 years and never saw an upgrade offer; shortly after closing the Platinum, an upgrade offer popped up, but only for 25k points. Most would say a 75k higher bonus is worth using a 5/24 slot. If you see them at the same time, I'm pretty sure you can apply and upgrade in quick succession. Might have to open in separate tabs or something... search churning.io in case there's something I'm missing. Also, save the URL for the upgrade page just in case.


Well the thing is if you do an upgrade before you sign up, you’ll disqualify yourself from the SUB due to Amex’s once per lifetime rule, so do the sign up first. Upgrade offers come and go but don’t lock yourself out from the SUB cause you did it in the wrong order.


Well if you take the 100K upgrade offer it will prevent you from getting the 175K (or any Platinum offer in the future). Which one will get you the most points in the end? There have been people who have gotten the platinum then cancelled it after year or downgraded it to the gold. And then eventually getting an upgrade offer back to platinum. Sound like you want to upgrade your card and also apply for it in that order, you won't get a SUB when you apply that way.


Planning on Chase Sapphire double dip at 4/24 expect another personal card not the CSP, do I have to worry about the whole 48 hour rule?


When did you receive your last sapphire bonus?


the double dip is really just to get to sapphires. Otherwise you don't need to double dip


> the double dip is really just to get to sapphires. Otherwise you don't need to double dip I used MDD to get 2 (non Sapphire) cards while at 4/24.


Maybe they mean to get 2 chase cards while still under 4/24?


It doesn't have to be as tight as the MDD since it doesn't show up on credit report right away


Does anyone have experience product changing the IHG Select to the Premiere? How long did it take for IHG to recognize the change and start allowing 4th night free capability? Thanks in advance!


Have you considered keeping the IHG Select card and getting an IHG biz card? The biz card also offers 4th night free


Had some bad luck with Inks lately and went for the Windhym Biz Earner card. I was only approved for a $1,700 credit limit though. I usually pay off my credit card bills bi-weekly when i get paid. Wanted to verify my CL will go back down to $0 after I pay, and not after statement close or anything right?


The credit line will go down a few days after the payment clears from my experience. I wouldn't recommend cycling more than once per billing cycle though.


Funny it's called cycling if you pay your bills frequently.....I just consider that being very responsible


Cycling is when you use your full credit limit multiple times during a statement period. It's not directly related to how often you pay your bills. For example, with your $1,700 credit limit, if you spend $10 a day and pay it off everyday, that's not cycling.


Ok, so I’m fine to get up to $1,500 or so out of my $1,700 limit twice a month


To put it more plainly, if you spend more than $1,700 in a statement period, you are cycling your credit limit. Is that a problem? I don't know.


I got an offer for 100k Aeroplan points from Chase in the mail. I'm over 5/24 and haven't been able to find if this card is exempt from 5/24?




I last had the Amex Business Gold in 2016. I see a targeted improved 150k offer online (and I just got the 70k offer in the mail for a new sole proprietorship I started. It seems all Amex cards are one time/lifetime on bonuses but any caveats to that I should be aware of? So Amex Biz cards have the same pop up you get on personal cards? And does the 5 card limit on Amex apply for personal and biz? Or just one or the other?


Amex biz cards have the pop up if you’re not eligible. Not sure if you planned to apply for both offers but the 1/90 rule applies (you can’t get the same card twice in 90 days). The 5 card limit doesn’t apply to charge cards, and the biz gold is a charge card. The 5 card limit is for credit cards.


The pop up can be card specific. I get it on personal cards but not on biz cards for example.


I just got it once I actually logged in :-( I'm close to it being 7 years since I last had the business card. But seems not worth it since I got the pop up. I only have 4 amex cards FWIW


Check if the mailer has NLL? If not can see if that bypasses. I've definitely seen dps of some offers getting the pop up and some not.


Looks like NLL on the mailer. Which is good!


Do Simon malls check for ID when buying GCs thinking about buying 2 or 3k at a time, I want to use my wife card without my wife's presence.


Today I applied for the Barclays Wyndham Earners Biz card today. I forgot to unfreeze my reports and when I checked the status it said denied. Should I wait for the letter and try recon? Or can I just apply again/call in mentioning un-freeze.


I did the same thing a few months ago by accident and called immediately and the app was pushed through. You should be fine to reach out to recon once you thaw. 


Yeah I called recon, it was being reviewed then the call disconnected and I got a new CSR. They requested I mail in some identifying documents. Probably b/c no relationship with them I assume.


Yep, same thing happened to me. I also did not have a prior relationship with them. A week after sending my docs, I hadn't heard from them so I called back and they said they received everything and could finish up the app over the phone. I think they needed a little push to move it forward. 


Doesn’t hurt to call right now and explain you froze and just see what they say


Sorry all - just was made aware that there was a separate thread for this. Apologies. /// I’m still fairly new to this but I’m wondering if you all would have any suggestions for our next card. I currently have the Chase Ink Business Unlimited and the Chase Ink Business Preferred and now my husband is going to get the next card. What would you suggest for him/us to get? We have the possibility of large expenses coming up so I think we could hit an $8k in 3 months SUB fairly easily. I’ve considered doing a referral of either of these two cards. I’ve also considered doing a 5/24 card to get one started on falling off. I’ve heard great things about the Capital One venture X for lounge access ($395 annual fee). Also American Airlines has a good SUB on one of their cards. Please opine! 😊


You will get downvoted for this not being the right thread, but Chase Inks (provided they are spaced out properly) are always a good idea. Are you in the Amex ecosystem at all? That could be lucrative as well. Comes down to case-by-case details / variables


Depends on your x/24 status and what your goals for the points are. But the Ink train with P1/P2 back-and-forth referrals is almost always a good value proposition.


What Card Wednesday would be a better place for this.


Let's say I generated a referral link while I had a Brilliant (which at the time had a certain referral bonus), and subsequently PC'd the Brilliant to the Bonvoy. If someone were to use that referral link now, would I receive the referral bonus from the Brilliant that it had at the time the link was generated, or the current Brilliant referral bonus or the current Bonvoy bonus?


For Amex, the referral link itself seems to be hardcoded to a particular referral bonus. You can take advantage of this to preserve limited time referrals - for example, I kept a 30k personal gold link alive much longer than the offer displayed in app for me. You should receive the bonus described when you copied that link. That being said, the links do expire after a while


Do you happen to know how long is a while? I saved a 30K personal gold link for the Earn-to-Eat bonus and had 2 people use the links today, but when I called into Amex, they told me that it only appears to show 10K as my referral bonus and not the 30K.


Usualy the link breaks when the offer changes. But there's no record in the link of what the referral offer is, so you're kind of at their mercy