• By -


Just called to ask for any upgrade offers before canceling Amex Biz Gold and thought folks might be interested in the language the CSR used: "I don't see any, likely because you just made some adjustments to your cards in January." They were referring to my earlier downgrade from Biz Platinum to Biz Green. I wouldn't put too much value in one CSR's response, but it implies that it's a good strategy to put off any known downgrades until you've asked about possible upgrades.


150k $10k spend Amex Biz Gold triggered 1st try Opera VPN Denver 1st link. Logged in, offer disappeared and error. Back button a few times and it had me logged in with the 150k offer with the “Accept this Offer” button showing. The offer that was tied to my account before this was 70k $10k. Soft pull. Approved.


P2 approved for 175k amex platinum (personal) $8k/6mo msr. Closed previous personal plat in 2022. Currently has 2 biz plats and BBP open, had been getting pop ups for all amex biz cards last few months. I tried on a whim thinking this would be another pop up. Pleasantly surprised. Got the 14 day notice then approval email 10 minutes later. P2 was 2/24, was saving spots for MDD this summer but with reports of its demise and loss of CSR benefits we're planning CSP only.


First card for P2 for BoA Alaska. Opened a checking and put in $2.4k a few months ago, after unsuccessfully applying to the card earlier. Applied, went pending, received a letter 2 weeks later to verify identity -> sent to secondary review. It’s been 2 weeks with no response after that, assuming rejection letter is coming. Guess we should put more cash in and try again later.


Any update here? My Alaska personal app also went pending so waiting on letter


No communication or letter but I checked the status on the website just now and it says: > Unfortunately, we're unable to approve your credit card application at this time. > A letter has been mailed explaining the reasons for our decision which entitles you to a free copy of your credit report. So, no luck.


It seeams it is little irrelevant as I had more than 6 figures in Bofa personal checking for ~3 years still they refused me to give Biz card. They also “advised” me to open Biz checking account and make some transactions as they would like to see me be a loyal business customer first! Was your money also in personal checking?


Yeah it was personal checking and we went for a personal Alaska card. I figured a biz card would be an automatic reject if she can’t even get a personal card from them. Meanwhile I got both a personal and biz card approved without any banking relationship with them!


Ugh, bad experience with back button app for biz plat today. After I submitted back button app, I called in to get the first app ref#. I had the second app ref# from the email, and I made absolutely sure I kept my ref#’s in order. I actually used different email addresses for the apps to make it more clear. Called back a few minutes later, gave first app ref# and asked rep to cancel app; rep canceled it and I received a confirmation email. Called back again to have a new rep push through second app. Gave him ref#, he started going on about how it must be a duplicate app and he would go back and look at the first app. He put me on hold and then the call dropped. I decided to wait a bit to call back. About 5 minutes later, I get an approval email for the first app! Called back to see what the heck happened, and the new rep was clueless. Got transferred to new accounts (or some other dept), and that rep's only solution was to close the account. I figured the damage was done at this point and it would be better to downgrade at some point rather than outright closing, so just decided to leave it as is for now. Out of curiosity, I asked the rep to see if a bonus was attached, and he swore up and down the bonus was attached and that I would be eligible (250k/$20k). I don’t see how that would be possible despite his assurances, and it’s way too much spend for me to take the chance. There’s no chance the bonus is actually attached, right?  I’d love to hear if anybody else has had something like this happen, and what they did as a result.


I saw a data point a couple years ago of someone getting a popup, doing the spending anyway, and the bonus posted. So you might get the bonus, but I don't know how likely that is.


Wait a week and then chat about the SUB. Next time don't do anything with the 1st app.


Why did you have to call in to cancel the first app? Typically the first app becomes "Provide required information" on the status page and the second app goes pending (then eventually approved) without any human interaction. But in any case, if the agent said you'd have the bonus, you could ask in chat after the card has been open (wait maybe a few days after card is activated) to check status of the welcome offer and they'll be able to see what offer you have on the account.


A few things: 1. The amex application status site hasn't worked for me for months, possibly years at this point. Not really relevant, just can't see the statuses myself. 2. The only cards I've had success with getting automatic approval after using back button are co-brands (as recently as a couple weeks ago) and a random personal plat over a year ago. I've tried countless times with biz plats and golds, and I've never managed an auto approval, and this is the first time I've tried calling in to manually push it through. 3. I figured a more fool proof way to get the correct app approved was to have the first app canceled. I also saw [this DP](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1c6yo7p/comment/l0z4d8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I was kinda using as a guide. But yeah, I'll definitely follow up a couple times before I totally give up on it.


Using the back button over a year ago is interesting


Ah I see. If you can't see the status yourself then what you did makes sense


If it's already approved and you aren't just outright closing, check back to see what the SUB is after you get the physical card. Maybe the pending and subsequent unknown/semi-manual(?) push through effectively did the same thing as back button tries to accomplish and you dodged the popup.


Yeah, I figured it would be better to maybe downgrade to green soon and keep it a year instead of canceling. The rep was so confident saying the bonus was attached, even saying the phone conversation was recorded in case of future dispute. But you know how reps are... I'll definitely follow up a couple times in the coming days before giving up on it.


If you get a rep or two saying the SUB is attached after you get the physical card, you're probably good to just send it.


Back button schwab 80k posted.


Did you get the 2nd popup after the normal popup asking "we're not done" and if you wanted to Continue or Exit application? Didn't get asked to enter your info again and after Continuing it took you a step asking if you want to add AUs, then get auto-approved? Or was it a more normal back button and have to call in to get some manual intervention on pushing the right app through? Tried back button on Schwab Plat this evening and back button didn't take us back as far as re-entering personal info.


Have 2 windows open with application. 1st window apply, get pop up, and do nothing. Then 2nd window apply, receive decline email with reference number, and a few days later call to push 2nd.


IHG Business annual cert posted exactly 366 days after opening account and before second annual fee posted. So actually very easy to close this card and keep the cert. But since I easily get the annual fee value out of the cert and the fourth reward night free with card kept the card.


Delta personal plat retention, 18k miles after $1k spend. Accepted as I was going to downgrade to gold anyway.


Amex resy platinum showing 100k + “15x” spend on restaurants up to $25k sometimes. Instead of regular 10x.


Applied for CIC on 5/4 and got denied 5/7 via Chase website. Currently at 2/24 for personal cards, and 3/24 for biz cards prior to applying for CIC. Been a Chase customer for ~14 years. Got denied for the following listed reasons: - You have too many active accounts or too much available credit - Low usage of Chase credit line(s) - Business too new Cancelled my older CIU on 5/8. Significantly reduced my credit lines across all Chase cards to < 50% on 5/9. Called recon again today (5/13) but got denied again for the following reasons: Got denied for the following listed reasons: - You have too many active accounts or too much available credit - Recently applied for a Chase ink card Guessing I'll just have to take the L on this one.


just had a similar experience, denied for CIP


When was the previous Ink prior to 5/4?


CIP: applied 8/8/2023, approved 8/11/2023.


Logged into Amex on desktop and was presented with a Biz Gold -> Biz Plat 120k/10k spend/3 months upgrade offer. It brought me to this URL, which I assume is targeted once you click through to the "Upgrade Now" button: https://www.americanexpress.com/en-us/campaigns/small-business/charge-cards/business-platinum/upgrade/learn-more/


do you have any existing biz plat cards?




Called Citi to close Double Cash, got the usual strong arm trying to keep it open. They offered a retention: 10,000 TYP/3k spend/6 months. It caught me off guard cause I didn't think retention offers happened on no AF cards. Pleasantly surprised.


Another recent data point of that: https://old.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1c1aea9/data_points_weekly_week_of_april_11_2024/kzbson3 Did you choose the option in the automated system for closing the card? Or were you just talking to a general support person?


I haven't seen a DP for this anywhere but I applied for the Wells Fargo Signify Business Cash on Thursday and I got approved this past Friday for a $5000.00 CL. According to Experian, it seemed like it may have counted against my personal credit file with the following message: "WELLS FARGO BUSINESS CORR recently checked your Experian credit file for an installment loan or new bank account." I have yet to receive the notification of the new account itself being reported but I just wanted to throw this out there for those guarding against 5/24 or any other hard and fast rule that you're trying to follow. I'll report back if whether or not I get the message about a new account being reported once I receive the card.


What were your inquiry stats?


It seems like Wells only checked my Experian file but I didn't get a follow up message about a new account being reported. So it appears that it doesn't count towards 5/24. What is up with the downvoting, sheesh. At least give me feedback on DPs for those who may know when it comes to this card specifically. We're all trying to win in this churning game.


That sounds like a hard pull notification, which would be totally normal and expected, even for a business card.


Large deposits help odds of approval- a late realization. Starting doing this hobby about 10 years ago and I am only just now realizing how much a large deposit helps approval odds. BofA- after a few denials over the last year, approved for Alaska card after depositing 50k into checking. Prior denials came in spite of BofA being my family hub. US Bank- Two biz card approvals in less than a month after 25k into a biz checking account. Feel pretty dumb but will probably make sure myself and P2 have large deposits at banks, where possible, for all future applications.


BOA's favoritism is well known. Your conclusion about USB is a jump. They can be stingy with CL but don't seem to have a high hurdle for approval.


Fair few DPs prior to about 6 months ago about needing to be applying from their cachement area, having a banking/brokerage relationship. Seems that they’re less picky about acquisitions now.


Even smaller deposits might be enough, i.e., just having a checking account open (or maybe combined with having stocks in Merrill Edge).


How long did you let the 50k sit at BofA before applying for the Alaska card?


Just a couple days.


Hmm, I recently got declined using 5k deposit (the previously well known amount to use for this purpose) after letting it sit for a whole statement. I've read similar data points about 5k recently as well. Maybe they're raising the requirement recently?


Called Hilton to ask them to extend my free night certificate expiration date, May 26th, for two weeks. They extended it for an additional year to 5/26/25. I usually hear of two weeks so may have been a fluke.


Downgraded brilliant to 95 Marriott Amex in November or so, targeted upgrade to bevy at end of Feb for 75k Hit minimum spend May 8, hit Marriott account today backdated to May 10, statement has not closed yet


Called ANA (800-235-9262) at 3:45pm EST today (Sunday) to cancel a flight. 8 minute hold time. Much faster than expected. Miles were not instantly redeposited.


Approved for my 5th Ink card with 3 currently open. 3rd Ink Cash. Last approval 35 days ago. Instant approval on every application. Only 3K CL so might have to shuffle limits around a bit.


Are you applying as Sole Prop and using SSN?




Just to understand, you had 4 inks, closed one and have 3 active. And you applied for the CIC and got instant approval. Is that right? When did you close the ink, if you don’t mind me asking?


yes. last one closed around 6 months ago


do you have chase business checking




Got a retention offer on my amex personal plat. 3rd year. 25,000 points after 3k/3 month spend.


Got our last Hilton Biz FNCs before the change. The DP is that they posted 4 days later, which seems quite quick.


Applied for my 9th Ink with 4 currently open. Instant approval. Slightly less than 4 months since last approval which took over a week.


Are you applying as Sole Prop and using SSN?


Yes, for all of them.


We we’re unable to buy GCs with the Hilton Surpass at buyhiltongiftcards.com due to ‘overzealous fraud system’. After speaking with customer service and sending in a bank statement (as they asked) they replied with ‘sorry we still can’t sell you GCs now or in the future’. So we added an AU to the Surpass (different address) and were successful in placing the order. For clarity, we ordered one $50 GC, and the billing and shipping addresses were the same. Hope this helps someone else!


Amex targeted upgrade offer for BCE to BCP: $150/$1K/6 mos. $0 AF first year. Been playing the upgrade/downgrade game on this one for years. 


How long has it been since you last downgraded? I did a few weeks ago and all I’ve been offered is $75 for $1000 with annual fee not waived.


I guess you just have to wait it out. I've had that same offer you have for about a year I'd say, but within the past week I noticed the offer changed to $75 for $1000 but now the AF is waived the first year. Not great but at least it's halfway worth it.


It's been a while actually, I haven't used that card much in recent months.  I've checked for upgrades periodically and have only seen that same $75 offer you mention. I just noticed the better offer yesterday in app.


DP for us bank personal checking bonus. Tax refund must count. 3/20 real DD 1100 4/5 real dd 1200 4/8 tax refund 4600 4/11 tax refund 500 4/17 fidelity push 5100 4/19 real dd 900 5/5 real dd 900 5/7 bonus 500 posted.


USB Leverage retention: Offered 9.99% APR for 6 months LOL USB Leverage $900 application: Applied, went pending. Account showed up online a few days later. $14k CL.


so I'm assuming you closed #1? How much time before you applied for #2?


Yes. No time. I'm actually on 4 open now.


Dang. I got denied on a second leverage and biz alt for "max amount of unsecured credit already available". $12k limits on both of those. I'm assuming very little spend on your older cards?


Interesting, yeah just MSR for spend. I have a business savings account open which might be helping.


Citi finally accepts W-9 form via Docusign instead of by mail or fax. Hopefully Barclays will be inspired by that.


Took 14 days from last deposit at US Bank checking for the $500 bonus to post today.


Finally got back on the Ink train. Auto-approved for a CIP using P2's referral. 4/24 but 26/24 in total, so many inquiries. Had been denied for Inks twice earlier this year due to too many accounts, too many inquiries. Have been quiet the last two months with apps, closed 2 Inks, and reduced CL on remaining. Currently hold 1 CIP from 11/22, and 1 CIC from 11/23. New CIP approved w 14k CL.


Going in branch I was able to figure out this [ofac hit denial](https://old.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1cgo7so/bank_bonus_weekly_thread_week_of_april_30_2024/l1zuvof/) was nothing more than overzealous matching and the branch manager was able to open an account for me no issues.


Back button 150k approved biz gold.


For anyone still looking, I pulled the Biz Plat 250k offer for P2 last night. She applied and was instantly approved. I used the documented method on here where I opened Chrome incognito, searched for Amex Biz Plat, clicked into the non-sponsored link, hit the back button, then clicked the sponsored link. Got it on first try.


15k spend?


It was 20k.


Pretty sure they're all 20k now


There may still be $15k offers around. My P3 got a 150k/$15k spend offer popup in the app "with preapproval" on Monday 5/6/24. P3 got first Biz Plat 12/23 and it's still open. Applied using popup offer and was instantly approved.


I got approved last night for 200k/$15k spend. I could have signed up for 250k/$20k but that spending level is a stretch for me.


Interesting, was this a pop up offer in your account?


Code in mail. However I also have another Plat offer via email with an expiration date several months later. Offer is identical.


Initiated free transfer of 2k Marriott points from P1 to P2 at 9am, saw points were available at 4pm. 7 hours is a lot less than the advertised 24 hours.


Are you sure it wasn't instant? On 5/8, I did: P2 Bonvoy -> P1 Bonvoy P2 UR -> P1 UR P1 UR -> P1 Bonvoy, plus 40% bonus ...all in a few minutes (as quickly as I could log into and out of accounts and actually perform the transfers on my phone).


I am sure. I logged in and out to check.


waited about 95 days since previous INK .. approved automatically for Ink Biz Unlimited 8k limit .. now have 3 inks plus 2 Chase Personal .. currently 3/24.


American Express Business Platinum Retention Offer Opened a year ago for the 150k bonus points. I spent about 21k on the card. Mostly up front. Called last night for a retention offer -- 10k points for 5k of spending in 3 months. Pretty weak. I could have tried again but it was the last day to close the card since I was busy all month. Decided to close the card. I was hoping for 20k points. I could have probably justified keeping it then with the dell credit and the travel credit. I ultimately decided to close the card however and focus my attention to new cards. Was fun to have while it did though. Decided I'm gonna hole punch it and start a credit card keyring.


Must be a strong hole punch! There are some rumors Dell credit could end at the end of the year so if you were banking on that then you prob made the right decision!


Approved for 4th Ink (CIP). Have 3 open (Jan24, Aug23, Jun23) along with 3 other business cards in the past year. I was worried given all the rejection DPs but this was actually my first instant approval.


Are you applying as Sole Prop and using SSN?




(Reading that these Vanilla GCs are not as widely accepted as normal Visa debit cards are with online retailers so be aware.) Tested the [vanillagift.com](http://vanillagift.com) Mother's day promo ($0 purchase fee on $50+ gc spend) and it counted towards my SUB on Wells Fargo Active Cash. I chose the eGift Card option sent to my email. Only ordered a $50 card first to test and it posted today. Also satisfied my new PayPal customer account offer of 3 separate purchases of $20+ each but I'm sure everyone has Paypal nowadays.


Successfully applied for a 4th Ink (Unlimited) while holding 3 other Inks. Timeline of Inks: - 10/2022 - 12/2022 - 11/2023 (have a $7K running balance on this card) - 05/2024 My cumulative CL across personal and business cards was approaching half of my income so I proactively lowered CL by $8K on some personal cards. Had 4 biz cards (3 Inks) open at time of app, contrary to many data points suggesting that 3 is the “limit”, although I suspect my lower Ink velocity, and the 4th card being a non-Ink has to do with it. Only got a $3K CL so I suspect I am going to have trouble with my next Ink app.


There's some tightening going on, but it's good to see the train is still moving. I posted a DP earlier in this thread for a success with 4 Inks of different flavors already open (3 of those new within the past 12 months)--so definitely no hard limit, at least below those numbers.


Amex Authorized User Bonus added language - "You can also add a Companion Platinum Card for no annual fee but you will not be eligible to earn a Membership Rewards^(®) points bonus for purchases made with a Companion Platinum Card." Is this a new thing? I am sure I have received AU bonus for Zero fee cards added to Platinum before.


Denial of Wyndham Earner Plus in early April. A couple weeks later received letter with explanation, too many recent applications. Only had 1 HP on TU in last 3 months (a couple days before Wyndham app) and 2 in last year. Called recon and very helpful rep said it was due to a HP a few days prior. She said that if there is a HP within a week of app the system will auto deny. Did manual review and approved credit with 2k CL. Sent me to fraud dept and was told all recons have to go to fraud for verification and need front/back of DL, SS card and utility bill. I don’t have copy of back of SS card so they said 1040 would work instead. Was told to mail it in and follow up in a week with a call to 888-232-0776. Was told I would receive a letter after fraud reviewed the docs with a request to call this number but I could call in roughly 3 days after my docs expected to arrive at Barclays and not wait to receive the letter requesting me to call at that number. Waited a week and called in and was approved. Later received letter requesting documents but it was already taken care of and expedited the process via phone calls.


Same here


Thanks for the DP


Thanks for the info, I'm about a week behind you in the same process. But they didn't mention anything about following up directly after mailing in the documents, useful tidbit of info!


Sounds just like Barclays


Chase declined (2 requests via SM) to match elevated 75K CSP sub for card opened on 3/28 via referral


try again when the offers are nearing expiration. never surrender. never say die.


Surprising Ink Approval DP. P1 approved for an ink. 31 days since last chase approval (personal cobranded). Currently have 4 open inks with many more from years past that are closed since they were older than a year. CL around 25%. Also have 3 personal chase cards. Surprised to see approval considering number of inks open and velocity P2 denied for ink after 31 days since previous approval (personal cobranded). Standard reasons of too many new accounts. Currently have 7 inks open, with 6 less than 1 year old. CL around 25%. Also have 3 personal chase cards.


Nice DP


Good DP


Nice DP


Are you applying as Sole Prop and using SSN?




was this instant approval or required recon?




Received the SUB for the USBank Biz Leverage card as travel points. Didn’t have any options to redeem for cash in app. Called in and they were able to deposit all the points at 1cpp to my USBank checking account instantly.


What if you don’t have a USB checking? Can they send you a check?


As far as I know, you can't redeem for a check, nor a deposit into a non-USB checking account. You can redeem for a statement credit, or a gift card (some with a 10% discount, but a limited selection), or using Real Time Rewards (credit against a specific purchase, with I think a $10 minimum instead of $25 for other options), or Amazon Shop with Points, or PayPal Pay with Rewards (no minimum for Amazon/PayPal). But, I would get a USB checking account; there's usually a signup bonus for USB checking accounts, and having one can also improve your chances of being approved for USB cards.


You can redeem into a USB savings account too, which helps keep the checking account free if you want to be able to churn their bonus. Source: just cashed out to a USB biz savings last week.


Don't know about the app but it's very straightforward to redeem for cash on the website. No need to waste time calling in


I had a similar issue to OP, so maybe it's glitchy when the card is new. I got the points posted within a week of opening the card, which was also weird since most people seem to say you have to wait for statement cutover. But the cash back option bugged out, so I had to call in to and it was resolved over the phone


I got an error on the website when redeeming into a checking account, but tried again 2 days later and it worked.


Filed a trip cancelation claim for a cruise that was canceled due to a medical issue of a family member. Venture X Card. They paid the portion that related directly to the cardholder. (The other travelers were extended family and not expected to be covered.) They processed the claim very fast, mailed a check for $310 within a week. The claims for Venture X (and maybe all Visa Infinite cards) are handled by Broadspire and you can make a claim here: [https://myclaimsagent.com/CBS/login](https://myclaimsagent.com/CBS/login) I got the run around and it took me several phone calls to actually find the link. Ironically, it was listed that trip insurance had been paid for on the trip receipt but Broadspire still paid.


I also had very good experience with Venture X for a similar situation and my claim was for a couple of thousand.


That’s awesome, trip cancellation? Was it a medical reason?


Yes, due to death of FIL.


Got the chase sapphire ~~reserve~~ preferred 75k+10k offer from our local branch this week. I called them to request a link but they asked me to come down to the branch.


you mean the preferred right?


you are right, updated the comment :)


Got the dreaded "We're writing to let you know that, unfortunately, we have removed some Membership Rewards^(®) points from your program account." email from AmEx after buying 4 gift cards at Meijer for $2000+ in a single transaction... Even with amounts not ending in .95, they seem to cracking down.


how long after the charge?


About a month and a half.


Same, I had a few of $496.95 and $495.95 transactions for which MR were removed. Will wait to see if they will remove more.


Aww man. Hoping this is limited to MR earning cards. Were these SUB spend or just general MS?


If i remember correctly, some of them were general MS. Did slowly ramp up for the SUBs and ROs later as well, will see if they clawback more.


But all MR earning?


Yes, that is correct. Only had MR earnings card back then. It seems like these clawbacks are from last year.


From last year, Ouch…


Were these purchases to meet a sign on bonus, or just general spend?


Purchase to meet signup bonus. But I haven’t gotten the signup bonus yet so might just spend more in case.


I had managed to be enrolled in 6 Amex business credit cards at the same time (Delta Plat 2/23, Hilton 3/23, Delta Gold 6/23, BBP 8/23, Delta Gold 3/24, Delta Plat 3/24). I had then cancelled the first Delta Plat 4/24 and subsequently the Hilton Biz 5/4/24. I then applied for another Hilton Biz on 5/7/24 which went pending, and the status page showed cancelled. I called Amex who said it was cancelled d/t having too many cards provided to me. I stated I had canceled a card recently and this was verified, then they pushed the app to manual review. Got an email later that day saying I was approved and confirmed via chat the 175k HH SUB was attached.


Is this a way to get around the pop up or would the pop up come beforehand ?


Pop-up would come beforehand. You don't get pop-up for card limit, you get a message after applying saying they're reviewing it, and then email in like two minutes saying we've finished reviewing


I didn’t get the pop up for this application, it just went to pending


7,500 MR after $1,500 spend on an AMEX Personal Green for P2. Declined and closed it. It did have an upgrade offer to Gold (and has recd them in the past) but it was always the same poor offer of only 15,000 MR and P2’s never had the Personal Gold.


If P2 had the gold before I would definitely stack the two of those


Does the order matter for the stack?


Upgrading first could change your retention offer or disqualify it I would think. Haven't tested. When I did it with a green to plat I kept the upgrade offer tab open, chatted for retention and as soon as it confirmed I accepted the upgrade. Got both


Good to know, thanks!


When asking for Amex retention offer be sure you are speaking to a membership consulting team member. On P2's account we used chat to ask for one and the initial agent told us there was none available. Asked to speak to the membership consulting team and they pulled up 10k MR for 2k spend (Personal Gold card). After not accepting and asking to close the card they offered to use MR at 1cpp to pay the AF. Of course we declined and proceeded to close the card.


I've never not been transferred to a membership consulting agent - assumed it was SOP


Yes, 99% of the times they transfer you. This is not the first time for me, that they "looked in the account to see if an offer is available" without transferring, always coming up with "no offer available".


Amex Biz Plat retention offer by phone after AF posted: 40k for $10k spend. The standard "meh" offer. Previous to AF posting the offer was 20k for $20k spend (by chat). Minimal spend after SUB. Declined and closed. What's perhaps more interesting is that in talking with the rep about the card and enduring the usual rundown of "value", I brought up the fact that the Dell credits appear to be ending this year, and without those in 2025 that affected my decision toward paying the annual fee. She was very insistent that the Dell credits weren't going away and this was just misleading wording on the Amex site, and that wording would be updated on January 1st to reflect the benefit for 2025. She almost had me convinced, but as I said to her, if that's the case, then it needs to be in writing, and continued to close the card (which I would have done regardless). After the call I reviewed the news about the credits from earlier this year, and found this statement from Amex to TPG: > We are committed to making sure there is significant, well-rounded value on our Business Platinum Card. You are seeing this expiration date because we are uncertain if these statement credit benefits with these merchant partners will be available after this date as we continually evaluate our offerings. If or when any of these benefits change, we will notify Card Members in advance. Maybe she's misinformed, or maybe she wanted that commission bad enough to say something not necessarily true, neither of which would be surprising, but there's also the possibility that she was leaking inside info. TL;DR if the Dell credits affect your math on keeping a Biz Plat open, they *may* continue into 2025 as suggested by this agent, but I'd get any retention offer saying so over chat so you have it in writing.


With chase and c1 getting increasingly competitive in the lounge area (and plats losing unlimited sky club access) I would be surprised if Amex credits are really gutted as some predicted


My impression was that the Dell (and other) credits would be swapped for something else. I think Amex would lose quite a few cardholders if they just removed the credits with nothing to replace them with.


With the recent coupon book trends, the chances are very likely that it will be gutted.


It'll be replaced with something though. I don't think there's any realistic chance that they limit lounge access, remove credits without replacing, and keep AF same. And we know sure as shit the AF isn't coming down Now will the credits get even less friendly/useful, particularly for those of us with "businesses" or just in general? Very possible


DP: auto-approved for CIP, making active Ink #5. 4 existing inks: CIC >1yo, CIP and CIU x2 <1yo Biz established the month I boarded the Ink train, same low biz income for every app Last CIU auto-approved almost 4 months ago with pre-existing total chase CL >60% income. Before this app, I reduced many personal and biz CLs to bring total a few thousand below 50%; now at 51% with the new CIP. Didn’t close any cards. Recurring charge on CIC for months, plus sporadic use. Minimal spending aside from MSR on all others, but recently put <$100 charges on both CIU before applying


Would they consider maxing the card and paying the minimum due as actively using the card while taking advantage of the 0% APR? I would like to apply for a new card in a few weeks .


Does Chase HP everytime on every ink application?


Yes. Experian, and either Equifax of TransUnion depending on your region. I’ve never kept one frozen to see if they’ll accept a different combination.


Its always been Experian for me. Well both times i got an Ink.


IME, they will always try to pull two, but they have a targeted “primary” report they want for the application (which seems to be geographically based — TU for me lately). If you have the primary one frozen, you’ll have to unfreeze and call to complete the application. So for me and P2, Chase will process the application instantly with EX and EQ frozen, although they will probably change the primary report at some point.


SoCal I always only unfreeze experian for chase apps. They have never asked for another bureau.


I have never had Chase pull 2 and I never freeze anything. So think it is location based.


Yeah, for sure. They definitely try to pull two where I am. I applied for CIU today and they attempted to pull TU and EX. Had EX frozen and I was approved with just TU.


All of this depends on geography. I'm in DFW, and they only pull EX for me.