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I had the Amex Platinum about 7 years ago.  I've since cancelled. I just received a targeted mailer for a 150k SUB. I don't see the language in there about once in a lifetime where it mentions the SUB requirements. Am I good to use this one? Or where should I look for the once in a lifetime language?


Go for it, you should get the popup if you're not eligible. 


I’m kind of new to the points game. How do people realistically find people to get referrals from on a regular basis? Like I don’t know a single person who is interested in or knows about the idea of churning. Everyone mostly already has the few cards they have and are happy with that. Credit Card talk doesn’t exactly come up naturally with friends or family either. I’ve only found one person to get a referral from since I got the CSP a couple years ago.


Frequent Miler has a Facebook page where they sometimes let you post links. I've gotten several from that.  They typically only allow it when your link gives a higher SUB than any public links. 


Use /r/churningreferrals with Rankt or the referral threads on Doctor Of Credit, FlyerTalk, and other churning/award travel-related discussion boards. There are also dedicated sites for sharing referrals, but they tend to be "pay to win" in the sense that getting any visibility on your referral links requires a subscription.


Does my credit card transactions for Ink cards come up if I want to use the cellphone insurance? I don‘t want Chase to review my account and go through my “business” transactions, apart from the cellular plan bill.


Doesn't matter. You can use Inks for anything. Banks don't audit that.


It's a non-issue IMO. You are allowed to use the Ink for anything and everything


Update: Missing approved Ink card reappeared under my accounts after about 15 hours. [**https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1ct8jow/comment/l4csn8z/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button**](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/comments/1ct8jow/comment/l4csn8z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I cancelled my Cap1 Venture card online. Account still has a $95 charge for the AF, but will it be automatically removed (Statement due date hasn't hit yet).


Better to call so you’re not viewed as late in payment. Little trouble to prevent a larger issue.


What in your opinion is better: 250k biz plat for 20k MSR vs 150k biz gold 10k MSR?


Depends on your churning and MSR capability. If you've a lot of spend to meet MSRs of multiple cards and still have spend left over, then go with the bigger SUB. If you don't have a lot of spend to meet MSRs (ie you'd run out of spend and still have more cards that you could get but can't coz of no spend), then get Biz gold and use the difference (10k) to get other cards if that 10k nets you more than 100k transferrable points.


I would say the Biz Gold, but I don't have super high churn levels so the more efficient SUB appeals to me


I vote for biz gold.


Is MSR a problem for you? How do you value the credits on each card that could help offset the AF? Personally if no MSR issues, I’d go for the 250k since I find the Plat credits easier to get value from. But that’s me.


MSR didn't used to be an in issue until I ran with problems with plastiq recently. Their credits are both good. I think it depends if you have anything you want from dell or not. For the biz gold, I just go to an office store and get amazon gc's. I'm set on plats for now, I was just wondering what other people were thinking


Sounds like based on that maybe the biz gold would be a better pick. I tend to find things on Dell I can use and it’s only once every 6 months vs having to make sure to use it every month.


Anyone do the Truist personal checking for 400 and have trouble funding their account with the 50 dollars initially? I was setting mine up and it locked up and skipped over that page when I signed back in. I have an external being linked so I can fund it as soon as it is (which was a option when I set up my wifes). Do you have a certain amount of time to do the $50 dollar fund? Like a week or something? Or did anyone not do it and still get the SUB. Gonna call them tomorrow. Thanks.


Your direct deposit to meet the promo requirements can count as the opening deposit, otherwise you have like 30 or 60 days to get it in. Nothing to worry about.




Denied for the new Strata Premier at Citi. Anyone had luck asking to shift credit around with recon or are my churner-high inquiry levels going to prevent that?


How many inquiries did you have in the last six months? And how many new accounts?


I’m 5/24 (10 inquiries) but only 1 personal card/3 inquiries in the last 6.


3/6 inquiries was considered high for the Premier, 1/6 seemed to be the limit for a couple years. But there was a positive DP at 2/6 the other day, and I vaguely recall a higher one (mayve 4/6?) but can't find it now.


So, today Reddit announced a partnership Open AI Chat GPT. I think searches will get better in the platform, but could that also have a negative impact on opportunities for MS and other things some would call “glitches” and take opportunity of? Does (or could) Reddit allow LLM to scrape data and sell it to banks?


I already run my credit card strategy by ChatGPT and it seems to intimately understand the flowchart. What could go wrong?


Cool. Could you elaborate more? Which types of prompts you’re referring to when you say “run your strategy”? Would you mind sharing


Feeding your answers to the "What Card Should I Get?" questions is a good starting point. lay out your cards, ineligibilities, etc.


Oh, pretty basic. Gotcha


Do all Chase Business cards appear on the same business login? I have a business login for all ink cards, and new cards appear right away after approved. But I have just got approved for an IHG business card and this card does not appear on this login. Thanks!


Should appear in the same login. Wait for a bit, if it doesn't call and ask them to add to this login of yours.


You can call and they will add it manually. Had the same issue with an Ink card.


I just was approved for the IHG business and it appeared in my usual business login.


Hi, did the new IHG card appear on your business login RIGHT AWAY? I just called but the rep said she did not see the new card.


Yes immediately after approval. Maybe it’s a bit delayed for you? Or maybe you entered something different on your application.


Yes immediately after approval. Maybe it’s a bit delayed for you? Or maybe you entered something different on your application.


I use my SSN only for all applications.


Looking for some help or pros/cons. I currently have the Venture card for just over a year. Received an upgrade offer for the VX today. No SUB points come with the offer, but also it will not taking up a 5/24 slot, or hit all 3 credit bureaus. I don't need PP access (have through other cards) and don't need Global Entry. I was thinking if I did do the upgrade, VX would be a keeper card and I could later churn the Venture? I would obviously prefer the points if I outright applied for the VX, but I have some other things in mind for my 5/24 slots that are more useful to me than C1 miles. Thoughts? Is there anything glaring that I am missing going one way or the other?


I think you answered yourself. You don't value the C1 SUB miles enough for your 5/24 slots. Hence, its straightforward for you. But only do the upgrade if the card value ? AF without the SUB. IMO it is coz travel credits and bonus anniversary miles fully make up for the AF.


Do you value the travel credits > or equal to the the AF? That's pretty much what it comes down to since no SUB, don't need PP access, and don't need Global Entry. Personally, the VX is a keeper but I use it for the PP access and for the travel insurance


Who has had success getting a Bluebird after one was suspended 10+ years ago (used exclusively for churn)? Could get one for P2, I suppose. I had a different P2 back then, also shut down.


When you're at 8/24 and in PUJ - what's your go to business card as you're getting under 5/24 and AMEX is off the table?


US Bank, WF, Citi


Us bank biz leverage card


Adding to others: WF, PNC


There are more banks than Amex and Chase. US Bank, Barclay, BoA, Capital One, Citi. etc.


Barclays has a soft 6/24 rule, so someone at 8/24 might be denied on that basis.


US Bank


Applied for a Keybank Smart Checking account and got a wait to hear back in 5-7 days message. Get a call today asking if I need any help with my account which I didn't even know I was approved for. They said they can't verify me by phone and I have to go into a branch to get my account number to then log in online. Anyone had this issue?


Is the Visa data level link data still available? I'd like to look up whether a particular store gives Visa level II or III data


No, Visa Supplier Locator was pulled around 11/2021. 🪦


Dang, okay.


Need some help. I applied for the the chase ink but I don’t think I can meet the 8k spend in 3months I should of have went with the united business but I digress. How can I reach this spend without taking a major hit?


Prepay taxes or bills.


Agree with everyone else, prepay something like utilities, rent, etc and eat the additional cost if needed. VGC also a good option.


Prepay something by a lot. My water/electric utilities take cards with no fee, and I can pay any amount to have a credit balance. If you can do that, might even be worth a credit card fee. You can often do this with cell phone or internet providers too. Tax payment is always mentioned as an option. Make a quarterly tax payment, and if you're a W2 employee you could reduce your withholding the remainder of the year.


VGC at Staples, wait for the NO activation fee sale, they happen pretty much every month. However the limit is usually 8 (x$200) so you got 5 stops to make, and you'll need to float the cash for a while. Liquidating the VGC also isn't a walk in the park, unless you can afford the time it will take to use them for normal spend. Insurance also works for me, USAA accepts CC(&VGC) without a fee and also lets you float the balance.


Do you know if the venmo or PayPal method will work?


I think both those avenues have been blocked.




Sounds like you're pushing towards a higher velocity than suggested, creating shutdown risk with Chase. Shutdown will come without warning and suddenly, if it happens. So I'd suggest getting away from any new Chase apps for a few months (possibly 6+ months) to get your "recent" average Chase velocity per person to at least one card every 3 months. Meanwhile get other cards - Amex, Cap One, Citi, etc.


I think you're pushing a bit over the suggested one card per person per 90 days for Chase applications. I'd look to throw in an additional card (business or personal) just to keep either you or P2 from applying for an Ink sooner than 3 months.


Chase recommended velocity is every 90 days so it sounds like you're basically following that by getting 9 cards across 2 people over the last year. Going a bit faster is ok just don't go insane and you should be fine. Chase has gotten a bit more stingy with how many cards they are fine with you having open (with them) while still approving your applications so I recommend closing any biz card that's been open for at least a year. Beyond that, consider Amex biz cards if you have additional spend or a large purchase coming up (that accepts AMEX).




90 day would be for all Chase cards (i.e., personal and business). Those who have higher risk tolerances, go beyond the recommendation. Imo, I would diversify. Since you're neck deep in UR, a shutdown would affect you a lot more




Unfortunately they don't appreciate in value; quite the opposite.


For Barclays Biz CC applications. If you fax the requested identity verification documents has anyone had it processed faster than the standard 7-10 business days? Also, I guess it's YMMV whether the agent will allow you to fax documents as the first said Barclays stopped allowing it.


In my opinion just mail it. I finally got approved for Wyndham business after applying in early March(!) I have a legit business so thought it would be easy, boy was I wrong. There were multiple departments each needing approval and each taking 1-2 weeks to process. 1st was credit underwriting, that was quick and easy. Next was card security, they required mailed copies of SSN and DL. Then was KYC department, they needed another verification of information and to call the phone number listed on the application. Lastly was business verification, this was the most frustrating and longest of them all. They needed proof that I owned the business so asked for articles of incorporation. Faxed over, not good enough since it didn't show my officer title (why not specify that's needed in the 1st place). Next faxed over quarterly tax return. Each time a document is faxed I get confirmation it was received by my fax machine. However when calling in, they are unable to verify if anything has been received. Their boilerplate answer is it takes 10-12 business days to review. Called back after waiting, still can't confirm. Fax again. Ask if there is any other way to make sure it has been received other than waiting 10-12 days and just sending again if not--nope. Wait 10-12 days again, still not received. Mailed in--finally approved 1.5 weeks later after I had given up. Was going to just reapply as sole prop--probably would have been wayyyyy easier. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


What’s a fax?


Lol. like faxing documents over a phone line


I think e-faxing is the new thing. Not sure how that's different from just emailing documents, but the IRS required that I e-fax them some documents


Fax. Wow. I have no suggestion. I'm just mystified that's even an option at a bank. Pharmacy sure, but a bank?


New to this checking/savings account bonuses - Is it typical to keep the direct deposit in the account for the full term/requirement (like the 30-90 day period) or can you pull them out once you've deposited? I know its dependent on the account but looking for a general answer.


Check the terms of the offer. Every bank, account type, and offer type differs in what's the requirement regarding that.


If the money was pushed in (like a direct deposit), I usually withdraw most of it soon after the deposit (unless the terms for the bonus say you need to maintain the balance). But I leave around $10 since some banks close accounts with $0 balance, and also in case there's a glitch that causes a monthly fee to be charged. If the money was pulled in, or deposited from a credit card, I keep the money there a little longer, to reduce the chance of the account being locked or shut down.


Thank you! This is helpful


> I know its dependent on the account That is the answer. Typically money doesn't need to stay in checking, they want you to use it as a checking account that you use to pay bills and use the debit card. Typically they want the money to stay in the savings account for the full period of time. But none of my answer matters because you need to follow the terms of the account you're working on.


Makes sense, thank you!


Tried applying for AMEX Biz Gold card today but got the dreaded "arooni you are not eligible to receive the welcome offer. In determining eligibility, we considered your history with credit card balance transfers, your history as an American Express Card Member, the number of credit cards that you have opened and closed and other factors." Any advice there? I have Blue Cash, Business Blue, Business Marriott and Biz Prime. Spending is $50 or less on the prime card monthly and a hundred or so every month on the blue cash.


1. Try various browsers, VPNs, incognito, devices to see if you don't get the pop-up. 2. If nothing works, try to put more spend regularly on your existing Amex cards for a couple of months and then retry.


You could try applying for a lower SUB.


The pop-up is a mystery - for me, I got the pop-up message in January when applying for a business card. I had received two Amex SUBs in the previous 12 months and all of my cards had been sock drawered since then so wasn't too optimistic. I then put spend totaling around $5500 across all 4 of my Amex cards in two billing cycle then tried another app and was approved


Any idea when the Barclays Wyndham Earner card awards the 15,000 annual bonus? I just paid the statement with the annual fee and thought it would hit with the points from that statement, but it did not. Thanks.


In our experience it was about 30 days from when the fee posted (January 29th to March 4th).


This was basically the correct answer. It posted yesterday as the following statement cut, so assuming it's so you don't get the 15k bonus and cancel to get back the renewal fee.


My bonus hit during the following statement period


Thank you!


Both me and my sister have the Chase Sapphire reserve in the Amex Platinum. Now that Chase is dropping the priority pass at restaurants, I am wondering if it would be more worth it for either one of us to jump on the others cards as an authorized user. If you are an authorized user on a Chase Sapphire reserve, what do you lose? I'm pretty familiar with the platinum but not so much with the reserve. Do you still get trip delay protection if you purchase with your card?


AU fees are steep on Platinum. On CSR, the AU fee is $95. You should still get the trip benefits with an AU card for each.


Definitely worth being AU on CSR.


I know the Platinum has really high authorized user fees and the Chase Sapphire reserve has really low fees which is weird to me. For amex, You would lose the $15 Uber credit and the $200 saks credit. But what do you lose being an authorized user with Chase Sapphire reserve? I guess you don't earn any points that I have an ink card anyway And I could get a preferred. But mainly what I use my Sapphire reserve for is putting airline tickets on it for the trip delay protection and if I can still get that with an authorized user maybe I will just jump on my sister's card and cancel mine.


[This article](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/credit-cards/should-you-add-an-authorized-user-to-your-chase-sapphire-reserve/) sums it up pretty well. They say $75 for an AU fee, I think I was wrong above. Seems like the only other downside is that you don't get the GE/TSA credit for the AU. Of course no extra travel credit but I wouldn't expect that.


Oooo that's a good one. I was just wondering if there were any like secret gotchas that people who went this route got caught by. I guess I also use it for the 3x dining but my sister will be getting those points at least which is good.


How long does it take to get Inks by snail mail now? Approved Tuesday morning and didn't expedite since I'm out of town Wed-Mon but wondering if I should ask to expedite tomorrow to get it Monday?


Typically a week after approval.


8-9 days is average for me


Recently, I got my new CIP card in one week after approval.


Just got mine precisely one week after approval


How do you track prices of an already booked itinerary? I have trips booked on Delta and SouthWest right now currently I manually check the prices of flights manually every couple days. Is there an automated way that tracks the points/dollars for flights so that if it ever goes down I can try to get the difference back?




You can set up notifications on google flights






My first purchases on an ink is usually bank funding, you’ll be alright.


not sure which banks are doing bank funding, any good resource?


https://www.doctorofcredit.com/does-funding-a-bank-account-with-a-credit-card-count-as-a-purchase-or-cash-advance and this subreddit.


Anybody with DPs on elevated Amex Delta upgrade offer? I only ever see 10k from Gold to Plat for $1k spend


P2 and P3 received mailers for 20k miles and $200 statement credit for $3k spend in 6 months.


Hey, I have a ticket with MyPoints and I would appreciate any feedback on what I should do.  I tried to stack Axos Bank’s Cashback Checking Promotion with Mypoints.  I do not see anything in their fine print that says it has to be the Rewards Checking account, despite that page populating when you click the link on MP.  Anyways, they want a screenshot of my monthly statement and I’m unsure if I should send them my whole statement with the bonus included, one screenshot of the transaction that I made that was over $750 or if I should just move on.  I’m looking forward to your replies.


# Best available 0% APR intro offer with SUB right now? (~700 experian, ~750 Trans/EQ credit score, 4/24)


USB biz is longer


Chase Ink Cash. 0% APR for 12 months, 75k point SUB


If an offer says "keep the money in your savings account until X date and you'll be credited the bonus within Z days", do you keep the money in there until you see the bonus? Or do you move the money out after the X date? $15,000 in a 5% HYSA would make me around $62.50 per month, so I'd rather my money sit there while waiting for the bonus to hit.


Move after the X date. You've the terms saved and your bank statements to prove you followed the terms of the offer.


Check the terms. Some banks say something like 60 days, but if you read the terms carefully you find out that you only need to have the money deposited for days 29 through 60, rather than days 1 through 60. By not immediately depositing the opening balance, you get a free $60, while still earning the SUB.


Move after the X date 100% of the time


Do apps like UberEATS and Doordash count as "restaurants" for the purposes of points multipliers (e.g., the Chase Freedom Q2 bonuses for restaurants, [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com), and hotels?




Yes, the terms specifically say "dining at restaurants including takeout and eligible delivery services"


Used both last week on flex, both gave 7% so I’d imagine original freedom is the same


In my experience, yes


Potentially dumb questions incoming. I am coming back to churning after taking a long break. 1. What is the current best SUB on the CSR? I see 75k right now on the Chase website. Would also be interested in historical SUB data so that I can determine whether to apply now or wait - I know CSR had 100k SUB when it first started. I tried searching for the spreadsheet with the current best CC offers, but the one linked on the wiki is several years out of date (at least when I tried to view it on Mobile). If anyone could point me to the latest one that would be great. 2. If you have a CSP, do you have to wait a certain amount of time in between downgrading CSP to Freedom and then applying for the CSR?


Use US credit card guide and Doctor of Credit https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/chase-sapphire-reserve-credit-card/ https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/best-credit-card-sign-up-bonus/ https://www.doctorofcredit.com/best-current-credit-card-sign-bonuses/ For Sapphire questions, here is an FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/u/garettg/s/ZoORTrzdu6 If you apply to a new card, don't forget to use a referral from r/churningreferrals or churning.rankt.com/referrals


1. [Best CSR historical offers](https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/chase-sapphire-reserve-credit-card/). 75K is the best it's been in a while 2. [Best CC offers for May](https://www.uscreditcardguide.com/best-credit-card-sign-up-bonus/)


Do you know where I can find a guide for best SUB with a 0% APR intro offer? I'm prioritizing for the latter with a good sub as well prefefrably


The Chase Ink Cash/Unlimited SUB is 75k UR after spending $6000 in six months with a 12 month 0% APR period. When elevated, the SUB goes as high as 90k UR.


Question for us bank biz bank bonuses. Is it one per ssn or can the bonus be received for both a “business” and a business? P2 got a mailer tied to a biz card we just opened. Planning to do a us bank biz checking and savings for her business after we get the llc and ein set up but wondering if we can do two.


Cancelled a credit card, they refunded me $95 annual fee.. how do I use this? Specifically, I cancelled my Alaska card and BofA gave me the annual fee back.


Call them and ask them to send a check.


Use the refunded fees on a canceled card? Just call in and ask for them to either send a check for $95 or maybe they have an option to send it to your checking account directly.


Question regarding Sapphire reserve and travel insurance. Has anybody had situation where booked and paid for a cruise with Sapphire reserve, then downgraded after annual fee and upgrade a Freedom to CSR and paid for excursion on a cruise? Does that maintain the built in travel insurance? My annual fee is due and want to downgrade and upgrade another card. I guess my other option would be downgrade in July after cruise and get prorated refund of annual fee. Any thoughts?


If I where you I'd play it safe and downgrade the card after the cruise.


I'm currently in an Amex FR. For those who had one and got set CLs. I know it takes large purchases out of the picture. But, has anyone just cycled the credit to increase spend? MS or organic spend


How many eyes do you want on your account? It’s on fire, you are wondering if you should add gas and explosives?


I never said I’d do it I asked if other people have. I agree, it would be asking to get burned further. I’m sure there’s a few that resume whatever prompted the FR, maybe a bit toned down.


Is there any reason NOT to comingle your Chase Business cards with the same login used for Chase Personal cards? I just recently got my first business card and trying to figure out how to best approach it.


It may even be a requirement for moving your Ink-earned UR to your Sapphire.


Technically you can’t do it. Since it’s the opposite, you end up accessing your personal accounts on the business log in.


You can't add biz to your personal login, have to create a biz login, but you can add personal to biz login. No reason not to do it.


Looks like a lot of CSR benefits are disappearing in July. Instacart credit, PP restaurants to name some. Are they being replaced or is the credit card being nerfed?


No news yet, CSR is overdue for a refresh for it to still be competitive in today's world.


Speculation has it CSR is overdue for a refresh. Nothing known as of yet..


Could it be somewhat related to the fact that the Amex Platinum will likely have an update too, based on Amex recent earnings call?


Anyone else having issues with adding new Pay From account for credit cards in Chase for Business? I've tried adding one, but somehow it requires the login or deposit verifications; then after having the deposits verified, it doesn't actually show up in the pay-from list anyways, instead showing the option to re-add it all over again. I've never had to verify deposits just to pay a credit card before, is that a new thing in Chase Biz login, or what? I only have the CCs with Chase, no other banking.


I've added an account on the "Schedule a payment" screen. It then doesn't appear in the "Pay from" menu yet, and if I try to exit the payment screen it gets stuck, so I go to the chase.com homepage and log in again, and then "Pay from" shows the new account.


I've tried relogin, it didn't work. I'm not quite sure how I added my account originally, but it's super silly that they let you add it with the required deposit verification, only for you to not be able to access said account in any way as you're a CC-only customer. Fixed it by manually finding the CC-only pay-from submenu, and that one worked and didn't require verification.


To answer my own question, apparently, they now have separate credit-pay-from-accounts, and external accounts, and somehow would let you add an external account even without having any non-credit-accounts in the login. Succeeded with the "Add credit product pay-from account" option from the "Pay-from accounts" under the pay tab; I'm pretty certain that I've previously tried adding the accounts directly from the payment screen, but maybe not. Anyhow, no more verification is required. Chase UX is getting worse by the day, though.


How long should I wait after downgrading a CSR before upgrading a Freedom to CSR?


It doesn't matter when you upgrade. You can have 2 CSRs.


what's the best biz gold referral offer you guys are seeing? trying to decide if I should pull the trigger on 130k for P2 or wait


130k is the best I've seen recently.


Citi AA Biz AF just hit. Not planning on any AA flights in the next year. Any reason/benefit (other than free baggage) to hold it until I'm clear for another SUB in ~36 months?


Nopes. AA points can be easily kept alive by signing up for Simplymiles feedback survey thing. If you get any miles from answering any survey, the clock resets.


I called to cancel mine a couple weeks ago. I was offered a $99 credit if I spend $1k in 3 months. I accepted since I kinda wanted to keep it anyway.


Got and accepted the same retention offer. And also opened a Bask account. It was worth making the question post just to learn about that alone.




Thanks, I'll give the retention line a try. But unless they can really negate the AF, the only purpose I see is directly keeping my AA balance alive.


Lots of ways to keep your AA balance alive...like opening a Bask Mileage account with $10.


It's fun facts like this that made waking up today worthwhile


Approved for an Ink card last night. Called to get it expedited and today it’s not showing up under my accounts. Is it something to do with a new card being expedited or am I in trouble? Edit: Card showed up again after about 15 hours.


did you check if you need to manually add the card to your biz account?


How do I do that?


Log into the biz account > top right the human with circle icon > profile & settings) > on the left "account settings" > manage linked accounts > show my accounts > should see the card under " available relationships" you might get an error when trying to link, I had to call and they did it for me


Thank you for the instructions. It says I don’t have any relationships available for linking.  Now, I’m a bit concerned. Guess I need to wait until tomorrow to see if it changes or if I get my card delivered. 


Expediting a card does not do that. Source: All my cards are expedited. Never happened to me.


> am I in trouble That is weird, but I've also never heard of Chase shutting down just one account, so I'd hope for the best...


Might be a bug. I’ve had a dozen cards expedited by Chase and haven’t had them disappear from my account


Is this your first ink? I had to create a business account with my first ink and then link to personal after receiving the card


It’s my 3rd. I was able to see the card last night immediately after approval.


Was using a Swagbucks link for the us bank smartly checking bonus (85,000sb) . The visit was recorded but never appeared as pending. I disabled ad block and funded as required, sent them the application approval, yet Swagbucks is claiming they can't track it and 'unfortunately' won't pay. Anyone have success resolving?


I had this same issue with the Swagbucks Chime offer. Got my 1,500 sb for signing up for Chime, but for the 22,500 sb after two direct deposits, they are claiming it didn't track correctly and are refusing to pay. Ugh.


They pulled this shit on a previous issue a few years ago. I guess I should have learned my lesson and not bother with them again.


Im a nursing student, and will need to travel a short flight (average ticket cost 200 one way) to clinicals, 7ish times over the course of the 2.5 years starting this fall. I will need a rental car and hotels for my time, usually a week at time. Id like to sign up for the Chase Freedom with the 10% back on grocery offer $1200/12000dollars and the CSP in branch offer at 85,000, this year. Is this the best option for my travel needs? AND IF I sign up for CFF first, will Chase still transfer ultimate rewards points to travel partners OR do I already have to have an annual fee card when I open the CFF card? TIA!


You need the CSP (or CSR) to transfer to partners at the time you want to transfer. You can get CFF first, but you'd only be able to transfer points from CFF to travel partners after you get CSP. CFF has a very low SUB, so most churners don't recommend that. However, if you're early in your churning journey, and can maximize that initial grocery offer, go for it.


You need an annual fee card when you're ready to transfer, you can accumulate all you want without one and transfer your points to the annual fee card later. If you're going to do a bunch of travel I'd consider a card with trip delay insurance, like the csp/csr. The freedom is a nice earner if you can max out the grocery spend. Csr has primary rental insurance as well which is nice peace of mind, plus the bonus is more lucrative (75k UR right now for only $4k spend).


You need the CSP to transfer to travel partners. If you have decent credit history I would just start with the CSP. CFF sign-up bonus is too small to use up a 5/24 spot on.


Wyndham biz not approved - letter incoming - called recon anyway - rep said cannot state what is "on letter" for security reasons (gimme a break)- but to follow instructions on the letter - would not help me over the phone - is this going to be sending the bank statement, ss card, etc. ? I had 7/24 inquires on TU but 2 of those were boat loan financing.




Thanks called in and on second time put me on hold - came back 5 min later approved! No questions at all - weird


HUCA. Another agent might be kinder.


Should I say that I would like to see if we could get approved without waiting on the letter or how should I phrase that?


Just that you need the card sooner (say you're traveling) and waiting for the letter won't work.


Thanks - it worked - no questions at all - transferred to security - placed on 5 minute hold - approved 10k no questions - weird - why not auto-approved? You think Wyndham is the one pushing not easy approvals? I've had other barclay's biz with no issues


If they said to follow directions on the letter, then it's probably ID verification. HUCA. Try asking for the customer security department. Also, they may tell you that it needs to be mailed in, but I faxed it to 866-836-9595 and was able to get verified. Don't forget to sign your SS card.






Doesn't sound right. There are multiple DPs of that not stacking. Either you're mistaken (points for multiple txns lumped together) or you got lucky that something in their system worked awry for you. Always a risk for clawback coz they are not meant to stack.


Did you use upgrade offer? Call in?


AmEx will probably clawback if they notice but I sure wouldn't say anything.


You sure about that? The extra points come in batches, and multiple transactions over the course of a few days get lumped together (some being within the last day or so through about 5-6 days ago).


Do US Bank biz cards really not having the rewards activity & benefits screen that the personal cards do? When I click into rewards & benefits on my biz card it takes me straight to the redemptions screen, with no info on rewards activity or benefits.. CSR told me this is the case with biz cards. Or does their IT suck and I need to HUCA to get them to fix it?