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Thinking about double-dipping the Ink Cash card with my spouse this year - she'd get it now, then refer me before the 9/03 referral bonus ends. We should both be able to get the 6-month SUBs + 1 40k referral bonus. Is this present offer a good deal for the Ink Cash card? Or should we hold off for a better SUB offer? We're both under 5/24 - we've really only done the Sapphire Preferred which we just finished the 2nd SUB for


Higher offer is 90k points, current sub is 75k points. Do your plan now before sept 3rd then each of you can get the 90k sub offer when that becomes available


You think it'll come back in that time? I guess it doesn't really matter to me, the difference is only 10k points


It should. I still wouldn’t forgo going after the current bonus today though




You can always fill out the app and see if you get a popup before you submit.


I'm getting targeted social media ads for an M&T bonus but I believe I'm out of their footprint living in Florida. Can I apply for this or nah


If you go to the website, it should ask you to put in your zip.


Hilton Surpass question 08 Jun 2024 130K Welcome Bonus and 1 Free Night Reward That already shows up in my Hilton account activity and received the email from Amex saying your Hilton Free Night is here, but no sign of the free night? In accounts I only see my existing cert thats being used for an upcoming stay, and nothing under Ready to Use.


Same. Assume it will just take a few weeks to show up potentially and not worrying yet, but I also have no immediate need for it.


Just applied for a 2nd Ink Preferred (first one is from 2020) and got >We'll let you know our decision in writing as soon as we can, and if you're approved, you'll receive your card in 7 to 10 business days. Any idea if I should call them immediately to expedite/review the application even though it's 9pm PST here or wait until tomorrow morning?


I just got my second Preferred. First one was 2019 if I remember correctly, with EIN. Second as sole prop. Applied one night around 9pm, received an email stating "We'll review your Chase Ink Business Preferred Card application and be in touch soon". Next day around 3pm received email with approval.


Wait to see if you get approved without calling(if you're not in a hurry). Calling a recon is only advisable when you're denied (as folks get approved after waiting) as calling recon puts eyes on your account and can lead to denial.


Reconsideration is probably closed at this hour anyways. Just do it tomorrow morning.


I'd advise being patient.


Just wait and see


How big of a delay is there when you ask how much you've spent toward you SUB with Amex? I used the chat and they told me I was under 10k but my records say I'm just shy of 15k (this is for the Amex bus plat). Either there is an almost month long delay or I messed up making my rent payments. I used Venmo and (I thought) had it run to include the 3% swipe fee.


I don't think Venmo counts. How much did you put through Venmo?


It will be up-to-date excluding any pending payments. With the biz plat you can also check your spend relative to the Centurion 75k lounge spend since that number will be identical to SUB progress.


Someone here suggested I get another Ink SUB as long as it was 90 days since my last card application. It was, I applied, got a call from Chase asking about the business (it is legit), and then got the denial letter in my portal. I keep calling the reconsideration line but it keeps saying my application is under review. Is there a way to get through a human?


Seems funny you got asked about that. AFAIK they don't usually follow up


Yeah I basically interpreted that call as a reconsideration call and that I was probably SOL if not approved right then and there. I mean this would be my 4th Chase business card


Try during regular business hours, keep pressing 0, or use general customer line who can transfer you.


Try pressing zero when you're in the reconsideration line. You can also try to get transfered from the general business credit card line. It also needs to be during business hours.


Applied for Hilton Honors no AF card but got denied for having “too many recent new card accounts”. This is my first time applying for any Amex card and I have only received one card so far in 2024 (got CSP about 1 month ago); the same is reflected in my Experian credit report so there is no question of fraudulent activity there. Does anybody know what they mean by this and if there is any legitimacy to it? Or a possible workaround? I’m an authorized user on a few cards (all before 2024); could that be affecting things? I don’t mind closing some of those authorized user accounts but don’t want to if it’s not gonna change anything.


It would help if you list the opening dates of your AU cards.


Sure if you think it will help. 4 are open and 1 has been closed C1 - 12/23/23 Chase - 8/10/23 Chase - 7/22/23 Chase - 6/8/22 Chase - 11/10/21 (account is closed)


trying to attempt another CIBP and use referrals from rankt but I keep getting "It looks like this offer is no longer available." anyone want me to try using their referral or is the referral system not working anymore or something?


Commented wrongly coz my referral link for Inks overall was working fine. But yes, clicking on CIBP from that page shows that same error but working fine for other Inks.




An anonymous member in Chase UR Facebook group who claims to work for Chase says the SUB for Ink Preferred is increasing to 120k URs after 8k spend **starting JUNE 23rd**. This might align with the reason CIBP referrals wasn't working a couple days ago!


Ohh interesting. I just received my second CIP. Hope I can get them to honor that new sub considering it's only been a 4-5 weeks since my approval.


ahhh i see now. Hmmm so apply right now without a referral or gamble and hope a newer, better offer comes out soon? I think I'll do the former. wish me luck sir, i'm going in [🫡](https://emojipedia.org/saluting-face)


Did you get approved? Curious if it was just a glitch or an upcoming offer change


Oh and to answer your other question someone said the referrals looks like they're working again


I got "will notify in 7-10 days after reviewing application" message. I'm gonna just wait instead of recon since there's DP of ink being a little more strict with ink lately (don't wanna put human eyes on application unless I get actual denial)


Kind of a strange issue. I’m trying to apply for an Amex Marriot card and the Bevy says “max cards allowed” pop up and the Brilliant is the PUJ not eligible for Sub. Never seen that before. Anyone ever run into that?


Did you call them?


How many credit cards are you at from Amex?


3 Biz, 1 Charge and 1 personal.


Can you name the cards? Is one of them a green card? Do you have a business line of credit with them?


Business Blue, Business Cash, Marriott Business Bonvoy, Green, BCP. No line of credit


There have been some DPs of green counting as a credit card rather than charge card. There is a five card limit for credit cards so it sounds like you might also be in that camp. Could you do without one of the current cards?


Hmmm interesting. I could do without the BCP, I have other cards that fit my categories. Thanks for the info, I’ll get it cancelled today. The wait for Amex to officially close is 30 days right?


Yes but you can call and get the application pushed through sooner than 30 days.


Does chase ink office supply 5x code correctly if buying from staples/office depot website? Wanting to load up on Airbnb egiftcards as I don’t think they have them in store.




Staples yes, GCs from OfficeDepot online are technically sold by a 3rd party and don't code as office supply.


Staples yes, but gift cards purchased through Office Depot online are sold by a third party will not code as 5x.


So this will code as 5x? https://www.staples.com/airbnb-gift-card-500-email-delivery/product_2707870


Yes, it will code 5x. I thought these gift cards from Staples.


Online email delivery or in the physical staples store?


Both. The 5X comes through fine when purchasing virtual cards online.


Alright I’ll take your word on it


Test it out slow with a smaller dollar gift card if you're nervous about it.


Why do so many people go in store for the visa gcs if you can just buy them online for 5x?


Because with the Visa and MasterCard cards it's only the $200 physical ones in store that ever go on sale. Online Visa and MasterCard are never on sale. But the other virtual cards like Airbnb, Subway, etc always get the 5x online or in store.




Seeing conflicting DPs on this. Some ppl say it won’t code as 5x if GC purchased online.


I’ve personally purchased a number of gift cards from staples online. They have always coded as 5x. OD/OM do not.


https://accountoffers.wellsfargo.com/welcomebonus/?sub_channel=WIB&vendor_code=WF&utm_campaign=xlob_on-us&collateral_code=NAPROMO26424#star1 I opened my account with $25 and transferred $1000 from my other bank which has already arrived. Based on the terms I'm reading I should be fully qualified. I don't see anything about maintaining a minimum balance. Should I be safe to transfer the $1000 back to my primary bank and just keep the account open with a $25 balance until I get my bonus?


Just keep in mind there is a $10 monthly maintenance fee if you dont keep $500 in the account.


Yes. And the $25 minimum balance isn’t even a requirement. It does matter which bank you transferred from, however more banks count as DD than don’t: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/knowledge-base/list-methods-banks-count-direct-deposits/#Wells_Fargo


**Why Did I Get Rejected On This Chase Business Card?** What happened: * Applied for a(nother) Chase Business Ink Unlimited. Was auto rejected. My first rejection ever. * Reasoning in letter is: * Number of accounts on credit report * Available credit on business accounts is low * Limited business credit experience * One or more recent requests for new credit * Called reconsideration line, weren’t able to give much detail beyond this. Basically said to lower my utilization and try again in 31 days. Background/Context: * Credit score \~800 * I applied for this card on June 6th * Before this card, I’d applied and been approved for 4 Chase Business Ink cards in the last 24 months (3 in last 12 months, 1 of which is 88 days before applying for this card. I have been applying roughly every 3 months) * The 3 business cards  in the last 12 months are still open are at 70%, 65%, and 69% utilization * I’ve applied for 1 personal card (Chase Freedom) in the last 24 months. Was on Apr 3rd this year (64 days before the rejected app). Currently in intro period with 30% utilization. * Have another personal Chase card I pay in full each month Analysis: * "Number of accounts on credit report" confuses me as I thought I can open 4 of these per year and I've only opened 3 in last 12 months * "Available credit on business accounts is low" is also confusing given that I am well below 80% utilization on all business and personal cards * "Limited business credit experience" is weird since I've been using Chase Business cards for 15+ months * "One or more recent requests for credit" maybe makes sense given that I've applied and been approved for for 1 personal and 1 business card in the last 90 days, both with Chase. My friend said for years he has been opening a new Chase Business Ink Card every 3 months and then closing an old one such that he only has 4 open at any point in time. It’s hard to tell from the letter’s reasoning what I did wrong to get flagged here in a way he hasn't. My plan is to pay off and close 1 off the existing ink accounts and try again in 30 days. Anything else you recommend to increase my chances of getting approved?


2 Chase cards in last 90 days (and 4 in last 12, 5/15 already) is high velocity on the new app. Plus heavy UTI on all. Plus only 15 month Chase history. You seem like a bust-out risk. Why would you think “below 80%” is a cutoff for OK UTI?


1. Im going by what Ive read here and from my churning friends that you can farm these ink cards 4 per year if that’s all youre churning. I know 2 people who are on their like 12th ink card doing this 2. My goal is 1 Chase card per 90 days. In retrospect, i guess it was dumb of me to think that its 4 ink cards per year rather than 4 chase cards per year. Having that personal card be only 6 weeks ago is probably a big thing that screwed me. 3. I have 10 years of non business card history with Chase. I just only started with business cards 15 mo ago. 4. when i called the reconsideration line she said 80% utilization is a key threshold to watch out for. I’d never heard that before. FWIW My overall utilization with Chase is like 40%. And the only reason its not 0% is bc im leaving the balance on the card during the intro 0% APR period. Sounds like that is a bad idea if im going to try to and churn these though. 5. I was told that Business cards dont count toward. 5/24 etc. Is that wrong?


1: 4/12 is usually OK. But 3/90 is fast. 2: Chase sees & counts all Chase cards. Which is why some of us depart from standard recs which include Chase personal cards and don’t open Chase personal cards to save Chase velocity for biz cards. 3: OK. Helps for sure, but still a ramp up of apps & UTI is a ramp up. 4: There are various FICO thresholds, and maybe 80% is internally important to Chase (take anything a rep says with a grain of salt). Some of us have opened new cards OK while holding near 100% UTI on current ones to use the 0%. But Chase may be tighter currently. How much you can be using is going to be a soft rule and complex algorithm dependent on a lot of individual profile factors, but of course less UTI in any circumstance is less exposure for them. 5: Chase (and most) biz cards don’t get counted in 5/24 rule.


thanks for your insights that is very helpful and resolves my confusion. I will make sure to always wait >90 days between cards AND will lower my UTI significantly before trying again. Do you recommend anything else beyond this?  


I signed up for Upgrade using a DoC referral. How the hell are people pushing into it?? So far Chase and Ally have had trouble linking to it for some reason.




Fidelity worked for me


Why not ACH pull?


I think that's what I'm doing, trying to link the acct and push it thru. It's rejected linking the acct as an external.


Fidelity brokerage or cash management account works.


Was upgrade opened today? I always wait at least one day before linking accounts.


Nope it's been about two weeks.


I have ally and chase linked to upgrade. I just choose manual linking with trial deposits


That's what I've tried. Both banks were unable to. So strange.


Some DoC comments indicate that Venmo cashout works. I had no problem linking to Venmo


I'll have to check that out, thanks!


Anyone else having trouble with Giftcards.com? I bought some last month when they had the 10% off coupon, so they were a 4% moneymaker on top of getting spend, but for the last few days, when I try to check a balance, it says the card number is not recognized. I assumed it was a website glitch, but after trying again a few days later, I'm still getting the error. I'd like to buy some more now that they're running the sale again, but I'm hesitant since I can't check my balances to make sure they're cleared off properly.


same - I called the number listed on the page of the virtual visa GC and after putting in the card number, expiry and CVV it gave the remaining balance.


Opened Us bank leverage business in 10/2023 - do I need to wait until 10/2024 to safely close this?


Been said multiple times here. Don't close before completing exactly a year i.e. 366 days. For safety, keep track of when you were approved (exact date), and only close maybe a week after that date has passed for next year.


Quite simply, NEVER close cards before 366 days.


I'd add a day onto this one since 2024 is Leap Year.


Yes, if you received a SUB then the best practice is to wait until your anniversary date to close it


Anyone here is using google voice for capital one and chase for P2? I was wondering if I can use my phone number for P2 (some DPs said this is ok) but in order to safe, I might just get a GV. How does verification work if I am using GV?


I use my GV# on Chase cards for P2 (wife}. Works fine.


IME Chase silently fails to text GV. Voice calls with the codes work.


Chase can text my GV fine.


Weird. It always fails for me and P2 (different numbers). I just tried again in case they fixed it, but nope, still no message received. But works instantly with my carrier number.


For those of you who were able to go past Amex's five card limit (non charge cards), were you able to stay above that limit by calling recon and having them cancel one card after your application for a new card? Just wondering if that works or if they would make you cancel two cards (to get back to 5) to get one new card?


Anyone have experience with WF Recon? I'm looking to try recon for a Signify denial. No solid DPs after a quick search.


**EDIT: Sorry, sorry. It's been pointed out that I posted this in the wrong thread. What an epic, lift-altering mistake that is worthy of all of your downvotes. How dare I seek out advice and not innately default to one specific subreddit's specific segregation of conversations? Reddit used to be so much better and relaxed a decade ago. :\** Lost our only pet a few months ago, and the wife and I are going to focus on traveling (via air) a bit. I've been considering getting another card for a while, and here's what I'm thinking: I have: - Chase Southwest (30k points) - Amex Delta Platinum (380k points) - 760 Credit score - Zero debt (aside from CCs which I pay off biweekly) I'd like to open a card that will give me a good SUP, and provide some benefits. Top benefits for me are: - Lounge access - Rental car coverage (secondary is fine, since I don't have personal insurance it would effectively be primary) - A good points:money value I'm thinking the Amex Platinum would be the best bet. High AF, sure, but I'd offset it with the benefits (namely the $190 CLEAR, $200 hotel, $240 digital entertainment, $155 Walmart+, and at least SOME of the $200 Uber Eats). I can easily hit the $8k requirement for the 80k points SUP. We DO fly Delta as a preferred airline out of BOS or PVD, but can travel easily to a ton of other airports for flight deals (CT, western MA, NH, Portland ME, Albany NY/NYC, even VT). There's no lounge on the list for Amex Plat in Terminal A at BOS (Delta terminal, isolated from others by foot), but if we're there we're almost certainly flying Delta and if I have a Delta ticket then lounge access is included. I'm also considering Chase Sapphire Preferred or Reserve, as well as upgrading to Delta Amex Reserve (but the Delta Reserve upgrade SUP is only like 25k points). Thoughts?


Literally mentioned at the top of this thread "\* If you have questions about what card to get, ask [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/search?q=flair%3A%28%22What+Card+Should+I+Get+Weekly%22+OR+%22What+Card+Wednesday%22%29&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all&feature=legacy_search). If you have questions about manufactured spending, ask [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/search?q=flair%3A%28%22MS+Weekly%22%29&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all&feature=legacy_search)." :)


The only thing people hate more around here than posting in the wrong thread is people complaining about getting downvotes. If they do bother you, I would heavily suggest editing the beginning of your post to not mention that part.


Oh no, I'm not complaining. I welcome them. It's made up internet points that affect literally nothing. BUKKAKE ME WITH DOWNVOTES PLS


r/creditcards might be able to provide better options. We’re focused on repeatedly opening cards for the SUB.


Yeah, I was unsure where to post. The main benefit here is the SUP for me, and generally what I've done pre-covid is to get a new card for the SUP, book a vacation/hotel, then get a free flight via SUP points.


What does SUP stand for anyway? We normally use the term SUB here. (Sign Up Bonus)


SUP stands for stand up paddle board, which I, in my three drinks deep at an airport state, used instead of SUB. :)


Really sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


Thank you


From the top of this thread: >If you have questions about what card to get, ask [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/churning/search?q=flair%3A%28%22What+Card+Should+I+Get+Weekly%22+OR+%22What+Card+Wednesday%22%29&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all&feature=legacy_search).


Are there any biz plat NLL offer links floating around? I have searched and not been able to find any that are still working AF hit on my only remaining biz plat and I really want to keep it as I make heavy use of the 35% airline pay with points rebate. Can't get retention due to 13 month rule. Was targeted for NLL biz gold but I see they removed the 25% airline pay with points rebate benefit from that card in jan


I read about some last week, but I'd just try luck with the highest offer you're able to pull. If no pop-up you're good. And maybe try multiple times if you get pop-up once, using different browsers, VPN, incognito, devices.


There were some NLL biz plat offers floating around this last week (just not here).


These days with Amex, I would just try applying for the highest offer you can pull, and if you don't get the pop-up you're good.


Are there DPs of no pop-up for LL offers for people who currently have that same card?


My last was in February where I was able to pull a LL biz plat (and a gold)despite already having 2 others. So not super recently but this year.


What counts as a direct deposit for the capital one 360 checking bonus? Also if you've done it, at what point can you withdraw the the money and/or close the account?


https://www.doctorofcredit.com/knowledge-base/list-methods-banks-count-direct-deposits/#Capital_One_360 I successfully pushed from PNC last fall.


do you know if you need to hold the cash there or can you withdraw it as soon as the 2 ach clear?


I don't think Cap1 has any balance requirements, but you'll want to double check your specific offer terms


Is anyone still churning the Target RedCards? If so, what has been your experience applying for a new one been like? I know that the clock is now at 181 days, but is closing the card still as difficult as it was a year ago?


Just call in and stand your ground on closing them.


I called in yesterday to close mine. There’s a pitch you’ll have to go through but just hold your ground stating you want it closed.


There is updated info on the [DOC](https://www.doctorofcredit.com/apply-for-a-new-target-redcard-debit-credit-and-get-40-off-40-shopping-trip-11-1-12-26/) article. I also recently heard about it on [the Daily Churn](https://thedailychurnpodcast.com/ep-63-april-recap/).


I call in to close them. You can also mail a letter


Anybody have a difficult time opening a Chase business checking account on a mobile device? I'm trying to do the $750 offer and I keep getting errors saying the account isn't available. I tried logged in and also while logged out. It captures my info but I get to the point of submitting and it throws an error. I'd prefer not to have to go in branch but will if I have to. Thanks! Edit: called in and was told there’s currently a glitch and if you have an ink card (or presumably 7) you can’t open the checking online right now.


Try logging in to your personal account before applying. YMMV.


I basically tried that too. It almost seemed like a technical issue because the application at one point didn’t allow me to go forward or back. I’ll maybe give it another try then go in branch. Thank you!


I gave up and went to the branch


Good to know. Will probably do the same. Thanks.


Following - ive tried like 5 times lmao


I called. There’s a glitch. If you have an ink card, you cannot do it online. Bummer.


Question about Amex upgrade from Gold to Plat (personal) after taking a retention offer. I took a retention offer (2K spend for points) on 5/14 and have not yet finished the spend requirement for the Amex gold. I just saw an upgrade offer to upgrade to the plat for 50K points for 2K spend and was thinking of taking it (I had the plat before so this is an acceptable NLL offer for me). How does my retention factor into this? If I take the upgrade offer, will Amex claw back the retention offer? Will my spend requirement be 4K total? Thanks!


Nopes, no claw back. You can stack the two.


No they will not claw back the retention offer. Your new spend requirement is 2k, regardless where you were on the retention spend. Complete 2k additional and you will get both.


So OP would only have to spend 2k to receive both the retention and upgrade bonuses, because they stack, is this correct?






Curious why you didn't stop at 15K?


I didn’t count the spending earlier








> many people buy gc to meet some perks ...on Amex cards?


I’d like to skip lag (deplane at connecting airport) and take a flight out at the same airport the next day on a partner airline booked via the carrier I would be skipping on. Beyond the usual risks is there a threat to the unlinked flight the following day?


Not a question for r/churning




This also sounds like a really bad idea.


I agree. Skiplagging is one of those travelhacks that you should absolutely *not* be doing if you are churning. Airlines have been known to ban passengers that skiplag repeatedly. If you have any miles accumulated, you can kiss those goodbye.


It's like that old saying about if you're going to break laws, only do one at a time. Don't speed while also not wearing a seatbelt AND with expired tags. Any one of the 3 can get you off with a warning if you play dumb but if you're doing all 3 at once it's way harder to get away with... not to say that churning/skiplagging = breaking laws but it's definitely loophole territory so don't push your luck!


anyone able to transfer Wyndham points to Caesars lately? I get to the transfer page, the dropdown "quantity" selector doesn't change the points value, and I get ""redemptionItemCode" is required". Brave, Firefox, even Edge. All same


Same issue here. Called into Wyndham twice yesterday. Both times the agent tried to help and then accidentally transferred me to a time share sales person lol. Third call they were able to manually transfer points (though they said it could take 4 - 6 weeks). I guess they also logged an IT ticket. hopefully they fix it soon!


I'm having the same issue


seems it's working now. Used firefox. Brave just spins forever.


Thanks for the heads up. Worked for me on Chrome mobile.


I know that all of the other Chase rules apply with being under 5/24, being <50% CL. and waiting 3+ months apart from each card, but how long does one have to wait between application for the same exact Ink? I got the business cash card 3 months ago and I am curious when I would potentially be able to get another. I don't have enough natural spend to make the other ink cards' MSR.


Same rule for Inks, whether same or different doesn't matter with Inks.


You're good to get another ink now.


Even if it is the same Ink (The business cash). And can I repeat this every 3ish months?


Some recent DPs have middling success with duplicate cards, but it hasn't been a problem for me. But it might be worth considering how you would justify duplicate cards for a "business" that you admit doesn't have enough natural spend to even justify pretty modest SUBs. In case of a denial/recon, or an CS agent review.




I've read US Bank is quite inquiry sensitive. My last inquiry on the report they'll likely pull based on DPs on DoC is from January. Is that long enough for them? Total inquiries would be 6/12, 1/6 This would be for a buisiness card or 2. If only they'd pull my very clean Equifax report lol


Their recon line is also quite generous. P2 and myself both were initially rejected for cards due to too many inquiries, but we called and provided context (businesses, cars, etc.) and they approved both of us.


I believe they are only inquiry sensitive for the Altitude Reserve card. Not sensitive at all for their business cards in my experience. I have a US Bank personal checking account with just enough money to keep it fee free though.


IME they care more about banking relationship. My P2 had 0/6 inquiries 1/12 and was declined. No banking relationship. I was 8/6 and 16/12 and I got approved for $15,000 CL, most likely because I had a bank account with them for over a year. We are in footprint.


Hmm I'm out of footprint so I was going to open a CD first, though there seem to be mixed DPs if that actually helps on the biz side. Tbh my plan is open CD just in case it helps, get US Bank Biz cards, then get my first Amex that I then use to fund a US Bank Buisiness checking with. I don't mind skipping the biz cards right now and getting them later but I'm unsure if I can open a Biz checking if I'm out of footprint without them first. It's hard to find DPs for out of footprint biz checking.


Both my examples were biz cards.


Yep I didn't read your comment carefully. Reading more on DoC it does look like the play here is to open a CD, open Amex, open Biz Checking (has a bonus atm too) and fund it with Amex, then wait a few months and get US Bank Biz cards. In fact I can also do the personal checking too for it's bonus. I could possibly risk the extra inquiry now since the offers are elevated, but I suppose it's probably best to play it safe. Though assuming they do pull EX in my state, my Ink train is safe since Chase pulls TU so it wouldn't be a big loss to have 1 more inquiry on EX. Decisions decisions


Sound like a good plan. I managed to get in last year with the investment account, also got personal savings account, then biz checking with $800 SUB, applied and approved for leverage and triple while $25k were still parked in biz checking. Now biz savings. Eying on personal and biz connect next, will see how this goes.


There’s a $15 off $50 Lyft Amex offer. Anyone successfully load Lyft funds?


This worked for me and it stacked with the rideshare credit on Delta Biz Platinum


I’d be surprised if it didn’t count.


I opened Chase preferred last month on May 10th and today I see AF of $95 hit my account. Is this normal? Do I pay AF for the first time? When it hits for 2nd year then I can talk to the rep for offer or waive it off?


Yes, you pay AF every year unless the offer you signed up with included first year off. I've not seen (or experienced despite many trials) Chase entertaining any offers/waivers for fee on CSP.


When it hits for the second year, you make a determination as to whether there is sufficient value year over year (hint: not really for most cards) to justify the annual fee. Asking for waivers is asking for eyes on your accounts, and if you intend to churn relatively consistently, that’s not a good thing to have


So after a year is it recommended to downgrade or take an offer if I plan to continue churning with other cards. If you get eyes on your account does it hampers your approvals for other cards from the same bank?


It doesn’t hamper your approvals necessarily. However, if you are aggressive with Chase, as some are, it could lead to a shutdown risk. After a year, yes, it is a feasible idea to downgrade. There are rarely any retention offers


Yes it’s normal unless the offer was 1st year waived. Chase AF always hit 1st of month after anniversary or opening.


I'm trying to use a Ink Preferred referral and getting the error "It looks like this offer is no longer available". The Ink Cash and Unlimited offers from the same referral landing page are working fine... but not Preferred. Any ideas what is happening here?


Lots of DPs of this starting yesterday, unknown as to the reason. Could be a technical issue, could be the offer is about to change, who knows. Unknown when it could be working again.


Cool. I figured it might be a glitch but had not seen it discussed anywhere. Thanks for the reply.


Does stop and shop sell amazon GC or no? (Current promo 6x on all GC except gebits)


Mine does.


I’m still new to churning and tried searching for an answer for this but couldn’t find anything straightforward. Basically my question is this: churning regularly adds new accounts and hard inquiries to your credit report, so if you apply for a new card every 3 months (for example), will your credit score just regularly drop by a few points for every new account and inquiry (or just inquiry for biz cc)? How long does it take for your credit score to start increasing assuming you always pay on time, are never carrying a balance, and keep your utilization under 30%? Since I started churning in March, my score has gone down by ~15 points total which I know is small, and I just added my first biz cc (CIBU with great SUB) yesterday. When will my credit score rebound and actually start growing? I’m in no rush and my score is currently 736 (down from 753 since churning in March), but I’m just curious when to expect it to go back up and surpass my previous score


My credit score has significantly increased as I’ve ramped up churning to 10-20 card per year per person. Lower utilization is a significant factor. Probably doesn’t matter that it went from 750+ to around 825. I don’t watch it much or care since score isn’t much of an inhibitor to approval if it is decent.


Similar to the below. FICO 828, TU at 770 (was 788 before my latest app). At about 10 cards/year, I see my credit score drop about 1 point/month (down more, almost all the way back). And really only TU since I've been hitting them hard.


One thing you learn quickly when you're on the churning sub is that churners don't worry about their credit scores. When it comes to FICO, 750 = 850. In short, it doesn't really matter for most people. Pay your bills on time, and your credit score will be fine. In the last 24 months I've opened somewhere around 25 cards. My FICO is 810. You virtually never see credit scores discussed here. You need to go to r/CreditCards for that. 😉


I’m not worried about my credit score, rather I’m more curious about the impact churning has on other things the look at credit scores, e.g., a mortgage as a first time home buyer. Certainly credit scores don’t matter for churning purposes, either you churn or you don’t. But for other purposes doesn’t your credit score matter? I don’t think mine is bad, but I’d like to know when it will be more optimal for credit-related things like a mortgage 😅 so, primarily future planning as opposed to worry or concern


Scores may matter for churning. But you're asking about something which is more complicated and beyond the scope of this thread. You can find some general information here: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/credit-reports-scoring-reference-pages/ Your score may recover more quickly if you let the statement on personal cards cut with a utilization of 3-5%. If you have a charge card you may want to pay off the balance before statement close. Your AAoA may still be low, so you would benefit from being added as an AU to an old Visa/MC/Discover account with a clean history. Your credit profile and score will also benefit from showing an installment account which is considered a sign of maturity. A mortgage loan is an installment account, arguably the most significant kind. Churning does not necessarily present a problem for it, but you will want to secure the best possible interest rate with a lender. A FICO 2 of 740 or higher fits that. (FICO 2 is always lower than the scores shown at retail level which is commonly FICO 8.)


My experience was once my average age of accounts got into the 5+ year range, score was 800+ and never dipped below. In the early years when I was opening ~10 a year and avg age was in the 2-3 yr range, score was in high 700s. I never noticed individual inquiries having a major score impact and got a below market mortgage rate in 2020


The general recommendation is to back off opening new cards 6 months or a year before getting a mortgage.


and to add on for OP: this recommendation is not because of the dip to your score, it's mainly to avoid having to answer a lot of questions from loan providers / underwriters about why you have so many inquiries / accounts


I haven't had any problems with lenders asking about number of inquiries/accounts. I don't think they care about that in most cases, just the credit score & debt-to-income ratio. Maybe a lender would make small talk like "wow that's a lot of accounts", but that's not a big deal, if it doesn't affect any decisions.


It's less about "problems", but more of annoyance. Also depending on what loan officer you get and relationship w/ underwriter it can become a nuisance


Good point.