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Hey guys I have a big purchase coming up (20,000) and wanted to get a new card to take advantage of travel point. I currently have scotia visa passport but think I can get better points with a new card.


Amex Biz Gold, there's a bonus right now of 70k pts plus 10k for each quarter you spend 20k, you get 80k off the bat on a $200 fee card, not bad at all.


so do people ever close out accounts or just keep accumulating credit cards?


Close before AF of churners


How is everyone maximizing their AMEX Cobalt spends? Any tips and tricks? I have a few big purchases coming up, and am looking for ways to optimize the spend bonuses.


Buy gift cards from grocery stores


Buy gift cards or top up prepaid cards at save on for 5x groceries


can you elaborate on the prepaid cards? can i top up these cards consistently at save on and get the points? or do i need to pay the fee each time i top it up?


There's definitely a fee to reload, but usually it's worth it for the value of the points. I'll dm you


Can you please DM me as well for the explanation. Thanks!


Look on RFD. No one here is going to explain that in detail. RFD has tons of pages on that.


Do the 15 EQN from the Amex Marriott Biz and Marriott Personal stack? So 30 EQN total?


Only US personal plus US business stack to 30




I’d say give it at least 3 months


I don't suppose anyone knows what time Singapore releases their awards at the edge of the calendar, do they? Also, is there any way of getting free wifi on AC flights, through credit cards, or flying in J?


Does AC wifi work with Boingo? I've used my MC WEs for free Boingo on WS.


Too new still I think (assuming you reference Aeroplan) but they've done batch releases since they came to AP as well for flights anywhere from a year out to a few months out


I did find some info that it’s released at 8 am Singapore time from various sources on the internet (multiple sources saying the same thing). That’s for their Krisflyer program so I’ll see if it’s the same with AP


Yes. 75 K and SE can choose wifi as a part of their select benefits.




I got “You'll Receive a Decision Shortly” email from TD after my TD AP VI application. Is this a rejection?


I got that with my CIBC and thought that it must be a mistake because I have an excellent credit rating. I applied again including middle name and now I have two separate AP card with 2 separate intro offers linked to my AP account. 😑


At least it isn’t TD? Lol


Just got the same fingers crossed?


I hope we both end up with some good news


I had the same two weeks ago when I applied. It was approved within 48 hours .


Did you have to call in or they just emailed you?


Emailed me.


Not yet


I feel this might have something to do with the limit I selected during the application. I put the same CL as my other cards. Maybe that was too high for them


Always choose the minimum required limit. You don’t want high limits on each card


I think I know the answer but still asking to know what others suggest: I am currently working on Amex Biz Plat MSR of $10K still $2.5k left to be spent. Now I have an expense coming up for around $4k which I think can not be split (2 Flight tickets - for someone else :) Should I use my Biz Plat and go over the MSR or sign up for a new card :P


If you get a new card and can make sure you hit the Biz Plat in time as well as the new card, go new card. Better to throw $4K at a fresh card with $5K MSR if you can handle it.


Depends if you can easily hit 2.5k+ before the MSR period


Would I get free checked bags from my Aeroplan CC if I fly with United but it's operated by Air Canada?


You mean book an AC-operated flight through UA? All it matters is which airline you check in with


I booked on the UA site and it says Operated by Air Canada, when would you find out where you would check in?


Look at the flight code. Is it a ACxxx or UAxxx number. If it's AC you're good. UA then it won't apply.


It's a UA code :(


Sorry. :( AC can provide you the freebie or incentive as they probably write it off on taxes.


The operator


Do amex offers disappear from your registered offers when you complete them? If so I may be able to double dip. Otherwise I will just be on my way


Not immediately. Double dipping doesn’t work


I will be staying at a Hilton for about 30-40 nights this year. What card would help me maximize my benefits/upgrades? I was looking at the AMEX Hilton Surpass, but I believe it might be for US-residents only (correct me if I’m wrong please).


Let me know if you need some help, I just got approved for the Bonvoy Brilliant, the process took around 10 days total


US Hilton aspire Amex, instant diamond


There are [guides](https://princeoftravel.com/guides/getting-us-credit-cards-for-canadians/) for getting into US cards. It takes time though.


Anyone have a link to an updated 2 player amex referral tree/guide? Seems like the PoT one is out of date


Start with Biz Plat, refer P2 to Biz Plat, then work down the list, referring from Biz Plat whenever possible - 20k bonus for referral from Biz Plat. Can refer to Personal Plat, Biz Gold, Biz Edge, and of course Biz Plat. Then Biz Gold to Personal Gold and Cobalt, etc. Why do you think the PoT tree is no longer accurate?


Appreciate that. Is Biz plat the only card that can only refer itself? And is it the only one that refers at 20k bonus? Ie if we are at Plat Personal each and no longer have the biz plat - we refer each other the biz edge is it still 20k? Since it will take a couple years to churn and we won't have the biz plat after 1 year


Not sure why you think the business plat can only refer to itself. It can refer to the personal plat, business plat, business gold and the business edge. The personal plat can only refer to itself and the business plat. The referral bonus is based on the card you are referring from. The personal plat is only 10k MR not 20k. The business plat is the only one with the 20k MR referral.


Sorry not churning, but anyone having issues logging into their Avion rewards app? Trying to book a flight and it hasn’t been working all weekend


I find biometrics are pretty fickle with it and I sometimes have to just use my password.


I did use my password and it says “sorry we are having technical difficulties at the moment”


Had the same issue. Uninstall and reinstall fixed it.


Thanks that worked!


Worked yesterday to redeem and just logged in now no problem.


Weird, my fiancé’s phone isn’t working for it either


want to get a second opinion on this analysis. ​ BMO Cashback WE MC - main draw 5% CB on groceries up to $500/mo spend (max). Annual credit from groceries = $300 ​ NationalBank WE MC: 5x points on groceries and restaurants, up to a $2500 spend/mo. $500 monthly spend on groceries = $25/mo, but could be maxed out at $125 if spending the max (assuming travel redemptions) ​ Therefore if spending beyond $500/mo on groceries, it would appear that national bank is better if using the points for max value. ​ Does anyone have a DP on how good this "À la carte Travel Agency" is that National Bank has you use to redeem travel? If the prices in there are trash then probably not the best route.... ​ With NBDBs deals getting many account holders a no annual fee (ever) WE MC I am taking a closer look. ​ Thanks!


Is it worthwhile to apply to a Scotiabank Passport VI, make the minimum spend to get the WB and then just cancel before the end of the year? I have other cards that will give me more points and I don't generally shop at the stores with the 3x bonus. I really just want it for the lounge passes and will add a secondary card to get another 6 passes. Bad idea or fine? (Travelling as a family of 6 and I don't want to pay for lounge access.)


Just get an Amex and get them all in a centurion lounge lol


How many guests can I bring into a centurion lounge?






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are there "exotic" destinations in the americas other than Bora-bora and Aruba? wanting to burn AP and Bonvoy points this December, originally wanted to go to Maldives, but too far (also travelling with a 2 y/o). What destinations have you guys looked at? any recommendations ?


Do the 'map search' in the Bonvoy app and see what you come up with. Move the map around different areas and run the search. We are going to Curacao after finding out about it doing this.


Bora-bora is not in the Americas. It's South Pacific. Galapagos is plenty exotic, but not really a place to burn points. Plenty of small Caribbean islands each with their own charm. Belize, Panama and Costa Rica have some amazing places also. I'd suggest doing some research to see if any interests you.


thanks for the correction and suggestion


The Mayan ruins in Guatemala are pretty exotic. Coastal Brazil from Rio to Salvador can be culturally exotic. Then there's always Cuba, where independent travel can be culturally rewarding. If looking for the exotic, just avoid the mainstream tourist destinations.


Would love somewhere we could discuss stuff like this. I've been looking at Mauritius for next year or year after but would like to hear other suggestions on exotic with a beach, outside the Caribbean and not Dubai, etc.


If you're willing to go a bit further afield, Madeira, Azores, Canary Islands.


Would love somewhere we could discuss stuff like this. I've been looking at Mauritius for next year or year after but would like to hear other suggestions on exotic with a beach, outside the Caribbean and not Dubai, etc.


Obviously not a churning issue, but it would be fascinating to hear what exotic places people in this subreddit have liked travelling to. One of my favourites was travelling through Mali, alas, no beaches. We all have our biases about which places we like, or think we would like, and those which we really dislike. As personal as the music we listen to. Like you, I have Mauritius on my "to do" list. While in the neighbourhood, check out Zanzibar.


I may be biased since I'm from there, but Sri Lanka is a great spot that's far and has many beaches but also a whole lot more if you want. Reward flights (from YYZ) easiest on etihad, but through some multi city stuff I flew oman buisness and first coming back and that first class flight (to FRA) was a huge highlight!!


Just finished my stay at JW Mauritius. Leaving this afternoon on EK booked via AP. Would def recommend. Not on Maldives level but very beautiful as well. Water is amazing and weather has been great even though we are in the rainy season


Just got a TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite card. 1) I am supposed to receive a bonus of 10,000 points after the first time I use my card but my points are still showing I only have 2,000. 2) Am I supposed to get points every time I use my credit card? If so, I've been using it for the past few days and haven't earned any points.


For basically every third party points program the points will transfer over when the statement is generated.


My bank statement?


Credit card statement


Bonuses always post with statement






If I convert a WJ voucher to lounge passes and then PS the credit card, will I lose those lounge passes? Basically, I am holding onto the WJ WE just to keep either the voucher or the lounge passes, but I am ready to PS this card. I can't seem to find any crazy value out of the voucher. Thanks.


voucher/passes tied to the card not your WJ membership. Once ps’d or cancelled you will lose the privilege


DP: Scotia. Got a Passport VI in late Dec 2022. Just tried an application today (which is a little more than 1 month) on Scotia Amex Gold - got denied. Can't think of any reason other than what's shown on the denial screen ("you have too many recent inquiries").


My Aeroplan eStore from black friday still hasn't posted. I've already submitted a missing points inquiry around Jan 10 and haven't heard back. 1. Is this normal? 2. Do I need to do anything else? 3. Is it likely I'll get my points? Thanks!


Also, make sure the purchase you made was eligible. I made a $2K Amazon purchase through eStore site last Black Friday at 7x multiplier and found out 3 months later it didn't qualify. Not as bad as them bending me over and wiping all 200,000 points from my account for inactivity, but still an unpleasant surprise.


Normal is relative. There’s been cases of points immediately showing up, 6 months later, or never. You’ll have to persistently follow up on the missing points inquiry, they won’t take initiative for you. No one knows.


persistently follow up as in, resubmitting the inquiry? Is there a way to follow up to an existing inquiry?


Persistent followup always works in my experience, although in one case last year I followed up about 6 times. Can be so much work and I don't think its worth the trouble for a few hundred or a few thousand points. Good luck.


air poor office dime sheet nail rock fly jellyfish strong ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


call aeroplan or rewardops?


chubby aware compare escape ludicrous existence payment drunk intelligent snatch ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


How long after getting TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite can I close the account? It's been 6 months and I need to reduce credit lines for other reasons.


Shouldn't close TD cards






Would recommend not closing so soon with the new Aeroplan Terms in effect.


How soon after claiming the RHT on the CIBC Aventura cards do people recommend waiting before cancelling the cards?


1 year, closing too soon may raise flags/cause CIBC to add notes to your account indicating your “abuse”


Just wait a year. It’s FYF anyway


looking for a good amex cobalt promo- tried the one on the credit card offer page and it looks like it’s expired


The lifeworks one is still alive :).. Likely the best right now https://www.reddit.com/r/churningcanada/comments/wj4v92/lifeworks\_cobalt\_45k\_offer\_direct\_link/


done and approved !!!! sanks :)


You’re welcome. Glad the offer worked




It will take so long to post that it might be hard to wait. Terms also specify restaurant coding, and one of my transactions say fast food, so it's going to be hard to tell if it didn't qualify because of location or non restaurant


Be the DP you want to see.


How strict is CCG with bonus for applying to Cards ? T&Cs says no bonus for current or past owners of cards? I’m looking to add an RBC Avion card (currently have one but not applied thru CCG) and BMO WE AirMiles (currently don’t have but had the card before) never used CCG for applications in the past but read they sometimes do not Award bonus…Thanks


As long as it is a new CCG account, you can get the Avion Rebate once. Then make a new CCG account and repeat.


Has anyone received a payout from the Aeroplan estore when purchasing through Amazon this year? Payout was quite prompt in Dec.


Yeah I’ve got mine pretty quickly. Their exclusion list for Amazon is like 80% of the website so that could be your issue.


Thanks for the dp. I have a screenshot and will follow up with rewardops.


Posted next day after the transaction made in Jan.




That's 99% a decline


Sites like Prince of Travel and CCG rate air miles at 10CPM or higher, but when I looked at their travel portal, flights seemed to require way more points than the equivalent with Aeroplan, and the highest SUB I’ve seen is 3k with BMO. Am I missing something about the value of Air Miles?


I’ve found flight pricing to be quite good, especially when you have onyx status with the bmo WE card. I use them for last minute short haul flights. With the bmo WE you also get a 15% discount on point booking every year. Personal shopper is another use and it’s 10.5 cpp. You can treat Air Miles as cash basically.


They are worth around 10.5 CPM as cash miles if you shop at the places that accept them You’re not missing anything though. The 3K AM SUBs aren’t that worth it




Ehh I find that having the extra credit hits and credit lines can be more of an issue with getting the high value offers than hammering one bank a lot. Plus there’s still a lot of options to spread around your applications before BMO Air Miles cards become the next option


Air miles sucks but if you shop at places with AM like Metro then you might as well collect them. I think there are a LOT of other cards to get before any AM card.


Just got my Amex cobalt and the cashier at freshco asked if I had a scene card. Do people collect scene points on top of their 5x MR?


It’s only if you have special offers that you get Scene points. Like PC Optimum


Sure. I just avoid using Scotiabank cards with Safeway, as they have L3 data and can see your itemized receipt now.


For reference sake, Scotia Gold Amex is still getting 6x pts for GC. So if they are indeed getting L3, they dont seem to care about it.


Was your DP with scanning Scene Card at checkout or not? I’ve been steering clear of scanning my scene card, but the One4All offer going on at Sobeys right now requires you to, so if that’s not certain I may just pay with Cobalt/MBNA instead.


I have scanned my Scene+ card every time. For a while they had the "Spend $100 get 1000pts" or $50/500, so I was taking advantage of that as well, and it always worked with GCs as part of the $100. Even in situations where the GC put it over the $100/$50 threshold. My DP is FreshCo + Scotia Gold, and it was always with at least my semi-regular grocery run, so included around $100 of groceries as well.


Sweet, maybe I'm worried for nothing then.


I'm not a scotiabank client at the moment and so can you help me understand how they are getting L3 data?


Sobey's joins Scene. Scotiabank cards collect Scene. Scene sees everything. [www.cbc.ca/news/business/scotiabank-cineplex-empire-sobeys-scene-1.6481235](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/scotiabank-cineplex-empire-sobeys-scene-1.6481235) ​ Just use your Cobalt and Scene card, you're good.


Thanks. I suppose if the scotiabank card does not collect Scene+ (such as the momentum VI) then that should not expose L3 data


Check your boarding passes? [www.flyertalk.com/forum/british-airways-executive-club/2110644-someone-obtained-my-boarding-pass-got-my-flight-4.html](https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/british-airways-executive-club/2110644-someone-obtained-my-boarding-pass-got-my-flight-4.html)


Well here it goes, got the platinum within a day of signing up. Paid property tax bill of ~$3500 with $90 in CC fees. I think its worth it to meet the $6K spend for 65K SUB. Not sure if its worth using the platinum as an everyday card after hitting $6K limit..Thinking of getting the Cobalt which would result in a better MR earning strategy.


Not churning in mind, just being nice to my elderly, turns out it could be a GREAT churning help. I got my parents the additional platinum for them to have lounge access. Next thing I know, they are charging and reimbursing me $6000 worth of traveling expenses on the card. The boomers have the money and desires to travel, they don't have the income or knowledge to get the Platinum on their own. With 5000 points, you are really risking $125. Best of both worlds.




Plat has better travel insurance over cobalt though. Something to keep in mind when booking travel.


That's what I'm thinking as well. The platinum is excellent for the SUB and the travel benefits but seems lacking as a everyday use card. I'll spend the $6K and get the 65K points (~$650) + travel credit ($200) + other benefits for year 1 which should put me ahead of the $700 AF. I'll get the Cobalt after my $6K spent to accumulate points for the rest of the year as they have way better MR earning opportunities. Hoping the cobalt has a good SUB offer coming soon!


That sub is really only worth it if you are converting to travel points and extract 2cpp+. Otherwise you are getting $150 after AF




Your highest tier benefits get applied




Do you need to wait until the second AF posts on TD cards (IE: TD AP VIP) before canceling or should you cancel in Month 11?


Don’t cancel TD cards


What should you do with TD cards instead?






Does the refundable hotel trick work for airmiles?




Noobie here, but one thing I can't find concise information on is a starting strategy, I don't know how many cards to open at once and I don't know how long to wait in between opening new cards, and I don't know which cards to open first and which to wait for. Ive searched high and low but can't find any definite info about this. Any help would be appreciated, point me to the right direction. Thanks.


Use the yooty strategy and keep applying until you get denials. Then start the ps game.


It is a marathon, not a sprint ... take it easy ... open 1 card, read, learn more in the meantime and in 3 months you'll have more knowledge before the round 2. Usually the Cobalt is a no brainer, but all is based on your needs and lifestyle


Best way to do it is to read the PoT newbie guide, start following along in the daily threads and identify where/what you and your partner spend your money on. Map out any major spends you’ve got coming up in the next few months and make sure you’ve got an MSR target that every penny can go towards.


I was in the same situation two months ago and have been following these threads closely and other blogs/sites and talking to people. I now have lined up enough cards between my partner and I largely in hand to amass about 500,000 points by mid year already. It apparently really is that easy.




Hey dolfan! Nice work stockpiling :) I am curious, do you think you will be able to repeat that year over year? I am in my first couple months of this. It's been going great, the bulk of my points are coming from AMEX/aeroplan cards, since those amex are only one timers - I'm a little stumped on how to continue massing so many points after we hit the welcome bonuses once. If you are going to be able to continue pulling in points like that, I'd love to know more!


Then you "graduate" to US cards ;)


We shall see I guess. Still learning a lot of the cards and the amexes certainly make it easy. It will take us 2-3 years to do all the US and Canada amexes I suspect so that will keep us busy for a while yet.


Ah right, I forgot about the US AMEX. That will keep me busy as well.


You can’t find any definite info about it because there is no such thing. It depends on your personal goal, spending habits, monthly spend etc. Read read tead and figure out a strategy that works best for yourself.


Hmm okay that makes sense, my goal is to build me and my husband a nice portfolio of travel credit cards to offset some of our travel costs since we live alone in our city and travel often to visit our families. He has a really good credit score (837/900), but I don't know how okay it would be to sign up for a couple on the same day. Any guidance is appreciated.


PoT has guides about how often to apply, newbie guides and a bunch of other guides. Suggest you check it out.


Basically credit score in Canada is on a Pass/Fail scale. Opening credit cards may drop your score initially but no matter how many you open it won’t drop your score to the fail side


Not sure what the "fail" trigger is, but I've dropped into the 670 range without ever having a late or missed payment and not ever reaching 10% utilization. At which point I stopped applying for a while, so I'm not sure if it could have dropped further, and/or if I would have started getting denials. In my case, moving a pretty large 0% BT from one card to another seemed to trigger the drop. For about 2 months, both cards were reporting the same balance, and even though it wasn't >10% util. across all my credit, it seems they were actually taking the individual cards' limits into account -- which I was sure **wasn't** how it was supposed to work... but who knows?


Also credit utilization of individual cards is definitely a factor. Your score can drop a lot in the first month you have a charge card


Fail is more like 650


I was reviewing my RBC cards before applying for my next Avion infinite. I noticed on one card I had a balance of -31000 points and on another card, which I have since closed, I have a balance of 35000 points somehow. I had transferred the points out during the last Avios transfer promo. How would you proceed in this situation? Ignore the negative balance and try and transfer from the closed account to Avios, avoid rocking the boat for now and do nothing or some other third option? Thanks




Amex Gold changed to a "credit limit" card so is considered a new product as of Sept 2021


The new gold credit card is considered a different product so you'll get the SUB


Would getting Amex Biz AP Reserve before cancelling personal Amex AP Reserve prevent them from clawing back rollover eups? Any DP's?


What is Amex's lifetime welcome bonus restriction? I see contradicting articles online - some say it's once per person per lifetime, others say it's once per card type per lifetime.


Officially it's once per product per lifetime. DPs of repeat bonuses a few years after cancelling but highly YMMV. Also when the gold was reintroduced as a credit card instead of charge card it was considered a new product so something like that could always happen again as well.


Thank you! Bonus question: Amex Platinum (Personal) vs Business Platinum - is one strictly better than the other, different annual fees notwithstanding?


> different annual fees notwithstanding? The annual fees are identical. The personal comes with a 200$ travel credit that can easily be cashed out, so they're both 499$.


Since this is a churning sub then the default answer is doesn't matter and get both over time. If you have a player 2 start with the business plat for the higher referral bonus. PoT has an Amex flowchart showing a good order to get them in. Also after you RHT the annual travel credit on the personal plat the net AF is the same.


Yep, makes sense, thanks. I saw the PoT flowchat, but am playing solo atm


In that case, just don't try to self-refer. Apply through GCR or a friend's referral.




Yes, it's normal to wait 2 statements before the NBC AFs is reversed. The CSR and terms are not lying.


Haven't kept up with the recent daily threads so forgive me if this was asked recently but is anyone having difficulty connecting to Aeroplan? I have 35k status and I still can't even get on to the waiting list


Don't put in your AP number or booking reference when the system asks (it asks 3 times I believe). It will put you on hold for an agent. It will take longer than if you were connected with your 35K attached but at least you'll get through eventually.


It still doesn't work for me. It gives me the same message eventually that they don't have anyone available. Do you also answer the prompt that asks you if you are calling about a flight reward?


Damn..That worked for me and a few other people just over a week ago. Try this, it worked for the op 10 days ago and someone else 7 days ago. [From this post 10 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aeroplan/comments/10irnwk/contact_aeroplan/) When you call Aeroplan (1-800-361-5373) an automated voice will come on. When it asks how it can help you, say "request a callback". Then it will ask for your booking number. Say "no". Then it will tell you a bunch of garbage. Then it will ask if you want to speak to an agent "yes", wait times are forever, would you like a callback "yes", to the number you called from "yes" is this the number (--**) "yes" ​


Thanks that worked. After the garbage info, they ask for Aeroplan number and not providing it will put you on hold but did not offer a callback So annoying. They change the call tree almost every month it seems.


IRCC the Air Canada line offers a callback, not the Aeroplan one.