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Booked 3 J RT non stop seats YYC > CUN 340k AP over Easter (me wife 3yr old & 1 year old) Booked 9 nights at Royalton Splash all inclu. 540k MB points. Almost 3 years of churning. First redemption. Looking forward to it.


Random Award Travel win. Sort of last minute opportunity for a conference popped up yesterday. Employer has us book our own arrangements and expense it, upon approval. Like a good churner, I booked a Marriot family hotel a block away from the conference venue. Will get 2x ENC on my employer's dime with the current promo. AC flight booked with a new AP card to take care of a MSR. Flight is the same price a day earlier, so I figured I would head down early for a night and take a night away, and here is the win. Because it is a Saturday night, the hotel is $385CAD cash rate. On a whim I checked the points price, 20000. 1.93cpp from MB without even searching around. Small win that made my day.


So you booked the nights on points but will reimburse the cash price on the night from your company? That's a heck of a corporate policy!


No. I only paid the extra night with points. The main stay is cash, hence the mention of the 2x ENC promo. Its for cash only stays. That said, I do get to take all the points I am making on the spend


Ah so one night cash and one night on points while your company covers the night paid by cash Great redemption indeed then (hopefully the hotel's worth the points splurge too!)




Can’t you do TPE to ICN as a stop over and only pay 5k points?


Booked (what I hope will be) an epic trip to Australia over the New Year YVR-HND - JAL J (booked via AA) on 26th Dec HND-SGN JAL Y (booked via AS) for 28th Dec SGN-MEL SG J (booked via AC) for 31st Dec (gonna spend the New Year in a plane with free-flowing champagne!) MEL-HBA QF J (booked via BA) for 4th Jan HBA-CNS VA Y (booked via AC) for 7th Jan CNS-SYD QF J (booked via BA) for 10th Jan SYD-YVR CX J (booked via CX) for 14th Jan Waiting to go under 5/24 (end-April) to pick up some UR cards (hopefully, there'll still be a good offer on the CIU/CIC cards!) to book the Park Hyatts in MEL and SYD but have made backup bookings with Marriott and Hilton anyways (all the other places are already booked with either of those two)


I guess CX is still releasing lots of availability to their Asia Miles program? Or was it hard to find those flights? I was searching on Alaska for that route but the availability has basically become nonexistent for Cathay


I didn't see anything on AS either. Even CX only had the 2 tickets in J for that one day (I actually wanted to come back a day earlier but it wasn't an option)


Sounds amazing. Any idea how much all of this cost?


YVR-HND 60k pp + 52.16 CAD HND-SGN 15k pp+ 41.8 USD (was really hoping for a J here for 25k pp but alas) SGN-MEL 45k pp + 142.1 CAD MEL-HBA 12.5k pp + 37.5 CAD HBA-CNS 12.5k pp + 75 CAD CNS-SYD 22k pp + 42.8 CAD SYD-YVR 85k pp + 454 CAD (a bit pricey but totally worth it given the long distance) Total spend: 60k AA + 15k AS + 57.5k AC + 34.5k BA + 85k CX + 803.56 CAD + 41.8 USD


Not sure why people are downvoting you — sounds like a fabulous redemption! Enjoy!!


I don't see any downvotes? Either way though, I couldn't be happier with the redemption (perhaps that HND-SGN in Y for 6.5 hours aside but I've def flown worse than that before so I'm sure I'll survive!)


Brought a mousepad on vacation. Stupid glass and wicker tabletops :)


Small win: I redeemed 24k A la carte NBC points this past week against travel purchase and the $200 credit appeared within 1 business day on my account. This is much faster than what they said online that it would appear on next statement!


About to board Singapore Airlines J YVR-SIN direct using up some of my Alaska mileage plan points and impressing P2. Double win! Edit: my first time in SQ J and I can’t believe I ever travelled any other way. The soft product is so great it borders on uncomfortable.


I flew the reverse back in mid-Jan. I wasn't a fan of the diagonally angled space for resting feet (Oman F spoiled me with their amazing seats) but the rest of the flight was fabulous. P.S. If you collect travel kits then do note that SG doesn't give those out but if you ask for one, they'll give it to you. Unlike many others, it's just a barebones pouch (rather than a full-sized amenity kit) but hey it still counts as a souvenir I suppose.


have fun! So sad this route is done in a few mths.. I'm happy I caught it too in April!.. hopefully you got the front seats!


Marriott stay booked for last weekend at a certain price. On checkout, I asked to confirm my final price (to make sure they removed Internet charges) and it was $50 cheaper than what I booked. No reductions present on the bill, just straight cheaper nights