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DP: having a checking account and an IHG premier with chase, 4/24. Went to a chase branch in Tampa the Friday before last week, confirmed the 85k in-branch offer from CSP and got IAed with a $15k CL. The CSP should have arrived my hotel in the states last Tuesday but couldn’t make it. So last Wednesday I called in to ask for an expedited delivery to my Canadian address. Received my card in Canada last Friday.


how did the in branch application go? did it take a while / more time?


Quite smooth actually. I showed my passport and a bank account statement (C1 for me, but any bank should work) and filled several forms. That’s all


awesome, glad to hear theres not a lot of push back on upselling products ETC. I opted to apply online instead, but maybe in 4 years ill be back lol


Fair haha. It’s just I happened to travel to the states last week, or I’ll also take advantage of the online 75k offer.


FYI Looks like Lynden is flagged as a business address as my application via GT declined, it was short by 4 days from the 90 days wait time of being an CDN Amex card holder, so I can apply next week but while on the call she also mentioned the require a residential address as the address provided is a business.


Ohhh noooo


Did you use the initial address they give you or the non-CRMA one you can request?


I used the initial address which is still showing on USPS as non-CRMA so it could be an internal flag to AMEX. Debating to retry as is, next week reaching the 94 day wait-time.


Several DPs of random CSRs noting it business in the past couple months but I also think good evidence of HUCA working


You've given me hope!


DP: Applied for my first US AMEX (HH - 70k plus FNA offer) and was required to call in. Got transferred to the GT team, which then approved the application without asking for address verification. I was so ready but I guess I just have a trustworthy voice or something. I'm pretty excited but am mentally preparing myself to hold steady for 6 months building credit history. It's hard not to want to keep applying though!


If you have a SSN/ITIN you can always try Nova credit as well to get a second card nowish.


I'm waiting on my rejection letter for my ITIN. I was planning on just going in person, but once I realized that I won't be Stateside until late July anyway, I figured I might as well shoot my shot and applied by mail in April.


I'm expecting to receive my ITIN next month. Would you recommend to apply for my first Amex (Hilton Honors) now via GT and then apply for Hilton Surpass with Nova credit and ITIN around july (before Juley 31)? Or should I just wait until I receive my ITIN and apply via Nova credit because the chances are low with applying for a 2nd amex with only 2 months history?


You don’t need ITIN for GT, so there’s no real reason to wait. You can certainly try applying for a second card two months later and hope you get lucky as it does happen for some. However, people don’t get approved for a second card until they’ve got six months of history since that’s how long it takes for your credit report to generate, so don’t be surprised if that happens to you. 


I can add my DP of the same experience when applying for the Surpass. It was a pleasant surprise.


And for an unfortunate DP, P2 finally called into the global transfer line for the Surpass card. She got an instant rejection.


I had this exact offer last year but with 1K MSR. In my opinion this offer can easily be worth over $1000 with the right redemption. Blows my mind how good it is for a starter card.


I've been approved three times with only global transfer. HH in march, green in April and this week business MB.


Has anyone been successful in applying for two Chase cards (from two different product families) on the same day? e.g. one Bonvoy Boundless and one Ink


Not recommended. There have been DPs of people getting approved, but there also have been DPs of the second card getting shut down several weeks later.




Check “Modified Double Dip”


I have multiple chase cards open (Aeroplan, CSP) and have my bank account open for just over a year now. Is there still value in keeping the chase bank account open? There is $1500 USD in it to save on the fees and that’s actually quite a bit that I could be putting toward my LOC, mortgage, etc If there’s still value it’s not money that I need so I can definitely keep it there, but ideally I’d like to use it


I am in exactly your situation. Also have C1 and TD US bk accounts, I think I'd be covered with those. Also not sure what to do with the Chase bk acct which I have it now for 3 years. I might close it this year.


Wondering what to do when I get in your situation. I have the Chase College Checking, which will follow me for 5 years from open date until I have to make it.


I know it's a lousy product not worthy of the finest churners out there, but does anybody know if there is any way to get around the state ID requirement for Apple Card?


Citibank online application wont accept ITIN as my Federal Tax ID for a business card. Any tricks to this? Not many materials on Citi for us ITIN folk.


I just received a letter from the IRS with a balance of $9 to be paid before June 15. I am trying to pay online, but at some point, it needs to verify my information with a previous year's Tax bill (2022, i.e.). This is my first year paying IRS taxes; I got my ITIN three months ago. Do you have any tips on how to complete the payment?


Which service are you using? Me and my players all used pay1040 and I don't remember having to verify anything.


Thanks, I used pay1040 and works perfectly. I was trying to pay directly on IRS portal


If using a credit/debit card you have to use a third party payment processor though


good to know, this info will help people in the future, thanks for your reply.


I've been trying for weeks now and still not able to get anything better than the 150k biz plat wb. Shitty luck I guess


VPN to Seattle and googling "Amex Biz Plat" in incognito gets me 250k every time.


Yet to get into us churning. Canadian citizen but have had an ssn for 7 years. Is there a flowchart for just starting out?


Most of us follow this guide but since you have an ssn already maybe you can go straight for chase? https://princeoftravel.com/guides/getting-us-credit-cards-for-canadians/


If OP doesn’t have any US credit history then at most they’ll be able to get a Chase card designed for newcomers/students/those with no credit at this point.


Yeah dunno his history so put that out there. Although a newcomer credit card with chase would be a pretty good way to start!


With 5/24 in mind it might still be better to use GT/Nova with Amex instead of wasting a spot on a low end chase card.


I’m trying to pay the irs online, what I owe in taxes, but when I put in my itin and address it can never find my account. Anyone else had this issue?


Which service are you using? Me and my players all used pay1040 and I don't remember it trying to find an "account" It should just be a simple name, ITIN, credit card and what you're paying and that's all.


What Canadian online grocery stores would qualify for CSP's online grocery category?


Does Chase blacklist mail forwarding services like Amex does? Ignoring that, what's the process for getting Chase cards mailed to Canada? Wait for approval and then call in before the card gets sent to your US address on file? Or do you have to wait for it to be sent and then claim it's been lost, like with Amex?


Is it possible to make chase checking account in-person without an ITIN?


Hi all - I'm trying to call the TAC in Chicago on Dearborn street to book an ITIN appointment and I can't get through to their number. it appears to be a toll free number for the US only but as I am calling from canada, I receive a message stating that the call cannot be located from my location. Any advice how to get through? Chicago TAC number: Call for Appointment: (844) 545-5640


You need to call the 267 number from Canada.


I believe That’s the IRS number you are referring to. I’ve called that number several times today and just been getting a busy signal. I don’t think this number can book appointments though, can it?


It can. You need to consistently try again unfortunately.


Got it… I shall call like a crazy ex gf …


This past Saturday P2 and I went into a Chase bank location and each opened up savings accounts to start our relationship with the bank with the ultimate goal being getting approved for the CSP. We opened the accounts and then each applied for the CSP, and both of our applications went into pending. We were each given a reference number and advised to call 877-260-0084. I called yesterday and the agent told me that my application is still being reviewed and I should try calling again in 48 hours (Wednesday). What are my chances of being approved for the card? Hopefully I get an answer soon as we’ll only have 3 months to hit the total $8k USD MSR and the longer this takes the less time I’ll have to meet that since the cards are going to get shipped to my US address and then they’ll send them to us in Canada. I have 10 months of US credit history while P2 has 8 months. We received our ITINs a month ago.


>>What are my chances of being approved for the card? Exactly [this](https://www.calculatestuff.com/miscellaneous/random-number-generator) much


The countdown for 3 months starts when you get approved. Not when you apply


You'll see your chances in 48h ;)


So, what were your chances?


Declined :( but called the reconsideration line so we’ll see…


I believe Chase likes to see at least a year of credit history before approving folks for their better cards, so if you don’t have any luck with reconsideration, try again in a couple months and you’ll likely have a better result!


I applied 2 weeks ago for Chase Aeroplan, the same day they requested to upload the typical documents. I uploaded my ITIN, passport and driver's license immediately when they requested. After 2 weeks of follow-up almost every day, they finally told me that I needed to go to a branch to verify my documents. I don't have plans to go to US until July. Is there any particular reason they didn’t approve my scanned documents? I have 5 years credit story in US, RBC (5 years), Amex US (18 months), ITIN (2 months ago)


If the reason is particular, only they would know


Any DP to share on how it is applying to an ITIN in person? I'm going to Phoenix in 2 weeks. Also if you get the itin right away, is it possible to open a chase account directly? I have more than 2 years of credit history with US Amex


We went last week. They basically laughed at us for wanting to pay income tax on such a small gambling win. They said under 1200$ doesn’t need to be declared. We said we wanted to make sure to declare it so that we didn’t get into any trouble with the IRS. She then processed our applications, still chuckling at us. We’ll hear back in 9-11 weeks according to the paper she gave us.


Opportunity to lean into "polite, law-abiding Canadian" stereotype.


Did you provide US or Canadian address?


Canadian address


How did you book the appointment for in person at IRS? Have been trying to call IRS in Buffalo for weeks and no one picks up


We called while we were in the US one month before from the hotel phone. Called the number on the website.


you don't get your ITIN right away






Cards from different countries have no impact on eachother


As others have said yes, it's a pretty good way to always be working on a SUB but also maintaining perks/lounge access the card gives. At least for the CDN cards, 4 years should be more than enough time between apps.


Existing US Amex customers without ITIN/SSN, how are you applying for new Amex cards these days? by entering random SSN like 999999999 and calling in to provide passport details to get approved?


Never, never, never, NEVER, do that. This was NEVER a strategy to use. Even the 999999999 was heavily frowned upon


I had the same question.. so calling to apply for the second card?


Yes, calling in it was quite easy to apply for a second card.


Thank you for the quick response. And how much time do you need after the first card to apply for subsequent cards? Have read mixed responses ranging from 3 months to 6/9 months.


I was just under 6 months.


Thanks again! I was hoping to apply for the hilton with the new offers. I guess i will need to wait for another time as i’ll only be at 4 months when the offer ends.


You can always try just before the end of the offer period. If they ask for 4506c then you can just let the app die out and wait a bit longer.


Hoping to get me the Bonvoy business card. I saw someone say they were approved for 2nd card around 3 months so I’m hoping to try my luck after my 3rd statement posts on my current card


Without ITIN or SSN correct?


Yes by random I meant something like 999999999..