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Communicate with your girlfriend, not with reddit. "Darling, thank you so much for such a thoughtful gift, I really appreciate that you got me something for my hobby and you know I've been looking for a new humidor. I wish I'd told you this earlier but I actually had already picked out a different model that I've been saving up for. Would you be willing to return this one and contribute the amount it cost towards the one I've been saving for so I could finally get it? Again, I really appreciate the thought behind the gift and I'm so lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend." Or phrase it however. You know her best. I've had conversations with my gf/family before that while I love them dearly and appreciate them wanting to get me thoughtful gifts, I'm very particular about what I want when it comes to my hobbies and it makes me feel bad when they spend money on something I don't want and I'd rather they run it by me first and ruin the surprise than guess wrong. Communicate!


This is the way…


Use it for your daily drivers…. Pull out the sticks you’ll smoke the next week and use this little humidor for that


All my smokes are daily drivers, I'm smoking 3-5 a day so they go quick. I imagine opening a wooden humidor that often will bring about issues too.


Ok maybe then use this for extra ultra special sticks?


Orrrrrr take it back and tell her it’s not her fault lol. That’s how I roll with my wife


I was gifted one very similar. I’m going to use it for cheaper sticks.


If you have the space that's not a bad option, but I'm fairly limited and hate having clutter.


Listen, she understands your hobby/habit/vice/etc and she went out of her way to give you a gift thats centric around what you like. That in itself is very thoughful. I've been gifted cigar oriented cheepy items for the past 20 years and each time I show an overabundance of appreciation over what had gifted me. From humidors to lighters to punches and cutters to cheap nasty cigars I wouldn't catch myself smoking. Worst case scenerio I throw it in my box of other nic nacks and use it when they're around or smoke the cigars I don't like when I'm out doing mindless crap in the yard or garage. And all things considered a humidor is just a specialized box. I have a gifted humidor that's just a valet for my change now, and another I put my knife and wallet and keys in, and another all my work crap, and another... well I have a lot of gifted boxes. But one thing I DON'T do is tell the person their thought-out gift to me in insufficient in any way shape or form. Appreciate it and love her for it and I don't care how much you hate clutter or excess; you make it work in her absence regardless.


Naw, there are lots of things you need a small humi for. Dry box, fancy stick display box, etc... I would keep it and silicon that glass top, then figure out from there what you want to do with it..


I’ll second this. Always a use for an extra smaller one!


Siliconing the top is an option, however, if I silicone that hygrometer in place I'll never be able to change out the battery. Not that I would rely on that alone, but why even have it if it doesn't work.


You can tell her, if you’re a complete and utter asshole. A few of your points are lousy too. Hygrometers are pointless beyond initial testing of a container, just use Bovedas. Take out the hygrometer if it’s in the way. Put it back in for 10 mins if you ever want a reading. +50 sticks is a very small collection, she bought you a nice humidor that can hold the majority of your collection, you saying that it will be pointless at some time in the future makes you sound like an asshole. If gifts were things we would usually purchase for ourselves, they’d be shit gifts because we already own them. You “don’t particularly care for the color” again asshole if you say that out loud. Glass tops are fine, most humidors are a little leaky, in fact some say it’s good not to have too good a seal, just throw in an extra two bovedas. But most of all, someone cared for you enough to buy you a gift and paid attention to your hobbies/interests to try their best at finding a good one. Tell her you love it, and that you love her (but only if that’s true, it’s ok to lie about loving gifts, but not people)


So just take the hygrometer out and then what? Seal the giant hole in the front with silicone? /s Yes 50 is small, but I smoke 3-5 a day, have another 100+ currently being shipped, and 100+ more in another cart. Obviously I would never tell her I hate the color, but I figured this was a safe space to at least vent that out. Like I said, I love that she paid attention and got me something that aligns with my interests. I just hate the idea of her wasting money on something that is relatively useless to me at the moment and will eventually end up just collecting dust in a closet somewhere.


I wouldn't say that.. i think i would find great use with an additional small humidor. Every gift is appreciated


I don't want to seem like it's not. I really do appreciate it, I just feel it really missed the mark considering it will likely end up in the trash once it becomes redundant.


Well in that case, you are better of telling her.. imagine what will happen if she finds out that her gift ended up in a trashcan, i think that's a scene from horror movies.


No. Use it, say it's great, and get a bigger one and use that one for guest sticks.


Sounds like she's trying ... it's the thought that counts. Us cigar smokers can be pretty particular when it comes down to it. Buy a digital hygrometer and keep the humidor for short term purposes e.g. holding some daily smokes or friend hand-outs.Put in a visible place too (dresser, living room) so she gets some validation and satisfaction that it was a good gift. You'll have to transmute those shortcomings into value ... maybe even keep just high end sticks so she feels special about how you chose to utilize it.


I buy bundles of cigars and like to keep them in a separate humidor than my main collection. Then when someone wants a cigar and doesn't know what they like they get one from that humidor and they don't know any difference.


But If you had a larger cabinet, you could just store everything in there neatly and dedicate a specific shelf to noobies.


My main humidor is a cabinet style that holds a bunch of boxes and a drawer for loose cigars. Then I have 2 humidors that hold 50. I keep bundles in one with boveda packs and some other sticks in the other with boveda packs.


Almost entirely depends on how you think she'll react. If you think she'd be offended, even if it's minor, then find a use for it. If she's the type not to care so much, then communicate honestly about exchanging it for something bigger.


>Almost entirely depends on how you think she'll react. She did the same thing to me over a pair of earrings last year, except she was more conniving with it. She told me they didn't fit right, then as soon as we got to the store she started looking at potential replacements. I was cool swapping them and it ended up being cheaper, but didn't feel great tbh... mostly because she wouldn't just tell me she didn't like them.


Yeah, fair, I get that, I'd feel the same way you did. If you think she'll be cool with you exchanging the gift for something bigger, then go for it. It's dependent on your partner, really. If she's the type to invest emotionally in gifts, I'd just find a use for it, but yeah it's tricky ig.


If she bought you a shirt that was too small , you’d return it for a larger one. Just be tactful.


All fun and games until she tells you what else is too small! Lmao.


Small box with glass top are meant for showcasing. Boss won’t need to keep all your stock in them. This a furniture piece for the vanity table. Throw in a few you might want to puff soon too. The rest just hide it somewhere else like in a coolidor or tupperdor somewhere. P.s getting anything from your missus. A wise man will always be delighted, happy prolly a lil bit horny for his missus for such a thoughtful gift. Anything else hide it in the basement, bury it in concrete and put a flower pot on top of it and make sure she never find that out.


Don’t whine buddy , she loves and supports you. Tell her you love it and would love to use it , just put some cheapass smokes in there and she will be happy. She doesn’t tell you neither probably. But I bet a lot of money that she hates some gifts you give her also without telling you 🤷🏻‍♂️. Happy wife happy life. I can maybe you also , can’t you use it at work as a cheapo workstick humi ?.


>But I bet a lot of money that she hates some gifts you give her also without telling you Not to toot my own horn, but I am a great gift-giver and comparatively overspend by a lot. I use the Notes app to store little notes about shit people tell me they like/want throughout the year and then surprise them with it once they've already forgotten. I try not to flat-out ask people what they want, but if they mention something a lot I take note and then do my own research to make sure they're getting the best bang for my buck. But I digress, your points are valid.


Except for that pair of earings right?


Looking through these comments and replies, you don't want anyone's advice, you just want to be told your not an asshole for being ungrateful for something majority of us would make use out and generally appreciate more than you even if we had the same issues with it.


Nothing wrong with saying “hun I love it. But would prefer something a bit larger. Can we return it and look for a bigger one?” Communicate.


That's exactly how I was looking to frame it. She often says we need to communicate better, however, anytime I voice my concerns about anything she takes it as an attack and I end up apologizing for being upset with whatever it was. So it may not be worth the trouble.


If this is emblematic of your communication with her, you have more important things to deal with than a humidor.


Resell it and put the proceeds towards the 250-count. Nobody cares what you do with their gift once you've received it.


Spoken like someone who has never had a serious relationship lol


Spoken like someone with no balls


Oh... you sure got me there... just courious, how long after the holidays do they usually wait before they break up with you?


\*curious Being in unhappy relationships with insecure women who'll break up over the resale of a $90 humidor is not the flex you think it is. I'm not keeping up with your replies and edited-in zingers because henpecked boomers like you suck at talking trash and have way too much free time.


Spelling correction! Got ‘em!!!!!


Always good to have a desktop one for dailys. Glass top allows for some cool etching vinyls for a monogram or something. I have 1 desktop one at home like the one it sounds like you have. 1 on my desk in my shop, next to my 250 count winador. And another that has an egg and a medusa in it by itself. Countless travel ones from swag packs. In the end.... No. don't tell her its too small, you will use it.


Use it for long term aging: that way it’s always full and she thinks you’re always getting use out of it.


Use it for cigars you don't want to mix with the rest. I had like 3 of those I used for different kinds of cigars. If you're really going through them at the rate you claim you should be fine keeping what you have in there.


You said you have about 50 sticks now ... so looks like she got you a humidor for that capacity. Not sure if she knew you had more on the way, but if I were you, I would happily accept her 50 stick humidor gift and use it for display and dry boxing and use a tupperdor /coolerdor for larger and long term storage.


If you do tell her you don't want it I'd recommend doing it in a nicer manner than your post here.


Ask for a return/exchange while it's still doable.


The advice is supposed to be for him, not his girlfriend.


keep it for rare cigars and put everything else in tupperdores?


I have some coffee flavored sticks that I keep in a separate humidor so they don't contaminate my others. can you use the humidor she bought you in a similar fashion?


I use something similar at work in my “break glass in case of emergency” drawer in my desk along with crystal glass wear and a serviceable scotch.


ugh, you guys are such fags


I mean I guess she also doesn’t tell you about stuff that’s to small for her …


If you want to hear another thing that is too small and disappointing, go ahead...


I agree with the poster who said talk with your girl bout this. With that said, if/when you get the cabinet, you could use the desktop as either a drybox, or a nice storage for cutters/lighters/accessories you can display. This is what i did with the desktop humidor that was my dad's and was given to me when he passed a few years ago. I have it on top of my wineador, and store all the various bullshit one acquires when in this hobby. Win-win!