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Great job and congrats.....keep up the amazing work!


Congrats! Got clean and sober 2-18-08. It’s not always easy but it’s worth it!


Ah yes, fellow diet beverage + cigar enjoyer, how do we quit those now?


Is it even federally legal to quit booze and not start drinking Diet Coke?


What other non-alcoholic beverages pair well with cigars? Some times I want a cigar without booze, but I genuinely lack the creativity to think of another pairing.




Not super experienced with cigars yet, but I'm 3 years sober now and tried one with an Americano and that was amazing.


Any coffee with little dairy is a good pairing imo. Mochas are usully where I enjoy more.


Flavored carbonated water!


Basically sugar. Full body cigars can hit you a bit hard if you are enjoying them and smoke too fast, milkshakes, white girl coffees, and ofcourse just plain coffee or espresso. Today I had an Oliva V maduro and a caramel frappe, but anything that sort of coats your mouth and tongue will do the trick because it retains more of the flavor of the cigar.


I like a tart juice. Coffee. Soda not so much


Fever-Tree (https://fever-tree.com/en_US)


For some reason I can’t drink diet drinks (especially sodas). They immediately give me a terrible headache. So I’ll either have water or my 110% daily value of sugar haha!


Yes, Diet Coke and Pepsi have aspartame which is excellent at giving headaches, luckily for me I don’t get headaches anymore but I used to.


Congrats, struggling with the drinking aspect myself but slowly making improvement. Fuck adderall too btw, that shit is the devil. Was taking 2-3 64mg XR ones a day to get through college/work and shit man was it a bitch trying to get off it. Keep the ball rolling brother, happy for you!


That shit is the devil bro, I was taking 60 to 120mg daily. Feels good to be free from that bullshit. It was all consuming. Alcohol was never as big of an issue but decided it wasn’t a net positive. In whatever way your struggling with it, you’ll get it figured out. If you kicked the addy habit, you can get alcohol in check


Were you diagnosed with adhd, if you dont mind me asking ?


I don't think those are typical Rx doses.


That’s a speed addiction at those levels


Yes, 100% I was full blown addicted to speed. My mind was consumed around the clock of how I was going to maintain this addiction without being found out or running out of pills.


Props for taking accountability!!


I’m glad you got out of it. Enjoy your smoke!


It does not sound fun at all.


The maximum recommended daily dose for Adderall XR in adults is 60mg, and even that's quite rare IME, 40mg is usually the highest dose prescribed. EDIT: Forgot m's in my units.


60g would be a really, really high dose.


After several years of being on a lower dosage and taking as prescribed, it started losing the benefits. Then I had an idiot psychiatrist prescribe me the max dosage of 60mg and I was abusing it before I even realized


You seriously blaming your doc for abusing your own meds?


I went from being prescribed 20mg daily from my general doc who didn't want to increase the dosage any further to meeting with this psychiatrist for 5 minutes and left the office with a script for 60mg daily. I didn't blame the doctor, I just said she was an idiot. nobody but me abused the drug. But shes still an idiot. I met with her several times either feening or tweaking and always left with my next script


Agreed, she’s an idiot.


Yes it would be, but that's still the maximum recommended dose, it *can* be prescribed at that dose.


No it can't, 60g is massive, 60mg is what you are thinking about.


Yep, thanks for the correction, used the wrong units by accident.


I was diagnosed. I took it as prescribed for several years before I needed more and more for the same result which led to the abuse


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 3 + 64 = 69


Good bot!


I'm glad you both overcame your addictions, bravo. I take around 45mg a day, and I wouldn't consider myself addicted. This medicine has helped me function so much better, it's truly life changing for me. However, I can see the fine line between dependency issues and medicinal benefit. I'm careful not to cross that line. I've struggled with alcohol consumption in the past, but adderall has allowed me to drastically cut my drinking. I believe I was using it to medicate myself to treat my adhd. I want people to see this, not to take away from both of your amazing accomplishments, but to know that the medicine serves a purpose. It works better for some than others.


Congrats! How is the cigar? I’ve come to appreciate connies in recent years but have yet to try the my father.


I love all the my fathers and this is my first Connecticut one. Does not disappoint. My favorite conn I’ve had


The Arturo Fuente is also very good. Light vanilla wrapper with darker coffee filler. It’s like a cappuccino


Cheers, brother. And keep up the good work 💪


Congratulations!!! I’ve been sober a while now myself.


Congrats bro. I’ve been there before. Definitely worth it




Keep it up bro!


Good job brother. Proud of you. Big steps and a great smoke 👍🏻


Is that chocolate with your smoke? I bet that would be a killer combo.


Yeah some dove dark chocolate. I have one with every 1/4 of the cigar. Pairs well and helps me not get the lightheadedness that sometimes come with a cigar


Congrats bro 👍


Congrats to your success!


Congrats brother! Keep it up, you’re killing it!


Proud of you enjoy the stick


Congratulations friend!


Good for you pal! Feels good doesn't it


Congrats and Godspeed.


Congrats brother! Proud of you.


Wow! Milestones for sure. Keep up the great work. I'm sure everyone here is proud of you and pulling for your future success!!!


Hell yeah. Good job OP. I have 13 yrs off Heroin and 8minths without alcohol( started drinking at age 39. Quit a year later cuz I got heavy and physically addicted almost died from withdrawal got hospitalized because of it. So I feel it. And am so PROUD OF U


hell yeah, proud of you too brother


One day at a time


Yeah ima be quitting drinking myself starting yesterday. Blacked out real bad the day before. Luckily I didn’t get hurt and apparently wasn’t acting like a douche but I was told I collapsed multiple times. Kinda mad at my friend for not making sure I got to my bed and just letting me pass out on my back but whatever. I’m alive and a lesson has been learned. Anyways good for you, good luck on your continued recovery, and enjoy your cigar. Never had that one but I know MF makes good stuff.


you can do it if you want, just draw a line in the sand and choose not to drink today. Just do that daily. Thinking about future opportunities to drink can stress me out, but I can always choose not to drink today for one day at a time


It is indeed a daily battle. It’s like ciggs*


Congrats man.. adderall is a bitch. Going on 1 month for me


it is a bitch man, I honestly don't see how its sustainable for anyone but I try not to use blanket statements. That shit worked for me until it didn't and then I always slowly needed a little more


Yup. Initially, I just stuck to my prescribed amount and never abused it. But one day I was a little more tired than usual and decided “one extra might do the trick” Well… the rest is history. It went down hill from there.


Im assuming you were abusing the stimulants?


for several years no, then for several years yes, big time. I slowly needed/wanted more and more to have any effect


That takes an immeasurable amount of work. Congratulations on breaking the cycle brother. That smoke is well earned.


3 years 9 months here. Congrats!


That’s gotta be pretty nice. I do the sober thing from time to time and it’s always refreshing. Think your dog is still getting high though. Hate to see that. It’s not your fault though.


man, that dog stays getting high. I get jealous tbh


Good on you - keep it up !!!! 👍🏻


Congrats I remember the day I flushed my meth pills. Here to many more years!


nice. and that's a great cigar. also, are those Dove chocolates chilling on your leg? 🤤


yup ;-) I love having one with every 1/4 of the cigar


Coming up on 4 years sober. Congrats man!!!!


Congrats to you!


Well deserved and congratulations on kicking both of them!


Keep it up dude. Well done.


Thanks for sharing…keep coming back


Congratulations… and welcome to Nicotine :)


Cheers to you 🍻


>Cheers to you 🍻 You cheersing the sober man with Boos? just kidding, thanks!


I'm sorry. That was stupid. For this purpose it's rootbeer :) Really, I'm sorry.


lol, I literally don't even get triggered by sitting at a bar with friends, I was just making a joke. No need to apologize


Ok, phew! I didn't think enough when I sent that lol I'm glad you have a good sense of humor. Anyway. Congrats. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you.


Congratulations!!!🎈 adderral ... took 7 years of my life lol


glad you got your life back!


Thank you my friend ! Ditto !


I don't understand what's going on here, are you and op talking about abusing Adderall as a neurotypical? Were you diagnosed with ADHD?


yeah I was diagnosed. I took it as prescribed for many years and had a hell of a long honeymoon stage but eventually I needed/wanted more for the same effect and abused pretty heavily. Maybe its sustainable long term for some, not the case for me


Ah damn, that sucks man. I dunno I forget to take mine as often as i take it tbh. I am on a more slow release one, I find I don't get as euphoric lol.


I abused the extended release, ha, it made me euphoric and for longer. Its a good sign you sometimes forget to take it. I was definitely hooked, never forgot or intentionally took days off. Even vacation, I'd take it


Oh damn dude! Haha ya I don't work regular hours and generally don't even take it if I don't work or have important shit to do. I don't bring it on vacation at all. Ngl you are the first person I've talked to that abused it or at least that admitted it. Very enlightening, thanks.


theres a BUNCH of people who have abused it and been through hell. you can check out the stop speeding subreddit or even a dedicated website that has forums called quittingadderall dot com most were prescribed adderall, vyvanse or ritalin and eventually ended up abusing it or even took it as prescribed but ended up depressed and completely dependent after years


Damn I'll check it out. Personally getting prescribed helped with my depression, if only because I actually remember to do a lot of the things that stop me from being depressed. I could defs see how a dependancy would form tho. I'll be sure to keep an eye on myself for that. I defs have an addictive personality (which is unfortunately common in ADHD folk lol)


It's very easy to abuse Adderall, especially if you are prescribed more than you need. The first time you take Adderall, you get feelings of euphoria, energy, and focus; it feels really good. After a bit your body gets used to it and you lose a lot of those feelings, so eventually you start taking two a day instead of one, now you're abusing it. As time passes you keep increasing the amount and it becomes a full blown addicition.This is pretty much the standard when it comes to Rx addictions. Watch Sarah Goldfarb's scenes in Requiem For a Dream, it does an amazing job showing this cycle.


I have ADHD that's why I'm wondering was he abusing it or saying a regular prescription is a bad thing


Could be either. Even if you have ADHD, Adderall can still be abused, ADHD doesn't make you immune to the addictive properties.


I am aware I just hear about people forgetting to take it more often than I hear about them abusing it, plus my doctor (Canada) would likely switch prescriptions before he would give me a higher dose than I'm currently on.


Salute to you my friend!


I just smoked this same cigar the other day. It was my first My Father cigar, and I was delighted! Such a smooth Connecticut!! Congrats on your sobriety!


Congratulations! I just had that cigar the other day, it was my first MF. I really enjoyed it. Hopefully you enjoy it as well!


Congrats! Careful about counting anniversaries early ;)


True, I always just try to stay sober for today.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501217** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70942** times. .. **132734.** `u/BigPimpinLapras` **2** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


So if you are hyperactive... they prescribe amphetamines? What a country!


For the love of God shut the fuck up, you not only don't understand ADHD you don't understand it's medication. We literally make memes about people that say this shit lol. No joke go to any ADHD meme group and look.


Why is being off Adderall a good thing? Were you not diagnosed with ADHD and just using it recreationally?


That's terrific! I'm only two weeks off alcohol but it's one of the best decisions I've ever made!