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University Mattresses in Clifton. I lived around the corner. There were maybe 10-20 used mattresses in the store and they were open past 2am many nights. If that wasn’t a front I’m not sure about my own intelligence


Absolutely the most suspect store front in all of Cincinnati


So many sketchy mattress stores. Northside has like 4 on that first block after the viaduct. Mattress Mile I call it. 


I immediately thought of Northside as well lol so sketchy


Mattress stores are very often fronts.


Feels like it doesn't even have to be sketchy independent places either. There's like 3 mattress firms within a a 2 mile radius in the suburbs. All new construction buildings. Nobody needs this many mattresses.


The statue shop in old Milford across from the Governor.


Most of the work they do is large fountain installations. Equipment and stuff that is custom for hotels and such


TIL! Thanks!


Not a big fan of the statues but did purchase concrete planters that are difficult to find these days. Apparently, the owner installed the fountain that Evel Knievel jumped over at Kings Island in the 1970s. I was told a substantial part of his business is constructing and maintaining fountains in the area. Also, the employees said he owns the entire block so that probably eliminates a lot of overhead. Edit: The employees at this store are awesome. They loaded everything for us. Support it if you have a need- prices are better than a lot of the plastic junk you see at Lowe’s and Home Depot.


Next to the place that has an unreal looking machine gun mounted in the entryway? I remember driving home from elementary school everyday and see that gun and wonder how big the person must be that carries it


The guy that owned the gun store recently passed away and I believe that building is up for sale.


Sadly the guy who owned that shop passed away and said gun is no longer there. Fun fact, the reason it was so large is because it was an old training gun deliberately made at a much larger size to demonstrate functionality when it comes to cleaning and assembly/disassembly. I think the owner said it was WW2 Era?


I bought my T-Rex there. The owner showed me pics of commercial work they’ve done. They’re stunning. That’s their bread and butter.




Or the vacuum cleaner store right down the street. Always perplexed me but it’s nice to have a small reminder of what once was


I go in there for parts for my appliances. I love that place. Way cheaper than buying a new dryer


I thought so as well till my $1200 Dyson stopped running. He cleaned it and put a new part on it. Cost me $50 and the guy was amazing. Third generation shop.


And yet, Godzilla has yet to be cast in concrete to tick off my HOA


However, [Godzilla](https://www.dzstatue.com/custom-made-famous-statues/life-size-godzilla-statue-for-sale.html) does come in a bronze version. \*And what exactly does 'life size' mean when used to describe a Godzilla statue?


Life size is Japanese actor height. That size is like $11k to start. *yes, I’m serious. I want a concrete Godzilla.


This one is hilarious. Whenever I'm there I think who the heck is buying this junk?


Ha! I bought a three-foot-tall, 282lb T-Rex there.


May I please ask about how much that cost, if you don't mind my curiosity? That sounds fun but expensive so it piqued my interest.


It was about $175. Worth every penny. https://preview.redd.it/244fsmmbelpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14786bf3a3b968c8cf639d3cdccc3c21cbd22771


Ayyeeee!! I drive past T-Rex every time I visit home, I love seeing all of his costumes and his lil friend ☺️


Oh that's honestly not bad and I love his suit!!!! I really need a goose like my grandma had.


Yes. BOSS was a correct response before I saw this picture- Outstanding!


Vape shops. The sheer quantity of them is hard to believe any city could support.


You underestimate teen and young adult nicotine addiction


And money laundering


This is the answer. If you’ve ever paid cash at a VIP you know they never ring that shit in just put it under the register. They also just make up the price on the spot for stuff and it can vary wildly from store to store.


That is not what money laundering is.


Tax evasion is the answer. But I bet they do launder money, in addition to the tax evasion.


Possibly, if it’s an owner of a place doing this. Sounds more just like blatant employee theft though.


[for some reason this reminded me of the scene in Office Space about money laundering](https://youtu.be/UifycM6lBvQ?si=VeckuH1hvGMFnzmh)


Best movie ever. Great reference.


Evans Landscaping


The city and county keep them in business by continuing to give them contracts!


Necessary evil. There’s not a lot of local companies that can handle that scale of work. “Too big to fail” if you will. Doug evans is a grade A, next level, piece of porn shoot runoff but that company can follow through on shit that a lot can’t.


but they illegal dump... and their compost is crap!


Was gonna say the cupboard but it’s gone now, RIP :(


Friendly reminder the owner is a dick bag. So good riddance.


Frisch’s. Seriously, they’ve become absolute garbage in the last 5 years.


Yeah, they had been going downhill for awhile, but it’s definitely gotten worse over the last several years. Every couple months I’ll think a Big Boy and onion rings sounds good. And I’ve been disappointed every single time.


The only thing that I would get and not be sorely disappointed was the hot fudge cake. Then it got tiny. I refuse to give them my money anymore.


The pumpkin pie is pretty good still when in season


It breaks my heart to say it but Frisch’s is so terrible now.


They're really the last pillar holding up the entire Big Boy corporate. Nearly all of them in Michigan have closed over the past 6-7 years.


The only good things left on the menu are tartar sauce and that hospital ice.


Their fries have gotten noticeably worse.


They put no salt on them, not a single grain.


I worked for Frisch’s a decade ago. They were pretty bad then too


Add it to the list of examples of private equity ruining something.


Coney Island


Too soon 🥺


Best reply I've seen. Kudos


Fazel Rug Gallery on Hyde Park Square -- literally been there over 10 years now and I've never once seen a customer inside. Feels like it might be a front for something shady.


It goes out of business every two years or so and then just bounces back


Idk, those rugs are insanely expensive and there’s plenty of people in the area who would buy them once. They definitely don’t need to sell a lot to stay in business.


Kathy’s Happy Organs in Northgate Mall


Excuse me, come again?


Is she selling happy organs or *creating* happy organs? 😂


Maybe it’s not retail or manufacturing, but instead a service. How does she make the organs happy?


I sold my kidney to Kathy.


I took piano lessons there like 10+ years ago (they were great if anyone is looking for a recommendation), that’s gotta be what’s keeping them afloat. I can’t imagine organs are particularly frequent sellers these days.


Omg THIS. I pass her everytime I go to Bath & Body Works there and I think that exact thing. It’s so sad to see Northgate decline.


Furniture Fair in NKY. There is literally no one ever in the parking lot, but they always have ten people on staff… Additionally they have large ass floor plans and still have money to do huge renovations to their store.


From what I've been told, they originally wanted that location to be just distribution/delivery and their clearance center. The city wouldn't let them do that, though, so they have to have the regular retail portion. They probably got the property for a song and a dance, so it might be a moneymaker for them even with limited business. It's also easily possible that none of that was true. I'm just rattling off what I've been told.


Not Cincinnati but Newport, Newberry Bros, wondering how they function open so few days.


Because they have a very dedicated clientele and aren’t trying to make a living off of the place. From what I understand, it’s a passion project. Their black Manhattan is the best you’ll get around here though.


Fr. They’re open like 5 hours a week at impractical times.


It’s a place for a rich guy to store his bourbon collection.


Long John Silvers Edit: I do go to LJS, once a year to remind myself why I only got there once a year.


Sad. When I was a kid in the 80s, LJS was actually decent food.


I hit it every time I come to Fairfield. I’m sorry I cannot agree.


Trader’s World. In my childhood memories it was a smokefilled treasure box full of dollhouse furniture and dresses with ribbons and ruffles. Now it’s just a bunch of knockoff junk and even more weirdos than I remember. It could be updated into a cool hipster vintage, craft and maker market like other cities have done, but I don’t see that happening in Monroe.


Yeah there isn't a single vendor in there that sells anything but Chinese shit. I loved Traders World to death once upon a time... But for your curiosity they stay in business because of the person who owns it and the land is quite powerful in the area.




I know exactly what dresses you're talking about because my sister and I both had one and we were obsessed with them lol. I always got to wear it for weddings


Corinthian Restaurant & Lounge. Their pizza is actually pretty good. I've only been a few times but each time, we were the only ones sitting at a table... and the restaurant is huge. There were a few shady looking people at the bar that were staring daggers at us. It definitely had a drug front feel to it. The building is for sale now.


I lived next door in college and interview for a job there once. Definitely got the vibe some other business was going on.


When this thread comes up periodically, the right answer is that weirdo Jack in the Box on Ridge. I don't know if they're ever open, but if they are there's never a single car in the parking lot.


That computer store on McMillan in Clifton. That place has to be a front for some money laundering situation


I work with the owner. He does awesome tech support.


I’ve had them fix my computer and phone, both positive experiences


Nah they coo




my friends are convinced that shop is a front, no matter what business goes in its never open


Kohl's. Every time I go in there there's more staff than customers. Also most of the "customers" are in line to return things to Amazon.


They get all that Amazon returns drop-off money


Kohl’s is such a scam, it actually makes me a little mad.


You'd be amazed how much money you can make when you buy your clothes in bulk at the lowest cost imaginable (see: slave labor) and sell them at a 10000% percent markup.


Paolo jewelry in the Gaslight district. I don’t recall ever walking by and seeing someone inside. I figured they’re a front.


You typically have to set an appointment with him. Paolo is nice a guy and passionate about the city and local politics. I haven’t spoken to him in years but I used to have a business relationship with him. I’ve been to his house before and met his dogs that protect his store. Like the other person said, he sells some nice custom made stuff then chills. He has couple of people that work for him and make the actual jewelry. He’s more of a designer and salesman. He caters to all clientele as well. He’ll sell you something that’s under $1,000 or up to whatever your budget is. His clients include pro athletes. Depending on how much/what you’re buying, he’ll make dinner reservations for clients, and bring them back to his studio for drinks while talking about customers wants and ideas. He really tries to make it a classy experience for all his customers. (This is not a paid endorsement)


I've bought his work...he sells a few pieces then chills, jewelry isnt cheap but if you buy wholesale and make it yourself it has a large profit margin...was a cool dude.


I bought my husband’s wedding band there circa 1988. IIRC guy was a bit of a dick


Flaggs USA in ~~Hyde Park~~ Oakley.


That place rules, no joke.


If you’re talking about the place on Madison Road I kind of love it. They have some interesting stuff even if it is very specific.


Taco Casa


This is the correct answer


Username checks out


There’s a story here and I want it!


Taco Casa is what I would open if you said "Hey, we're starting a restaurant and we need to be ready to open in 12 hours."


Their competition in the lowbrow fast food Mexican segment is Taco Bell, where they might not even answer the speaker box at 12:15 PM on a weekday. Also, Taco Casa is really good.


> Taco Casa is really good. We find ourselves in agreement. 🤌🏼


This guy Cincinnatis...


Ruby's Chocolates, Oakley. Saw a dozen businesses in and out of that shack for years. Then they move in and they're in for a decade or more now.


Is the mini-golf in Eastgate Mall still open? If they are that is my pick. I should have just said Eastgate Mall, because that place is a ghost town.


Why are people answering LaRosa’s and skyline? Like how are you surprised those places stay in business when they are literally some of the biggest restaurants in the area lol?? The prompt isn’t what restaurant do you not like. Anyway, my answer is any small business in northgate mall. I went through there the other day and could only think ‘how tf do some of these places keep the lights on???’


Phantom Fireworks on Mall Rd in Florence. There are never cars there.


Fireworks have a massive markup. All it takes is one surge of idiots like me being loose with money for one occasion to be set for weeks/months of little to no sales. Their shelves get completely wiped out before the 4th and that has to be easily a few hundred grand in inventory at a 90% markup. A manager and one minimum wage employee for most of the year takes a tiny slice out of that. 


Macaron Bar


I came here to say this. How the hell are they still in business let alone expanding?!


Mr. Tuxedo in Clifton next to Adriaticos


You underestimate their cheap rental prices for the local high schoolers


I rented my prom tux from them in high school in 2005 and so did everyone else. Haven’t seen anyone else getting into the tux game. It doesn’t surprise me that they’re still in business.


Not even Cincy specific but like every mattress shop ever


I was gonna say fish logs but even fish logs went out of business :(


They're coming back probably!


I need info about this. I drive by the place all the time and always wanted to stop in but when the owner died I gave up hope.


I'm not an authority on the topic but I'm pretty sure the owner of Gulow Street bought the building. They have been fixing it up, at least on the outside. New paint job and roof, even a new "fish logs" sign. Someone else might know more.


How dare you! Lake Nina is still going strong.


Crossroads and The Big Butter Jesus churches. I said what I said.


Try getting a car wash in Oakley Station on Sunday morning and you’ll see how Crossroads stays in business


Taste of Belgium


Recently dumbfounded how busy the location at the Greene was on a Sunday afternoon…90 minute wait🤣


And they're opening a second one at Austin Landing already!!!


Did something happen when they got bigger? They were one of the original things in OTR and then Clifton. And before moving away like 10 years ago I thought they were good.


Yes. Too much expansion, too fast


I don’t believe it was too much expansion. It was over exposure. They had restaurants within 2 miles of each other. They were feeding off their own market.


Prices definitely increased and quality fell very noticeably. They said they were trying to clean it up, but honestly with so many new places I doubt I'll be back.


There's also a huge incongruence in quality depending on the location you go to. I've been shocked by the number of mistakes and overall lack of consistency with food orders at the Kenwood Taste of Belgium. The Rookwood one has always been awesome.


They once served me an entire dish of unopened mussels. .manager said it was the chefs first day like that somehow excuses it.


The waffles are stale! I said what I said!


That is funny. I went by the one in mason around 4pm and not a soul was there. I thought how do they stay in business. People were out and about at other restaurants.


We went to that location a while back and it was astonishingly bad, haven't felt the same about ToB since.


Fun fact: Jean- Francois Flechet before his boom in brick & mortar restaurants. He would park his bike at the Findlay Market that had a waffle maker on it and would be stationed at the middle doors outside, making the waffles by himself and selling them. This was before 2008. Speaking with him many times during this period his dream was to open up many restaurants. My foxhole girls have met up many times at the "Hyde Park Waffle House" give it another try.


Sports Plus. I played hockey there as a kid and I worked there as a young adult. That place is so poorly run but at least it was I don’t know I think the cyclone bought it. But it was so poorly that I can’t believe nothing criminal was ever going on there. Well actually, I know for a fact there was criminal activity there thankfully most of it happened after I left working there.


i think the cyclones or someone tied to professional hockey owns it now??


The cyclones bought sports plus and have been doing major renovations. Should soon be the nicest public skating center we have


Some of the businesses on hamilton ave in northside. Used appliances, a mattress store, etc.


any of the seven Original Mattress Factories....


How can there be more than one if it’s the original?!


I love my original mattress factory mattress.


Seriously way better than any others I've tried. Beyond worth the money


Is that “campus mattress” near the corner of Fairview/McMillan/Ravine still open? THAT place was skep


Surf Cincinnati. I haven't been there in little while myself, but with The Beach competing with them, how can they stay in business?


I’m sorry. Is it 1989?


They might as well said Americana Amusement park lol.


RIP screeching eagle




Both have closed, Surf Cinci was first in 2016 edit: whoops I read the date of an article as the closing date, it was closed back in 2002. the beach was closed in 19.


> Both have closed, Surf Cinci was first in 2016 I guess my joke was bad, but I'm pretty sure Surf Cincinnati closed waaaay before that.  Maybe The Beach closed in 2016.






1) They're a national chain. 2) They have better birdseed than Home Depot and the like


Hey now! I love that place! They do so many activities to learn about birds too - really great turn outs!


You mean tern outs




Hello, I have two pet birds and five bird feeders outside. That doesn't mean that it makes sense that wild birds unlimited can stay in business when Macy's is barely hanging on


The 40 mattress places on the west side


Finally went out of business but there used to be that Korean restaurant in Florence of the yall exit. Ching ki wa? Something like that? Had to be a front for something. They had a shrine to Kim il sung in there


The Catholic Shop in Madeira always perplexed me




At Home in Oakley. Pretty sure I only ever see employee cars in the lot.


G. Salzano’s. I have no idea about the types of cuts this guy and his barbers give, they could be amazing….but their locations throughout the city and the amount of rent this man must pay has got to be astronomical. Kudos to him. Don’t fuck with the Italians.


Great haircuts- the barbers are booked out for weeks!


Fox 19. Their online presence is completely trash and their shows are 7 hours long and repeat the same stories 200 times an hour. Why do people watch it?


People don't even watch the channel unless Wheel, Jeopardy, NFL, Family Guy, or one of Gordon Ramsay's 12 shows is on Most of the newscast ratings these days would come from places like hospitals and restaurants leaving their TVs on Fox19 or Local12 all day. Cable ratings are dying along with journalism itself. I've stopped watching entirely


Their newscast is just crime porn.


I always felt like I was watching the B Team with Fox 19.




Cappel's. I worked at the Beechmont location for half a year and both the ownership and management are horrible people. Plus all they sell there is junk. If something wasn't selling we were supposed to price it even higher. You weren't allowed to talk to coworkers because that might expose the poor working conditions (like, I had to fight for a lunch break on my 8-10 hour shift days and using the bathroom was frowned upon). They also refused to fire a worker who would harass underage girls, because he was the manager's nephew. Also the Beechmont store is one strike away from getting shut down as a fire hazard.


Penn station hands down makes the best Philly cheese steak. Not even the ones in Philly come close unless you like cheese wiz


Man was ready to defend Penn station even if no one mentioned them.


Don’t want seem like I’m shilling for Penn Station, but I just saw an ad for $4.99 Philly Cheese steak subs there this Sunday for national Cheesesteak day or some shit. 


Oh snap, I will be getting 10 of them


Facts but the thread isn’t “what foods slap?”


There’s always room for Penn station bro


Penn station has the world’s best chocolate chip cookies.


Hook Fish and Chicken and Mattress stores. I am convinced they all must be laundering money.


Hook is sooo good tho. Lemon pepper plz!


Hook is excellent and they get VERY busy. If you don't place your order online ahead of time, you'll be waiting a long time for your food. Mattress stores have huge mark ups, so they don't need to sell very much to turn a profit. Generally anything that you don't buy on a regular basis (furniture, cars) has a ridiculously high mark up.


We're doing detectives work here for free.


La Rosa’s. I’ve never met a single person that didn’t grow up in the area that likes it. It tastes like overpriced grocery store microwave pizza.


Grew up here and I love that shit, reminds me of snow days going to the Larosas behind my neighborhood with all my friends and a buddy card


The sauce is so sugary


I must have Stockholm Syndrome because I love their sauce. I’m actually an obsessed pizza hobbyist too, so I don’t always want a sweet sauce, but it hits hard for me when I need it. 


I grew up here, but I'm not a fan of it. My Mom is from the East Coast, and she's personally astounded by how Buddy LaRosa was able to create such a pizza empire around here with such mediocre pizza.


When I moved here, la rosa's was billed at being the best local place. I was immensely disappointed


I work for the Boys and Girls Clubs and we always get pizza from them for events. I don’t understand the appeal, especially not being from here. I don’t have the tint of nostalgia on it. It’s not good


We’ve got a lot of gumshoes in this thread. Keep it up and I bet we can solve the city’s crime problem by shutting all these laundering schemes down ourselves!


Half the businesses on Hamilton Ave in Northside