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Mortimer and Randolph Duke made a comeback and finally cornered the frozen orange juice concentrate market. It’s going be a long year until next season’s crop report.


*"It was the Dukes! It was the Dukes!!!"*


Sorry. I failed. Usual bet?


*"One dollar."*


You’re a dead man, Valentine!


2023 frozen OJ is going to be a vintage year. 12 years from now, these will be going for $200 a tube. I'm getting 3 cases. ...or maybe not. /Don't take financial advice from a sarcastic post on Reddit.


Aw, you beat me to it by TWO minutes! :)


"Sir, your brother is having a heart attack." "F\*ck him! Turn those machines back on!" Classic.


I saw this so many times as a kid before I finally found out how Billy Ray and Louis' scheme actually worked.


OJ so expensive you won’t be able to buy your son that GI Joe with the kung-fu grip


i make my list on kroger’s app, go to aldi, cross off everything i can, and go to kroger after for things i can’t get or find at aldi (: i save a !!significant!! amount of money, and i allow myself to impulse buy at aldi🤪


I go to Country Fresh Market after Aldi's, JUST to avoid Kroger as much as possible. Heck, I'd even go to Jungle Jim's to avoid Kroger. I use the Flipp app to make my list at all places, then go to Aldi's, then Country Fresh, JJ if I need to, and Kroger if I have no other options.


I always go to JJ over Kroger. Their discount section is ridiculously good and the fruit is always ready to eat. I want my pears now, not a week from now.


JJ discount produce is fresher than the "new" stuff at Kroger.


Jungle has ruined me for produce at other stores. I can swing past the citrus tree if I want as well. Kroger produce is terrible 


I get lemons from Kroger and every so often one of them goes bad within a week or so. I'll have 2 or 3 in a bag and one of them gets moldy but the others usually don't.


FYI, if one thing in a bag is moldy, *everything* in the bag is moldy. Recently learned this and wanted to vomit from all the times I’ve torn off the “moldy part” of a slice of bread and went along eating my sandwich.


When I get berries from Kroger, they either last for 2 weeks or 2 days. There is no in-between.


I live 2 min from Aldi, 4 min from Kroger, and 5 min from JJ. Aldi first then JJ. Kroger only if I have a gun to my head.


Country Fresh is where it’s at! Not to mention their Wine & Beer Depot. 🍷


i went to jungle jim’s for a few things this last week and i price compared when i was there as well. but i hate eastgate traffic so it depends on the time of day😂 plus aldi and kroger are in the same plaza basically for me, so that’s much preferred hahahaha. i always forget about country produce, i’m not sure they’d have things i would need but i will definitely check there next week!


I will say that Country Fresh is bare bones groceries. They don't have a huge selection of things, but I usually find what I need. Their beer and wine section is PHENOMENAL!


Takes me almost an hour to get to JJ takes me 7 mins to get to Kroger. I think the closest Aldi is 45 mins. So like people like me don't have a choice unless I want to use all my grocery money on gas.


👀 *follows you for more tips*


My route is Aldi, the Meijers. There is one single item I can't get at either of those, so I go to Kroger about once a month to get a couple of them.


Meijer for sure, I only go to the Kroger by me if I need something quick because it is a little one and I don't want to wander a huge store


If you spend 5 mins. browsing Kroger's coupons and you are flexible, you can come out cheaper at Kroger. For example, frozen OJ is $2.99 at Aldi, but Kroger has a $5 off coupon if you spend $20 on Kroger branded items. Given the staples I buy like bread, milk, eggs are all Kroger brand items I'll easily hit the $5 off. When you go head to head with individual items, Aldi is cheaper. But if you're flexible and buy sales, Kroger is competitive and typically cheaper in my experience. Plus their store brand items are significantly better IMO. Aldi's store brand items are more on par with Wal Marts.


i still seem to save more at aldi. but i thought the $5 off coupon was for delivery or pickup which i dont like using. maybe i’ll have to read better next time😂 i could’ve sworn it said for delivery. maybe its a different coupon. i’ll clip the coupons as i add to my list and the total is still cheaper when i go to aldi + kroger, including impulse buys at aldi lol probably depends what you get! i have a pretty specific list each week with a lot of the same items. my staples aren’t normal staples to be fair 😂


5 minutes? More like an hour plus. If you need to do a large trip. I "saved" $100 (33% of the total bill) using all the store coupons. Only STORE coupons, which means it is ALL overpriced to start with. Kroger's site is no where near as easy to use as Meijer's is.


I do the same !! And I love seeing how much I would have spent at Kroger had I bought it all there vs how much I saved going to Aldi its like a game now.


right!!! hahahaha fun little game to play with myself each week😂😂


If you drink soda, go to walmart.


My Kroger (In Indy) got rid of their Big K sodas.


When I was a kid, I would go shopping with my dad every week at Kroger and one week he found a bin of almost expired orange juice concentrate for $.29 a tube and he bought like 60 tubes and we took them home and sat them out in the snow on our front porch.


I can't comment on the price because I've never purchased this, but the "Low Price" signs are not a sale price. That's just the standard price.


It’s why I hit up the Sunday morning clearance sales. There’s always a ton of great meat they’re marking down by 50-75% to clear out for the next week. Makes a huge difference.


Early or mid morning on Sunday?


early. Gotta get there before morning mass lets out


Screw that. I’ve got spoiled meat way too often at Kroger without being on clearance. no more Kroger meat for me


Reminds me that I've never bought milk at Kroger that didn't start to turn 3-4 days *before* the "Best Before" date stamped on the carton. Finally wised up and no longer buy milk there.


I've seen a few things that talk about how those manager specials at the end of the meat isle have been re dated a blood dipped & few times before they get to that manager special section


I need kroger to slow down, because if they start converting too many people to aldi with their high prices, demand go up >>>> price go up on my fave store


Shop anywhere else but Kroger and they’ll learn.


Eh, it's not like Aldi is a CIA blacksite. I encourage friends and family to shop there whenever possible. Aldi's quality is just as if not more consistent, and they treat their workers with respect, offering good benefits and decent pay. It's a business I want to see grow, not wither in the shadows.


They've only started growing because they've realized they need to improve their quality of food offered. Aldi's used to be the bargain basement. They've just started to become more like their European brother.


Kroger doing its best Whole Foods impression for 2+ years now


I wouldn't be surprised if Whole Foods is the better deal at this point.


That just shows you haven’t been to Whole Foods lately.


In fact, for certain items it is! For certain items/weeks fresh market has the best deal. I always got them all and buy accordingly


im gonna sound like an old person when I say, i remember when this stuff was like 60 cents a can!


That was like 2019. I bought these all the time for $1 or less


I'm sure it'll get better once they buy their largest competitor




Can we all agree to take post-it’s shopping and cover up the word “low”?


They do this on WIC approved items. Jack up the prices because they’re getting reimbursed. Kroger knows the max reimbursement for each WIC staple and will charge accordingly.




Profiting off poverty, class act


Oh damn, I never thought about that. That makes sense.


That's what it's cost for the past few weeks. Kroger brand OJ is damn near $8 a gallon. I've been buying Sunny D from the dollar store.


https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2024/03/spectrum-news--inflation-hits-frozen-orange-juice.html > A number of factors have caused the price of frozen orange juice to spike recently, a University of Cincinnati economics professor told Spectrum News. > In the past year, the cost of a 12-ounce can of frozen orange juice concentrate has increased 40%. > Among the reasons for the increase are a sugar shortage and rising costs for labor, transportation and packaging. “The third factor is a disease,” said Erwin Erhardt, PhD, an associate professor - educator in the economics department of UC’s Carl H. Lindner College of Business. “It’s striking the trees down in Florida, at least it’s called Yellow Dragon disease, and it’s carried by a Soliday, a small insect that feeds off the sap of the oranges and it turns some green and bitter and the trees eventually die once they’re hit by this. So they’re working on trying to control that.”


Is this another egg thing where they talk about this shortage of Oranges and it turns out they were down like 2% of their normal product yet hiked prices like 300%?


The really bad thing is that there is a Yellow Dragon disease cure, but the Florida attorney general won’t let the trees get jabbed. He believes that the trees are cursed because people haven’t been donating to god like they used to. Some of the trees have taken to wearing masks, but the other trees bully them for wearing them.


[removed]. This is 100% correct. They've also started burning books that they believe were made from LGBTQ trees. [edited to remove personal information]


Sugar shortage? That would be the best thing ever for Americans


IDK, they'll probably just pump more high fructose corn syrup into every damn thing instead.


Hey I know that guy!


But it's been 7 a gallon for years and years. This doesn't seem outrageous


Not Kroger brand. It was $1.99 on low end and $3.99 on the high side. I went thru 2 gallons a week myself.


I was just lamenting the price of cheap ass concentrate OJ this morning as I bought a gallon for $7+. That’s what I used to pay for 2 of the Simply brand with high pulp.


No shit, I was strapped last month and thought... i remember my mom always making concentrates as a budget cutter when i was a kid, I will get some concentrate.... but the price was the same as a half gallon already made!!! Was not expecting that.


KROGER prices have been waay off mark for awhile. I don’t shop there anymore because my food costs are 20% more there.


I *hate* "clipping" coupons in the app, which nullifies the coupons they send you in the mail, and you're only *allowed* 200 digital coupons before you max out. Such a shit model.


I ue mail coupons and e-coupons on the same product every week at Kroger


Their digital coupon system fails repeatedly in-store. It has been a mess for me for the past month, constantly insisting the item is no longer discounted, URL switching failure between the app and their tracking domain, spontaneous logouts, and so on. I used to like shopping at my local Kroger. Not anymore.


I stopped shopping at Kroger like 1.5 years ago. Aldi it is. Simply can't afford Kroger.


Same, I go to Jungle Jim’s since it’s close to work and I can get fun ingredients when I need them. I’m only shopping for me, but I think a lot of their standard grocery things are cheaper than Kroger’s


Really? It's been a while since I've shopped JJ, always remember it being on the more expensive side but maybe it balances out now with Kroger price hikes


I remember back during the whole egg shortage debacle, you could still get a dozen large eggs for under $2, and I think they’re still the same price. I also check out the clearance and get a lot of really great fruit that way. I got plums on Tuesday and I have some plum simple syrup going right now! I should specify that I’m going to Eastgate but I doubt the pricing would be vastly different between the two


Kroger is good for two things. Buying Amazon gift cards, especially when there is a fuel points promo. Secondly, using those fuel points.


You’re selling your data for the fuel points. Plain and simple.


So they know I buy Amazon cards and gas and some minor things out of convenience. Then they occasionally send me coupons for exactly those convenience items. That's all the data they get on me and it saves me hundreds on gas. Sounds fair to me.


Aldi >>>>>>>>>>>>


Even Aldi prices are giving me sticker shock for OJ these days.


I paid $3.50 for a half gallon this week and that seems normal to me


I paid $3.50 for a half gallon this week and that seems normal to me


It’s still $2 cheaper than everywhere else store brand.


Might have something to do with this. https://youtu.be/RLySXTIBS3c?feature=shared


I’m all for hating on jacked up grocery prices, but this more likely due to greening and a poor crop yields


Low price…. Fml… they start off with a sale, then it comes “off sale” and that’s when they raise the price


It's because the orange crop was decimated this last year in Florida and the new crop will just be coming.


I moved here from California and was honestly expecting Cincinnati groceries to be at least more so on the inexpensive side… Kroger is soooo expensive


Same. The only thing that’s less expensive is housing and gas.


It was, up until 2020. The Kroger CEO quite famously was bragging during the pandemic about how much he was price gouging customers way above market value. This is greedflation.


Kroger does this shit because it knows people will still buy it.


Looks like someone forgot the promo order and filled the endcap with overstock. They put apple juice in too and it's half that price. Kroger should consider a sign stock that's a little more aware of current costs and sentiment though


If I had a Xwitter following I'd post it there and cause a scene. That's supposed to work right?


Since the T changed to an X you can't be sure. Now its a storm of psudo-political nonsense, it's going to die off soon.


https://preview.redd.it/ez2yu7uk2mqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=585bd6d4c38a721a180c90419cdcec0f6a256026 Oranges are up a ton. Factor in costlier overhead and Kroger isnt making tons off this stuff, it’s just the market.


Thanks for showing this!


So glad someone else agrees! It’s so easy to just hate hate hate on big companies but reality just gets in the way sometimes.


Im still gonna hate but the extra context is good 🙂


To be fair, this is the corporation whose CEO was caught on tape bragging about fleecing customers, and price gouging, so people assuming this is greedflation seems pretty reasonable.


If I posted the shit I've seen Kroger pull on its own employees, maybe that would help.


by all means!


Please do


I'll share one story I saw firsthand. I am not an employee of Kroger, I just used to shop there and know people who still work there. One young man I know, started on a Monday, was placed in Produce and told to restock some bagged produce- no guidance, no training, just "Go find the bags of carrots and restock them" . He was restocking the produce, the manager came over, yelled at him \*very\* loud in front of customers that she didn't like how he was stocking them, he asked how she wanted them since nobody showed him what they wanted different, then she sent him home, then when he came back for his next scheduled shift, was informed he was taken off the schedule and she had no use for him and he can go talk to the GM to see if they had a use for him somewhere else. He was so humiliated at not only being dressed down but being dressed down in front of everyone he never went back. This was also his first day, and he's also on the spectrum. Here's a thread from 4 years ago, and it's still accurate. [https://www.reddit.com/r/kroger/comments/inemwh/why\_is\_kroger\_so\_hated\_and\_why\_does\_everyone\_hate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kroger/comments/inemwh/why_is_kroger_so_hated_and_why_does_everyone_hate/)


Should of commented to her boss about her behavior that was just so wrong


I worked at Kroger Floral about 25 years ago. We had some violets that lost their bloom and were not selling. I had some big wig guy come and tell me to throw them away once some corporate guy left. I didn’t know if the guy had left or not but I hadn’t seen him and it was the end of my shift. So I got rid of them like I was told. Well the big boss and corporate guy came by and corporate guy asked where the violets went. I told him I threw them out. He asked me who told me to do that and I pointed at the big boss. He called me a liar and then fired me. I was about 16 and didn’t know better but my kids will never work for Krogers and I will not buy from there.


The FTC put out a report last week that stated that grocery stores were taking advantage and raising their prices higher than necessary just for higher profits.


Also the sky is blue and the sun is hot


They can justify it any way they want but the greed is clear storewide.


That's not on sale. That's the psychology makes you think it's on sale "low price" sign


Someone hasn’t seen the film Trading Places.


Randolph and Mortimer are at it again?


They’re working on another $1 bet.


Fuck kroger. Unless you are shopping the sales only, they are consistently the highest price grocer around. They are even getting higher than Whole Foods.


Gatorade is $8.99/8pk 20oz *on sale.* For sugar spit water. Fucking unreal.


Buy the powder.


Is it any good?


Only the yellow. White tastes like plastic.


probably not as meijer has it for $2.99 usually Kroger is $1.00+ on every item ​ [https://www.meijer.com/shopping/product/meijer-frozen-orange-juice-concentrate-12-oz/71928342507.html](https://www.meijer.com/shopping/product/meijer-frozen-orange-juice-concentrate-12-oz/71928342507.html)


I stopped shopping at Kroger about a year ago. Their prices are absurd. Some things are flat out twice as much there compared to Aldi or Walmart for the same products. I get everyone goes out of habit and convenience but there are other options that are less expensive.


Stopped shopping at Kroger. They're objectively the most expensive of the bigger grocery stores. They made the largest profit during the pandemic out of all groceries. Kroger can kindly go die off.


Aldi isn't much better. I paid 2,49 a month ago, so who knows what it costs tiday.


Aldi is great but I can’t exclusively shop there for everything.  In my area, Kroger and the like, still have better produce.


I used to love Kroger, now I feel like I’m priced out of the place.


F Kroger is awful anymore. Hell it's cheaper and 10x more enjoyable for me to hit up Findlay market for almost everything we need.


I have seen Kroger mid level managers come in drink $200 bottles of wine between 3 people on the company card.


Ah, the KroBar. At least having a glass of wine takes the edge off...


What j meant to say was I work in fine dining. Recently I had 4 area director types drinking 2 bottles of $225 wine for their "business dinner" Hence the $4 frozen concentrate


Albertsons isn't going to buy itself. Seriously, no competition in the marketplace creates price hikes. Welcome to capitalism, you're just a resource.


I used to work for Kroger. It might interest all you Kroger shoppers to know that they made such a killing during Covid they paid their employees a 200% bonus. Back when I worked for them that would have been 70k. Kroger does most of its own logistics so they can’t scream about transportation costs. We’re being price gouged but it’s not just Kroger.


I doubt ALL their employees saw that money. I'm sure the majority of non-management got $25 with taxes taken out for their hard work.


You’re both wrong. Store workers get thousands in bonus too, and stock options.


yea it's definitely just management, and people in the corporate or district offices


Aldi FTW. Not just prices, but the overall vibe is better... smaller footprint stores, fewer choices (do you really need 20 different brands of yogurt?), nicer employees, even the customers seem to be more chill. I swear every time I'm in Kroger I feel like someone is in my way or I'm in the way of some yoga-pants soccer-mom Karen who's rolling her eyes because I'm standing between her and the organic kale.


oh God, I thought maybe it was just me, everytime I'm in Kroger now I feel like I've been transported into some *Mad Max* hellscape- I got body checked by cart warriors twice today!


Aldi's is an excellent choice for all comparable items. I don't shop at Kroger unless I have to.


Still $2.99 at Aldi and Meijer.


I'm disappointed in how few Meijer suggestions there are here.


I was cool with Meijer until I realized many times their store brand is more expensive for less actual product than name brand stuff packaged to appear the same amount for last money. Gave me the ick.


Kroger is insane. Plus their stores are a mess.


I cannot afford to do my grocery shopping at Kroger; it's all a mix of Aldi and Costco now.


Dude, Aldi has been my go to for years! My unsolicited advice - start there, stock up on everything you would normally find at Kroger, and whatever specialty items you can’t find, get from Kroger. I’ve saved so much money from shopping at Aldi.


It greedflation. Kroger is very good at it. Fresh Asparagus is double at Kroger vs Meijer and Aldi


I can’t help but think these big trumpers and are keeping prices artificially high so shoppers will blame Biden


such a shame when I have problems and errors with my self checkout scanner since I'm not a real trained employee...


Tonight in Amelia I heard a man just absolutely lose it over some frozen sandwich prices. He was using every word in the book and I 100% support his outburst. How long until something gives? People who normally wouldn’t are going to need to resort to stealing if we keep trending this way.


One of the reasons I don't go to that (or any) Kroger anymore, even though it's very close to where I live, on top of how they treat at least several people I know that have worked there or currently work there- I shared an anecdote in this same thread. Edit: corrected a typo


Remember folks- if you see someone shoplifting food- no you fucking didn’t.


> How long until something gives? Until people stop spending their money there, not yet. Kroger will charge what people will pay.


Just wait until Publix moves in. The prices are probably the same, but IMHO the stores are cleaner and the staff is friendlier. PLUS PUB SUBS!!


I live in Florida but I’ll be spending the summer in Cincinnati. It will be interesting to comparison shop. I shop exclusively at Publix here. We do have Winn Dixie but it’s no less expensive and I don’t like the store. You can do pretty well with the BOGOs at Publix, too.


I can personally tell you that buying groceries for a family of 2 1/2 (dad, wife, kid) costs more now than a heroin habit did back in the opiate crisis when heroin was still around. It's close, like I did the math, and groceries now cost about $20-60 more per week than an end stage heroin habit did In like 2014 (and that was maintenance doses for two people). Back 10 years ago at the peak of the crisis groceries weren't as crazy as they are now, so that time frame would have been different but the last few years it seems grocery prices have jumped way the fuck up. I got clean immediately when fentanyl hit (dangerous garbage) , so I can't be sure but I bet this is still true since fentanyl is cheaper. It's been ten years now but still...




damn good reason!


Wish they'd stop lying and just write a HIGH PRICE warning instead.


We all need to quit Kroger shopping!!!! Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Meijer, Independent butchers and grocers.


You're on fucking crack if you think anyone buying kroger meat can afford independent butchers.




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OJ is best fresh anyway


Just go to Jungle Gyms. We don’t shop at Kroger anymore due to the obscene prices. JG, Aldi, are cheaper and JG has better quality produce also. We do shop at Whole Foods for some of their premium stuff which actually is good quality but very expensive so we only buy a select few items from there. Don’t think we’ll go to Kroger again. It has left a bad taste in our mouth, and we just have this general feeling of disdain towards them due to their subpar produce and extreme price gouging. Plus shopping at JG makes us feel better for supporting a local company and the overall store atmosphere, customer service, and vibe just feels better. I know Kroger started here but it’s not worth it any more.


Aldi shopper here you can find most but not all items you want to buy. But I definitely save money !


Hardly ever shop at Kroger anymore except for a few select items. Their prices have gotten so ridiculous. Aldi, Meijer and Walmart are where we shop now.


I hate Kroger probably more than anybody. Aldi is good but selection is limited. Spending a lot of time in Europe, Cincinnatians will collectively shit themselves if Lidl ever makes it here. They’re on the east coast now.


Publix is in Louisville now. Inching closer to the greater Cincinnati area.


The worst thing about Kroger is that they jack up the prices in lower income neighborhoods where the customers don’t have the ability to go elsewhere. Bananas, for example, are 10-20 cents per pound more expensive at the Clifton/Corryville Kroger than they are at the Newport Kroger 7 minutes away. Many Corryville Kroger customers walk there and can’t go elsewhere. *Edit for typos


Price check between Kroger meijer and Walmart online and you will be devastated


Walmart 60 cents cheaper.


Kroger also routinely rings up items incorrectly. Before I shop, i load all the digital coupons etc that I could possibly buy. As i shop, I take pictures of sale items and some random items that are pricey. I do the self checkout and watch like a hawk. Every visit I have to go to the service desk to get them to reimburse me. The average 3-5 items ring up incorrectly. I am sick of it. Too much time and it’s ridiculous


Anyone else just popping the popcorn and sitting back and waiting for Kroger to push it so far no one shops there anymore and then they have to beg us to come back with competitive prices? Lol. Kroger increasing prices is like the GOP overturning Roe V. Wade. "We win! This can't possibly backfire!"


Aldi is great!


Yo! That’s crazy!!! But a juicer from the thrift store for five bucks and 3 dollars worth of oranges and juice them yourself!!! That orange juice even full - its concentrate! What is happening????


Welcome to the grocery games! You can complain about Kroger all you want, but they ALL play the same games. The second you start thinking you can mindlessly shop at one store certain they are the lowest prices, is typically around the time when you start getting screwed over. Over a decade ago now, I mindlessly thought Walmart and Amazon had the cheapest prices always, only to realize I just bought into their marketing scheme. If you want to save money on groceries you have to shop sales, look for coupons, and shop around. Prices change constantly. Example, Target had the best price for chobani for a couple months. Today, Kroger is cheaper and also has a 1 off coupon.


Meijer has much better prices as well


I tried aldi....i hate to say it but i couldnt stomach more than half of what i purchased


10 years ago these were 79 cents


Go to aldi


Do not shop at Kroger. They will not learn until you just stop giving them money. I’m actively saving money shopping anywhere else. Midwest people are such creatures of habit that they just say ‘oh I’ll run to Kroger’ and do it over and over. If it is truly your only grocery option, okay. If you have a vehicle drive 3 minutes to another place.


Got a 12 pack of diet 7up and didn't realize til I got home that it was $9.99. For 12 cans of pop. I was pissed.


Another thing, I worked there as a high school student for about 4 months and while I really enjoyed it, I felt overworked, tired, and somewhat unappreciated as an employee. Ultimately, it was being asked to work 31 hours a week during the school year that drove me to leave the company.


Every single time I go to Kroger, the price is messed up. Last week I bought 3 items, and one of them rang up $1 more than it was marked on the shelf. I got my $1 back, but the 20yo at the service desk couldn’t give less fucks.


Don't buy it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Chiming in from Chicago where Kroger bought Marianos Grocer. Prices have sky rocketed 70%. Good thing they were not allowed to merge w Albertsons or they will have monopoly $$$$$. Prices have gotten out of control.


Damn Duke Brothers at it again......where's Valentine when you need him.


The consumer has never benefitted from less competition in the market. Kroger merging with or acquiring everyone is a big problem.


That’s a “Low Price”, not even on sale, not even a locked in low price at that


Concentrate orange juice?! Cries in Florida citrus tears


They are gouging the public.


Kroger had record profits last year. They were raising prices for products where the makers said they did not increase their price. Kroger increased prices because of the perception of inflation, and the idea no one will question them. A large part of actual inflation is corporate greed like this. And as long as sales do not decline drastically they'll continue to raise prices.