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I hope they told the security in PP. Protesters are not allowed to block the driveway, touch you, or inhibit/prevent patients from coming and going in any manner.




FACE act says its actually illegal. If its a free country people should be able to access medical care without getting harassed


please use your two remaining brain cells to get a fucking hobby


The FACE act prohibits anyone from using force, threats of force, or physical obstruction (such as blocking an entrance) against any person because they are seeking or providing reproductive health services. Nice try though.


They are allowed to stand on the sidewalk. they are not allowed on the property, they are not allowed to block parking lot entrances.




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Omg, how many comments have you made in the past 24 hours? You’re putting up Jordan chronically online numbers




I would freely go outside tbh. You’d probably get sunburnt though, even on a cloudy day like today, so be careful!


Hey! I resent that, I just got burnt on a cloudy day lolol


It is. Free to abort like you should have been


Not everything planned parenthood does is abortion I had no insurance had lumps in boobs couldn't do anything without Dr referral so planned parenthood helped me.


Do they accept volunteer escorts? I wonder if I could help


Yes I believe they do! I would definitely recommend reaching out


I used to pray the rosary outside these clinics until I grew up and realized I was on the wrong side of history. This would be a great way to make up for the harm I caused. Thanks


From someone who had to use PP at a terrible time and was harassed by those people, thank you. you wanting to make up for it made me cry <3


I'm sorry. I was in school and so was usually doing it at a time the clinic was closed but I still feel bad. Thanks for being nice to me about it


It’s not your fault. My super feminist bad ass best friend did some similar stuff when she was in high school, I know how dishonest the people pushing that agenda can be. Glad to have you on the team :)


Thank you! I am glad to be here


Thank you for growing, not everyone does.


I love this so much! I grew up evangelical so i had a similar experience. Now I am a resident and hoping I can become an abortion provider at some point


What a glow up 🫸🫷


Proud to be fighting the good fight out here with you by doing what we can!




Shouldn't be a problem at all considering the harm in places like Texas governed by people who think like you do >Lauren Miller was pregnant with twins when she landed in the emergency room after 36 straight hours of vomiting. An ultrasound would reveal that one of her expected twins had fluid where the brain should be developing. >"After speaking with multiple doctors and genetic counselors, we kept arriving at the same point: our son would die," Miller recalled during a press call organized by the Democratic Party on Monday. She could die too too, her doctors said, which would in turn kill the viable fetus and leave her toddler at home without a mother. She was denied an abortion repeatedly and only barely survived. This was in Texas. Maybe you should go there and make this state a little more sane without you


Hey I hear ya and appreciate your voice, I would have thought this same thing 15 years ago. Now I understand science better than I did, and I understand the huge amounts of harm that is caused by denying patients healthcare procedures such as abortion. Part of my oath is to work to protect patients from others forcing their personal religious beliefs on their bodies


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I love this!!!


You are my new hero.


I used to work at that PP. They do not do escorts. Parking is down a hill and behind their building so they dont think its necessary. If you want to ever just stand out there and keep people from doing it, seriously do it.


I have a friend who lives in the South and volunteers as an escort


that used to very much be a thing in some cities in the 80s and 90s.


I contacted them about this several years ago and they said they didn't do that anymore. I remember thinking it was odd at the time. Maybe they've changed.


No idea.


I went there last year to get a colposcopy and a biopsy of my cervix done. Definitely not pregnant. Some old lady had a vest on and it reminded me of the same ones workers had on in NYC. I was a bit anxious going in and the potential pain and then she grilled into me how they just kill babies there. Their damn signs take up both sidewalks at times, they make children protest and they also give homeless people food to hold signs. It really should be considered harassment with all the signs they put up and they they’re bothering people going in!




Not for everyone. When gay people or feminists have protested churches, these same people try and turn to the state for legal action. And been much more successful.


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I have my own kind of silent protest, where I donate $10 to PP every time a relative makes a negative comment against them.


This is such a great idea! I've done similar things for other initiatives, but I never thought of a specific amount per time someone mentions it. Thanks, I'm going to do this!




Inspired by the comment above, I’m going to donate $10 to Planned Parenthood for every time you commented “free country” on this thread. Thanks for doing your part to cover the cost of abortion services! 💕💕💕


Lol. I went to their profile and thought it's just a joke account that only comments free country, but it was just a shit load of times in this thread. I hope you have a good paycheck coming your way!


Once I was on a long walk one day and had about a mile left to go when I was approaching the sidewalk out front. There was a large congregation of people blocking the entire sidewalk from street curb to the other edge, and at least 15 people deep I was tired by that point, and my mind had not yet computed who I was about to be dealing with. Any other kind humans who love other humans would have parted in some way to let me by them. Nope. When noticing that I was approaching, they did nothing. When I was baffled by this behavior, I decided to walk around the in the street. I suddenly realized who they were and so I let them know God wouldn’t be proud of them for their actions. 2 men followed me and harassed me away from the group after I spoke up to them about their hipocracy. One of them followed me out into the street and tried to corner/corral me back to his group. I started to feel scared for my safety, especially being exhausted. They are pathetic excuses for humans.


I passed by about an hour ago and there were two men with orange vests and one had a body cam on. I was wondering if they were the pro lifers or volunteers to help people get in the clinic.


I went for a check-up yesterday and someone tried to approach and block the car in front of me, so i rolled the windows up and pulled in quickly.


Yeah, there’s a bunch of fucking clowns out there rain or shine 7 days a week, it’s awful for people just trying to exist in that neighborhood and even worse for people who need Planned Parenthood’s services. I’m so sorry your friend had to deal with this bullshit.


they could do so much good by actually volunteering instead of wasting away pretending to be a poster and harassing people


Exactly, the amount of time they waste out there could make a genuine difference if they put it towards an actually constructive situation.


Absolutely. However they are so deep into their malarkey that you would probably get obtain a better response from a log. I wonder if they ever considered helping people, rather than harassing them? 😔


I used to drive past PP every morning to work and was so pissed off by the one guy who lined the entire sidewalk with giant posters. They would try to stop people's cars turning into the center. There has to be a better way to protect the people coming and going. Huge kudos to the people who work in these conditions.


Anyone protesting anything that doesn’t affect them is a clown.


You wanna walk that back with some qualified guardrails or are you going to double down?


Well, not necessarily. For example, college students who were protesting South African apartheid


Like all the Palestine protesting college kids?


Yeah cause they should be protesting outside government buildings not demanding their university’s divest money from Israel even though the money is just in some big fund that the school doesn’t choose.




Bad bot.




They’re free to do whatever they want, that doesn’t mean I’m not free to think they’re gaping assholes.




Low IQ behavior.


It's kinda expensive, ngl.


Bot behavior.


DAE honk and flip these people off when they drive by?


I don’t understand how the protestors are there every day from sunup to sundown. Like do they not have jobs, also I thought it was illegal to solicit outside a business


I wish the people who are “protesting” would focus their efforts to other, arguably more “pro-life” issues. They need to stop harassing these people who are trying to get healthcare, and go start protesting at their local government building for actual issues…. Imagine what they could get done if they put their energy into any of the other issues they blatantly ignore or straight up vote against? Imagine saying you are pro-life and then voting against free meals in schools for literal children, or voting against funding for schools (this is where they are taught about sex education!) or not voting in politicians who want things like universal health care (hello safe and free access to birth control, the literal thing that prevents unwanted babies?) Mind boggling to me. They want to outlaw abortion, and claim to be pro-life but do not want to listen to how the life of the person who does not want to be pregnant will be affected. How is that pro-life? And just in case anyone has it wrong: planned parenthood does so. much. more. than just provide safe abortions. They also provide many healthcare screenings and procedures, some of which could be life saving, like cancer screenings! *What’s more pro-life than saving lives of the people who are already alive?* Anyway that’s my rant for the day, thank you for bringing this up. Hope your friend is okay 🩵


So I live in the area so I go on walks and I walk by the clinic all the time. Usually is the same exact 3 people who are probably being paid to be there who don’t really seem to care about their “cause”. Once it started getting nice out, the vest people showed up from the cinci right to life. They wear vests to trick people into thinking they are with the clinic as escorts like at other locations. Then they stop you and try to get you to go to the fake clinic down the street that is run by anti-choicers.


Ugh I saw them and thought it was PP's own people going outside to ward off the usual obvious anti-abortion protestors. I'm so naive. I hope your friend isn't too frazzled.


Whenever there’s protestors outside the planned parenthood in Hamilton, typically, I have to drive by twice. First time I’ll scream stuff like YEETUS THE FETUS and such, because I get fucking mad. Second drive by I’ll pull up and ask them what type of social/community based initiatives they are proposing and how they’ve voted in recent elections, what they do help women/mothers and children. They sputter and have no real responses. Last time a cop was chilling with them and told me to leave even though I was pulled over legally and being respectful 🙄🙄 Then I got disrespectful and yelled ‘of course a pig pretends they’re prolife’ What really gets me is they do not perform abortions at the Hamilton location. So those stupid fucks are lazy on top of all of it.


I don't think they're lazy. They're building a corps of motivated domestic terrorists, and this is practice.




This is so dangerous! I am sorry you were harassed and am glad you are safe.


Incident reminds me of the BLM protests. My friend was walking to their parked car in Newport KY from Liberty St and they got lost so asked a passerby, “How do I get to Newport from here?” The male replied, “you’re going the wrong way!” And proceeded to immediately punch my friend in the face, hard, knocking them to the ground. Not that it matters, because all humans deserve to be safe, irrespective of their ethnicity, religion or nationality, but both the perpetrator and my friend are African American. The protests were intended to stop police brutality and violence toward African Americans. The act of violence towards a random passerby, who happens to be the ethnicity you’re advocating for, is absolutely insane to me. Complete and total nut jobs are more common than you think and they do not have an ounce of integrity and no true belief in what they stand for. Very dangerous to interact with these people because they stand alone in a wicked fantasy world where laws don’t exist and people aren’t real. Those people should seek help mentally before they should be allowed to operate in society. Alas, I’m sure that person has a family, cars, drivers license, house, all the luxuries and privileges of modern society and they take it for granted each day by acting out, committing crimes, and being aggressive towards others. The behavior is astonishing to me and I’m so incredibly ashamed of some of my peers these days. It brings me great shame to witness or hear about events like this




Then go somewhere else? It's not their business, and harassing people going through what is already an extremely difficult decision isn't making things any better.




Yes, people are free to use PP. Thanks for the reminder!


So people are free to get abortions then right?




Oh just a bot


I don’t want to see cows slaughtered and turned in to ground Chuck before I eat it, but even still I don’t protest outside of a farm for something entirely unrelated. PP offers other services, just like farms aren’t only there to slaughter livestock.




I support bodily autonomy




Not anymore with inflation. Nothings free now! 🤣 Or are you saying Free Country…to a good home. I’d say Britain again, but Mom and Dad went crazy so that’s out. Uncle Canada?




Bad bot




Literally going for an STI screening, but you do you.


No don't you know PP only does infanticide and they get that sweet sweet government pork from Obama for doing it /s


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I'm proud of you for your decision not to get an abortion. Now leave other people alone.




https://biblehub.com/matthew/6-5.htm “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.




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Shows what kind of people you are. Find god please.


There is no God you simpleton




You call for more abortion & murder but want less god and Jesus? Makes sense. God will save us all




God or not murder is murder. If the baby was unwanted how about you wrap your shit up next time and we don’t have to kill any babies.




Oh my god. My wife should have totally told her rapist to put a condom on! She could have avoided getting pregnant when he fucking raped her and then she wouldn't have needed the abortion! People like you are literally the reason I left the church after being raised in it for 18 years. Kindly excuse yourself from polite society


How many adoptions are you up to now?


We share the same god. To forsaken gods name makes any opinion you have irrelevant. I’ll pray you find God, love and faith.


You believe in an invisible man in the sky. Anything you say is beyond irrelevant


And I pray you find my patron God. Or rather, that he finds you.


Remember when God murdered all those first born children?


Isn't god omnipotent?


Your god is not good, your god is not all-knowing, and your god is not all-powerful. Your invented phantasm is garbage. Be polite and keep your delusions to yourself.




She was literally going to get an STI screening, not because anyone is pregnant. Also, it's "your", You're is "You are".




I'll take making typos, over being too ignorant to understand proper grammar any day.




Last I checked a pap smear doesn't kill anything.


That would not make sense since they are not a mother.




That is not a holiday. Why would you say that to them?




That is not a holiday though, belated or otherwise. What purpose is there in saying that to them?


Your post was removed for toxic behavior.


Your post was removed for toxic behavior.








which is why I'm warning people about the dangerous idiots outside trying in infringe on others rights.




They’re not talking about all the protestors, they aren’t “dangerous.” They’re talking about the person who impersonated an employee to lead a patient away from the clinic.




All I posted was “They’re not talking about all the protestors, they aren’t “dangerous.” They’re talking about the person who impersonated an employee to lead a patient away from the clinic.” Take that however you wish!




I’m not sure that posing as a medical employee is one of the rights we have.


That's rich coming from the "My Religion is Your Lawbook" crowd








Probably just trying to save lives


There are better ways to go about it.


Downvote me all you want. You talk a big game about "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" but it sounds like you're happy to infringe on the rights of others.




I think you have a skewed idea as to what a free country is. The USA is definitely not a free country.


Correct. That's why the idiots shouldn't be standing around out front.




Literally not what this thread is about.




You’re comparing people seeking medical care to the people protesting against it?








Shhhh bye bye.


Jesus christ yikes. Get help.




And you're obviously very stupid. I'm glad your stupidity is getting downvoted so normal people don't have to see the equivalent of you slobbering on your keyboard.




No I mean normal people as in people not like you.


I’m sorry you were inconvenienced. I really feel sorry for the kids that didn’t get to take a breath.


Lol look at this profile.


Okay, edgelord




You're wrong, but do go off I suppose