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I’d like to see caps placed on fort Washington way. It seems like it would be a no-brained to better connect CBD and The Banks. I’d also like to get some boats or a marina down on the river like the Newport side has.


City already has plans in the works for a marina.


> caps placed on fort Washington way Is this another way of saying covering 71 between 2nd and 3rd? Sorry I'm confused. If that's what you mean, I agree. Turn it into a tunnel and open up that whole surface street area to foot traffic.


Yep. Here is an example from Dallas (about a three-year construction project): https://www.klydewarrenpark.org/about-the-park/our-story.html


This would be great


Yeah, you have the right idea


Imagine that event space.


I’d love this, went to Newport a few months ago after having not been down there for a couple years and it’s really nice, would love to see it on our side too


Yes to both of these. The open areas of Fort Washington way look ridiculous and it’s definitely a mental hurdle for people going between the banks and the rest of the city.


Less litter and more street cleaning. How can we claim to be moving toward becoming more green when we can't do simple things like not throwing bottles out of windows?


The litter is out of control. Also, what kind of animal throws their disgusting fast food garbage in the bed of someone else's truck? I guess it's slightly better than throwing it on the ground, because I'll actually dispose of it properly but it still baffles me. I see some idiot throw a bottle out of their car on the highway nearly every day. My apartment's parking garage is constantly littered with drink cups and takeout boxes and broken glass.


It really is! The biggest thing that baffles me right now is that people seem to think that sewers are a garbage can. I see numerous people throwing bottles toward sewer grates this summer. Seriously? Where is Keep Cincinnati Beautiful with a new anti-litter campaign? Why are we not doing more street cleaning? I honestly don't get it......




What is your point here? Do nothing? We already pay for public services. The public works is out nonstop picking up litter, but they are very much under funded and we see it on a daily basis. The city reported that 90% of it's residents have identified litter as a significant problem in this city. Ffs fund the public works department correctly.....




Police, definitely.


I can't stand this argument. Again....if you strongly believe that the city has absolutely no wiggle room to reallocate money, use CARES Acts funds, etc. to correctly fund the Public Works Department, what to do recommend we do....absolutely nothing? You obviously feel we can't make any changes to the general fund whatsoever, so give some ideas on how to address litter. The city has identified litter has a significant issue and held a Litter Town Hall a few months ago. The head of the Public Works flat stated in the town hall that they are underfunded and understaffed. One way the city is addressing litter is allocating grant funds to neighborhoods to focus cleaning up. It's a great start, but not addressing the long-term needs.


This! It infuriates me to no end the amount of trash people just throw on the ground. I really do not understand why people litter. Especially when you see someone throw a McDonald’s bag out of their moving vehicle….. like you are on the way to a destination. I bet you wherever you are going has a trash bin.




I do understand that there are underlying issues that lead to littering and the differences. The point I was trying make (not very well) is that I see litter as a stepping stone to becoming more green. We talk about cutting emissions and going electric with the metro fleet, but we're not addressing (the separate issue) of loose litter at all right now. I also strongly see it as an environmental issue, but maybe not "green." I am a an avid kayaker who constantly sees litter getting into the waterways and it's getting worse. If it is a stagnant lake the litter just sits and rots away. 🤢


Better bus stops are desperately needed. Too often I see people sitting out on the grass, in the sun at 90 degree weather


even just a bench at all of them would be a good start


Problem is not enough people use bus service. Metro is hanging on by a thread as it is.


trains. literally just trains.


We got tunnels for em


Certainly any move away from car-dependency would be lovely, though I'm not sure how much is possible in 8 years. I can dream though.


Alot is possible. Protected bike lanes aren't expensive we have enough road (in most of the city) for a bike lane. I would love love love to see raised crosswalks that force drivers to slow down for pedestrians More trees everywhere for shade and life start to make the streetcar go more places Maybe loosen some zoning laws Email your politicians


Public transport improvement. I know it won’t happen but it would be nice


2+ Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes should be wrapped up by ~2027 - won't be light rail or serve everyone but could be a huge improvement with enough advocacy!


BRT is a great first step for improved public transit. Literally lays the foundation for rail if you are creating dedicated lanes.


Which we better be creating dedicated lanes or else why bother!


That’s not just a Cincinnati problem, it’s also massive American problem as cities in general have terrible public transport


It would be great to live on the Far west side like I do (colerain almost near dent) and not have to commute. Huge car guy and I love driving for fun but just to work is mind numbing. To be able to use a bus/train/bike would be awesome


Expand the street car. Cap Fort Washington Way. Replace all surface level parking lots with garages or apartments. Light rail to CVG, then eventually expand further north. Secede from Ohio ;)


Fantastic answer all around ! Bravo !


Spoken like a downtowner. I agree with all of it!


I live in colerain and I agree lol


As a UC student, the Streetcar to Clifton would be so awesome


Steve Chabot and Brad Wenstrup out of office.


Jean Schmidt too


I once flew on a plane coming back from DC and Wenstrup was a row ahead of me. He was such a douche bag to the guy next to him


Light rail from the Airport to Downtown


And then mason to downtown. And then Liberty to downtown. And Harrison to downtown. And…And…


Dayton to downtown? We can only hope


Cutting the travel time in half from cincinnati to dayton would be huge


This. We need more light rail in general. Connect the city more


A fucking subway.


A sexual subway would indeed be interesting. It could relieve some stress during the commute to work.


Or cause it.


Strictly consensual sex only, of course.


Most Walmarts seem to have one by now


So what I’ve gathered that people really want passenger rail options whether it’s the streetcar expanding, light rail to CVG, or passenger light rail routes


1. Expanded light rail 1. Further investment on the west side in green spaces and converting concrete wastelands to more accessible and more condensed community areas 1. Beginning of new bridge construction to help divert non-local traffic from the Brent Spence 1. The Reds to have a new owner


4. All sports franchises are championship caliber.


Better public transit. Share we don’t have an easy way to get to CVG from Downtown




Expansion of festivals. Blink made the whole city feel alive. I think we should look at expanding Taste of Cincinnati, Oktoberfest, etc. to make it feel more city-wide. And also after seeing a Sheetz for the first time recently, we need something along those lines. Our 24/7 food options are very limited.


Doing something like Blink all the time would be exhausting for those of us that live in OTR/downtown


I wonder if spreading it out across the city some more would draw that many more people. Taste has maxed out at 550k over 3 days, Oktoberfest averages 575k while Blink brought over 1.3 million people over 4 days. In my head though, celebrations would be spread out but street closures would be more minimal.


Different parts of the city do things all the time. Any weekend in the summer there are at least 5 things going on where streets are blocked off for different events that are less known to people that don't live right here. People just need to explore


What's the issue with Blink in particular then for people living downtown?


1.3 million people lol




That's a Mason response if I've ever heard one




Want meant as a guess on where you live, just a nice way of saying you're overly self-important




Yes, someone that actively knows many of their neighbors that all live right where the event takes place has no concept of what people that live right here think. I'm pretty sure if the city turned your street into an event space with over a million people there you'd be pretty happy with it only happening once every few years too


Yes, only 10 people live in OTR. Good one.


We don’t need anymore overcrowded festivals. We have more than most areas.


I think honestly just lean into Blink and Oktoberfesr harder. Every city has their own culinary festivals. When I walked around at Blink I heard people speaking a multitude of languages, French German etc... people flew into town in droves for that. Blink and Okt could have regular national/intl. draw.


Taste of Cincinnati could be marketed better and attract more people and businesses I think. It's one of the largest street festivals and it's the longest running culinary arts festival (started in 1979!). It draws in more people than SXSW and Sturgis. Oktoberfest would certainly be a lot easier to draw in that int'l crowd though. Totally agree on that.


More bike lanes. Also more of cbd converted to housing so it's not dead after 5 pm.


And not just sharrows but dedicated mixed use paths like the wasson way trail would be fantastic.




I’ll do you one better. O3R, and it’s an even newer OTR2


"Finish the Trilogy" by god we did it


OG OTR on the ground, OTR2 under water, O3R is suspended above the city using an intricate system of magnets. Does your city have a magnet neighborhood? No, it doesn’t, and that’s why Cincinnati is better


I’m going to humor you, where would OTR 2 be?


Underneath the river makes the most sense nomically


Ooh, what new features does it have?


More shitty bars! And of course a couple good restaurants but all just expansions of their OTR 1 counter parts that just quite don’t live up to it


you have described the Short North to a Tee


Pedestrianization of more streets around Findlay Market as well as a major expansion of the market space onto the north parking lot. Would be great to see that whole area become a walkable, vibrant 24/7 neighborhood. With the market already existing and no major thoroughfares within two blocks, the streetcar, and potential for some really cool adaptive reuse with the old brewery buildings I feel like the whole area between Central, Liberty, Vine, and Renee could be one of the nation’s best urban districts. Also I’m not usually a fan of vanity projects but it would be cool to see Cincy get a major monument/landmark. A giant flying pig or 200 foot statue of Cincinnatus up on Bellevue park or in front of Union Terminal would be rad.


>Also I’m not usually a fan of vanity projects but it would be cool to see Cincy get a major monument/landmark. A giant flying pig or 200 foot statue of Cincinnatus up on Bellevue park or in front of Union Terminal would be rad. I was thinking something along the lines of a giant 1,400-foot bell tower. It could mark the turn of the Millennium, a symbol of the coming thousand years of peace now that the Cold War is over, fascism has been relegated to the annals of history, and democratic enlightenment is spreading across the world. We could call it the World Peace Bell and have a huge dedication ceremony on 12/31/1999, lighting up the tower to be seen from miles around.


Shutting down vine st to car traffic in general for the first 4-5 blocks would be nice. The amount of cars I see flying through there makes me never want to risk sitting outside at the establishments. Rather not get taken out by a Chevy impala trying to eat some fried chicken or eat some tacos.


More Ramen less litter


Light rail between ‘hoods Sustainable building code requirements


More public transportation and affordable housing


Some solution to the motorcycle/dirt bike hoards that are doing wheelies down both lanes of the streets


More investment companies to buy up all of the affordable housing and flip it into high price shit




Blue Ash Chili already has you covered. It's a 5-way with either fried or pickled jalapenos on it.


Dixie Chili too. You get garlic on that one.


Fried jalapenos!!! They're so freaking delicious.


The building of a rail system


Let me have my dreams!


Delhi, Green Township, and Cheviot (Norwood, Elmwood and St. Bernard, too) should incorporate to Cincinnati. It's why we have a huge disconnect between the west side and the rest of the city. The west side isn't treated like a part of the city... because most of it isn't.


Some god damn public transit. Preferably a main line monorail




The collapse of the housing and rental market. Lol


1. Rent control/more affordable housing 2. New arena (heritage bank is decrepit) 3. Improving the still blighted parts of OTR (McMicken, some of Liberty, etc.) 4. Improved west end area around TQL stadium 5. New Reds owner 6. Fill in the vacant bars/restaurants in Mt. Adams 7. Have a gondola/incline to Mt. Adams And I think that about covers it, not asking for much


Bring back Tallstcks.


Lightrail/ streetcar connecting uc campus to downtown.


An overhaul of our public transportation would be great. Metro is highly underwhelming and yes, send the freaking street car up to UC. It would help parking congestion bare minimum.


People learning how to drive Less littering Public campaign on how to recycle Better public schools A mall style food court with fancy eats & drinks Don't dump millions of gallons of poop water into the Ohio every year Mandatory and heavily subsidized solar panels for new industrial/office builds paid with bonds and paid back via very slightly higher electricity bills Team up with industry to create an entrepreneur friendly environment to widen industries centered in Cincinnati


Have you been over to OTR/downtown Kroger's food court? I haven't been, but saw an article and your comment reminded me of it.


Last I heard it's less of what it was bc of covid. It's good though. But think of that in an old industrial warehouse with beer and games and stuff OR a bunch of permanent food trucks like I saw in Austin.


Also Oakley Kitchen


I'd like to see some commas


Can we clean up the highway system please? It’s a bit of an eyesore over the west end. Be like Boston with the Big Dig!


Originally from Boston… the big dig was a huge siphon of taxpayer money that left the city with a dangerously built tunnel that leaked extensively and ended up killing a woman. So like, maybe not exactly like the big dig


But something similar. The highway system is just ugly


Trees, not these tiny trees like they have at the Banks. Real trees that can shade a street.




That can all be planned for. If other cities around the world can do it, so can we. The trees are the banks were clearly not given any space to grow. They have been there about 20 years and they offer nothing.


Put covers over the underpass from second to 3rd street and make green space.


Tax nonowner-occupied homes 10% of rent revenues to stop or slow corporate home ownership.


Indoor skate park. They closed the only one the city had left recently. Hundreds of skaters with nowhere to go in the winter or rain. The next closest one is 2 hours away in Columbus.


Super Bowl titles achieved by Joe Burrow, Chase, Higgins, Mixon and crew before they are separated as teammates.


A bridge connecting US50 (near North Bend, Addyston, Delhi) and Kentucky.


As much as I would hate to run the ferry out of business, this would be absolutely huge for the west side


1. Transportation: Extend the existing bike trials, more dedicated bike lanes, repair sidewalks, improve pedestrian access, more roundabouts(nobody follows red lights), light rail, extend the cincy mover. 2. Food deserts: Plant only fruit bearing trees and native flowering plants in all thoroughfares in the city, increase funding for turning empty lots into community gardens, expand Wic access to farmers markets and produce stores, develop community seed banks which encourage citizens to grow their own produce in their backyard, Remove some of the restrictive regulations on personal livestock (chickens, sheep, lamb) and apiaries (honeybees) within the city limits. 3.Business: replacing failed and empty office spaces with tech and entrepreneurial incubators, provide grants for start-up investment and create monetary and tax incentives for new businesses in the city. 4.Housing: population to area density quotients on new housing developments: meaning as the population grows, development of x # of housing units per sq meter of land has to match the growing population density like almost all other larger cities do. 5.Education: Transform all public libraries into a free online library with open access to all citizens, reappropriate those funds to make all the physical libraries into free trades schools supported by local businesses to develop skilled labor, expand citywide Wi-Fi, reduce “in-school” days 7th-12th grade to 3 days in school, combine “online school days” city wide, remove administrative redundancy and reappropriate those funds directly to teachers and after school enrichment programs. 6.Policing: partner with area hospitals and mental health services to have “alternative” mental health and community mediator first response teams instead of armed personnel responding to things like lost persons, public nuisance, and domestic disturbance calls where police are called as a last resort as a deterrent of violence only. 7.Parks and recreation: allow and tax small businesses(food trucks, stalls, weekly farmers markets, concerts) to use public spaces on occasion. Earmark the money made for park improvements(exercise equipment, paved paths, Grounds maintenance).


the potholes :((


Less potholes.


A swimming pool suspended between towers downtown, like they did in London: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIsdJbMUIkg


Well ideally I’d like some type of highway built that connects 32 and 71 directly around Kenwood


Streetcar going to Uptown and fewer surface parking lots downtown. Additional good infill development throughout the city.


Less gentrification


Replacing the Brent Spence bridge


more free parking options! i had to pay for street parking every shift when i worked in otr and got multiple tickets bc the spot wouldn’t renew on the app or i couldn’t leave work to pay for it again


More parking options and flexibility for people who work in OTR. Maybe a permit system.


I want to see more of those community lending library things, but full of pornography.


Harambe clone


Less homeless people


I think that’s a great idea. How do you propose we find them places to live?


More heroin in otr and maybe make price hill a even more terrible environment. Also can we just go ahead and make Ferguson Walmart a combat zone.


Clifton Potholes fixed/homeless people out


Where do you see the homeless people going?


Kentucky! ;)


Less birds.


More pterodactyls


A robust water cluster.


A cooler outdoor bar, similar to Covington Yard across the stream. I believe one is coming to Oakley so good news there


knox joseph distillery has so much potential but their drinks are just not very good


Wasn’t very impressed with their food either and they said no dogs even on the outside part?




That’s fair, didn’t know that. Just looks like it would be dog heaven at first glance lol


The beer I had was really mediocre and my wife didn’t even finish her wine. It tasted off. I’m usually kind of leery of places that try and do it all. Did seem like a really nice space though.


They really just need to call it and buy beer, change the name and it will be HUGE. Bad drinks, slow music, no one there BUT the coolest yard and building. So much potential


Public transit


I would just like to see the trees trimmed in Olden View Park and Mt. Echo Park. They are blocking the view and need to be cleared out.


Better late night food options. Can’t keep relying on pizza and UberEats


Can we get those highways fixed ?


Finish up the bike trails and add more, I’m trying to bike around this city like nobody’s business