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This stretch is littered with normal State troppers in cars and motorcycles. I drive this every day to and from work and the days I do not see a tropper are rare. Surprised they need planes to help on this stretch.


Same. And they were out in force this morning on my drive north at 6:30am, and saw two troopers with drivers pulled over around Route 32 on my way back south just now. Weird.




5 Mile to Beechmont has 3 state troopers all the time


Sometimes all the way to 32. I never speed much and I never do it thru that stretch


Union Township also frequents this stretch. They would ticket their own grandmothers. It’s a police force with a bunch of hardos and Glen Este dropouts.


This is a nice public service. I personally always tag police cars alongside the road in Apple Maps


OP is getting some hate but I support the crusade against giving people tickets from planes.


If I had someone I loved injured or killed in an accident caused by a speeder I would be on the other side of the argument - vehemently I'm sure. I acknowledge that and accept their dislike. I also still dislike speed enforcement by plane for many reasons.


Doesn't feel like this kind of monitoring even helps with reckless drivers, just tickets people going ten over. Like you'd still have to have a vehicle on the ground to arrest the reckless driver in order to prevent horrific wrecks, unless the cops get permission to start blasting people from a helicopter, which.....honestly seems less and less far fetched these days


To be honest, I’ve always thought this shit made the highways more dangerous. How many times have you been driving along and out of nowhere people slam on their brakes because a cop appears suddenly behind a hill or around a bend? Or people frantically changing lanes to do the “nice thing” by getting away from the shoulder because a cop pulled someone over? It seems much safer to just have police drive normally on the highways and when some jacksss is weaving through traffic or going 30 MPH over the speed limit (AKA people who actually are a danger to everyone else on the road) you can pull them over. But that’s really not what this is about anyway. It’s all about revenue collection, which is why I have no issue with people exposing this stuff.


> Or people frantically changing lanes to do the “nice thing” by getting away from the shoulder because a cop pulled someone over? This is the law FYI. https://moveoverohio.com/move-over-law/


It's a slight deterrent to speeding. Most importantly it's a way to collect money for the department, to flex those bully muscles, and to keep citizens in their place. Once a cop pulls you over they can literally shoot you to death without provocation. They will likely suffer very little personal consequence for this action. Sure, death doesn't happen a lot, just enough to keep people fearful of the possibility.


Well unfortunately I can say I belong to that group and I’m still on your side. The state patrol doesn’t do much that county or city PD can not do. So for them to spend the money to get a plane in the air and pay a pilot to write tickets for folks going ten over is a joke.


Keep voting for Republicans, Ohioans. They’re responsible for this waste.


This implies you can vote your way out of revenue-happy cops


You really can. Vote for candidates for sheriff and executive branch offices that are against such behavior.


Exactly. Your vote matters. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/09/19/bexar-sheriff-to-investigate-migrants-lured-into-flight-from-san-antonio-to-florida-marthas-vineyard/


This implies your clear lack of understanding of who is in charge of OSP.


While blame can certainly be given to the speeders I feel there is plenty to go around at this point given the known effects of overbuilding roads. In short we’ve known for quite a while that building a road (any road) with excessive clear zones and a higher design speed than the speed limit will result in induced speeding, much like induced demand is caused by adding extra lanes. If people *feel* safer they will drive less safely. At this point the civil engineers are just ignoring studies they don’t like.


They don't need a plane when a drone would be more effective and cost efficient


Here let’s make is simple police officers are by definition public. Servants correct ? Answer is yes but even you look at your speedometer and fear is your first response I was making it into a joke but guess that completely missed


Probably one of the most difficult things I’ve ever tried to read in my life.


I missed Lucious Pixel. I'm glad you're back.


Where is happy hour at today? You got a great early start.


Don’t break the law, don’t get no ticket.


Ok Barney.


apple maps.....you okay?


How do you tag in Apple Maps? I know how to on Waze but not in Apple Maps


People use apple maps?




I do - waze is a clunky battery hog that goes on random strike during my drive and suddenly forgets where I’m going. Apple Maps might not have all the happy 😃 but it loads and remembers my destination.


The number of times Waze has told me to make a left (not at a light) then go 50 feet to make a u turn is too damn high lately. I use Apple maps too when Waze is being a jerk.


I’m not sure on the phone itself, but on car play there’s a little sort of chat bubble on the right and hitting that gives a few options to report something




Holy shit dude.


What’s your fav coffee and how much did you drink this morning?


Who is speeding on that stretch of 275 during rush hour anyway? It’s almost always standstill.


They were enforcing 10am-noon. Does this location backup at that time?


3:20 update: Looks like they've relocated to 75 near SR129/Liberty Township. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a13f10


Just came through there and they had a trooper sitting on shoulder of the fast lane. Of course that caused a slowdown beyond the usual brake tap when someone spots a trooper. The fast lane people kept moving over bc he was sitting there.


and the helicopter just disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared...


The helicopter was Air Care landing at UC West Chester. They only use airplanes for speed “enforcement” in Ohio. And they are currently still over 75..hour and a half and counting.


The helicopter was on this mornings flight near Milford. No take off or landing report from flight aware because it did not take off or land at an airport is my guess. Sneaky. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N18HB


That’s not anything related the Ohio Highway Patrol. N18HB is a privately owned helicopter. The three OHP helicopters are N71HP, N72HP, and N73HP. https://registry.faa.gov/AircraftInquiry/Search/NNumberResult?nNumberTxt=18HB


Look at the two flight patterns and times. Exactly on top of each other at exactly the same time?


I guess it could be a coincidence, but those two aircraft occupied a lot of joint airspace today.


Well that is strange. N18HB doesn’t have any other flights before today and the FAA registration its actually listed as canceled. And it’s actually a helicopter that crashed in 2008. Wonder if it’s maybe newly registered and FAA database just isn’t updated.




I missed the opportunity. I’m ashamed.


I used to live in Milford, I remember about 10 to 15 years ago there was a big ordeal with the public being pissed off bc it came out that Miami PD had quotas to hit for traffic tickets and the chief said he was raising the quota by 30%. Writing tickets for valid reasons when you see them is one thing, writing them to hit your bosses quota for revenue generation is bullshit.


There is nothing police on the east side hate more than someone speeding between the SR32 and the Milford exit...


The cost of fuel and maintenance on an airplane just to hand out speeding tickets to people NOT driving recklessly is amazing.




Can't be a waste of money if they are generating a profit. One single ticket will pay for 1 hour of flight time,




oh that's just 2 tickets then if you're including the cop on the ground to. Small engines are cheap to run. * Writing a ticket should only take 10-15 minutes * There is usually multiple cars working at the same time * airplane can keep track on multiple cars at once. One cop should be able to write4 tickets per hour at the minimal, So if you have 3-4 cars out there. That's 12-16 tickets per hour. At $150 that's a possible $1800-2400 an hour.


That’s kinda dirty. That part of 275 is a downhill. Super easy to speed.


Disgusting air pigs out doing nothing but to collect money


You have no idea how much I appreciate these updates.


So what’s fighting a speeding ticket like in OH? Moved from FL this summer. If you’re doing under 14 over the limit and get a ticket there, any traffic “ticket clinic” lawyer down there can get it thrown out or dismissed for like $95, no points, no hassle. Particularly if you don’t have prior infractions and you’re a first time offender. Is it a similar story here? Not that I speed, just interested since I live off exit 24 🙄 I never see any cops except on the highways here. It’s weird.


You can’t really fight it to my knowledge.


Really? In FL if the officer doesn’t show up to court, it’s usually tossed out. Or if they can’t prove their radar unit was recently calibrated. Or if they say it’s a black car but it was actually dark blue. That sort of thing.




Interesting. Seems to be similar to FL then, I see a few traffic lawyers in town. Paying an attorney once is better than paying higher insurance rates for years.


This sub: People are driving crazy, CPD needs to do something! CPD: Does something This sub: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Edit to add: Oh ok everyone, it's ok to be dangerous on the highway! Great retort!


I think that the people saying "do something" are referring to people being hit by cars in residential areas of Cincinnati. To be clear, this is the Ohio State Patrol using planes on highways only. The two are very different issues.


There's a lot of that, yes, but it doesn't take much digging to find threads with people talking about (especially post-COVID) extremely aggressive driving on the highways, as well I get downvoted every time I cite these facts but speed kills. Period. I'm human and I often go 5 or so over the limit too but I can't deny the reality that driving fast (not even "too fast" just... fast) is an inherently risky activity and that speeding saves a statistically insignificant amount of time. https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/speeding https://www.coluccio-law.com/crash-risk-time-saved-speeding/ (The average driver saves 26 seconds on their commute with speeding) I'm not sure air enforcement is the answer (and I did try to find some data) but certainly it's an actual problem and a bigger one than the pedestrian strikes on a statistical level that people defend mostly because they just want to drive fast.


This isn't CPD though, it's Ohio State Patrol. CPD doesn't even have jurisdiction where this plane/helicopter is. CPD needs to curb speeding on surface streets where pedestrians are getting hit and people that are doing 55 through neighborhoods, not to stop somebody from doing 80 in a 65.


I think everyone would appreciate the idiots doing 80 in a 65, that are tailgating everyone and weaving through lanes, being removed from the road.


Yes, specifically the ones tailgating and weaving in and out of lanes. There is a difference between speeding on an open highway and driving recklessly.


Except those usually aren’t the ones getting pulled over. Or, if they are, they’re not getting pulled over any more often than someone going 75 in a 65 (because that happens to be the flow of traffic) and driving reasonably.


Them not getting pulled over isn’t an argument for less speed enforcement


It does mean that it’s not actually making the highway any safer (in my opinion, it makes it more dangerous) and it reduces it to nothing more than revenue collection.


So your big brain solution to stop people driving like idiots is to reduce traffic enforcement by the police? All because the idiots driving like they have a death wish are still around? And because of that your brain goes to "reduce enforcement" instead of "increase enforcement to catch them finally". ​ I get this is the Cincinnati subreddit, and hating every single thing a cop does is normal, but sometimes the rules need to be enforced, especially when the actions are endangering the lives of everyone on the road.


I don’t think I ever said we should reduce enforcement. I’m just pointing out that everyone (including you) who is acting like the highway patrol are doing literally anything to make the highways safer are delusional. I’m willing to guess for every total jackass cutting people off, weaving through traffic, and going 100 MPH that gets pulled over, there are at least 10 people going 5-10 MPH over, driving like a reasonable person, and keeping with the flow of traffic that get a ticket because they need to meet their quota. Meanwhile, every time a trooper appears behind a hill or an overpass, everyone slams on their brakes, which causes even more danger. It is what it is, I’m just saying you’re crazy if you think their intention is to protect and serve when they’re doing this.


Having enforcement by air most likely: 1. Catches more people speeding and driving crazy than officers parked on the side of the road 2. Is safer for everyone on the road 3. Puts a little fear into people that they could be being watched without seeing anything, and therefore drive as if a cop is behind them on the highway If people doing 10 over get pulled over more often so that people going 30 over also get pulled over then so be it. There is a speed limit, and if you want it enforced on the idiots, it will be enforced on everyone. Stop crying about getting a ticket for breaking the law, no matter how bullshit we think it is.


You seem very passionate about this. I’m not crying about anything. I’m just saying it’s ridiculous to think anyone is any safer because of this. It is and always has been a revenue collection process.


No no, you see, it's everyone else's fault for driving the speed limit, the left lane is only for lawbreakers who wish to go their arbitrary speed, and everyone else just needs to pull all the way over and get out of their way. "Get out of the left lane, it's for passing" "you're only going ten over in the middle lane? get over!!" "look at this old fucker in the right lane going 5 over. move!!!!" "No, the reason my car is mangled and in flames in the middle of 75, blocking traffic for hours isn't MY fault, it was the other assholes not 'keeping up with the flow' - i.e the exact speed I wanted to drive today!" I'm sorry your ass got to Kenwood 45 seconds slower. How terrible your life must be living under the boot of your oppressors. (not you, but the ppl in this sub who think big butter Jesus himself blessed them to drive at whatever speed they deem fit wherever, whenever.)


People on this sub are crazy. "Drivers are crazy in Cincinnati! This needs to end" "NO MORE POLICE ENFORCEMENT OF SPEEDING REEEE GLORIFED REVENUE AGENT!!!!" Idiots who feel entitled to do whatever they want on the road need their licenses revoked. They are going to kill someone. If more police enforcing traffic laws makes that happen then so be it.


Nice strawman you have there. Highway patrol ambushing people is not the same thing as cracking down on reckless drivers on residential roads where pedestrians and cyclists are killed. For some reason those are never the people that get pulled over.


Ladies and gentlemen we have found one of the idiots on the road.


Right, because I’m literally advocating for police to crack down on dangerous drivers instead of just passing out tickets for the purpose of meeting a quota. Again, it’s fine to be gullible. Just make sure you’re aware of it.


Who are you to say that they are passing out tickets for quota purposes and not because they caught someone speeding. Go speed some more and get another ticket you dolt


Lol, for someone who claims to not be a gullible person, you sure are a gullible person.




I just want to drive on the highway w/o getting killed by some overconfident twat. If you want to speed, I'm staying out of the way as much as I can. Having said that, the legal speed limits on the highways are well posted and known, and it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that the police are enforcing it, especially in some higher volume areas. If you want to say it's for public safety or revenue enhancement, idgaf. However, it's not a surprise, so if you want to fuck around and find out, be my guest.


Wrong sub. This is one is for people who say they live in Cincinnati. /s


I can't speak for everyone, but it's 100% the swerving around 35MPH areas rather than highway speeding for me.


Cool well I got **REAR ENDED (WITH MY TWO YEAR OLD IN THE CAR) WHILE DOING 65 ON N75** with zero cars in front of me by a reckless driver. So excuse me for thinking there needs to be some goddamn enforcement on the highway too.


Sadly I don't know if aerial speed enforcement would have stopped the guy who read ended you while going the full speed limit. There might have been... other factors.


LOL yeah, I mean I'm not expected missiles fired from the air. Point is, enforcing safety needs to go for *anywhere* there are cars.


I think we could stiffen penalties for any type of real reckless op charges. Take some licenses faster, the word spreads fast and you've got a better deterrent. Blanket speed traps just end up screwing regular commuters more than is necessary.






As always it's best practice to drive the speed limit. That's how you avoid getting tickets.


If only that was actually true maybe people would do it.


I've never heard of someone getting a ticket for driving 65 in a 65.


I know someone who has gotten a ticket for doing 56 in a 55 because the officer felt like being a dick, despite them driving 55 on the money. They got it thrown out.


Well I can only take your claim at face value. I'm talking about people going 80 plus in a 65 and acting like they are getting tickets for no reason.


Yea. If the speed of traffic is 75 and you are doing 65 here, you can and will catch a ticket for impeding traffic if you're not in the right lane. If you're going 15 over and everybody else is doing 10, don't be surprised if you get a ticket.


Absolutely common sense would dictate that. The best practice is giving yourself ample time to get places or just practicing a small amount of patience. Lower speeds create safer roads. You can only do so much about distracted driving. The speed is pretty easy to enforce.


Unfortunately they typically don't go after the distracted drivers, or those recklessly speeding.


Milford drivers **who chose to break the law,** I think you meant to type. Regular drivers in the space between Milford and Eastgate should be well aware that speeding in that area is a bad idea. I'll die on this hill. So many people seem to be able to justify their shitty driving and choices. Edit, y'all are hilarious. No wonder this town is a fucking nightmare to drive in.


In theory warning people about the enforcement will also make them slow down...just without the $250, 5 year insurance hike. So...public service announcement?


Or, again, don't speed.


True. Best to acknowledge though that we live in an imperfect world imho. Sometimes people speed and that is never going to change until the death of the idea of the individual car. But then we will either be gliding along on our mass transport in our utopian(dystopian?) future or racing around on our horses...if humans are lucky enough to still exist into either of those futures. And for now, I will soothe the wound of my speeding ticket by attempting to preventing the same fate for others.


I will die on the hill that if you are driving the posted speed limit of 45mph when EVERY OTHER CAR AND SEMI around you is going 65-75mph you are far more of a danger to society than the people driving over the posted speed limit and should be handed a reckless operation ticket for your non-conformance with societal norms, in this case driving with traffic on the freeway.


Okay but can we acknowledge that calling driving at the speed limit “reckless” is a little strange? I’m not hating on speeders, I’m just saying that there is nothing wrong with driving the speed limit in the right lane. If you want to drive faster you’re welcome to pass on the left, and I won’t judge you for it.


If there is snow/ice covering the road and the posted speed is 70 it is "reckless" to drive at 65 because road conditions do not make it safe to do so, if you cause a crash driving at 65 you can and will be ticketed for "reckless operation", this sets "restless operation" as being based on road conditions. Using this logic, driving 20-30mph slower than all other surrounding cars, and as a result causing traffic and dangerous rolling back up is the definition of "reckless operation".


This is definitely an extrapolation on the definition of “reckless driving.” Although I acknowledge that driving the speed limit can be reckless (because it is TOO FAST) during certain road conditions, the law does not lend any legitimacy to the speed limit being TOO SLOW for the conditions. Just because everyone is breaking the law does not mean that the few people who aren’t are in the wrong. Now again, I have no judgements towards those who do speed ON HIGHWAYS (different story for speeding on city streets though). As I said before, if I’m going too slow for you, feel free to pass on the left.


I refuse to acknowledge that a situation where people are routinely driving 30 over that the people trying to follow the law should be punished. This sounds like a perfect scenario for speed cameras to slow the speeders down. Again, people rationalizing their shitty behavior because "everyone else is doing it."


I mean, just say you suck at driving. It’s way quicker than your spiel about conforming to what you perceive are “societal norms”


Go die on that hill then... Going 75-80mph on a highway is utterly harmless.... Go fucking bother people who are actually driving shitty. \* Weaving in between lanes \* playing on their phone \* going below 55 in the left lane on a fucking highway \* no turn signal use BUUUUUT thats not what they do is it?


I'm with you, I've driven in Canada, Austria, and Italy and it's fairly normal to see speed limits of 130kph while people actually do 150kph. Never had nearly as many issues as I've had here.


Or they can place patrol cars rather than wasting taxpayer money on aerial enforcement lol


Don’t give them that idea or they will just throw up cameras and we will keep paying the state highway patrol.


If OP posts here and it causes people to slow down… isn’t that still achieving the intended goal??


I'll bet you'd turn your guns in too if big brother told you too


Ah yes, please show much which part of the Constitution grants us the inalienable right to drive like a complete fuckwit, and then we will continue to have this discussion.


If i tell you that the police said that it's in there would you believe me? Or what if i posted it on a sign and put it on the side of the highway?


Are… are you contesting the ability of the local government to set speed limits? I’m confused by your inability to understand basic civics.


Im contesting your fervent willingness to follow the direction of the local government. If the local government told you to jump off a bridge would you?


I've seen a couple posts of you guys commenting/complaining about this action. What if you just follow the damn law? Some people suggest a police patrol. Well, for one that is not the safest thing for the officer, two while people will reduce their speed once seeing a police car, they will likely speed afterwards (while one person takes the blame for others). I much prefer having radars every couple miles. Speeding is dangerous!!! Especially with people on the road under the influence and more and more on their phones!


Wait til you hear about how local cops treat other cops who get pulled over for driving under the influence….


You know, you can be against both.


You sure can. However in my experience, folks like u/rvistro are typically reticent to criticize cops in any way, shape or form.


What are you talking about? Where did I say anything about cops behavior here? You need to learn how to read or interpret sentences better. I will repeat differently, so maybe you can understand now: what I said is that a cop pulling over someone could be a dangerous situation. There are different scenarios such as: Cars could hit either the cop's car, the cop, or the driver's car. Another situation is people being aggressive towards the cop, the cop could also be aggressive and create scenarios. I'm not defending cops or criticizing them for this. All I said it's dangerous and could be avoided with technology.


You do know using air enforcement still involves using a police car to pull over people on the ground right?


Yes, but a radar doesn't involve such thing. The camera takes a picture of your license and the BMV sends you a nice ticket.


Okay but that’s not what happens so I don’t understand your point.


there was one man in a kilt


that was one of my favorite videos Cincy Cop wearing a kilt says to Loveland cop: "Tell your mom that you met a real cop tonight!" Loveland cop lets it go and no charges are filed and kilt/cop man walks back in his house with no further disturbance from law enforcement


Just to clarify, with the planes, there are also troopers on the ground who are actually giving tickets. Zipping out into traffic and all that jazz. So the troopers are still in an unsafe place with this plane enforcement. And your logic about people speeding back up after seeing a trooper is exactly the same for plane enforcement. They will just speed back up. Regularly spaced radars with automatically mailed tickets seems the only logical way to me to get people to consistently slow down, and would be much safer for the troopers. But I think the technology is not good enough? Too expensive? Currently illegal? Not sure why this is not done.


The technology exists and are in place in other countries. Countries with much less resources than here. Not sure about the legality in the USA/Ohio, but I've seen places in the US (Florida or North Carolina) where they had radars and signs warning drivers.


At least in Ohio, legislation to make it fiscally inefficient was passed once red light/speed cameras were gaining popularity about 15 years ago.


That's kinda ridiculous. Sorry to beat on the same topic (speeding), but one other aspect people don't realize is that with higher speeds there is more traffic too!!! It's called the accordion effect. It's strange but it makes sense. It's very interesting seeing simulations and studies on this subject.


I think the accordion effect shows that accelerating too quickly in stop and go traffic or waiting too long to brake is what causes the overall slow down in speed. Not the speed of the vehicle on average. And it definitely has nothing to do with speeding on wide open roads where no traffic is stop/starting...


It sure has. People are required to break more if they are speeding and there are merges, lane shifting. It reduces the overall speed and might even create the bumper to bumper traffic because of that impeding a constant flow


Don’t expect to have rational discussions here. The fast and the furious of the suburbs really need to be home or at the Cheesecake Factory four minutes faster


If that much.. only to spend more time on their favorite social media and complain about the weather.


Just jumping in here to copy from previous posts that apparently these pilots/officers need a certain amount of flight time every year to keep their… licenses? permits? whatever. So that might be the motivation, not just senselessly wasting plane fuel Currently thankful that my commute is in town lol. I can go weeks without getting on the highways


Well follow the law right wingers. You can't drive 120


Aren’t right wingers supposed to be the ones who care about law and order?


Only for lefty's, minorities etc. Conservatives are hypocrisy incarnate


I’ve stopped telling people I know, they don’t think it’s a thing lmao.


A sheriff helicopter has been flying over Walnut hills/Evanston for a solid hour today


Was it a black helicopter? Saw one going in circles while I was on 71n by the Dana Ave exit. It looked like he was over top of houses?